You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

5581 lines
196 KiB

/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file train_cmd.cpp Handling of trains. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "articulated_vehicles.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "pathfinder/npf/npf_func.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.hpp"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "newgrf_text.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "effectvehicle_func.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "spritecache.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "infrastructure_func.h"
#include "order_backup.h"
#include "zoom_func.h"
#include "newgrf_debug.h"
#include "framerate_type.h"
#include "tracerestrict.h"
#include "tbtr_template_vehicle_func.h"
#include "autoreplace_func.h"
#include "engine_func.h"
#include "bridge_signal_map.h"
#include "scope_info.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/train_cmd.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
static Track ChooseTrainTrack(Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool force_res, bool *p_got_reservation, bool mark_stuck);
static bool TrainApproachingLineEnd(Train *v, bool signal, bool reverse);
static bool TrainCheckIfLineEnds(Train *v, bool reverse = true);
static bool TrainCanLeaveTile(const Train *v);
static inline bool CheckCompatibleRail(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir);
bool TrainController(Train *v, Vehicle *nomove, bool reverse = true); // Also used in vehicle_sl.cpp.
static TileIndex TrainApproachingCrossingTile(const Train *v);
static void CheckIfTrainNeedsService(Train *v);
static void CheckNextTrainTile(Train *v);
TileIndex VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback(const Train *v, const void *);
static void TrainEnterStation(Train *v, StationID station);
static const byte _vehicle_initial_x_fract[4] = {10, 8, 4, 8};
static const byte _vehicle_initial_y_fract[4] = { 8, 4, 8, 10};
template <>
bool IsValidImageIndex<VEH_TRAIN>(uint8 image_index)
return image_index < lengthof(_engine_sprite_base);
* Return the cargo weight multiplier to use for a rail vehicle
* @param cargo Cargo type to get multiplier for
* @return Cargo weight multiplier
byte FreightWagonMult(CargoID cargo)
if (!CargoSpec::Get(cargo)->is_freight) return 1;
return _settings_game.vehicle.freight_trains;
/** Checks if lengths of all rail vehicles are valid. If not, shows an error message. */
void CheckTrainsLengths()
const Train *v;
bool first = true;
if (v->First() == v && !(v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) {
for (const Train *u = v, *w = v->Next(); w != NULL; u = w, w = w->Next()) {
if (u->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
if ((w->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT &&
max(abs(u->x_pos - w->x_pos), abs(u->y_pos - w->y_pos)) != u->CalcNextVehicleOffset()) ||
(w->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT && TicksToLeaveDepot(u) <= 0)) {
SetDParam(0, v->index);
SetDParam(1, v->owner);
if (!_networking && first) {
first = false;
/* Break so we warn only once for each train. */
* Checks the breakdown flags (VehicleRailFlags 9-12) and sets the correct value in the first vehicle of the consist.
* This function is generally only called to check if a flag may be cleared.
* @param v the front engine
* @param flags bitmask of the flags to check.
void CheckBreakdownFlags(Train *v)
/* clear the flags we're gonna check first, we'll set them again later (if applicable) */
for (const Train *w = v; w != NULL; w = w->Next()) {
if (v->IsEngine() || w->IsMultiheaded()) {
if (w->breakdown_ctr == 2) {
} else if (w->breakdown_ctr == 1) {
switch (w->breakdown_type) {
uint16 GetTrainVehicleMaxSpeed(const Train *u, const RailVehicleInfo *rvi_u, const Train *front)
const uint16 base_speed = GetVehicleProperty(u, PROP_TRAIN_SPEED, rvi_u->max_speed);
uint16 speed = base_speed;
if (HasBit(u->flags, VRF_NEED_REPAIR) && front->IsFrontEngine()) {
for (uint i = 0; i < u->critical_breakdown_count; i++) {
speed = min(speed - (speed / (front->tcache.cached_num_engines + 2)) + 1, speed);
/* clamp speed to be no less than lower of 5mph and 1/8 of base speed */
speed = max<uint16>(speed, min<uint16>(5, (base_speed + 7) >> 3));
if (HasBit(u->flags, VRF_HAS_HIT_RV) && front->IsFrontEngine()) {
speed = min(speed, 30);
return speed;
* Recalculates the cached stuff of a train. Should be called each time a vehicle is added
* to/removed from the chain, and when the game is loaded.
* Note: this needs to be called too for 'wagon chains' (in the depot, without an engine)
* @param allowed_changes Stuff that is allowed to change.
void Train::ConsistChanged(ConsistChangeFlags allowed_changes)
uint16 max_speed = UINT16_MAX;
assert(this->IsFrontEngine() || this->IsFreeWagon());
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi_v = RailVehInfo(this->engine_type);
EngineID first_engine = this->IsFrontEngine() ? this->engine_type : INVALID_ENGINE;
this->gcache.cached_total_length = 0;
this->compatible_railtypes = RAILTYPES_NONE;
this->tcache.cached_num_engines = 0;
bool train_can_tilt = true;
for (Train *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi_u = RailVehInfo(u->engine_type);
/* Check the this->first cache. */
assert_msg(u->First() == this, "u: %s, this: %s",
scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(u), scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(this));
/* update the 'first engine' */
u->gcache.first_engine = this == u ? INVALID_ENGINE : first_engine;
u->railtype = rvi_u->railtype;
if (u->IsEngine()) first_engine = u->engine_type;
/* Set user defined data to its default value */
u->tcache.user_def_data = rvi_u->user_def_data;
for (Train *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
/* Update user defined data (must be done before other properties) */
u->tcache.user_def_data = GetVehicleProperty(u, PROP_TRAIN_USER_DATA, u->tcache.user_def_data);
if (!u->IsArticulatedPart()) {
if (u->IsEngine() || u->IsMultiheaded()) {
Vehicle *last_vis_effect = this;
for (Train *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
const Engine *e_u = u->GetEngine();
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi_u = &e_u->u.rail;
if (!HasBit(e_u->info.misc_flags, EF_RAIL_TILTS)) train_can_tilt = false;
/* Cache wagon override sprite group. NULL is returned if there is none */
u->tcache.cached_override = GetWagonOverrideSpriteSet(u->engine_type, u->cargo_type, u->gcache.first_engine);
/* Reset colour map */
u->colourmap = PAL_NONE;
/* Update powered-wagon-status and visual effect */
ClrBit(u->vcache.cached_veh_flags, VCF_LAST_VISUAL_EFFECT);
if (!(HasBit(u->vcache.cached_vis_effect, VE_ADVANCED_EFFECT) && GB(u->vcache.cached_vis_effect, 0, VE_ADVANCED_EFFECT) == VESM_NONE)) last_vis_effect = u;
if (rvi_v->pow_wag_power != 0 && rvi_u->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON &&
UsesWagonOverride(u) && !HasBit(u->vcache.cached_vis_effect, VE_DISABLE_WAGON_POWER)) {
/* wagon is powered */
SetBit(u->flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON); // cache 'powered' status
} else {
ClrBit(u->flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON);
if (!u->IsArticulatedPart()) {
/* Do not count powered wagons for the compatible railtypes, as wagons always
have railtype normal */
if (rvi_u->power > 0) {
this->compatible_railtypes |= GetRailTypeInfo(u->railtype)->powered_railtypes;
/* Some electric engines can be allowed to run on normal rail. It happens to all
* existing electric engines when elrails are disabled and then re-enabled */
u->railtype = RAILTYPE_RAIL;
u->compatible_railtypes |= RAILTYPES_RAIL;
/* max speed is the minimum of the speed limits of all vehicles in the consist */
if ((rvi_u->railveh_type != RAILVEH_WAGON || _settings_game.vehicle.wagon_speed_limits) && !UsesWagonOverride(u)) {
uint16 speed = GetTrainVehicleMaxSpeed(u, rvi_u, this);
if (speed != 0) max_speed = min(speed, max_speed);
uint16 new_cap = e_u->DetermineCapacity(u);
if (allowed_changes & CCF_CAPACITY) {
/* Update vehicle capacity. */
if (u->cargo_cap > new_cap) u->cargo.Truncate(new_cap);
u->refit_cap = min(new_cap, u->refit_cap);
u->cargo_cap = new_cap;
} else {
/* Verify capacity hasn't changed. */
if (new_cap != u->cargo_cap) ShowNewGrfVehicleError(u->engine_type, STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN, STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN_CAPACITY, GBUG_VEH_CAPACITY, true);
u->vcache.cached_cargo_age_period = GetVehicleProperty(u, PROP_TRAIN_CARGO_AGE_PERIOD, e_u->info.cargo_age_period);
/* check the vehicle length (callback) */
uint16 veh_len = CALLBACK_FAILED;
if (e_u->GetGRF() != NULL && e_u->GetGRF()->grf_version >= 8) {
/* Use callback 36 */
if (veh_len != CALLBACK_FAILED && veh_len >= VEHICLE_LENGTH) {
ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(e_u->GetGRFID(), CBID_VEHICLE_LENGTH, veh_len);
} else if (HasBit(e_u->info.callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_LENGTH)) {
/* Use callback 11 */
veh_len = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_LENGTH, 0, 0, u->engine_type, u);
if (veh_len == CALLBACK_FAILED) veh_len = rvi_u->shorten_factor;
veh_len = VEHICLE_LENGTH - Clamp(veh_len, 0, VEHICLE_LENGTH - 1);
if (allowed_changes & CCF_LENGTH) {
/* Update vehicle length. */
u->gcache.cached_veh_length = veh_len;
} else {
/* Verify length hasn't changed. */
if (veh_len != u->gcache.cached_veh_length) VehicleLengthChanged(u);
this->gcache.cached_total_length += u->gcache.cached_veh_length;
SetBit(last_vis_effect->vcache.cached_veh_flags, VCF_LAST_VISUAL_EFFECT);
/* store consist weight/max speed in cache */
this->vcache.cached_max_speed = max_speed;
this->tcache.cached_tilt = train_can_tilt;
this->tcache.cached_max_curve_speed = this->GetCurveSpeedLimit();
/* recalculate cached weights and power too (we do this *after* the rest, so it is known which wagons are powered and need extra weight added) */
if (this->IsFrontEngine()) {
if (!HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL)) SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, this->index);
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, this->index, VIWD_CONSIST_CHANGED);
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, this->index, VIWD_CONSIST_CHANGED);
InvalidateNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_TRAINS, this->index);
* Get the fraction of the vehicle's current tile which is in front of it.
* This is equal to how many more steps it could travel without having to stop/reverse if it was an end of line.
* See also wrapper without x_pos, y_pos in train.h
* @param v the vehicle to use (not required to be the front)
* @param x_pos vehicle x position
* @param y_pos vehicle y position
* @return the fraction of the current tile in front of the vehicle
int GetTileMarginInFrontOfTrain(const Train *v, int x_pos, int y_pos)
if (IsDiagonalDirection(v->direction)) {
DiagDirection dir = DirToDiagDir(v->direction);
int offset = ((DiagDirToAxis(dir) == AXIS_X) ? x_pos : y_pos) & 0xF;
return ((dir == DIAGDIR_SE || dir == DIAGDIR_SW) ? TILE_SIZE - 1 - offset : offset) - ((v->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2);
} else {
/* Calc position within the current tile */
uint x = x_pos & 0xF;
uint y = y_pos & 0xF;
/* for non-diagonal directions, x will be 1, 3, 5, ..., 15 */
switch (v->direction) {
case DIR_N : x = ~x + ~y + 25; break;
case DIR_E : x = ~x + y + 9; break;
case DIR_S : x = x + y - 7; break;
case DIR_W : x = ~y + x + 9; break;
default: break;
x >>= 1; // x is now in range 0 ... 7
return (TILE_SIZE / 2) - 1 - x - (v->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2;
* Get the stop location of (the center) of the front vehicle of a train at
* a platform of a station.
* See also wrapper without x_pos, y_pos in train.h
* @param station_id the ID of the station where we're stopping
* @param tile the tile where the vehicle currently is
* @param v the vehicle to get the stop location of
* @param station_ahead 'return' the amount of 1/16th tiles in front of the train
* @param station_length 'return' the station length in 1/16th tiles
* @param x_pos vehicle x position
* @param y_pos vehicle y position
* @return the location, calculated from the begin of the station to stop at.
int GetTrainStopLocation(StationID station_id, TileIndex tile, Train *v, int *station_ahead, int *station_length, int x_pos, int y_pos)
Train *front = v->First();
if (IsRailWaypoint(tile)) {
*station_ahead = *station_length = TILE_SIZE;
} else {
const Station *st = Station::Get(station_id);
*station_ahead = st->GetPlatformLength(tile, DirToDiagDir(v->direction)) * TILE_SIZE;
*station_length = st->GetPlatformLength(tile) * TILE_SIZE;
/* Default to the middle of the station for stations stops that are not in
* the order list like intermediate stations when non-stop is disabled */
OrderStopLocation osl = OSL_PLATFORM_MIDDLE;
if (front->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && front->current_order.GetDestination() == station_id) {
osl = front->current_order.GetStopLocation();
} else if (front->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING_ADVANCE) && front->current_order.GetDestination() == station_id) {
} else if (front->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT) && front->current_order.GetDestination() == station_id) {
int overhang = front->gcache.cached_total_length - *station_length;
int adjust = 0;
if (osl == OSL_PLATFORM_THROUGH && overhang > 0) {
for (Train *u = front; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
/* Passengers may not be through-loaded */
if (u->cargo_cap > 0 && IsCargoInClass(u->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS)) {
if (osl == OSL_PLATFORM_THROUGH && overhang > 0) {
/* The train is longer than the station, and we can run through the station to load/unload */
for (Train *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) {
if (overhang > 0 && !HasBit(u->flags, VRF_BEYOND_PLATFORM_END) && !u->IsArticulatedPart()) {
bool skip = true;
for (const Train *part = u; part != nullptr; part = part->HasArticulatedPart() ? part->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr) {
if (part->cargo_cap != 0) {
skip = false;
if (skip) {
for (Train *part = u; part != nullptr; part = part->HasArticulatedPart() ? part->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr) {
SetBit(part->flags, VRF_BEYOND_PLATFORM_END);
if (HasBit(u->flags, VRF_BEYOND_PLATFORM_END)) {
overhang -= u->gcache.cached_veh_length;
adjust += u->gcache.cached_veh_length;
} else {
for (Train *u = front; u != v; u = u->Next()) overhang -= u->gcache.cached_veh_length; // only advance until rear of train is in platform
if (overhang < 0) adjust += overhang;
} else if (overhang >= 0) {
/* The train is longer than the station, make it stop at the far end of the platform */
/* The stop location of the FRONT! of the train */
int stop;
switch (osl) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
stop = front->gcache.cached_total_length;
stop = *station_length - (*station_length -front->gcache.cached_total_length) / 2;
stop = *station_length;
/* Subtract half the front vehicle length of the train so we get the real
* stop location of the train. */
int result = stop - ((v->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2) + adjust;
if (osl == OSL_PLATFORM_THROUGH && v != front) {
/* Check front of train for obstructions */
if (TrainCanLeaveTile(front)) {
/* Determine the non-diagonal direction in which we will exit this tile */
DiagDirection dir = VehicleExitDir(front->direction, front->track);
/* Calculate next tile */
TileIndex tile = front->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
/* Determine the track status on the next tile */
TrackStatus ts = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0, ReverseDiagDir(dir));
TrackdirBits trackdirbits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(ts) & DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(dir);
/* mask unreachable track bits if we are forbidden to do 90deg turns */
TrackBits bits = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(trackdirbits);
if ( {
bits &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(FindFirstTrack(front->track));
if (bits == TRACK_BIT_NONE || !CheckCompatibleRail(front, tile, dir) || IsRailDepotTile(tile) ||
(KillFirstBit(trackdirbits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE && HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(tile, FindFirstTrackdir(trackdirbits)))) {
/* next tile is an effective dead end */
int current_platform_remaining = *station_ahead - TILE_SIZE + GetTileMarginInFrontOfTrain(v);
int limit = GetTileMarginInFrontOfTrain(front) + (*station_length - current_platform_remaining) - ((v->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2);
result = min(limit, result);
return result;
* Computes train speed limit caused by curves
* @return imposed speed limit
int Train::GetCurveSpeedLimit() const
assert(this->First() == this);
static const int absolute_max_speed = UINT16_MAX;
int max_speed = absolute_max_speed;
if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) return max_speed;
int curvecount[2] = {0, 0};
/* first find the curve speed limit */
int numcurve = 0;
int sum = 0;
int pos = 0;
int lastpos = -1;
for (const Vehicle *u = this; u->Next() != NULL; u = u->Next(), pos++) {
Direction this_dir = u->direction;
Direction next_dir = u->Next()->direction;
DirDiff dirdiff = DirDifference(this_dir, next_dir);
if (dirdiff == DIRDIFF_SAME) continue;
if (dirdiff == DIRDIFF_45LEFT) curvecount[0]++;
if (dirdiff == DIRDIFF_45RIGHT) curvecount[1]++;
if (dirdiff == DIRDIFF_45LEFT || dirdiff == DIRDIFF_45RIGHT) {
if (lastpos != -1) {
sum += pos - lastpos;
if (pos - lastpos == 1 && max_speed > 88) {
max_speed = 88;
lastpos = pos;
/* if we have a 90 degree turn, fix the speed limit to 60 */
if (dirdiff == DIRDIFF_90LEFT || dirdiff == DIRDIFF_90RIGHT) {
max_speed = 61;
if (numcurve > 0 && max_speed > 88) {
if (curvecount[0] == 1 && curvecount[1] == 1) {
max_speed = absolute_max_speed;
} else {
sum /= numcurve;
max_speed = 232 - (13 - Clamp(sum, 1, 12)) * (13 - Clamp(sum, 1, 12));
if (max_speed != absolute_max_speed) {
/* Apply the engine's rail type curve speed advantage, if it slowed by curves */
const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(this->railtype);
max_speed += (max_speed / 2) * rti->curve_speed;
if (this->tcache.cached_tilt) {
/* Apply max_speed bonus of 20% for a tilting train */
max_speed += max_speed / 5;
return max_speed;
* Calculates the maximum speed of the vehicle under its current conditions.
* @return Maximum speed of the vehicle.
int Train::GetCurrentMaxSpeed() const
int max_speed = _settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL ?
this->gcache.cached_max_track_speed :
if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_REALISTIC) {
Train *v_platform = const_cast<Train *>(this->GetStationLoadingVehicle());
TileIndex platform_tile = v_platform->tile;
if (HasStationTileRail(platform_tile)) {
StationID sid = GetStationIndex(platform_tile);
if (this->current_order.ShouldStopAtStation(this, sid, IsRailWaypoint(platform_tile))) {
int station_ahead;
int station_length;
int stop_at = GetTrainStopLocation(sid, platform_tile, v_platform, &station_ahead, &station_length);
/* The distance to go is whatever is still ahead of the train minus the
* distance from the train's stop location to the end of the platform */
int distance_to_go = station_ahead / TILE_SIZE - (station_length - stop_at) / TILE_SIZE;
if (distance_to_go > 0) {
int st_max_speed = 120;
int delta_v = this->cur_speed / (distance_to_go + 1);
if (max_speed > (this->cur_speed - delta_v)) {
st_max_speed = this->cur_speed - (delta_v / 10);
st_max_speed = max(st_max_speed, 25 * distance_to_go);
max_speed = min(max_speed, st_max_speed);
if (HasBit(this->flags, VRF_CONSIST_SPEED_REDUCTION)) {
ClrBit(const_cast<Train *>(this)->flags, VRF_CONSIST_SPEED_REDUCTION);
for (const Train *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
SetBit(const_cast<Train *>(this)->flags, VRF_CONSIST_SPEED_REDUCTION);
if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_REALISTIC) {
max_speed = min(max_speed, 61);
/* Vehicle is on the middle part of a bridge. */
if (u->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE && !(u->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) {
SetBit(const_cast<Train *>(this)->flags, VRF_CONSIST_SPEED_REDUCTION);
max_speed = min(max_speed, GetBridgeSpec(GetBridgeType(u->tile))->speed);
max_speed = min(max_speed, this->current_order.GetMaxSpeed());
if (HasBit(this->flags, VRF_BREAKDOWN_SPEED)) {
max_speed = min(max_speed, this->GetBreakdownSpeed());
if (this->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING_ADVANCE)) max_speed = min(max_speed, 15);
return min(max_speed, this->gcache.cached_max_track_speed);
/** Update acceleration of the train from the cached power and weight. */
void Train::UpdateAcceleration()
assert(this->IsFrontEngine() || this->IsFreeWagon());
uint power = this->gcache.cached_power;
uint weight = this->gcache.cached_weight;
assert(weight != 0);
this->acceleration = Clamp(power / weight * 4, 1, 255);
if (_settings_game.vehicle.improved_breakdowns) {
if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) {
this->breakdown_chance_factor = max(128 * 3 / (this->tcache.cached_num_engines + 2), 5);
* Get the width of a train vehicle image in the GUI.
* @param offset Additional offset for positioning the sprite; set to NULL if not needed
* @return Width in pixels
int Train::GetDisplayImageWidth(Point *offset) const
int vehicle_pitch = 0;
const Engine *e = this->GetEngine();
if (e->GetGRF() != NULL && is_custom_sprite(e->u.rail.image_index)) {
reference_width = e->GetGRF()->traininfo_vehicle_width;
vehicle_pitch = e->GetGRF()->traininfo_vehicle_pitch;
if (offset != NULL) {
offset->x = ScaleGUITrad(reference_width) / 2;
offset->y = ScaleGUITrad(vehicle_pitch);
return ScaleGUITrad(this->gcache.cached_veh_length * reference_width / VEHICLE_LENGTH);
static SpriteID GetDefaultTrainSprite(uint8 spritenum, Direction direction)
return ((direction + _engine_sprite_add[spritenum]) & _engine_sprite_and[spritenum]) + _engine_sprite_base[spritenum];
* Get the sprite to display the train.
* @param direction Direction of view/travel.
* @param image_type Visualisation context.
* @return Sprite to display.
void Train::GetImage(Direction direction, EngineImageType image_type, VehicleSpriteSeq *result) const
uint8 spritenum = this->spritenum;
if (HasBit(this->flags, VRF_REVERSE_DIRECTION)) direction = ReverseDir(direction);
if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) {
GetCustomVehicleSprite(this, (Direction)(direction + 4 * IS_CUSTOM_SECONDHEAD_SPRITE(spritenum)), image_type, result);
if (result->IsValid()) return;
spritenum = this->GetEngine()->original_image_index;
SpriteID sprite = GetDefaultTrainSprite(spritenum, direction);
if (this->cargo.StoredCount() >= this->cargo_cap / 2U) sprite += _wagon_full_adder[spritenum];
static void GetRailIcon(EngineID engine, bool rear_head, int &y, EngineImageType image_type, VehicleSpriteSeq *result)
const Engine *e = Engine::Get(engine);
Direction dir = rear_head ? DIR_E : DIR_W;
uint8 spritenum = e->u.rail.image_index;
if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) {
GetCustomVehicleIcon(engine, dir, image_type, result);
if (result->IsValid()) {
if (e->GetGRF() != NULL) {
y += ScaleGUITrad(e->GetGRF()->traininfo_vehicle_pitch);
spritenum = Engine::Get(engine)->original_image_index;
if (rear_head) spritenum++;
result->Set(GetDefaultTrainSprite(spritenum, DIR_W));
void DrawTrainEngine(int left, int right, int preferred_x, int y, EngineID engine, PaletteID pal, EngineImageType image_type)
if (RailVehInfo(engine)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD) {
int yf = y;
int yr = y;
VehicleSpriteSeq seqf, seqr;
GetRailIcon(engine, false, yf, image_type, &seqf);
GetRailIcon(engine, true, yr, image_type, &seqr);
Rect16 rectf = seqf.GetBounds();
Rect16 rectr = seqr.GetBounds();
preferred_x = SoftClamp(preferred_x,
left - UnScaleGUI(rectf.left) + ScaleGUITrad(14),
right - UnScaleGUI(rectr.right) - ScaleGUITrad(15));
seqf.Draw(preferred_x - ScaleGUITrad(14), yf, pal, pal == PALETTE_CRASH);
seqr.Draw(preferred_x + ScaleGUITrad(15), yr, pal, pal == PALETTE_CRASH);
} else {
VehicleSpriteSeq seq;
GetRailIcon(engine, false, y, image_type, &seq);
Rect16 rect = seq.GetBounds();
preferred_x = Clamp(preferred_x,
left - UnScaleGUI(rect.left),
right - UnScaleGUI(rect.right));
seq.Draw(preferred_x, y, pal, pal == PALETTE_CRASH);
* Get the size of the sprite of a train sprite heading west, or both heads (used for lists).
* @param engine The engine to get the sprite from.
* @param[out] width The width of the sprite.
* @param[out] height The height of the sprite.
* @param[out] xoffs Number of pixels to shift the sprite to the right.
* @param[out] yoffs Number of pixels to shift the sprite downwards.
* @param image_type Context the sprite is used in.
void GetTrainSpriteSize(EngineID engine, uint &width, uint &height, int &xoffs, int &yoffs, EngineImageType image_type)
int y = 0;
VehicleSpriteSeq seq;
GetRailIcon(engine, false, y, image_type, &seq);
Rect16 rect = seq.GetBounds();
width = UnScaleGUI(rect.right - rect.left + 1);
height = UnScaleGUI(rect.bottom - + 1);
xoffs = UnScaleGUI(rect.left);
yoffs = UnScaleGUI(;
if (RailVehInfo(engine)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD) {
GetRailIcon(engine, true, y, image_type, &seq);
rect = seq.GetBounds();
/* Calculate values relative to an imaginary center between the two sprites. */
width = ScaleGUITrad(TRAININFO_DEFAULT_VEHICLE_WIDTH) + UnScaleGUI(rect.right) - xoffs;
height = max<uint>(height, UnScaleGUI(rect.bottom - + 1));
xoffs = xoffs - ScaleGUITrad(TRAININFO_DEFAULT_VEHICLE_WIDTH) / 2;
yoffs = min(yoffs, UnScaleGUI(;
* Build a railroad wagon.
* @param tile tile of the depot where rail-vehicle is built.
* @param flags type of operation.
* @param e the engine to build.
* @param[out] ret the vehicle that has been built.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error.
static CommandCost CmdBuildRailWagon(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, const Engine *e, Vehicle **ret)
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = &e->u.rail;
/* Check that the wagon can drive on the track in question */
if (!IsCompatibleRail(rvi->railtype, GetRailType(tile))) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
Train *v = new Train();
*ret = v;
v->spritenum = rvi->image_index;
v->engine_type = e->index;
v->gcache.first_engine = INVALID_ENGINE; // needs to be set before first callback
DiagDirection dir = GetRailDepotDirection(tile);
v->direction = DiagDirToDir(dir);
v->tile = tile;
int x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE | _vehicle_initial_x_fract[dir];
int y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE | _vehicle_initial_y_fract[dir];
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
v->z_pos = GetSlopePixelZ(x, y);
v->owner = _current_company;
v->track = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT;
v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_DEFPAL;
v->reverse_distance = 0;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
v->cargo_type = e->GetDefaultCargoType();
v->cargo_cap = rvi->capacity;
v->refit_cap = 0;
v->railtype = rvi->railtype;
v->date_of_last_service = _date;
v->build_year = _cur_year;
v->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits();
v->group_id = DEFAULT_GROUP;
_new_vehicle_id = v->index;
/* Try to connect the vehicle to one of free chains of wagons. */
Train *w;
if (w->tile == tile && ///< Same depot
w->IsFreeWagon() && ///< A free wagon chain
w->engine_type == e->index && ///< Same type
w->First() != v && ///< Don't connect to ourself
!(w->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) && ///< Not crashed/flooded
w->owner == v->owner) { ///< Same owner
DoCommand(0, v->index | 1 << 20, w->Last()->index, DC_EXEC, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE);
return CommandCost();
/** Move all free vehicles in the depot to the train */
static void NormalizeTrainVehInDepot(const Train *u)
const Train *v;
if (v->IsFreeWagon() && v->tile == u->tile &&
v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT &&
v->owner == u->owner) {
if (DoCommand(0, v->index | 1 << 20, u->index, DC_EXEC,
static void AddRearEngineToMultiheadedTrain(Train *v)
Train *u = new Train();
v->value >>= 1;
u->value = v->value;
u->direction = v->direction;
u->owner = v->owner;
u->tile = v->tile;
u->x_pos = v->x_pos;
u->y_pos = v->y_pos;
u->z_pos = v->z_pos;
u->track = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT;
u->vehstatus = v->vehstatus & ~VS_STOPPED;
u->spritenum = v->spritenum + 1;
u->cargo_type = v->cargo_type;
u->cargo_subtype = v->cargo_subtype;
u->cargo_cap = v->cargo_cap;
u->refit_cap = v->refit_cap;
u->railtype = v->railtype;
u->engine_type = v->engine_type;
u->reliability = v->reliability;
u->reliability_spd_dec = v->reliability_spd_dec;
u->date_of_last_service = v->date_of_last_service;
u->build_year = v->build_year;
u->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits();
/* Now we need to link the front and rear engines together */
v->other_multiheaded_part = u;
u->other_multiheaded_part = v;
* Build a railroad vehicle.
* @param tile tile of the depot where rail-vehicle is built.
* @param flags type of operation.
* @param e the engine to build.
* @param data bit 0 prevents any free cars from being added to the train.
* @param[out] ret the vehicle that has been built.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdBuildRailVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, const Engine *e, uint16 data, Vehicle **ret)
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = &e->u.rail;
if (rvi->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) return CmdBuildRailWagon(tile, flags, e, ret);
/* Check if depot and new engine uses the same kind of tracks *
* We need to see if the engine got power on the tile to avoid electric engines in non-electric depots */
if (!HasPowerOnRail(rvi->railtype, GetRailType(tile))) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
DiagDirection dir = GetRailDepotDirection(tile);
int x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE + _vehicle_initial_x_fract[dir];
int y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE + _vehicle_initial_y_fract[dir];
Train *v = new Train();
*ret = v;
v->direction = DiagDirToDir(dir);
v->tile = tile;
v->owner = _current_company;
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
v->z_pos = GetSlopePixelZ(x, y);
v->track = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT;
v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED | VS_DEFPAL;
v->spritenum = rvi->image_index;
v->cargo_type = e->GetDefaultCargoType();
v->cargo_cap = rvi->capacity;
v->refit_cap = 0;
v->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION;
v->last_loading_station = INVALID_STATION;
v->reverse_distance = 0;
v->engine_type = e->index;
v->gcache.first_engine = INVALID_ENGINE; // needs to be set before first callback
v->reliability = e->reliability;
v->reliability_spd_dec = e->reliability_spd_dec;
v->max_age = e->GetLifeLengthInDays();
v->railtype = rvi->railtype;
_new_vehicle_id = v->index;
v->date_of_last_service = _date;
v->build_year = _cur_year;
v->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits();
if (e->flags & ENGINE_EXCLUSIVE_PREVIEW) SetBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_BUILT_AS_PROTOTYPE);
SB(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOMATE_TIMETABLE, 1, Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.vehicle.auto_timetable_by_default);
SB(v->vehicle_flags, VF_TIMETABLE_SEPARATION, 1, Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.vehicle.auto_separation_by_default);
v->group_id = DEFAULT_GROUP;
if (rvi->railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD) {
} else {
if (!HasBit(data, 0) && !(flags & DC_AUTOREPLACE)) { // check if the cars should be added to the new vehicle
return CommandCost();
static Train *FindGoodVehiclePos(const Train *src)
EngineID eng = src->engine_type;
TileIndex tile = src->tile;
Train *dst;
if (dst->IsFreeWagon() && dst->tile == tile && !(dst->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) && dst->owner == src->owner) {
/* check so all vehicles in the line have the same engine. */
Train *t = dst;
while (t->engine_type == eng) {
t = t->Next();
if (t == NULL) return dst;
return NULL;
/** Helper type for lists/vectors of trains */
typedef SmallVector<Train *, 16> TrainList;
* Make a backup of a train into a train list.
* @param list to make the backup in
* @param t the train to make the backup of
static void MakeTrainBackup(TrainList &list, Train *t)
for (; t != NULL; t = t->Next()) *list.Append() = t;
* Restore the train from the backup list.
* @param list the train to restore.
static void RestoreTrainBackup(TrainList &list)
/* No train, nothing to do. */
if (list.Length() == 0) return;
Train *prev = NULL;
/* Iterate over the list and rebuild it. */
for (Train **iter = list.Begin(); iter != list.End(); iter++) {
Train *t = *iter;
if (prev != NULL) {
} else if (t->Previous() != NULL) {
/* Make sure the head of the train is always the first in the chain. */
prev = t;
* Remove the given wagon from its consist.
* @param part the part of the train to remove.
* @param chain whether to remove the whole chain.
static void RemoveFromConsist(Train *part, bool chain = false)
Train *tail = chain ? part->Last() : part->GetLastEnginePart();
/* Unlink at the front, but make it point to the next
* vehicle after the to be remove part. */
if (part->Previous() != NULL) part->Previous()->SetNext(tail->Next());
/* Unlink at the back */
* Inserts a chain into the train at dst.
* @param dst the place where to append after.
* @param chain the chain to actually add.
static void InsertInConsist(Train *dst, Train *chain)
/* We do not want to add something in the middle of an articulated part. */
assert(dst != NULL && (dst->Next() == NULL || !dst->Next()->IsArticulatedPart()));
* Normalise the dual heads in the train, i.e. if one is
* missing move that one to this train.
* @param t the train to normalise.
static void NormaliseDualHeads(Train *t)
for (; t != NULL; t = t->GetNextVehicle()) {
if (!t->IsMultiheaded() || !t->IsEngine()) continue;
/* Make sure that there are no free cars before next engine */
Train *u;
for (u = t; u->Next() != NULL && !u->Next()->IsEngine(); u = u->Next()) {}
if (u == t->other_multiheaded_part) continue;
/* Remove the part from the 'wrong' train */
/* And add it to the 'right' train */
InsertInConsist(u, t->other_multiheaded_part);
* Normalise the sub types of the parts in this chain.
* @param chain the chain to normalise.
static void NormaliseSubtypes(Train *chain)
/* Nothing to do */
if (chain == NULL) return;
/* We must be the first in the chain. */
assert(chain->Previous() == NULL);
/* Set the appropriate bits for the first in the chain. */
if (chain->IsWagon()) {
} else {
/* Now clear the bits for the rest of the chain */
for (Train *t = chain->Next(); t != NULL; t = t->Next()) {
* Check/validate whether we may actually build a new train.
* @note All vehicles are/were 'heads' of their chains.
* @param original_dst The original destination chain.
* @param dst The destination chain after constructing the train.
* @param original_src The original source chain.
* @param src The source chain after constructing the train.
* @return possible error of this command.
static CommandCost CheckNewTrain(Train *original_dst, Train *dst, Train *original_src, Train *src)
/* Just add 'new' engines and subtract the original ones.
* If that's less than or equal to 0 we can be sure we did
* not add any engines (read: trains) along the way. */
if ((src != NULL && src->IsEngine() ? 1 : 0) +
(dst != NULL && dst->IsEngine() ? 1 : 0) -
(original_src != NULL && original_src->IsEngine() ? 1 : 0) -
(original_dst != NULL && original_dst->IsEngine() ? 1 : 0) <= 0) {
return CommandCost();
/* Get a free unit number and check whether it's within the bounds.
* There will always be a maximum of one new train. */
if (GetFreeUnitNumber(VEH_TRAIN) <= _settings_game.vehicle.max_trains) return CommandCost();
* Check whether the train parts can be attached.
* @param t the train to check
* @return possible error of this command.
static CommandCost CheckTrainAttachment(Train *t)
/* No multi-part train, no need to check. */
if (t == NULL || t->Next() == NULL || !t->IsEngine()) return CommandCost();
/* The maximum length for a train. For each part we decrease this by one
* and if the result is negative the train is simply too long. */
int allowed_len = _settings_game.vehicle.max_train_length * TILE_SIZE - t->gcache.cached_veh_length;
Train *head = t;
Train *prev = t;
/* Break the prev -> t link so it always holds within the loop. */
t = t->Next();
/* Make sure the cache is cleared. */
while (t != NULL) {
allowed_len -= t->gcache.cached_veh_length;
Train *next = t->Next();
/* Unlink the to-be-added piece; it is already unlinked from the previous
* part due to the fact that the prev -> t link is broken. */
/* Don't check callback for articulated or rear dual headed parts */
if (!t->IsArticulatedPart() && !t->IsRearDualheaded()) {
/* Back up and clear the first_engine data to avoid using wagon override group */
EngineID first_engine = t->gcache.first_engine;
t->gcache.first_engine = INVALID_ENGINE;
/* We don't want the cache to interfere. head's cache is cleared before
* the loop and after each callback does not need to be cleared here. */
uint16 callback = GetVehicleCallbackParent(CBID_TRAIN_ALLOW_WAGON_ATTACH, 0, 0, head->engine_type, t, head);
/* Restore original first_engine data */
t->gcache.first_engine = first_engine;
/* We do not want to remember any cached variables from the test run */
if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
/* A failing callback means everything is okay */
StringID error = STR_NULL;
if (head->GetGRF()->grf_version < 8) {
if (callback == 0xFD) error = STR_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_RAIL_TYPES;
if (callback < 0xFD) error = GetGRFStringID(head->GetGRFID(), 0xD000 + callback);
if (callback >= 0x100) ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(head->GetGRFID(), CBID_TRAIN_ALLOW_WAGON_ATTACH, callback);
} else {
if (callback < 0x400) {
error = GetGRFStringID(head->GetGRFID(), 0xD000 + callback);
} else {
switch (callback) {
case 0x400: // allow if railtypes match (always the case for OpenTTD)
case 0x401: // allow
default: // unknown reason -> disallow
case 0x402: // disallow attaching
if (error != STR_NULL) return_cmd_error(error);
/* And link it to the new part. */
prev = t;
t = next;
if (allowed_len < 0) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG);
return CommandCost();
* Validate whether we are going to create valid trains.
* @note All vehicles are/were 'heads' of their chains.
* @param original_dst The original destination chain.
* @param dst The destination chain after constructing the train.
* @param original_src The original source chain.
* @param src The source chain after constructing the train.
* @param check_limit Whether to check the vehicle limit.
* @return possible error of this command.
static CommandCost ValidateTrains(Train *original_dst, Train *dst, Train *original_src, Train *src, bool check_limit)
/* Check whether we may actually construct the trains. */
CommandCost ret = CheckTrainAttachment(src);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
ret = CheckTrainAttachment(dst);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Check whether we need to build a new train. */
return check_limit ? CheckNewTrain(original_dst, dst, original_src, src) : CommandCost();
* Arrange the trains in the wanted way.
* @param dst_head The destination chain of the to be moved vehicle.
* @param dst The destination for the to be moved vehicle.
* @param src_head The source chain of the to be moved vehicle.
* @param src The to be moved vehicle.
* @param move_chain Whether to move all vehicles after src or not.
static void ArrangeTrains(Train **dst_head, Train *dst, Train **src_head, Train *src, bool move_chain)
/* First determine the front of the two resulting trains */
if (*src_head == *dst_head) {
/* If we aren't moving part(s) to a new train, we are just moving the
* front back and there is not destination head. */
*dst_head = NULL;
} else if (*dst_head == NULL) {
/* If we are moving to a new train the head of the move train would become
* the head of the new vehicle. */
*dst_head = src;
if (src == *src_head) {
/* If we are moving the front of a train then we are, in effect, creating
* a new head for the train. Point to that. Unless we are moving the whole
* train in which case there is not 'source' train anymore.
* In case we are a multiheaded part we want the complete thing to come
* with us, so src->GetNextUnit(), however... when we are e.g. a wagon
* that is followed by a rear multihead we do not want to include that. */
*src_head = move_chain ? NULL :
(src->IsMultiheaded() ? src->GetNextUnit() : src->GetNextVehicle());
/* Now it's just simply removing the part that we are going to move from the
* source train and *if* the destination is a not a new train add the chain
* at the destination location. */
RemoveFromConsist(src, move_chain);
if (*dst_head != src) InsertInConsist(dst, src);
/* Now normalise the dual heads, that is move the dual heads around in such
* a way that the head and rear of a dual head are in the same train */
* Normalise the head of the train again, i.e. that is tell the world that
* we have changed and update all kinds of variables.
* @param head the train to update.
static void NormaliseTrainHead(Train *head)
/* Not much to do! */
if (head == NULL) return;
/* Tell the 'world' the train changed. */
/* Not a front engine, i.e. a free wagon chain. No need to do more. */
if (!head->IsFrontEngine()) return;
/* Update the refit button and window */
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, head->index, VIWD_CONSIST_CHANGED);
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, head->index, WID_VV_REFIT);
/* If we don't have a unit number yet, set one. */
if (head->unitnumber != 0) return;
head->unitnumber = GetFreeUnitNumber(VEH_TRAIN);
* Move a rail vehicle around inside the depot.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags type of operation
* Note: DC_AUTOREPLACE is set when autoreplace tries to undo its modifications or moves vehicles to temporary locations inside the depot.
* @param p1 various bitstuffed elements
* - p1 (bit 0 - 19) source vehicle index
* - p1 (bit 20) move all vehicles following the source vehicle
* - p1 (bit 21) this is a virtual vehicle (for creating TemplateVehicles)
* @param p2 what wagon to put the source wagon AFTER, XXX - INVALID_VEHICLE to make a new line
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdMoveRailVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
VehicleID s = GB(p1, 0, 20);
VehicleID d = GB(p2, 0, 20);
bool move_chain = HasBit(p1, 20);
Train *src = Train::GetIfValid(s);
if (src == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(src->owner);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Do not allow moving crashed vehicles inside the depot, it is likely to cause asserts later */
if (src->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) return CMD_ERROR;
/* if nothing is selected as destination, try and find a matching vehicle to drag to. */
Train *dst;
dst = src->IsEngine() ? NULL : FindGoodVehiclePos(src);
} else {
dst = Train::GetIfValid(d);
if (dst == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(dst->owner);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Do not allow appending to crashed vehicles, too */
if (dst->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) return CMD_ERROR;
/* if an articulated part is being handled, deal with its parent vehicle */
src = src->GetFirstEnginePart();
if (dst != NULL) {
dst = dst->GetFirstEnginePart();
assert(HasBit(dst->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL) == HasBit(src->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL));
/* don't move the same vehicle.. */
if (src == dst) return CommandCost();
/* locate the head of the two chains */
Train *src_head = src->First();
assert(HasBit(src_head->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL) == HasBit(src->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL));
Train *dst_head;
if (dst != NULL) {
dst_head = dst->First();
assert(HasBit(dst_head->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL) == HasBit(dst->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL));
if (dst_head->tile != src_head->tile) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Now deal with articulated part of destination wagon */
dst = dst->GetLastEnginePart();
} else {
dst_head = NULL;
if (src->IsRearDualheaded()) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_REAR_ENGINE_FOLLOW_FRONT);
/* When moving all wagons, we can't have the same src_head and dst_head */
if (move_chain && src_head == dst_head) return CommandCost();
/* When moving a multiheaded part to be place after itself, bail out. */
if (!move_chain && dst != NULL && dst->IsRearDualheaded() && src == dst->other_multiheaded_part) return CommandCost();
/* Check if all vehicles in the source train are stopped inside a depot. */
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* Do this check only if the vehicle to be moved is non-virtual */
if (!HasBit(p1, 21)) {
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
if (!src_head->IsStoppedInDepot()) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_TRAINS_CAN_ONLY_BE_ALTERED_INSIDE_A_DEPOT);
/* Check if all vehicles in the destination train are stopped inside a depot. */
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* Do this check only if the destination vehicle is non-virtual */
if (!HasBit(p1, 21)) {
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
if (dst_head != NULL && !dst_head->IsStoppedInDepot()) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_TRAINS_CAN_ONLY_BE_ALTERED_INSIDE_A_DEPOT);
/* First make a backup of the order of the trains. That way we can do
* whatever we want with the order and later on easily revert. */
TrainList original_src;
TrainList original_dst;
MakeTrainBackup(original_src, src_head);
MakeTrainBackup(original_dst, dst_head);
/* Also make backup of the original heads as ArrangeTrains can change them.
* For the destination head we do not care if it is the same as the source
* head because in that case it's just a copy. */
Train *original_src_head = src_head;
Train *original_dst_head = (dst_head == src_head ? NULL : dst_head);
/* We want this information from before the rearrangement, but execute this after the validation.
* original_src_head can't be NULL; src is by definition != NULL, so src_head can't be NULL as
* src->GetFirst() always yields non-NULL, so eventually original_src_head != NULL as well. */
bool original_src_head_front_engine = original_src_head->IsFrontEngine();
bool original_dst_head_front_engine = original_dst_head != NULL && original_dst_head->IsFrontEngine();
/* (Re)arrange the trains in the wanted arrangement. */
ArrangeTrains(&dst_head, dst, &src_head, src, move_chain);
if ((flags & DC_AUTOREPLACE) == 0) {
/* If the autoreplace flag is set we do not need to test for the validity
* because we are going to revert the train to its original state. As we
* assume the original state was correct autoreplace can skip this. */
CommandCost ret = ValidateTrains(original_dst_head, dst_head, original_src_head, src_head, true);
if (ret.Failed()) {
/* Restore the train we had. */
return ret;
/* do it? */
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* Remove old heads from the statistics */
if (original_src_head_front_engine) GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(original_src_head, -1);
if (original_dst_head_front_engine) GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(original_dst_head, -1);
/* First normalise the sub types of the chains. */
/* There are 14 different cases:
* 1) front engine gets moved to a new train, it stays a front engine.
* a) the 'next' part is a wagon that becomes a free wagon chain.
* b) the 'next' part is an engine that becomes a front engine.
* c) there is no 'next' part, nothing else happens
* 2) front engine gets moved to another train, it is not a front engine anymore
* a) the 'next' part is a wagon that becomes a free wagon chain.
* b) the 'next' part is an engine that becomes a front engine.
* c) there is no 'next' part, nothing else happens
* 3) front engine gets moved to later in the current train, it is not a front engine anymore.
* a) the 'next' part is a wagon that becomes a free wagon chain.
* b) the 'next' part is an engine that becomes a front engine.
* 4) free wagon gets moved
* a) the 'next' part is a wagon that becomes a free wagon chain.
* b) the 'next' part is an engine that becomes a front engine.
* c) there is no 'next' part, nothing else happens
* 5) non front engine gets moved and becomes a new train, nothing else happens
* 6) non front engine gets moved within a train / to another train, nothing hapens
* 7) wagon gets moved, nothing happens
if (src == original_src_head && src->IsEngine() && !src->IsFrontEngine()) {
/* Cases #2 and #3: the front engine gets trashed. */
DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, src->index);
DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, src->index);
DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, src->index);
DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, src->index);
DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, src->index);
DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_TRAINS, src->index);
SetWindowDirty(WC_COMPANY, _current_company);
/* Delete orders, group stuff and the unit number as we're not the
* front of any vehicle anymore. */
src->unitnumber = 0;
if (HasBit(src->flags, VRF_HAVE_SLOT)) {
ClrBit(src->flags, VRF_HAVE_SLOT);
/* We weren't a front engine but are becoming one. So
* we should be put in the default group. */
if (original_src_head != src && dst_head == src) {
SetTrainGroupID(src, DEFAULT_GROUP);
SetWindowDirty(WC_COMPANY, _current_company);
/* Add new heads to statistics */
if (src_head != NULL && src_head->IsFrontEngine()) GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(src_head, 1);
if (dst_head != NULL && dst_head->IsFrontEngine()) GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(dst_head, 1);
/* Handle 'new engine' part of cases #1b, #2b, #3b, #4b and #5 in NormaliseTrainHead. */
if ((flags & DC_NO_CARGO_CAP_CHECK) == 0) {
if (src_head != NULL) {
src_head->last_loading_station = INVALID_STATION;
ClrBit(src_head->vehicle_flags, VF_LAST_LOAD_ST_SEP);
if (dst_head != NULL) {
dst_head->last_loading_station = INVALID_STATION;
ClrBit(dst_head->vehicle_flags, VF_LAST_LOAD_ST_SEP);
if (src_head != NULL) src_head->First()->MarkDirty();
if (dst_head != NULL) dst_head->First()->MarkDirty();
/* We are undoubtedly changing something in the depot and train list. */
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* But only if the moved vehicle is not virtual */
if (!HasBit(src->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL)) {
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, src->tile);
InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TRAINS_LIST, 0);
InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TRACE_RESTRICT_SLOTS, 0);
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
} else {
/* We don't want to execute what we're just tried. */
return CommandCost();
* Sell a (single) train wagon/engine.
* @param flags type of operation
* @param t the train wagon to sell
* @param data the selling mode
* - data = 0: only sell the single dragged wagon/engine (and any belonging rear-engines)
* - data = 1: sell the vehicle and all vehicles following it in the chain
* if the wagon is dragged, don't delete the possibly belonging rear-engine to some front
* @param user the user for the order backup.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdSellRailWagon(DoCommandFlag flags, Vehicle *t, uint16 data, uint32 user)
/* Sell a chain of vehicles or not? */
bool sell_chain = HasBit(data, 0);
Train *v = Train::From(t)->GetFirstEnginePart();
Train *first = v->First();
if (v->IsRearDualheaded()) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_REAR_ENGINE_FOLLOW_FRONT);
/* First make a backup of the order of the train. That way we can do
* whatever we want with the order and later on easily revert. */
TrainList original;
MakeTrainBackup(original, first);
/* We need to keep track of the new head and the head of what we're going to sell. */
Train *new_head = first;
Train *sell_head = NULL;
/* Split the train in the wanted way. */
ArrangeTrains(&sell_head, NULL, &new_head, v, sell_chain);
/* We don't need to validate the second train; it's going to be sold. */
CommandCost ret = ValidateTrains(NULL, NULL, first, new_head, (flags & DC_AUTOREPLACE) == 0);
if (ret.Failed()) {
/* Restore the train we had. */
return ret;
if (first->orders.list == NULL && !OrderList::CanAllocateItem()) {
/* Restore the train we had. */
for (Train *t = sell_head; t != NULL; t = t->Next()) cost.AddCost(-t->value);
/* do it? */
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* First normalise the sub types of the chain. */
if (v == first && v->IsEngine() && !sell_chain && new_head != NULL && new_head->IsFrontEngine()) {
/* We are selling the front engine. In this case we want to
* 'give' the order, unit number and such to the new head. */
new_head->orders.list = first->orders.list;
/* Copy other important data from the front engine */
GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(new_head, 1); // after copying over the profit
} else if (v->IsPrimaryVehicle() && data & (MAKE_ORDER_BACKUP_FLAG >> 20)) {
OrderBackup::Backup(v, user);
/* We need to update the information about the train. */
/* We are undoubtedly changing something in the depot and train list. */
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* Unless its a virtual train */
if (!HasBit(v->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL)) {
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TRAINS_LIST, 0);
InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TRACE_RESTRICT_SLOTS, 0);
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* Actually delete the sold 'goods' */
delete sell_head;
} else {
/* We don't want to execute what we're just tried. */
return cost;
void Train::UpdateDeltaXY()
/* Set common defaults. */
this->x_offs = -1;
this->y_offs = -1;
this->x_extent = 3;
this->y_extent = 3;
this->z_extent = 6;
this->x_bb_offs = 0;
this->y_bb_offs = 0;
if (!IsDiagonalDirection(this->direction)) {
static const int _sign_table[] =
/* x, y */
-1, -1, // DIR_N
-1, 1, // DIR_E
1, 1, // DIR_S
1, -1, // DIR_W
int half_shorten = (VEHICLE_LENGTH - this->gcache.cached_veh_length) / 2;
/* For all straight directions, move the bound box to the centre of the vehicle, but keep the size. */
this->x_offs -= half_shorten * _sign_table[this->direction];
this->y_offs -= half_shorten * _sign_table[this->direction + 1];
this->x_extent += this->x_bb_offs = half_shorten * _sign_table[direction];
this->y_extent += this->y_bb_offs = half_shorten * _sign_table[direction + 1];
} else {
switch (this->direction) {
/* Shorten southern corner of the bounding box according the vehicle length
* and center the bounding box on the vehicle. */
case DIR_NE:
this->x_offs = 1 - (this->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2;
this->x_extent = this->gcache.cached_veh_length - 1;
this->x_bb_offs = -1;
case DIR_NW:
this->y_offs = 1 - (this->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2;
this->y_extent = this->gcache.cached_veh_length - 1;
this->y_bb_offs = -1;
/* Move northern corner of the bounding box down according to vehicle length
* and center the bounding box on the vehicle. */
case DIR_SW:
this->x_offs = 1 + (this->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2 - VEHICLE_LENGTH;
this->x_extent = VEHICLE_LENGTH - 1;
this->x_bb_offs = VEHICLE_LENGTH - this->gcache.cached_veh_length - 1;
case DIR_SE:
this->y_offs = 1 + (this->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2 - VEHICLE_LENGTH;
this->y_extent = VEHICLE_LENGTH - 1;
this->y_bb_offs = VEHICLE_LENGTH - this->gcache.cached_veh_length - 1;
* Mark a train as stuck and stop it if it isn't stopped right now.
* @param v %Train to mark as being stuck.
static void MarkTrainAsStuck(Train *v, bool waiting_restriction = false)
if (!HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) {
/* It is the first time the problem occurred, set the "train stuck" flag. */
SetBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
SB(v->flags, VRF_WAITING_RESTRICTION, 1, waiting_restriction ? 1 : 0);
v->wait_counter = 0;
/* Stop train */
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->subspeed = 0;
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
} else if (waiting_restriction != HasBit(v->flags, VRF_WAITING_RESTRICTION)) {
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
* Swap the two up/down flags in two ways:
* - Swap values of \a swap_flag1 and \a swap_flag2, and
* - If going up previously (#GVF_GOINGUP_BIT set), the #GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT is set, and vice versa.
* @param[in,out] swap_flag1 First train flag.
* @param[in,out] swap_flag2 Second train flag.
static void SwapTrainFlags(uint16 *swap_flag1, uint16 *swap_flag2)
uint16 flag1 = *swap_flag1;
uint16 flag2 = *swap_flag2;
/* Clear the flags */
ClrBit(*swap_flag1, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
ClrBit(*swap_flag1, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
ClrBit(*swap_flag1, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT);
ClrBit(*swap_flag2, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
ClrBit(*swap_flag2, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
ClrBit(*swap_flag2, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT);
/* Reverse the rail-flags (if needed) */
if (HasBit(flag1, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT)) {
SetBit(*swap_flag2, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
} else if (HasBit(flag1, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT)) {
SetBit(*swap_flag2, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
if (HasBit(flag2, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT)) {
SetBit(*swap_flag1, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
} else if (HasBit(flag2, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT)) {
SetBit(*swap_flag1, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
if (HasBit(flag1, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT)) {
SetBit(*swap_flag2, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT);
if (HasBit(flag2, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT)) {
SetBit(*swap_flag1, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT);
* Updates some variables after swapping the vehicle.
* @param v swapped vehicle
static void UpdateStatusAfterSwap(Train *v)
v->cur_image_valid_dir = INVALID_DIR;
/* Reverse the direction. */
if (v->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) v->direction = ReverseDir(v->direction);
/* Call the proper EnterTile function unless we are in a wormhole. */
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE)) {
VehicleEnterTile(v, v->tile, v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
} else {
/* VehicleEnter_TunnelBridge() may set TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE when the vehicle
* is on the last bit of the bridge head (frame == TILE_SIZE - 1).
* If we were swapped with such a vehicle, we have set TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE,
* when we shouldn't have. Check if this is the case. */
TileIndex vt = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
if (IsTileType(vt, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
VehicleEnterTile(v, vt, v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) && IsBridgeTile(v->tile)) {
/* We have just left the wormhole, possibly set the
* "goingdown" bit. UpdateInclination() can be used
* because we are at the border of the tile. */
v->UpdateInclination(true, true);
if (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) v->UpdateInclination(false, false, true);
v->UpdateViewport(true, true);
* Swap vehicles \a l and \a r in consist \a v, and reverse their direction.
* @param v Consist to change.
* @param l %Vehicle index in the consist of the first vehicle.
* @param r %Vehicle index in the consist of the second vehicle.
void ReverseTrainSwapVeh(Train *v, int l, int r)
Train *a, *b;
/* locate vehicles to swap */
for (a = v; l != 0; l--) a = a->Next();
for (b = v; r != 0; r--) b = b->Next();
if (a != b) {
/* swap the hidden bits */
uint16 tmp = (a->vehstatus & ~VS_HIDDEN) | (b->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN);
b->vehstatus = (b->vehstatus & ~VS_HIDDEN) | (a->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN);
a->vehstatus = tmp;
Swap(a->track, b->track);
Swap(a->direction, b->direction);
Swap(a->x_pos, b->x_pos);
Swap(a->y_pos, b->y_pos);
Swap(a->tile, b->tile);
Swap(a->z_pos, b->z_pos);
SwapTrainFlags(&a->gv_flags, &b->gv_flags);
} else {
* This is a little bit redundant way, a->gv_flags will
* be (re)set twice, but it reduces code duplication */
SwapTrainFlags(&a->gv_flags, &a->gv_flags);
* Check if the vehicle is a train
* @param v vehicle on tile
* @return v if it is a train, NULL otherwise
static Vehicle *TrainOnTileEnum(Vehicle *v, void *)
return (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) ? v : NULL;
* Checks if a train is approaching a rail-road crossing
* @param v vehicle on tile
* @param data tile with crossing we are testing
* @return v if it is approaching a crossing, NULL otherwise
static Vehicle *TrainApproachingCrossingEnum(Vehicle *v, void *data)
if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN || (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) return NULL;
Train *t = Train::From(v);
if (!t->IsFrontEngine()) return NULL;
TileIndex tile = *(TileIndex *)data;
if (TrainApproachingCrossingTile(t) != tile) return NULL;
return t;
* Finds a vehicle approaching rail-road crossing
* @param tile tile to test
* @return true if a vehicle is approaching the crossing
* @pre tile is a rail-road crossing
static bool TrainApproachingCrossing(TileIndex tile)
assert_tile(IsLevelCrossingTile(tile), tile);
DiagDirection dir = AxisToDiagDir(GetCrossingRailAxis(tile));
TileIndex tile_from = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
if (HasVehicleOnPos(tile_from, &tile, &TrainApproachingCrossingEnum)) return true;
dir = ReverseDiagDir(dir);
tile_from = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
return HasVehicleOnPos(tile_from, &tile, &TrainApproachingCrossingEnum);
/** Check if the crossing should be closed
* @return train on crossing || train approaching crossing || reserved
static inline bool CheckLevelCrossing(TileIndex tile)
/* reserved || train on crossing || train approaching crossing */
return HasCrossingReservation(tile) || HasVehicleOnPos(tile, NULL, &TrainOnTileEnum) || TrainApproachingCrossing(tile);
* Sets correct crossing state
* @param tile tile to update
* @param sound should we play sound?
* @param is_forced force set the crossing state to that of forced_state
* @param forced_state the crossing state to set when using is_forced
* @pre tile is a rail-road crossing
static void UpdateLevelCrossingTile(TileIndex tile, bool sound, bool is_forced, bool forced_state)
assert_tile(IsLevelCrossingTile(tile), tile);
bool new_state;
if (is_forced) {
new_state = forced_state;
} else {
new_state = CheckLevelCrossing(tile);
if (new_state != IsCrossingBarred(tile)) {
if (new_state && sound) {
if (_settings_client.sound.ambient) SndPlayTileFx(SND_0E_LEVEL_CROSSING, tile);
SetCrossingBarred(tile, new_state);
MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
* Cycles the adjacent crossings and sets their state
* @param tile tile to update
* @param sound should we play sound?
* @param force_close force close the crossing
void UpdateLevelCrossing(TileIndex tile, bool sound, bool force_close)
bool forced_state = force_close;
if (!IsLevelCrossingTile(tile)) return;
const Axis axis = GetCrossingRoadAxis(tile);
const DiagDirection dir = AxisToDiagDir(axis);
const DiagDirection reverse_dir = ReverseDiagDir(dir);
const bool adjacent_crossings = _settings_game.vehicle.adjacent_crossings;
if (adjacent_crossings) {
for (TileIndex t = tile; !forced_state && IsLevelCrossingTile(t) && GetCrossingRoadAxis(t) == axis; t = TileAddByDiagDir(t, dir)) {
forced_state |= CheckLevelCrossing(t);
for (TileIndex t = TileAddByDiagDir(tile, reverse_dir); !forced_state && IsLevelCrossingTile(t) && GetCrossingRoadAxis(t) == axis; t = TileAddByDiagDir(t, reverse_dir)) {
forced_state |= CheckLevelCrossing(t);
UpdateLevelCrossingTile(tile, sound, adjacent_crossings || force_close, forced_state);
for (TileIndex t = TileAddByDiagDir(tile, dir); IsLevelCrossingTile(t) && GetCrossingRoadAxis(t) == axis; t = TileAddByDiagDir(t, dir)) {
UpdateLevelCrossingTile(t, sound, adjacent_crossings, forced_state);
for (TileIndex t = TileAddByDiagDir(tile, reverse_dir); IsLevelCrossingTile(t) && GetCrossingRoadAxis(t) == axis; t = TileAddByDiagDir(t, reverse_dir)) {
UpdateLevelCrossingTile(t, sound, adjacent_crossings, forced_state);
* Check if the level crossing is occupied by road vehicle(s).
* @param t The tile to query.
* @pre IsLevelCrossing(t)
* @return True if the level crossing is marked as occupied.
bool IsCrossingOccupiedByRoadVehicle(TileIndex t)
if (!IsCrossingPossiblyOccupiedByRoadVehicle(t)) return false;
const bool occupied = EnsureNoRoadVehicleOnGround(t).Failed();
SetCrossingOccupiedByRoadVehicle(t, occupied);
return occupied;
* Bars crossing and plays ding-ding sound if not barred already
* @param tile tile with crossing
* @pre tile is a rail-road crossing
static inline void MaybeBarCrossingWithSound(TileIndex tile)
if (!IsCrossingBarred(tile)) {
UpdateLevelCrossing(tile, true, true);
* Advances wagons for train reversing, needed for variable length wagons.
* This one is called before the train is reversed.
* @param v First vehicle in chain
static void AdvanceWagonsBeforeSwap(Train *v)
Train *base = v;
Train *first = base; // first vehicle to move
Train *last = v->Last(); // last vehicle to move
uint length = CountVehiclesInChain(v);
while (length > 2) {
last = last->Previous();
first = first->Next();
int differential = base->CalcNextVehicleOffset() - last->CalcNextVehicleOffset();
/* do not update images now
* negative differential will be handled in AdvanceWagonsAfterSwap() */
for (int i = 0; i < differential; i++) TrainController(first, last->Next());
base = first; // == base->Next()
length -= 2;
* Advances wagons for train reversing, needed for variable length wagons.
* This one is called after the train is reversed.
* @param v First vehicle in chain
static void AdvanceWagonsAfterSwap(Train *v)
/* first of all, fix the situation when the train was entering a depot */
Train *dep = v; // last vehicle in front of just left depot
while (dep->Next() != NULL && (dep->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT || dep->Next()->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT)) {
dep = dep->Next(); // find first vehicle outside of a depot, with next vehicle inside a depot
Train *leave = dep->Next(); // first vehicle in a depot we are leaving now
if (leave != NULL) {
/* 'pull' next wagon out of the depot, so we won't miss it (it could stay in depot forever) */
int d = TicksToLeaveDepot(dep);
if (d <= 0) {
leave->vehstatus &= ~VS_HIDDEN; // move it out of the depot
leave->track = TrackToTrackBits(GetRailDepotTrack(leave->tile));
for (int i = 0; i >= d; i--) TrainController(leave, NULL); // maybe move it, and maybe let another wagon leave
} else {
dep = NULL; // no vehicle in a depot, so no vehicle leaving a depot
Train *base = v;
Train *first = base; // first vehicle to move
Train *last = v->Last(); // last vehicle to move
uint length = CountVehiclesInChain(v);
/* We have to make sure all wagons that leave a depot because of train reversing are moved correctly
* they have already correct spacing, so we have to make sure they are moved how they should */
bool nomove = (dep == NULL); // If there is no vehicle leaving a depot, limit the number of wagons moved immediately.
while (length > 2) {
/* we reached vehicle (originally) in front of a depot, stop now
* (we would move wagons that are already moved with new wagon length). */
if (base == dep) break;
/* the last wagon was that one leaving a depot, so do not move it anymore */
if (last == dep) nomove = true;
last = last->Previous();
first = first->Next();
int differential = last->CalcNextVehicleOffset() - base->CalcNextVehicleOffset();
/* do not update images now */
for (int i = 0; i < differential; i++) TrainController(first, (nomove ? last->Next() : NULL));
base = first; // == base->Next()
length -= 2;
* Turn a train around.
* @param v %Train to turn around.
void ReverseTrainDirection(Train *v)
if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile)) {
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
if (_local_company == v->owner && (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING_ADVANCE) || HasBit(v->flags, VRF_BEYOND_PLATFORM_END))) {
SetDParam(0, v->index);
SetDParam(1, v->current_order.GetDestination());
NR_VEHICLE, v->index,
NR_STATION, v->current_order.GetDestination());
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING_ADVANCE)) {
/* Only advance to next order if we are loading at the current one */
const Order *order = v->GetOrder(v->cur_implicit_order_index);
if (order != NULL && order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && order->GetDestination() == v->last_station_visited) {
for (Train *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) {
ClrBit(u->flags, VRF_NOT_YET_IN_PLATFORM);
v->reverse_distance = 0;
/* Clear path reservation in front if train is not stuck. */
if (!HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) FreeTrainTrackReservation(v);
/* Check if we were approaching a rail/road-crossing */
TileIndex crossing = TrainApproachingCrossingTile(v);
/* count number of vehicles */
int r = CountVehiclesInChain(v) - 1; // number of vehicles - 1
/* swap start<>end, start+1<>end-1, ... */
int l = 0;
do {
ReverseTrainSwapVeh(v, l++, r--);
} while (l <= r);
ClrBit(v->vcache.cached_veh_flags, VCF_GV_ZERO_SLOPE_RESIST);
if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile)) {
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
ToggleBit(v->flags, VRF_TOGGLE_REVERSE);
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_REVERSING);
/* recalculate cached data */
/* update all images */
for (Train *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) u->UpdateViewport(false, false);
/* update crossing we were approaching */
if (crossing != INVALID_TILE) UpdateLevelCrossing(crossing);
/* maybe we are approaching crossing now, after reversal */
crossing = TrainApproachingCrossingTile(v);
if (crossing != INVALID_TILE) MaybeBarCrossingWithSound(crossing);
/* If we are inside a depot after reversing, don't bother with path reserving. */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
/* Can't be stuck here as inside a depot is always a safe tile. */
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
/* We are inside tunnel/bridge with signals, reversing will close the entrance. */
if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(v->tile) && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(v->tile)) {
/* Flip signal on tunnel entrance tile red. */
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(v->tile, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
/* Clear counters. */
v->wait_counter = 0;
v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num = 0;
/* VehicleExitDir does not always produce the desired dir for depots and
* tunnels/bridges that is needed for UpdateSignalsOnSegment. */
DiagDirection dir = VehicleExitDir(v->direction, v->track);
if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile) || (IsTileType(v->tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE || dir == GetTunnelBridgeDirection(v->tile)))) dir = INVALID_DIAGDIR;
if (UpdateSignalsOnSegment(v->tile, dir, v->owner) == SIGSEG_PBS || {
/* If we are currently on a tile with conventional signals, we can't treat the
* current tile as a safe tile or we would enter a PBS block without a reservation. */
bool first_tile_okay = !(IsTileType(v->tile, MP_RAILWAY) &&
HasSignalOnTrackdir(v->tile, v->GetVehicleTrackdir()) &&
!IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(v->tile, FindFirstTrack(v->track))));
/* If we are on a depot tile facing outwards, do not treat the current tile as safe. */
if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile) && TrackdirToExitdir(v->GetVehicleTrackdir()) == GetRailDepotDirection(v->tile)) first_tile_okay = false;
if (IsRailStationTile(v->tile)) SetRailStationPlatformReservation(v->tile, TrackdirToExitdir(v->GetVehicleTrackdir()), true);
if (TryPathReserve(v, false, first_tile_okay)) {
/* Do a look-ahead now in case our current tile was already a safe tile. */
} else if (v->current_order.GetType() != OT_LOADING) {
/* Do not wait for a way out when we're still loading */
} else if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) {
/* A train not inside a PBS block can't be stuck. */
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
v->wait_counter = 0;
* Reverse train.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 train to reverse
* @param p2 if true, reverse a unit in a train (needs to be in a depot)
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdReverseTrainDirection(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
Train *v = Train::GetIfValid(p1);
if (v == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(v->owner);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
if (p2 != 0) {
/* turn a single unit around */
if (v->IsMultiheaded() || HasBit(EngInfo(v->engine_type)->callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE)) {
if (!HasBit(EngInfo(v->engine_type)->misc_flags, EF_RAIL_FLIPS) && !_settings_game.vehicle.flip_direction_all_trains) return CMD_ERROR;
Train *front = v->First();
/* make sure the vehicle is stopped in the depot */
if (!front->IsStoppedInDepot()) {
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ToggleBit(v->flags, VRF_REVERSE_DIRECTION);
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, front->tile);
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, front->index);
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, front->index);
} else {
/* turn the whole train around */
if ((v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) || HasBit(v->flags, VRF_BREAKDOWN_STOPPED)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* Properly leave the station if we are loading and won't be loading anymore */
if (v->current_order.IsAnyLoadingType()) {
const Vehicle *last = v;
while (last->Next() != NULL) last = last->Next();
/* not a station || different station --> leave the station */
if (!IsTileType(last->tile, MP_STATION) || !IsTileType(v->tile, MP_STATION) ||
GetStationIndex(last->tile) != GetStationIndex(v->tile) ||
HasBit(v->flags, VRF_BEYOND_PLATFORM_END) ||
v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING_ADVANCE)) {
/* We cancel any 'skip signal at dangers' here */
v->force_proceed = TFP_NONE;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index);
if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model != AM_ORIGINAL && v->cur_speed != 0) {
ToggleBit(v->flags, VRF_REVERSING);
} else {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return CommandCost();
* Force a train through a red signal
* @param tile unused
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 train to ignore the red signal
* @param p2 unused
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdForceTrainProceed(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
Train *t = Train::GetIfValid(p1);
if (t == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!t->IsPrimaryVehicle()) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckVehicleControlAllowed(t);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* If we are forced to proceed, cancel that order.
* If we are marked stuck we would want to force the train
* to proceed to the next signal. In the other cases we
* would like to pass the signal at danger and run till the
* next signal we encounter. */
t->force_proceed = t->force_proceed == TFP_SIGNAL ? TFP_NONE : HasBit(t->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK) || t->IsChainInDepot() ? TFP_STUCK : TFP_SIGNAL;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, t->index);
return CommandCost();
* Try to find a depot nearby.
* @param v %Train that wants a depot.
* @param max_distance Maximal search distance.
* @return Information where the closest train depot is located.
* @pre The given vehicle must not be crashed!
static FindDepotData FindClosestTrainDepot(Train *v, int max_distance)
assert(!(v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED));
if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile)) return FindDepotData(v->tile, 0);
PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v);
if (IsRailDepotTile(origin.tile)) return FindDepotData(origin.tile, 0);
switch ( {
case VPF_NPF: return NPFTrainFindNearestDepot(v, max_distance);
case VPF_YAPF: return YapfTrainFindNearestDepot(v, max_distance);
default: NOT_REACHED();
* Locate the closest depot for this consist, and return the information to the caller.
* @param[out] location If not \c NULL and a depot is found, store its location in the given address.
* @param[out] destination If not \c NULL and a depot is found, store its index in the given address.
* @param[out] reverse If not \c NULL and a depot is found, store reversal information in the given address.
* @return A depot has been found.
bool Train::FindClosestDepot(TileIndex *location, DestinationID *destination, bool *reverse)
FindDepotData tfdd = FindClosestTrainDepot(this, 0);
if (tfdd.best_length == UINT_MAX) return false;
if (location != NULL) *location = tfdd.tile;
if (destination != NULL) *destination = GetDepotIndex(tfdd.tile);
if (reverse != NULL) *reverse = tfdd.reverse;
return true;
/** Play a sound for a train leaving the station. */
void Train::PlayLeaveStationSound() const
static const SoundFx sfx[] = {
if (PlayVehicleSound(this, VSE_START)) return;
EngineID engtype = this->engine_type;
SndPlayVehicleFx(sfx[RailVehInfo(engtype)->engclass], this);
* Check if the train is on the last reserved tile and try to extend the path then.
* @param v %Train that needs its path extended.
static void CheckNextTrainTile(Train *v)
/* Don't do any look-ahead if path_backoff_interval is 255. */
if ( == 255) return;
/* Exit if we are inside a depot. */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) return;
/* Exit if we are on a station tile and are going to stop. */
if (HasStationTileRail(v->tile) && v->current_order.ShouldStopAtStation(v, GetStationIndex(v->tile), IsRailWaypoint(v->tile))) return;
switch (v->current_order.GetType()) {
/* Exit if we reached our destination depot. */
if (v->tile == v->dest_tile) return;
/* If we reached our waypoint, make sure we see that. */
if (IsRailWaypointTile(v->tile) && GetStationIndex(v->tile) == v->current_order.GetDestination()) ProcessOrders(v);
/* Exit if the current order doesn't have a destination, but the train has orders. */
if (v->GetNumOrders() > 0) return;
Trackdir td = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
/* On a tile with a red non-pbs signal, don't look ahead. */
if (IsTileType(v->tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(v->tile, td) &&
!IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(v->tile, TrackdirToTrack(td))) &&
GetSignalStateByTrackdir(v->tile, td) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) return;
CFollowTrackRail ft(v);
if (!ft.Follow(v->tile, td)) return;
if (!HasReservedTracks(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(ft.m_new_td_bits))) {
/* Next tile is not reserved. */
if (KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits))) {
/* If the next tile is a PBS signal, try to make a reservation. */
TrackBits tracks = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (ft.m_tiles_skipped == 0 && Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(ft.m_old_tile), GetTileRailType(ft.m_new_tile))) {
tracks &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(TrackdirToTrack(ft.m_old_td));
ChooseTrainTrack(v, ft.m_new_tile, ft.m_exitdir, tracks, false, NULL, false);
* Will the train stay in the depot the next tick?
* @param v %Train to check.
* @return True if it stays in the depot, false otherwise.
static bool CheckTrainStayInDepot(Train *v)
/* bail out if not all wagons are in the same depot or not in a depot at all */
for (const Train *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT || u->tile != v->tile) return false;
/* if the train got no power, then keep it in the depot */
if (v->gcache.cached_power == 0) {
v->vehstatus |= VS_STOPPED;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
return true;
if (v->current_order.IsWaitTimetabled()) {
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_WAITING)) {
return true;
SigSegState seg_state;
if (v->force_proceed == TFP_NONE) {
/* force proceed was not pressed */
if (++v->wait_counter < 37) {
return true;
v->wait_counter = 0;
seg_state = ? SIGSEG_PBS : UpdateSignalsOnSegment(v->tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, v->owner);
if (seg_state == SIGSEG_FULL || HasDepotReservation(v->tile)) {
/* Full and no PBS signal in block or depot reserved, can't exit. */
return true;
} else {
seg_state = ? SIGSEG_PBS : UpdateSignalsOnSegment(v->tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, v->owner);
/* We are leaving a depot, but have to go to the exact same one; re-enter. */
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) && v->tile == v->dest_tile) {
/* Service when depot has no reservation. */
if (!HasDepotReservation(v->tile)) VehicleEnterDepot(v);
return true;
/* Only leave when we can reserve a path to our destination. */
if (seg_state == SIGSEG_PBS && !TryPathReserve(v) && v->force_proceed == TFP_NONE) {
/* No path and no force proceed. */
return true;
SetDepotReservation(v->tile, true);
if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) MarkTileDirtyByTile(v->tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
v->track = TRACK_BIT_X;
if (v->direction & 2) v->track = TRACK_BIT_Y;
v->vehstatus &= ~VS_HIDDEN;
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->UpdateViewport(true, true);
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(v->tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, v->owner);
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
return false;
static int GetAndClearLastBridgeEntranceSetSignalIndex(TileIndex bridge_entrance)
uint16 m = _m[bridge_entrance].m2;
auto it = _long_bridge_signal_sim_map.find(bridge_entrance);
if (it != _long_bridge_signal_sim_map.end()) {
LongBridgeSignalStorage &lbss = it->second;
size_t slot = lbss.signal_red_bits.size();
while (slot > 0) {
uint64 &slot_bits = lbss.signal_red_bits[slot];
if (slot_bits) {
uint8 i = FindLastBit(slot_bits);
ClrBit(slot_bits, i);
return 1 + BRIDGE_M2_SIGNAL_STATE_COUNT + (64 * slot) + i;
if (m_masked) {
uint8 i = FindLastBit(m_masked);
ClrBit(_m[bridge_entrance].m2, BRIDGE_M2_SIGNAL_STATE_OFFSET + i);
return 1 + i;
return 0;
static void HandleLastTunnelBridgeSignals(TileIndex tile, TileIndex end, DiagDirection dir, bool free)
if (IsBridge(end) && _m[end].m2 != 0) {
/* Clearing last bridge signal. */
int signal_offset = GetAndClearLastBridgeEntranceSetSignalIndex(end);
if (signal_offset) {
TileIndex last_signal_tile = end + (TileOffsByDiagDir(dir) * * signal_offset);
if (free) {
/* Open up the wormhole and clear m2. */
if (IsBridge(end)) {
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile)) SetAllBridgeEntranceSimulatedSignalsGreen(tile);
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(end)) SetAllBridgeEntranceSimulatedSignalsGreen(end);
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(end) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(end) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(end, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(tile, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
static void UnreserveBridgeTunnelTile(TileIndex tile)
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile) && IsTunnelBridgePBS(tile)) SetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(tile, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
* Clear the reservation of \a tile that was just left by a wagon on \a track_dir.
* @param v %Train owning the reservation.
* @param tile Tile with reservation to clear.
* @param track_dir Track direction to clear.
* @param tunbridge_clear_unsignaled_other_end Whether to clear the far end of unsignalled tunnels/bridges.
static void ClearPathReservation(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir track_dir, bool tunbridge_clear_unsignaled_other_end = false)
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
if (IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(tile, TrackdirToTrack(track_dir))) {
if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(tile)) {
/* Are we just leaving a tunnel/bridge? */
if (TrackdirExitsTunnelBridge(tile, track_dir)) {
TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
bool free = TunnelBridgeIsFree(tile, end, v, true).Succeeded();
HandleLastTunnelBridgeSignals(tile, end, ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile)), free);
} else if (tunbridge_clear_unsignaled_other_end) {
TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) {
MarkTileDirtyByTile(end, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) {
MarkBridgeOrTunnelDirtyOnReservationChange(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
} else {
UnreserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(track_dir));
if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) {
MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
} else if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
DiagDirection dir = TrackdirToExitdir(track_dir);
TileIndex new_tile = TileAddByDiagDir(tile, dir);
/* If the new tile is not a further tile of the same station, we
* clear the reservation for the whole platform. */
if (!IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(new_tile, tile)) {
SetRailStationPlatformReservation(tile, ReverseDiagDir(dir), false);
} else {
/* Any other tile */
UnreserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(track_dir));
* Free the reserved path in front of a vehicle.
* @param v %Train owning the reserved path.
* @param origin %Tile to start clearing (if #INVALID_TILE, use the current tile of \a v).
* @param orig_td Track direction (if #INVALID_TRACKDIR, use the track direction of \a v).
void FreeTrainTrackReservation(const Train *v, TileIndex origin, Trackdir orig_td)
TileIndex tile = origin != INVALID_TILE ? origin : v->tile;
Trackdir td = orig_td != INVALID_TRACKDIR ? orig_td : v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
bool free_tile = tile != v->tile || !(IsRailStationTile(v->tile) || IsTileType(v->tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE));
StationID station_id = IsRailStationTile(v->tile) ? GetStationIndex(v->tile) : INVALID_STATION;
/* Can't be holding a reservation if we enter a depot. */
if (IsRailDepotTile(tile) && TrackdirToExitdir(td) != GetRailDepotDirection(tile)) return;
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
/* Front engine is in a depot. We enter if some part is not in the depot. */
for (const Train *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT || u->tile != v->tile) return;
/* Don't free reservation if it's not ours. */
if (TracksOverlap(GetReservedTrackbits(tile) | TrackToTrackBits(TrackdirToTrack(td)))) return;
CFollowTrackRail ft(v, GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->compatible_railtypes);
while (ft.Follow(tile, td)) {
tile = ft.m_new_tile;
TrackdirBits bits = ft.m_new_td_bits & TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(GetReservedTrackbits(tile));
td = RemoveFirstTrackdir(&bits);
assert(bits == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
if (!IsValidTrackdir(td)) break;
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) {
if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, td) && !IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)))) {
/* Conventional signal along trackdir: remove reservation and stop. */
UnreserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td));
if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, td)) {
if (GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, td) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
/* Red PBS signal? Can't be our reservation, would be green then. */
} else {
/* Turn the signal back to red. */
SetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, td, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
} else if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(td)) && IsOnewaySignal(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td))) {
} else if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(tile) && TrackdirExitsTunnelBridge(tile, td)) {
TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
bool free = TunnelBridgeIsFree(tile, end, v, true).Succeeded();
if (!free) break;
/* Don't free first station/bridge/tunnel if we are on it. */
if (free_tile || (!(ft.m_is_station && GetStationIndex(ft.m_new_tile) == station_id) && !ft.m_is_tunnel && !ft.m_is_bridge)) ClearPathReservation(v, tile, td);
free_tile = true;
static const byte _initial_tile_subcoord[6][4][3] = {
{{ 15, 8, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 8, 5 }, { 0, 0, 0 }},
{{ 0, 0, 0 }, { 8, 0, 3 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 8, 15, 7 }},
{{ 0, 0, 0 }, { 7, 0, 2 }, { 0, 7, 6 }, { 0, 0, 0 }},
{{ 15, 8, 2 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 8, 15, 6 }},
{{ 15, 7, 0 }, { 8, 0, 4 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }},
{{ 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 8, 4 }, { 7, 15, 0 }},
* Perform pathfinding for a train.
* @param v The train
* @param tile The tile the train is about to enter
* @param enterdir Diagonal direction the train is coming from
* @param tracks Usable tracks on the new tile
* @param[out] path_found Whether a path has been found or not.
* @param do_track_reservation Path reservation is requested
* @param[out] dest State and destination of the requested path
* @return The best track the train should follow
static Track DoTrainPathfind(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool do_track_reservation, PBSTileInfo *dest)
switch ( {
case VPF_NPF: return NPFTrainChooseTrack(v, path_found, do_track_reservation, dest);
case VPF_YAPF: return YapfTrainChooseTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, do_track_reservation, dest);
default: NOT_REACHED();
* Extend a train path as far as possible. Stops on encountering a safe tile,
* another reservation or a track choice.
* @param v The train.
* @param origin The tile from which the reservation have to be extended
* @param new_tracks [out] Tracks to choose from when encountering a choice
* @param enterdir [out] The direction from which the choice tile is to be entered
* @return INVALID_TILE indicates that the reservation failed.
static PBSTileInfo ExtendTrainReservation(const Train *v, const PBSTileInfo &origin, TrackBits *new_tracks, DiagDirection *enterdir)
CFollowTrackRail ft(v);
TileIndex tile = origin.tile;
Trackdir cur_td = origin.trackdir;
while (ft.Follow(tile, cur_td)) {
if (KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
/* Possible signal tile. */
if (HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits))) break;
if (ft.m_tiles_skipped == 0 && Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(ft.m_old_tile), GetTileRailType(ft.m_new_tile))) {
ft.m_new_td_bits &= ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(ft.m_old_td);
if (ft.m_new_td_bits == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) break;
/* Station, depot or waypoint are a possible target. */
bool target_seen = ft.m_is_station || (IsTileType(ft.m_new_tile, MP_RAILWAY) && !IsPlainRail(ft.m_new_tile));
if (target_seen || KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
/* Choice found or possible target encountered.
* On finding a possible target, we need to stop and let the pathfinder handle the
* remaining path. This is because we don't know if this target is in one of our
* orders, so we might cause pathfinding to fail later on if we find a choice.
* This failure would cause a bogous call to TryReserveSafePath which might reserve
* a wrong path not leading to our next destination. */
if (HasReservedTracks(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackdirReachesTrackdirs(ft.m_old_td)))) break;
/* If we did skip some tiles, backtrack to the first skipped tile so the pathfinder
* actually starts its search at the first unreserved tile. */
if (ft.m_tiles_skipped != 0) ft.m_new_tile -= TileOffsByDiagDir(ft.m_exitdir) * ft.m_tiles_skipped;
/* Choice found, path valid but not okay. Save info about the choice tile as well. */
if (new_tracks != NULL) *new_tracks = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (enterdir != NULL) *enterdir = ft.m_exitdir;
return PBSTileInfo(ft.m_new_tile, ft.m_old_td, false);
tile = ft.m_new_tile;
cur_td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (IsSafeWaitingPosition(v, tile, cur_td, true, {
PBSWaitingPositionRestrictedSignalInfo restricted_signal_info;
bool wp_free = IsWaitingPositionFree(v, tile, cur_td,, &restricted_signal_info);
if (!(wp_free && TryReserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(cur_td)))) break;
/* Safe position is all good, path valid and okay. */
if (restricted_signal_info.tile != INVALID_TILE) {
const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(restricted_signal_info.tile, TrackdirToTrack(restricted_signal_info.trackdir));
if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_PBS_RES_END_SLOT) {
TraceRestrictProgramResult out;
TraceRestrictProgramInput input(restricted_signal_info.tile, restricted_signal_info.trackdir, &VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback, NULL);
input.permitted_slot_operations = TRPISP_PBS_RES_END_ACQUIRE | TRPISP_PBS_RES_END_RELEASE;
prog->Execute(v, input, out);
return PBSTileInfo(tile, cur_td, true);
if (!TryReserveRailTrackdir(tile, cur_td)) break;
if (ft.m_err == CFollowTrackRail::EC_OWNER || ft.m_err == CFollowTrackRail::EC_NO_WAY) {
/* End of line, path valid and okay. */
return PBSTileInfo(ft.m_old_tile, ft.m_old_td, true);
/* Sorry, can't reserve path, back out. */
tile = origin.tile;
cur_td = origin.trackdir;
TileIndex stopped = ft.m_old_tile;
Trackdir stopped_td = ft.m_old_td;
while (tile != stopped || cur_td != stopped_td) {
if (!ft.Follow(tile, cur_td)) break;
if (ft.m_tiles_skipped == 0 && Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(ft.m_old_tile), GetTileRailType(ft.m_new_tile))) {
ft.m_new_td_bits &= ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(ft.m_old_td);
assert(ft.m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
assert(KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
tile = ft.m_new_tile;
cur_td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);
UnreserveRailTrackdir(tile, cur_td);
/* Path invalid. */
return PBSTileInfo();
* Try to reserve any path to a safe tile, ignoring the vehicle's destination.
* Safe tiles are tiles in front of a signal, depots and station tiles at end of line.
* @param v The vehicle.
* @param tile The tile the search should start from.
* @param td The trackdir the search should start from.
* @param override_railtype Whether all physically compatible railtypes should be followed.
* @return True if a path to a safe stopping tile could be reserved.
static bool TryReserveSafeTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
switch ( {
case VPF_NPF: return NPFTrainFindNearestSafeTile(v, tile, td, override_railtype);
case VPF_YAPF: return YapfTrainFindNearestSafeTile(v, tile, td, override_railtype);
default: NOT_REACHED();
/** This class will save the current order of a vehicle and restore it on destruction. */
class VehicleOrderSaver {
Train *v;
Order old_order;
TileIndex old_dest_tile;
StationID old_last_station_visited;
VehicleOrderID index;
bool suppress_implicit_orders;
VehicleOrderSaver(Train *_v) :
suppress_implicit_orders(HasBit(_v->gv_flags, GVF_SUPPRESS_IMPLICIT_ORDERS))
this->v->current_order = this->old_order;
this->v->dest_tile = this->old_dest_tile;
this->v->last_station_visited = this->old_last_station_visited;
SB(this->v->gv_flags, GVF_SUPPRESS_IMPLICIT_ORDERS, 1, suppress_implicit_orders ? 1: 0);
* Set the current vehicle order to the next order in the order list.
* @param skip_first Shall the first (i.e. active) order be skipped?
* @return True if a suitable next order could be found.
bool SwitchToNextOrder(bool skip_first)
if (this->v->GetNumOrders() == 0) return false;
if (skip_first) ++this->index;
int depth = 0;
do {
/* Wrap around. */
if (this->index >= this->v->GetNumOrders()) this->index = 0;
Order *order = this->v->GetOrder(this->index);
assert(order != NULL);
switch (order->GetType()) {
/* Skip service in depot orders when the train doesn't need service. */
if ((order->GetDepotOrderType() & ODTFB_SERVICE) && !this->v->NeedsServicing()) break;
this->v->current_order = *order;
return UpdateOrderDest(this->v, order, 0, true);
VehicleOrderID next = ProcessConditionalOrder(order, this->v);
if (next != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) {
this->index = next;
/* Don't increment next, so no break here. */
/* Don't increment inside the while because otherwise conditional
* orders can lead to an infinite loop. */
} while (this->index != this->v->cur_real_order_index && depth < this->v->GetNumOrders());
return false;
static bool HasLongReservePbsSignalOnTrackdir(Train* v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) {
if (IsRestrictedSignal(tile)) {
const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir));
if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_LONG_RESERVE) {
TraceRestrictProgramResult out;
prog->Execute(v, TraceRestrictProgramInput(tile, trackdir, &VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback, NULL), out);
if (out.flags & TRPRF_LONG_RESERVE) {
return true;
return false;
* Choose a track and reserve if necessary
* @param v The vehicle
* @param tile The tile from which to start
* @param enterdir
* @param tracks
* @param force_res Force a reservation to be made
* @param got_reservation [out] If the train has a reservation
* @param mark_stuck The train has to be marked as stuck when needed
* @return The track the train should take.
static Track ChooseTrainTrack(Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool force_res, bool *p_got_reservation, bool mark_stuck)
Track best_track = INVALID_TRACK;
bool do_track_reservation = || force_res;
bool changed_signal = false;
assert((tracks & ~TRACK_BIT_MASK) == 0);
bool got_reservation = false;
if (p_got_reservation != NULL) *p_got_reservation = got_reservation;
/* Don't use tracks here as the setting to forbid 90 deg turns might have been switched between reservation and now. */
TrackBits res_tracks = (TrackBits)(GetReservedTrackbits(tile) & DiagdirReachesTracks(enterdir));
/* Do we have a suitable reserved track? */
if (res_tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE) return FindFirstTrack(res_tracks);
/* Quick return in case only one possible track is available */
if (KillFirstBit(tracks) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) {
Track track = FindFirstTrack(tracks);
/* We need to check for signals only here, as a junction tile can't have signals. */
if (track != INVALID_TRACK && HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(track, enterdir))) {
if (IsRestrictedSignal(tile) && v->force_proceed != TFP_SIGNAL) {
const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(tile, track);
if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & (TRPAUF_WAIT_AT_PBS | TRPAUF_SLOT_ACQUIRE)) {
TraceRestrictProgramResult out;
TraceRestrictProgramInput input(tile, TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(track, enterdir), NULL, NULL);
input.permitted_slot_operations = TRPISP_ACQUIRE;
prog->Execute(v, input, out);
if (out.flags & TRPRF_WAIT_AT_PBS) {
if (mark_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v, true);
return track;
do_track_reservation = true;
changed_signal = true;
SetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(track, enterdir), SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
} else if (!do_track_reservation) {
return track;
best_track = track;
PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v);
PBSTileInfo res_dest(tile, INVALID_TRACKDIR, false);
DiagDirection dest_enterdir = enterdir;
if (do_track_reservation) {
res_dest = ExtendTrainReservation(v, origin, &tracks, &dest_enterdir);
if (res_dest.tile == INVALID_TILE) {
/* Reservation failed? */
if (mark_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
if (changed_signal) SetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(best_track, enterdir), SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
return FindFirstTrack(tracks);
if (res_dest.okay) {
CFollowTrackRail ft(v);
if (ft.Follow(res_dest.tile, res_dest.trackdir)) {
Trackdir new_td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (!HasLongReservePbsSignalOnTrackdir(v, ft.m_new_tile, new_td)) {
/* Got a valid reservation that ends at a safe target, quick exit. */
if (p_got_reservation != NULL) *p_got_reservation = true;
if (changed_signal) MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
TryReserveRailTrack(v->tile, TrackdirToTrack(v->GetVehicleTrackdir()));
return best_track;
/* Check if the train needs service here, so it has a chance to always find a depot.
* Also check if the current order is a service order so we don't reserve a path to
* the destination but instead to the next one if service isn't needed. */
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_DUMMY) || v->current_order.IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) || v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)) ProcessOrders(v);
/* Save the current train order. The destructor will restore the old order on function exit. */
VehicleOrderSaver orders(v);
/* If the current tile is the destination of the current order and
* a reservation was requested, advance to the next order.
* Don't advance on a depot order as depots are always safe end points
* for a path and no look-ahead is necessary. This also avoids a
* problem with depot orders not part of the order list when the
* order list itself is empty. */
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LEAVESTATION)) {
} else if (v->current_order.IsAnyLoadingType() || (!v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) && (
v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) ?
IsRailStationTile(v->tile) && v->current_order.GetDestination() == GetStationIndex(v->tile) :
v->tile == v->dest_tile))) {
if (res_dest.tile != INVALID_TILE && !res_dest.okay) {
/* Pathfinders are able to tell that route was only 'guessed'. */
bool path_found = true;
TileIndex new_tile = res_dest.tile;
Track next_track = DoTrainPathfind(v, new_tile, dest_enterdir, tracks, path_found, do_track_reservation, &res_dest);
if (new_tile == tile) best_track = next_track;
/* No track reservation requested -> finished. */
if (!do_track_reservation) return best_track;
/* A path was found, but could not be reserved. */
if (res_dest.tile != INVALID_TILE && !res_dest.okay) {
if (mark_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
FreeTrainTrackReservation(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir);
return best_track;
/* No possible reservation target found, we are probably lost. */
if (res_dest.tile == INVALID_TILE) {
/* Try to find any safe destination. */
PBSTileInfo path_end = FollowTrainReservation(v);
if (TryReserveSafeTrack(v, path_end.tile, path_end.trackdir, false)) {
TrackBits res = GetReservedTrackbits(tile) & DiagdirReachesTracks(enterdir);
best_track = FindFirstTrack(res);
TryReserveRailTrack(v->tile, TrackdirToTrack(v->GetVehicleTrackdir()));
if (p_got_reservation != NULL) *p_got_reservation = true;
if (changed_signal) MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile);
} else {
FreeTrainTrackReservation(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir);
if (mark_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
return best_track;
got_reservation = true;
/* Reservation target found and free, check if it is safe. */
while (!IsSafeWaitingPosition(v, res_dest.tile, res_dest.trackdir, true, {
/* Extend reservation until we have found a safe position. */
DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(res_dest.trackdir);
TileIndex next_tile = TileAddByDiagDir(res_dest.tile, exitdir);
TrackBits reachable = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits((TrackdirBits)(GetTileTrackStatus(next_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0))) & DiagdirReachesTracks(exitdir);
if (Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(res_dest.tile), GetTileRailType(next_tile))) {
reachable &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(TrackdirToTrack(res_dest.trackdir));
/* Get next order with destination. */
if (orders.SwitchToNextOrder(true)) {
PBSTileInfo cur_dest;
bool path_found;
DoTrainPathfind(v, next_tile, exitdir, reachable, path_found, true, &cur_dest);
if (cur_dest.tile != INVALID_TILE) {
res_dest = cur_dest;
if (res_dest.okay) continue;
/* Path found, but could not be reserved. */
FreeTrainTrackReservation(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir);
if (mark_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
got_reservation = false;
changed_signal = false;
/* No order or no safe position found, try any position. */
if (!TryReserveSafeTrack(v, res_dest.tile, res_dest.trackdir, true)) {
FreeTrainTrackReservation(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir);
if (mark_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
got_reservation = false;
changed_signal = false;
if (got_reservation) {
CFollowTrackRail ft(v);
if (ft.Follow(res_dest.tile, res_dest.trackdir)) {
Trackdir new_td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (HasLongReservePbsSignalOnTrackdir(v, ft.m_new_tile, new_td)) {
// We reserved up to a LR signal, reserve past it as well. recursion
ChooseTrainTrack(v, ft.m_new_tile, ft.m_exitdir, TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(ft.m_new_td_bits), force_res, NULL, mark_stuck);
TryReserveRailTrack(v->tile, TrackdirToTrack(v->GetVehicleTrackdir()));
if (changed_signal) MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
if (p_got_reservation != NULL) *p_got_reservation = got_reservation;
return best_track;
* Try to reserve a path to a safe position.
* @param v The vehicle
* @param mark_as_stuck Should the train be marked as stuck on a failed reservation?
* @param first_tile_okay True if no path should be reserved if the current tile is a safe position.
* @return True if a path could be reserved.
bool TryPathReserve(Train *v, bool mark_as_stuck, bool first_tile_okay)
/* We have to handle depots specially as the track follower won't look
* at the depot tile itself but starts from the next tile. If we are still
* inside the depot, a depot reservation can never be ours. */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
if (HasDepotReservation(v->tile)) {
if (mark_as_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
return false;
} else {
/* Depot not reserved, but the next tile might be. */
TileIndex next_tile = TileAddByDiagDir(v->tile, GetRailDepotDirection(v->tile));
if (HasReservedTracks(next_tile, DiagdirReachesTracks(GetRailDepotDirection(v->tile)))) return false;
if (IsTileType(v->tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExitOnly(v->tile) &&
TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(v->tile, v->GetVehicleTrackdir())) {
// prevent any attempt to reserve the wrong way onto a tunnel/bridge exit
return false;
Vehicle *other_train = NULL;
PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v, &other_train);
/* The path we are driving on is already blocked by some other train.
* This can only happen in certain situations when mixing path and
* block signals or when changing tracks and/or signals.
* Exit here as doing any further reservations will probably just
* make matters worse. */
if (other_train != NULL && other_train->index != v->index) {
if (mark_as_stuck) MarkTrainAsStuck(v);
return false;
/* If we have a reserved path and the path ends at a safe tile, we are finished already. */
if (origin.okay && (v->tile != origin.tile || first_tile_okay)) {
/* Can't be stuck then. */
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
return true;
/* If we are in a depot, tentatively reserve the depot. */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT && v->tile == origin.tile) {
SetDepotReservation(v->tile, true);
if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) MarkTileDirtyByTile(v->tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(origin.trackdir);
TileIndex new_tile = TileAddByDiagDir(origin.tile, exitdir);
TrackBits reachable = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(new_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)) & DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(exitdir));
if (Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(origin.tile), GetTileRailType(new_tile))) reachable &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(TrackdirToTrack(origin.trackdir));
bool res_made = false;
ChooseTrainTrack(v, new_tile, exitdir, reachable, true, &res_made, mark_as_stuck);
if (!res_made) {
/* Free the depot reservation as well. */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT && v->tile == origin.tile) SetDepotReservation(v->tile, false);
return false;
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) {
v->wait_counter = 0;
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
return true;
static bool CheckReverseTrain(const Train *v)
if (_settings_game.difficulty.line_reverse_mode != 0 ||
v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
return false;
assert(v->track != TRACK_BIT_NONE);
switch ( {
case VPF_NPF: return NPFTrainCheckReverse(v);
case VPF_YAPF: return YapfTrainCheckReverse(v);
default: NOT_REACHED();
* Get the location of the next station to visit.
* @param station Next station to visit.
* @return Location of the new station.
TileIndex Train::GetOrderStationLocation(StationID station)
if (station == this->last_station_visited) this->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION;
const Station *st = Station::Get(station);
if (!(st->facilities & FACIL_TRAIN)) {
/* The destination station has no trainstation tiles. */
return 0;
return st->xy;
/** Goods at the consist have changed, update the graphics, cargo, and acceleration. */
void Train::MarkDirty()
Train *v = this;
do {
v->colourmap = PAL_NONE;
v->cur_image_valid_dir = INVALID_DIR;
v->UpdateViewport(true, false);
} while ((v = v->Next()) != NULL);
/* need to update acceleration and cached values since the goods on the train changed. */
* This function looks at the vehicle and updates its speed (cur_speed
* and subspeed) variables. Furthermore, it returns the distance that
* the train can drive this tick. #Vehicle::GetAdvanceDistance() determines
* the distance to drive before moving a step on the map.
* @return distance to drive.
int Train::UpdateSpeed()
switch (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
return this->DoUpdateSpeed(this->acceleration * (this->GetAccelerationStatus() == AS_BRAKE ? -4 : 2), 0, this->GetCurrentMaxSpeed());
return this->DoUpdateSpeed(this->GetAcceleration(), this->GetAccelerationStatus() == AS_BRAKE ? 0 : 2, this->GetCurrentMaxSpeed());
* Handle all breakdown related stuff for a train consist.
* @param v The front engine.
static bool HandlePossibleBreakdowns(Train *v)
for (Train *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->breakdown_ctr != 0 && (u->IsEngine() || u->IsMultiheaded())) {
if (u->breakdown_ctr <= 2) {
if (u->HandleBreakdown()) return true;
/* We check the order of v (the first vehicle) instead of u here! */
} else if (!v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) {
return false;
* Trains enters a station, send out a news item if it is the first train, and start loading.
* @param v Train that entered the station.
* @param station Station visited.
static void TrainEnterStation(Train *v, StationID station)
v->last_station_visited = station;
BaseStation *bst = BaseStation::Get(station);
if (Waypoint::IsExpected(bst)) {
UpdateVehicleTimetable(v, true);
v->last_station_visited = station;
v->force_proceed = TFP_NONE;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index);
/* check if a train ever visited this station before */
Station *st = Station::From(bst);
if (!(st->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_TRAIN)) {
st->had_vehicle_of_type |= HVOT_TRAIN;
SetDParam(0, st->index);
v->owner == _local_company ? NT_ARRIVAL_COMPANY : NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER,
AI::NewEvent(v->owner, new ScriptEventStationFirstVehicle(st->index, v->index));
Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventStationFirstVehicle(st->index, v->index));
v->force_proceed = TFP_NONE;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index);
TileIndex station_tile = v->GetStationLoadingVehicle()->tile;
TriggerStationRandomisation(st, station_tile, SRT_TRAIN_ARRIVES);
TriggerStationAnimation(st, station_tile, SAT_TRAIN_ARRIVES);
/* Check if the vehicle is compatible with the specified tile */
static inline bool CheckCompatibleRail(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir)
return IsInfraTileUsageAllowed(VEH_TRAIN, v->owner, tile) &&
(!v->IsFrontEngine() || HasBit(v->compatible_railtypes, GetRailTypeByEntryDir(tile, enterdir)));
/** Data structure for storing engine speed changes of an acceleration type. */
struct AccelerationSlowdownParams {
byte small_turn; ///< Speed change due to a small turn.
byte large_turn; ///< Speed change due to a large turn.
byte z_up; ///< Fraction to remove when moving up.
byte z_down; ///< Fraction to add when moving down.
/** Speed update fractions for each acceleration type. */
static const AccelerationSlowdownParams _accel_slowdown[] = {
/* normal accel */
{256 / 4, 256 / 2, 256 / 4, 2}, ///< normal
{256 / 4, 256 / 2, 256 / 4, 2}, ///< monorail
{0, 256 / 2, 256 / 4, 2}, ///< maglev
* Modify the speed of the vehicle due to a change in altitude.
* @param v %Train to update.
* @param old_z Previous height.
static inline void AffectSpeedByZChange(Train *v, int old_z)
if (old_z == v->z_pos || _settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model != AM_ORIGINAL) return;
const AccelerationSlowdownParams *asp = &_accel_slowdown[GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->acceleration_type];
if (old_z < v->z_pos) {
v->cur_speed -= (v->cur_speed * asp->z_up >> 8);
} else {
uint16 spd = v->cur_speed + asp->z_down;
if (spd <= v->gcache.cached_max_track_speed) v->cur_speed = spd;
enum TrainMovedChangeSignalEnum {
CHANGED_NOTHING, ///< No special signals were changed
CHANGED_NORMAL_TO_PBS_BLOCK, ///< A PBS block with a non-PBS signal facing us
CHANGED_LR_PBS ///< A long reserve PBS signal
static TrainMovedChangeSignalEnum TrainMovedChangeSignal(Train* v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) &&
GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS) {
TrackdirBits tracks = TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(GetTrackBits(tile)) & DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(dir);
Trackdir trackdir = FindFirstTrackdir(tracks);
if (UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir), GetTileOwner(tile)) == SIGSEG_PBS && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) {
/* A PBS block with a non-PBS signal facing us? */
if (!IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)))) return CHANGED_NORMAL_TO_PBS_BLOCK;
if (HasLongReservePbsSignalOnTrackdir(v, tile, trackdir)) return CHANGED_LR_PBS;
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile) && GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile) == ReverseDiagDir(dir)) {
if (UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, dir, GetTileOwner(tile)) == SIGSEG_PBS) {
/** Tries to reserve track under whole train consist. */
void Train::ReserveTrackUnderConsist() const
for (const Train *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
if (IsRailCustomBridgeHeadTile(u->tile)) {
/* reserve the first available track */
TrackBits bits = GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(u->tile);
Track first_track = RemoveFirstTrack(&bits);
TryReserveRailTrack(u->tile, first_track);
} else {
TryReserveRailTrack(u->tile, DiagDirToDiagTrack(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(u->tile)));
} else if (u->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
TryReserveRailTrack(u->tile, TrackBitsToTrack(u->track));
* The train vehicle crashed!
* Update its status and other parts around it.
* @param flooded Crash was caused by flooding.
* @return Number of people killed.
uint Train::Crash(bool flooded)
uint pass = 0;
if (this->IsFrontEngine()) {
pass += 2; // driver
/* Remove the reserved path in front of the train if it is not stuck.
* Also clear all reserved tracks the train is currently on. */
if (!HasBit(this->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) FreeTrainTrackReservation(this);
for (const Train *v = this; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
ClearPathReservation(v, v->tile, v->GetVehicleTrackdir(), true);
/* we may need to update crossing we were approaching,
* but must be updated after the train has been marked crashed */
TileIndex crossing = TrainApproachingCrossingTile(this);
if (crossing != INVALID_TILE) UpdateLevelCrossing(crossing);
/* Remove the loading indicators (if any) */
pass += this->GroundVehicleBase::Crash(flooded);
this->crash_anim_pos = flooded ? 4000 : 1; // max 4440, disappear pretty fast when flooded
return pass;
* Marks train as crashed and creates an AI event.
* Doesn't do anything if the train is crashed already.
* @param v first vehicle of chain
* @return number of victims (including 2 drivers; zero if train was already crashed)
static uint TrainCrashed(Train *v)
uint num = 0;
/* do not crash train twice */
if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) {
num = v->Crash();
AI::NewEvent(v->owner, new ScriptEventVehicleCrashed(v->index, v->tile, ScriptEventVehicleCrashed::CRASH_TRAIN));
Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventVehicleCrashed(v->index, v->tile, ScriptEventVehicleCrashed::CRASH_TRAIN));
/* Try to re-reserve track under already crashed train too.
* Crash() clears the reservation! */
return num;
/** Temporary data storage for testing collisions. */
struct TrainCollideChecker {
Train *v; ///< %Vehicle we are testing for collision.
uint num; ///< Total number of victims if train collided.
* Collision test function.
* @param v %Train vehicle to test collision with.
* @param data %Train being examined.
* @return \c NULL (always continue search)
static Vehicle *FindTrainCollideEnum(Vehicle *v, void *data)
TrainCollideChecker *tcc = (TrainCollideChecker*)data;
/* not a train or in depot */
if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN || Train::From(v)->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) return NULL;
if (_settings_game.vehicle.no_train_crash_other_company) {
/* do not crash into trains of another company. */
if (v->owner != tcc->v->owner) return NULL;
/* get first vehicle now to make most usual checks faster */
Train *coll = Train::From(v)->First();
/* can't collide with own wagons */
if (coll == tcc->v) return NULL;
int x_diff = v->x_pos - tcc->v->x_pos;
int y_diff = v->y_pos - tcc->v->y_pos;
/* Do fast calculation to check whether trains are not in close vicinity
* and quickly reject trains distant enough for any collision.
* Differences are shifted by 7, mapping range [-7 .. 8] into [0 .. 15]
* Differences are then ORed and then we check for any higher bits */
uint hash = (y_diff + 7) | (x_diff + 7);
if (hash & ~15) return NULL;
/* Slower check using multiplication */
int min_diff = (Train::From(v)->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2 + (tcc->v->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2 - 1;
if (x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff >= min_diff * min_diff) return NULL;
/* Happens when there is a train under bridge next to bridge head */
if (abs(v->z_pos - tcc->v->z_pos) > 5) return NULL;
/* crash both trains */
tcc->num += TrainCrashed(tcc->v);
tcc->num += TrainCrashed(coll);
return NULL; // continue searching
* Checks whether the specified train has a collision with another vehicle. If
* so, destroys this vehicle, and the other vehicle if its subtype has TS_Front.
* Reports the incident in a flashy news item, modifies station ratings and
* plays a sound.
* @param v %Train to test.
static bool CheckTrainCollision(Train *v)
/* can't collide in depot */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) return false;
assert(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE || TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos) == v->tile);
TrainCollideChecker tcc;
tcc.v = v;
tcc.num = 0;
/* find colliding vehicles */
if (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
FindVehicleOnPos(v->tile, &tcc, FindTrainCollideEnum);
FindVehicleOnPos(GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(v->tile), &tcc, FindTrainCollideEnum);
} else {
FindVehicleOnPosXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, &tcc, FindTrainCollideEnum);
/* any dead -> no crash */
if (tcc.num == 0) return false;
SetDParam(0, tcc.num);
AddVehicleNewsItem(STR_NEWS_TRAIN_CRASH, NT_ACCIDENT, v->index);
ModifyStationRatingAround(v->tile, v->owner, -160, 30);
if (_settings_client.sound.disaster) SndPlayVehicleFx(SND_13_BIG_CRASH, v);
return true;
static Vehicle *CheckTrainAtSignal(Vehicle *v, void *data)
if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN || (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) return NULL;
Train *t = Train::From(v);
DiagDirection exitdir = *(DiagDirection *)data;
/* not front engine of a train, inside wormhole or depot, crashed */
if (!t->IsFrontEngine() || !(t->track & TRACK_BIT_MASK)) return NULL;
if (t->cur_speed > 5 || VehicleExitDir(t->direction, t->track) != exitdir) return NULL;
return t;
struct FindSpaceBetweenTrainsChecker {
int32 pos;
uint16 distance;
DiagDirectionByte direction;
/** Find train in front and keep distance between trains in tunnel/bridge. */
static Vehicle *FindSpaceBetweenTrainsEnum(Vehicle *v, void *data)
/* Don't look at wagons between front and back of train. */
if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN || (v->Previous() != NULL && v->Next() != NULL)) return NULL;
if (!IsDiagonalDirection(v->direction)) {
/* Check for vehicles on non-across track pieces of custom bridge head */
if ((GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(v->tile) & Train::From(v)->track & TRACK_BIT_ALL) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) return NULL;
const FindSpaceBetweenTrainsChecker *checker = (FindSpaceBetweenTrainsChecker*) data;
int32 a, b = 0;
switch (checker->direction) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case DIAGDIR_NE: a = checker->pos; b = v->x_pos; break;
case DIAGDIR_SE: a = v->y_pos; b = checker->pos; break;
case DIAGDIR_SW: a = v->x_pos; b = checker->pos; break;
case DIAGDIR_NW: a = checker->pos; b = v->y_pos; break;
if (a > b && a <= (b + (int)(checker->distance)) + (int)(TILE_SIZE) - 1) return v;
return NULL;
static bool IsTooCloseBehindTrain(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, uint16 distance, bool check_endtile)
Train *t = Train::From(v);
if (t->force_proceed != 0) return false;
FindSpaceBetweenTrainsChecker checker;
checker.distance = distance;
checker.direction = DirToDiagDirAlongAxis(t->direction, DiagDirToAxis(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(t->tile)));
switch (checker.direction) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case DIAGDIR_NE: checker.pos = (TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE) + TILE_UNIT_MASK; break;
case DIAGDIR_SE: checker.pos = (TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE); break;
case DIAGDIR_SW: checker.pos = (TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE); break;
case DIAGDIR_NW: checker.pos = (TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE) + TILE_UNIT_MASK; break;
if (HasVehicleOnPos(t->tile, &checker, &FindSpaceBetweenTrainsEnum)) {
/* Revert train if not going with tunnel direction. */
if (checker.direction != GetTunnelBridgeDirection(t->tile)) {
SetBit(t->flags, VRF_REVERSING);
return true;
/* Cover blind spot at end of tunnel bridge. */
if (check_endtile){
if (HasVehicleOnPos(GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(t->tile), &checker, &FindSpaceBetweenTrainsEnum)) {
/* Revert train if not going with tunnel direction. */
if (checker.direction != GetTunnelBridgeDirection(t->tile)) {
SetBit(t->flags, VRF_REVERSING);
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckTrainStayInWormHolePathReserve(Train *t, TileIndex tile)
Trackdir td = TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(tile)), ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile)));
TileIndex veh_orig_tile = t->tile;
TrackBits veh_orig_track = t->track;
Direction veh_orig_direction = t->direction;
t->tile = tile;
t->direction = TrackdirToDirection(td);
CFollowTrackRail ft(GetTileOwner(tile), GetRailTypeInfo(t->railtype)->compatible_railtypes);
if (ft.Follow(tile, td)) {
TrackdirBits reserved = ft.m_new_td_bits & TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(GetReservedTrackbits(ft.m_new_tile));
if (reserved == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
/* next tile is not reserved, so reserve the exit tile */
if (IsBridge(tile)) {
TryReserveRailBridgeHead(tile, FindFirstTrack(GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(tile)));
} else {
SetTunnelReservation(tile, true);
MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
bool ok = TryPathReserve(t);
t->tile = veh_orig_tile;
t->track = veh_orig_track;
t->direction = veh_orig_direction;
if (ok && IsTunnelBridgePBS(tile)) SetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(tile, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
return ok;
/** Simulate signals in tunnel - bridge. */
static bool CheckTrainStayInWormHole(Train *t, TileIndex tile)
if (t->force_proceed != 0) return false;
/* When not exit reverse train. */
if (!IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile)) {
SetBit(t->flags, VRF_REVERSING);
return true;
SigSegState seg_state = ( || IsTunnelBridgePBS(tile)) ? SIGSEG_PBS : UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, t->owner);
if (seg_state != SIGSEG_PBS) {
CFollowTrackRail ft(GetTileOwner(tile), GetRailTypeInfo(t->railtype)->compatible_railtypes);
if (ft.Follow(tile, TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(tile)), ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile))))) {
if (ft.m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE && KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
Trackdir td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, td)) {
/* immediately after the exit, there is a PBS signal, switch to PBS mode */
seg_state = SIGSEG_PBS;
if (seg_state == SIGSEG_FULL || (seg_state == SIGSEG_PBS && !CheckTrainStayInWormHolePathReserve(t, tile))) {
t->vehstatus |= VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
return true;
return false;
static void HandleSignalBehindTrain(Train *v, int signal_number)
TileIndex tile;
switch (v->direction) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case DIR_NE: tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos + (TILE_SIZE *, v->y_pos); break;
case DIR_SE: tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos - (TILE_SIZE * ); break;
case DIR_SW: tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos - (TILE_SIZE *, v->y_pos); break;
case DIR_NW: tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos + (TILE_SIZE *; break;
if(tile == v->tile) {
/* Flip signal on ramp. */
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(tile, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
} else if (IsBridge(v->tile) && signal_number >= 0) {
SetBridgeEntranceSimulatedSignalState(v->tile, signal_number, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
uint16 ReversingDistanceTargetSpeed(const Train *v)
int target_speed;
if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_REALISTIC) {
target_speed = ((v->reverse_distance - 1) * 5) / 2;
} else {
target_speed = (v->reverse_distance - 1) * 10 - 5;
return max(0, target_speed);
* Move a vehicle chain one movement stop forwards.
* @param v First vehicle to move.
* @param nomove Stop moving this and all following vehicles.
* @param reverse Set to false to not execute the vehicle reversing. This does not change any other logic.
* @return True if the vehicle could be moved forward, false otherwise.
bool TrainController(Train *v, Vehicle *nomove, bool reverse)
Train *first = v->First();
Train *prev = nullptr;
SCOPE_INFO_FMT([&], "TrainController: %s, %s, %s", scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(v), scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(prev), scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(nomove));
bool direction_changed = false; // has direction of any part changed?
bool update_signal_tunbridge_exit = false;
Direction old_direction = INVALID_DIR;
TrackBits old_trackbits = INVALID_TRACK_BIT;
uint16 old_gv_flags = 0;
auto notify_direction_changed = [&](Direction old_direction, Direction new_direction) {
if (prev == NULL && _settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) {
const AccelerationSlowdownParams *asp = &_accel_slowdown[GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->acceleration_type];
DirDiff diff = DirDifference(old_direction, new_direction);
v->cur_speed -= (diff == DIRDIFF_45RIGHT || diff == DIRDIFF_45LEFT ? asp->small_turn : asp->large_turn) * v->cur_speed >> 8;
direction_changed = true;
if (reverse && v->reverse_distance == 1) {
goto reverse_train_direction;
if (v->reverse_distance > 1) {
uint16 spd = ReversingDistanceTargetSpeed(v);
if (spd < v->cur_speed) v->cur_speed = spd;
/* For every vehicle after and including the given vehicle */
for (prev = v->Previous(); v != nomove; prev = v, v = v->Next()) {
old_direction = v->direction;
old_trackbits = v->track;
old_gv_flags = v->gv_flags;
DiagDirection enterdir = DIAGDIR_BEGIN;
bool update_signals_crossing = false; // will we update signals or crossing state?
GetNewVehiclePosResult gp = GetNewVehiclePos(v);
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) && gp.old_tile != gp.new_tile &&
IsRailBridgeHeadTile(gp.old_tile) && DiagdirBetweenTiles(gp.old_tile, gp.new_tile) == GetTunnelBridgeDirection(gp.old_tile)) {
/* left a bridge headtile into a wormhole */
Direction old_direction = v->direction;
uint32 r = VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.old_tile, gp.x, gp.y); // NB: old tile, the bridge head which the train just left
if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) {
goto invalid_rail;
if (old_direction != v->direction) notify_direction_changed(old_direction, v->direction);
DiagDirection dir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(gp.old_tile);
const byte *b = _initial_tile_subcoord[AxisToTrack(DiagDirToAxis(dir))][dir];
gp.x = (gp.x & ~0xF) | b[0];
gp.y = (gp.y & ~0xF) | b[1];
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE)) {
/* Not inside tunnel */
if (gp.old_tile == gp.new_tile) {
/* Staying in the old tile */
if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
/* Inside depot */
gp.x = v->x_pos;
gp.y = v->y_pos;
v->reverse_distance = 0;
} else {
/* Not inside depot */
/* Reverse when we are at the end of the track already, do not move to the new position */
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && !TrainCheckIfLineEnds(v, reverse)) return false;
uint32 r = VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y);
if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) {
goto invalid_rail;
/* The new position is the end of the platform */
TrainEnterStation(v->First(), r >> VETS_STATION_ID_OFFSET);
if (old_direction != v->direction) notify_direction_changed(old_direction, v->direction);
} else {
/* A new tile is about to be entered. */
/* Determine what direction we're entering the new tile from */
enterdir = DiagdirBetweenTiles(gp.old_tile, gp.new_tile);
/* Get the status of the tracks in the new tile and mask
* away the bits that aren't reachable. */
TrackStatus ts = GetTileTrackStatus(gp.new_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0, (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) ? INVALID_DIAGDIR : ReverseDiagDir(enterdir));
TrackdirBits reachable_trackdirs = DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(enterdir);
TrackdirBits trackdirbits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(ts) & reachable_trackdirs;
TrackBits red_signals = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackStatusToRedSignals(ts) & reachable_trackdirs);
TrackBits bits = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(trackdirbits);
if (Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(gp.old_tile), GetTileRailType(gp.new_tile)) && prev == NULL) {
/* We allow wagons to make 90 deg turns, because forbid_90_deg
* can be switched on halfway a turn */
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE)) {
bits &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(FindFirstTrack(v->track));
} else if (v->track & TRACK_BIT_MASK) {
bits &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(FindFirstTrack(v->track & TRACK_BIT_MASK));
if (bits == TRACK_BIT_NONE) goto invalid_rail;
/* Check if the new tile constrains tracks that are compatible
* with the current train, if not, bail out. */
if (!CheckCompatibleRail(v, gp.new_tile, enterdir)) goto invalid_rail;
TrackBits chosen_track;
if (prev == NULL) {
/* Currently the locomotive is active. Determine which one of the
* available tracks to choose */
chosen_track = TrackToTrackBits(ChooseTrainTrack(v, gp.new_tile, enterdir, bits, false, NULL, true));
assert(chosen_track & (bits | GetReservedTrackbits(gp.new_tile)));
if (v->force_proceed != TFP_NONE && IsPlainRailTile(gp.new_tile) && HasSignals(gp.new_tile)) {
/* For each signal we find decrease the counter by one.
* We start at two, so the first signal we pass decreases
* this to one, then if we reach the next signal it is
* decreased to zero and we won't pass that new signal. */
Trackdir dir = FindFirstTrackdir(trackdirbits);
if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(gp.new_tile, dir) ||
(HasSignalOnTrackdir(gp.new_tile, ReverseTrackdir(dir)) &&
GetSignalType(gp.new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(dir)) != SIGTYPE_PBS)) {
/* However, we do not want to be stopped by PBS signals
* entered via the back. */
v->force_proceed = (v->force_proceed == TFP_SIGNAL) ? TFP_STUCK : TFP_NONE;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index);
/* Check if it's a red signal and that force proceed is not clicked. */
if ((red_signals & chosen_track) && v->force_proceed == TFP_NONE) {
/* In front of a red signal */
Trackdir i = FindFirstTrackdir(trackdirbits);
/* Don't handle stuck trains here. */
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) return false;
if (!HasSignalOnTrackdir(gp.new_tile, ReverseTrackdir(i))) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->subspeed = 0;
v->progress = 255; // make sure that every bit of acceleration will hit the signal again, so speed stays 0.
if (! || ++v->wait_counter < * DAY_TICKS * 2) return false;
} else if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(gp.new_tile, i)) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->subspeed = 0;
v->progress = 255; // make sure that every bit of acceleration will hit the signal again, so speed stays 0.
if (! || ++v->wait_counter < * DAY_TICKS * 2) {
DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(i);
TileIndex o_tile = TileAddByDiagDir(gp.new_tile, exitdir);
exitdir = ReverseDiagDir(exitdir);
/* check if a train is waiting on the other side */
if (!HasVehicleOnPos(o_tile, &exitdir, &CheckTrainAtSignal)) return false;
/* If we would reverse but are currently in a PBS block and
* reversing of stuck trains is disabled, don't reverse.
* This does not apply if the reason for reversing is a one-way
* signal blocking us, because a train would then be stuck forever. */
if (! && !HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(gp.new_tile, i) &&
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(v->tile, enterdir, v->owner) == SIGSEG_PBS) {
v->wait_counter = 0;
return false;
goto reverse_train_direction;
} else {
TryReserveRailTrack(gp.new_tile, TrackBitsToTrack(chosen_track), false);
if (IsPlainRailTile(gp.new_tile) && HasSignals(gp.new_tile) && IsRestrictedSignal(gp.new_tile)) {
const Trackdir dir = FindFirstTrackdir(trackdirbits);
if (HasSignalOnTrack(gp.new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(dir))) {
const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(gp.new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(dir));
if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & (TRPAUF_SLOT_ACQUIRE | TRPAUF_SLOT_RELEASE_FRONT | TRPAUF_REVERSE)) {
TraceRestrictProgramResult out;
TraceRestrictProgramInput input(gp.new_tile, dir, NULL, NULL);
input.permitted_slot_operations = TRPISP_ACQUIRE | TRPISP_RELEASE_FRONT;
prog->Execute(v, input, out);
if (out.flags & TRPRF_REVERSE && GetSignalType(gp.new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(dir)) == SIGTYPE_PBS &&
!HasSignalOnTrackdir(gp.new_tile, dir)) {
v->reverse_distance = v->gcache.cached_total_length + (IsDiagonalTrack(TrackdirToTrack(dir)) ? 16 : 8);
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index);
} else {
/* The wagon is active, simply follow the prev vehicle. */
if (TileVirtXY(prev->x_pos, prev->y_pos) == gp.new_tile) {
/* Choose the same track as prev */
if (prev->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
/* Vehicles entering tunnels enter the wormhole earlier than for bridges.
* However, just choose the track into the wormhole. */
assert_tile(IsTunnel(prev->tile), prev->tile);
chosen_track = bits;
} else {
chosen_track = prev->track;
} else {
/* Choose the track that leads to the tile where prev is.
* This case is active if 'prev' is already on the second next tile, when 'v' just enters the next tile.
* I.e. when the tile between them has only space for a single vehicle like
* 1) horizontal/vertical track tiles and
* 2) some orientations of tunnel entries, where the vehicle is already inside the wormhole at 8/16 from the tile edge.
* Is also the train just reversing, the wagon inside the tunnel is 'on' the tile of the opposite tunnel entry.
static const TrackBits _connecting_track[DIAGDIR_END][DIAGDIR_END] = {
DiagDirection exitdir = DiagdirBetweenTiles(gp.new_tile, TileVirtXY(prev->x_pos, prev->y_pos));
chosen_track = _connecting_track[enterdir][exitdir];
chosen_track &= bits;
/* Make sure chosen track is a valid track */
chosen_track == TRACK_BIT_X || chosen_track == TRACK_BIT_Y ||
chosen_track == TRACK_BIT_UPPER || chosen_track == TRACK_BIT_LOWER ||
chosen_track == TRACK_BIT_LEFT || chosen_track == TRACK_BIT_RIGHT);
/* Update XY to reflect the entrance to the new tile, and select the direction to use */
const byte *b = _initial_tile_subcoord[FIND_FIRST_BIT(chosen_track)][enterdir];
gp.x = (gp.x & ~0xF) | b[0];
gp.y = (gp.y & ~0xF) | b[1];
Direction chosen_dir = (Direction)b[2];
/* Call the landscape function and tell it that the vehicle entered the tile */
uint32 r = (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) ? 0 : VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y);
if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) {
goto invalid_rail;
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) && IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(gp.new_tile) && (GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(gp.new_tile) & chosen_track)) {
/* If red signal stop. */
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && v->force_proceed == 0) {
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(gp.new_tile) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(gp.new_tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->vehstatus |= VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
return false;
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExitOnly(gp.new_tile) &&
TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(gp.new_tile, TrackDirectionToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(chosen_track), chosen_dir))) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
goto invalid_rail;
/* Flip signal on tunnel entrance tile red. */
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(gp.new_tile, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationBidirectional(gp.new_tile)) {
/* Set incoming signal in other direction to red as well */
TileIndex other_end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(gp.new_tile);
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(other_end, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
Track track = FindFirstTrack(chosen_track);
Trackdir tdir = TrackDirectionToTrackdir(track, chosen_dir);
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(gp.new_tile, tdir)) {
SetSignalStateByTrackdir(gp.new_tile, tdir, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
/* Clear any track reservation when the last vehicle leaves the tile */
if (v->Next() == NULL && !(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE)) ClearPathReservation(v, v->tile, v->GetVehicleTrackdir(), true);
v->tile = gp.new_tile;
v->track = chosen_track;
if (GetTileRailTypeByTrackBit(gp.new_tile, chosen_track) != GetTileRailTypeByTrackBit(gp.old_tile, old_trackbits)) {
/* v->track and v->tile must both be valid and consistent before this is called */
/* We need to update signal status, but after the vehicle position hash
* has been updated by UpdateInclination() */
update_signals_crossing = true;
if (chosen_dir != v->direction) {
notify_direction_changed(v->direction, chosen_dir);
v->direction = chosen_dir;
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
v->wait_counter = 0;
/* If we are approaching a crossing that is reserved, play the sound now. */
TileIndex crossing = TrainApproachingCrossingTile(v);
if (crossing != INVALID_TILE && HasCrossingReservation(crossing) && _settings_client.sound.ambient) SndPlayTileFx(SND_0E_LEVEL_CROSSING, crossing);
/* Always try to extend the reservation when entering a tile. */
/* The new position is the location where we want to stop */
TrainEnterStation(v->First(), r >> VETS_STATION_ID_OFFSET);
} else {
/* Handle signal simulation on tunnel/bridge. */
TileIndex old_tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
if (old_tile != gp.new_tile && IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(v->tile) && (v->IsFrontEngine() || v->Next() == NULL)) {
if (old_tile == v->tile) {
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && v->force_proceed == 0 && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExitOnly(v->tile)) goto invalid_rail;
/* Entered wormhole set counters. */
v->wait_counter = (TILE_SIZE * - TILE_SIZE;
v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num = 0;
uint distance = v->wait_counter;
bool leaving = false;
if (distance == 0) v->wait_counter = (TILE_SIZE *;
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
/* Check if track in front is free and see if we can leave wormhole. */
int z = GetSlopePixelZ(gp.x, gp.y) - v->z_pos;
if (IsTileType(gp.new_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && !(abs(z) > 2)) {
if (CheckTrainStayInWormHole(v, gp.new_tile)) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
leaving = true;
} else {
if (IsTooCloseBehindTrain(v, gp.new_tile, v->wait_counter, distance == 0)) {
if (distance == 0) v->wait_counter = 0;
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->vehstatus |= VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
return false;
/* flip signal in front to red on bridges*/
if (distance == 0 && IsBridge(v->tile)) {
SetBridgeEntranceSimulatedSignalState(v->tile, v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num, SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
if (v->Next() == NULL) {
if (v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num > 0 && distance == (TILE_SIZE * - TILE_SIZE) HandleSignalBehindTrain(v, v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num - 2);
if (old_tile == v->tile) {
/* We left ramp into wormhole. */
v->x_pos = gp.x;
v->y_pos = gp.y;
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(old_tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, v->owner);
if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) MarkTileDirtyByTile(old_tile, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
if (distance == 0) v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num++;
v->wait_counter -= TILE_SIZE;
if (leaving) { // Reset counters.
v->force_proceed = 0;
v->wait_counter = 0;
v->tunnel_bridge_signal_num = 0;
update_signal_tunbridge_exit = true;
if (old_tile == gp.new_tile && IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(v->tile) && v->IsFrontEngine()) {
Axis axis = DiagDirToAxis(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(v->tile));
DiagDirection axial_dir = DirToDiagDirAlongAxis(v->direction, axis);
TileIndex next_tile = old_tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(axial_dir);
bool is_exit = false;
if (IsTileType(next_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(next_tile) &&
ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(next_tile)) == axial_dir) {
if (IsBridge(next_tile) && IsBridge(v->tile)) {
// bridge ramp facing towards us
is_exit = true;
} else if (IsTunnel(next_tile) && IsTunnel(v->tile)) {
// tunnel exit at same height
is_exit = (GetTileZ(next_tile) == GetTileZ(v->tile));
if (is_exit) {
if (CheckTrainStayInWormHole(v, next_tile)) {
TrainApproachingLineEnd(v, true, false);
} else if (v->wait_counter == 0) {
if (IsTooCloseBehindTrain(v, next_tile, TILE_SIZE *, true)) {
TrainApproachingLineEnd(v, true, false);
if (IsTileType(gp.new_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && HasBit(VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y), VETS_ENTERED_WORMHOLE)) {
/* Perform look-ahead on tunnel exit. */
if (IsRailCustomBridgeHeadTile(gp.new_tile)) {
enterdir = ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(gp.new_tile));
goto enter_new_tile;
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
TryReserveRailTrack(gp.new_tile, DiagDirToDiagTrack(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(gp.new_tile)));
/* Prevent v->UpdateInclination() being called with wrong parameters.
* This could happen if the train was reversed inside the tunnel/bridge. */
if (gp.old_tile == gp.new_tile) {
gp.old_tile = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(gp.old_tile);
} else {
v->x_pos = gp.x;
v->y_pos = gp.y;
if (HasBit(v->gv_flags, GVF_CHUNNEL_BIT)) {
/* update the Z position of the vehicle */
int old_z = v->UpdateInclination(false, false, true);
if (prev == NULL) {
/* This is the first vehicle in the train */
AffectSpeedByZChange(v, old_z);
if (v->IsDrawn()) v->Vehicle::UpdateViewport(true);
if (update_signal_tunbridge_exit) {
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(gp.new_tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, v->owner);
update_signal_tunbridge_exit = false;
/* update image of train, as well as delta XY */
v->x_pos = gp.x;
v->y_pos = gp.y;
if (v->reverse_distance > 1) {
/* update the Z position of the vehicle */
int old_z = v->UpdateInclination(gp.new_tile != gp.old_tile, false, v->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE);
if (prev == NULL) {
/* This is the first vehicle in the train */
AffectSpeedByZChange(v, old_z);
if (update_signal_tunbridge_exit) {
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(gp.new_tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, v->owner);
update_signal_tunbridge_exit = false;
if (update_signals_crossing) {
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
switch (TrainMovedChangeSignal(v, gp.new_tile, enterdir)) {
/* We are entering a block with PBS signals right now, but
* not through a PBS signal. This means we don't have a
* reservation right now. As a conventional signal will only
* ever be green if no other train is in the block, getting
* a path should always be possible. If the player built
* such a strange network that it is not possible, the train
* will be marked as stuck and the player has to deal with
* the problem. */
if ((!HasReservedTracks(gp.new_tile, v->track) &&
!TryReserveRailTrack(gp.new_tile, FindFirstTrack(v->track))) ||
!TryPathReserve(v)) {
/* We went past a long reserve PBS signal. Try to extend the
* reservation if reserving failed at another LR signal. */
PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v);
CFollowTrackRail ft(v);
if (ft.Follow(origin.tile, origin.trackdir)) {
Trackdir new_td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);
if (HasLongReservePbsSignalOnTrackdir(v, ft.m_new_tile, new_td)) {
ChooseTrainTrack(v, ft.m_new_tile, ft.m_exitdir, TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(ft.m_new_td_bits), true, NULL, false);
/* Signals can only change when the first
* (above) or the last vehicle moves. */
if (v->Next() == NULL) {
TrainMovedChangeSignal(v, gp.old_tile, ReverseDiagDir(enterdir));
if (IsLevelCrossingTile(gp.old_tile)) UpdateLevelCrossing(gp.old_tile);
if (IsTileType(gp.old_tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignals(gp.old_tile) && IsRestrictedSignal(gp.old_tile)) {
const TrackdirBits rev_tracks = TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(GetTrackBits(gp.old_tile)) & DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(ReverseDiagDir(enterdir));
const Trackdir rev_trackdir = FindFirstTrackdir(rev_tracks);
const Track track = TrackdirToTrack(rev_trackdir);
if (HasSignalOnTrack(gp.old_tile, track)) {
const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(gp.old_tile, track);
if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_SLOT_RELEASE_BACK) {
TraceRestrictProgramResult out;
TraceRestrictProgramInput input(gp.old_tile, ReverseTrackdir(rev_trackdir), NULL, NULL);
input.permitted_slot_operations = TRPISP_RELEASE_BACK;
prog->Execute(first, input, out);
/* Do not check on every tick to save some computing time. */
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && v->tick_counter % == 0) CheckNextTrainTile(v);
if (direction_changed) first->tcache.cached_max_curve_speed = first->GetCurveSpeedLimit();
return true;
/* We've reached end of line?? */
if (prev != NULL) return true; //error("Disconnecting train");
if (old_trackbits != INVALID_TRACK_BIT && (v->track ^ old_trackbits) & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
/* Entering/exiting wormhole failed/aborted, back out changes to vehicle direction and track */
v->track = old_trackbits;
v->direction = old_direction;
v->gv_flags = old_gv_flags;
if (reverse) {
v->wait_counter = 0;
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->subspeed = 0;
return false;
static TrackBits GetTrackbitsFromCrashedVehicle(Train *t)
TrackBits train_tbits = t->track;
if (train_tbits & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
/* Vehicle is inside a wormhole, v->track contains no useful value then. */
train_tbits = GetAcrossTunnelBridgeReservationTrackBits(t->tile);
if (train_tbits != TRACK_BIT_NONE) return train_tbits;
/* Pick the first available tunnel/bridge head track which could be reserved */
train_tbits = GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(t->tile);
return train_tbits ^ KillFirstBit(train_tbits);
} else {
return train_tbits;
* Collect trackbits of all crashed train vehicles on a tile
* @param v Vehicle passed from Find/HasVehicleOnPos()
* @param data trackdirbits for the result
* @return NULL to iterate over all vehicles on the tile.
static Vehicle *CollectTrackbitsFromCrashedVehiclesEnum(Vehicle *v, void *data)
TrackBits *trackbits = (TrackBits *)data;
if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) != 0) {
if (Train::From(v)->track != TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
*trackbits |= GetTrackbitsFromCrashedVehicle(Train::From(v));
return NULL;
static void SetSignalledBridgeTunnelGreenIfClear(TileIndex tile, TileIndex end)
if (TunnelBridgeIsFree(tile, end, nullptr, true).Succeeded()) {
auto process_tile = [](TileIndex t) {
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(t)) {
if (IsBridge(t)) {
MarkBridgeDirty(t, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(t) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(t) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(t, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN);
MarkTileDirtyByTile(t, ZOOM_LVL_DRAW_MAP);
* Deletes/Clears the last wagon of a crashed train. It takes the engine of the
* train, then goes to the last wagon and deletes that. Each call to this function
* will remove the last wagon of a crashed train. If this wagon was on a crossing,
* or inside a tunnel/bridge, recalculate the signals as they might need updating
* @param v the Vehicle of which last wagon is to be removed
static void DeleteLastWagon(Train *v)
Train *first = v->First();
/* Go to the last wagon and delete the link pointing there
* *u is then the one-before-last wagon, and *v the last
* one which will physically be removed */
Train *u = v;
for (; v->Next() != NULL; v = v->Next()) u = v;
if (first != v) {
/* Recalculate cached train properties */
/* Update the depot window if the first vehicle is in depot -
* if v == first, then it is updated in PreDestructor() */
if (first->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, first->tile);
v->last_station_visited = first->last_station_visited; // for PreDestructor
/* 'v' shouldn't be accessed after it has been deleted */
const TrackBits orig_trackbits = v->track;
TrackBits trackbits = GetTrackbitsFromCrashedVehicle(v);
const TileIndex tile = v->tile;
const Owner owner = v->owner;
delete v;
v = NULL; // make sure nobody will try to read 'v' anymore
Track track = TrackBitsToTrack(trackbits);
if (HasReservedTracks(tile, trackbits)) {
UnreserveRailTrack(tile, track);
/* If there are still crashed vehicles on the tile, give the track reservation to them */
TrackBits remaining_trackbits = TRACK_BIT_NONE;
FindVehicleOnPos(tile, &remaining_trackbits, CollectTrackbitsFromCrashedVehiclesEnum);
/* It is important that these two are the first in the loop, as reservation cannot deal with every trackbit combination */
Track t;
FOR_EACH_SET_TRACK(t, remaining_trackbits) TryReserveRailTrack(tile, t);
/* check if the wagon was on a road/rail-crossing */
if (IsLevelCrossingTile(tile)) UpdateLevelCrossing(tile);
/* Update signals */
if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(tile)) {
TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(end, INVALID_DIAGDIR, owner);
SetSignalledBridgeTunnelGreenIfClear(tile, end);
if ((orig_trackbits & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) || IsRailDepotTile(tile)) {
UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, owner);
} else {
SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, track, owner);
* Rotate all vehicles of a (crashed) train chain randomly to animate the crash.
* @param v First crashed vehicle.
static void ChangeTrainDirRandomly(Train *v)
static const DirDiff delta[] = {
do {
/* We don't need to twist around vehicles if they're not visible */
if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) {
v->direction = ChangeDir(v->direction, delta[GB(Random(), 0, 2)]);
/* Refrain from updating the z position of the vehicle when on
* a bridge, because UpdateInclination() will put the vehicle under
* the bridge in that case */
if (!(v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE)) {
v->UpdateInclination(false, true);
} else {
v->UpdateViewport(false, true);
} while ((v = v->Next()) != NULL);
* Handle a crashed train.
* @param v First train vehicle.
* @return %Vehicle chain still exists.
static bool HandleCrashedTrain(Train *v)
int state = ++v->crash_anim_pos;
if (state == 4 && !(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) {
CreateEffectVehicleRel(v, 4, 4, 8, EV_EXPLOSION_LARGE);
uint32 r;
if (state <= 200 && Chance16R(1, 7, r)) {
int index = (r * 10 >> 16);
Vehicle *u = v;
do {
if (--index < 0) {
r = Random();
GB(r, 8, 3) + 2,
GB(r, 16, 3) + 2,
GB(r, 0, 3) + 5,
} while ((u = u->Next()) != NULL);
if (state <= 240 && !(v->tick_counter & 3)) ChangeTrainDirRandomly(v);
if (state >= 4440 && !(v->tick_counter & 0x1F)) {
bool ret = v->Next() != NULL;
return ret;
return true;
/** Maximum speeds for train that is broken down or approaching line end */
static const uint16 _breakdown_speeds[16] = {
225, 210, 195, 180, 165, 150, 135, 120, 105, 90, 75, 60, 45, 30, 15, 15
* Train is approaching line end, slow down and possibly reverse
* @param v front train engine
* @param signal not line end, just a red signal
* @param reverse Set to false to not execute the vehicle reversing. This does not change any other logic.
* @return true iff we did NOT have to reverse
static bool TrainApproachingLineEnd(Train *v, bool signal, bool reverse)
/* Calc position within the current tile */
uint x = v->x_pos & 0xF;
uint y = v->y_pos & 0xF;
/* for diagonal directions, 'x' will be 0..15 -
* for other directions, it will be 1, 3, 5, ..., 15 */
switch (v->direction) {
case DIR_N : x = ~x + ~y + 25; break;
case DIR_NW: x = y; FALLTHROUGH;
case DIR_NE: x = ~x + 16; break;
case DIR_E : x = ~x + y + 9; break;
case DIR_SE: x = y; break;
case DIR_S : x = x + y - 7; break;
case DIR_W : x = ~y + x + 9; break;
default: break;
/* Do not reverse when approaching red signal. Make sure the vehicle's front
* does not cross the tile boundary when we do reverse, but as the vehicle's
* location is based on their center, use half a vehicle's length as offset.
* Multiply the half-length by two for straight directions to compensate that
* we only get odd x offsets there. */
if (!signal && x + (v->gcache.cached_veh_length + 1) / 2 * (IsDiagonalDirection(v->direction) ? 1 : 2) >= TILE_SIZE) {
/* we are too near the tile end, reverse now */
v->cur_speed = 0;
if (reverse) ReverseTrainDirection(v);
return false;
/* slow down */
v->vehstatus |= VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
uint16 break_speed = _breakdown_speeds[x & 0xF];
if (break_speed < v->cur_speed) v->cur_speed = break_speed;
return true;
* Determines whether train would like to leave the tile
* @param v train to test
* @return true iff vehicle is NOT entering or inside a depot or tunnel/bridge
static bool TrainCanLeaveTile(const Train *v)
/* Exit if inside a tunnel/bridge or a depot */
if (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE || v->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) return false;
TileIndex tile = v->tile;
/* entering a tunnel/bridge? */
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
DiagDirection dir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile);
if (DiagDirToDir(dir) == v->direction) return false;
if (IsRailCustomBridgeHeadTile(tile) && VehicleExitDir(v->direction, v->track) == dir) {
if ( && v->Previous() == NULL && GetTunnelBridgeLength(tile, GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile)) == 0) {
/* Check for 90 degree turn on zero-length bridge span */
if (!(GetCustomBridgeHeadTrackBits(tile) & ~TrackCrossesTracks(FindFirstTrack(v->track)))) return true;
return false;
/* entering a depot? */
if (IsRailDepotTile(tile)) {
DiagDirection dir = ReverseDiagDir(GetRailDepotDirection(tile));
if (DiagDirToDir(dir) == v->direction) return false;
return true;
* Determines whether train is approaching a rail-road crossing
* (thus making it barred)
* @param v front engine of train
* @return TileIndex of crossing the train is approaching, else INVALID_TILE
* @pre v in non-crashed front engine
static TileIndex TrainApproachingCrossingTile(const Train *v)
assert(!(v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED));
if (!TrainCanLeaveTile(v)) return INVALID_TILE;
DiagDirection dir = VehicleExitDir(v->direction, v->track);
TileIndex tile = v->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
/* not a crossing || wrong axis || unusable rail (wrong type or owner) */
if (!IsLevelCrossingTile(tile) || DiagDirToAxis(dir) == GetCrossingRoadAxis(tile) ||
!CheckCompatibleRail(v, tile, dir)) {
return tile;
* Checks for line end. Also, bars crossing at next tile if needed
* @param v vehicle we are checking
* @param reverse Set to false to not execute the vehicle reversing. This does not change any other logic.
* @return true iff we did NOT have to reverse
static bool TrainCheckIfLineEnds(Train *v, bool reverse)
/* First, handle broken down train */
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_BREAKDOWN_BRAKING)) {
v->vehstatus |= VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
} else {
v->vehstatus &= ~VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
if (!TrainCanLeaveTile(v)) return true;
/* Determine the non-diagonal direction in which we will exit this tile */
DiagDirection dir = VehicleExitDir(v->direction, v->track);
/* Calculate next tile */
TileIndex tile = v->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
/* Determine the track status on the next tile */
TrackStatus ts = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0, ReverseDiagDir(dir));
TrackdirBits reachable_trackdirs = DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(dir);
TrackdirBits trackdirbits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(ts) & reachable_trackdirs;
TrackdirBits red_signals = TrackStatusToRedSignals(ts) & reachable_trackdirs;
/* We are sure the train is not entering a depot, it is detected above */
/* mask unreachable track bits if we are forbidden to do 90deg turns */
TrackBits bits = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(trackdirbits);
if (Rail90DegTurnDisallowed(GetTileRailType(v->tile), GetTileRailType(tile))) {
bits &= ~TrackCrossesTracks(FindFirstTrack(v->track));
/* no suitable trackbits at all || unusable rail (wrong type or owner) */
if (bits == TRACK_BIT_NONE || !CheckCompatibleRail(v, tile, dir)) {
return TrainApproachingLineEnd(v, false, reverse);
/* approaching red signal */
if ((trackdirbits & red_signals) != 0) return TrainApproachingLineEnd(v, true, reverse);
/* approaching a rail/road crossing? then make it red */
if (IsLevelCrossingTile(tile)) MaybeBarCrossingWithSound(tile);
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL &&
IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
return TrainApproachingLineEnd(v, true, reverse);
return true;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* Calculate the summed up value of all parts of a train */
Money Train::CalculateCurrentOverallValue() const
Money ovr_value = 0;
const Train *v = this;
do {
ovr_value += v->value;
} while ((v = v->GetNextVehicle()) != NULL);
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
return ovr_value;
static bool TrainLocoHandler(Train *v, bool mode)
/* train has crashed? */
if (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) {
return mode ? true : HandleCrashedTrain(v); // 'this' can be deleted here
if (v->force_proceed != TFP_NONE) {
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
/* train is broken down? */
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_CONSIST_BREAKDOWN) && HandlePossibleBreakdowns(v)) return true;
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_REVERSING) && v->cur_speed == 0) {
/* exit if train is stopped */
if ((v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) && v->cur_speed == 0) return true;
bool valid_order = !v->current_order.IsType(OT_NOTHING) && v->current_order.GetType() != OT_CONDITIONAL;
if (ProcessOrders(v) && CheckReverseTrain(v)) {
v->wait_counter = 0;
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->subspeed = 0;
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_LEAVING_STATION);
return true;
} else if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_LEAVING_STATION)) {
/* Try to reserve a path when leaving the station as we
* might not be marked as wanting a reservation, e.g.
* when an overlength train gets turned around in a station. */
DiagDirection dir = VehicleExitDir(v->direction, v->track);
if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile) || IsTileType(v->tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) dir = INVALID_DIAGDIR;
if (UpdateSignalsOnSegment(v->tile, dir, v->owner) == SIGSEG_PBS || {
TryPathReserve(v, true, true);
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_LEAVING_STATION);
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) return true;
if (CheckTrainStayInDepot(v)) return true;
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_WAITING) && v->reverse_distance == 0) {
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_WAITING)) return true;
if (!mode) v->ShowVisualEffect();
/* We had no order but have an order now, do look ahead. */
if (!valid_order && !v->current_order.IsType(OT_NOTHING)) {
/* Handle stuck trains. */
if (!mode && HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK)) {
/* Should we try reversing this tick if still stuck? */
bool turn_around = v->wait_counter % ( * DAY_TICKS) == 0 &&;
if (!turn_around && v->wait_counter % != 0 && v->force_proceed == TFP_NONE) return true;
if (!TryPathReserve(v)) {
/* Still stuck. */
if (turn_around) ReverseTrainDirection(v);
if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK) && v->wait_counter > 2 * * DAY_TICKS) {
/* Show message to player. */
if (_settings_client.gui.lost_vehicle_warn && v->owner == _local_company) {
SetDParam(0, v->index);
AddVehicleAdviceNewsItem(STR_NEWS_TRAIN_IS_STUCK, v->index);
v->wait_counter = 0;
/* Exit if force proceed not pressed, else reset stuck flag anyway. */
if (v->force_proceed == TFP_NONE) return true;
ClrBit(v->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK);
v->wait_counter = 0;
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LEAVESTATION)) {
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
return true;
int j = v->UpdateSpeed();
/* we need to invalidate the widget if we are stopping from 'Stopping 0 km/h' to 'Stopped' */
if (v->cur_speed == 0 && (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED)) {
/* If we manually stopped, we're not force-proceeding anymore. */
v->force_proceed = TFP_NONE;
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index);
int adv_spd = v->GetAdvanceDistance();
if (j < adv_spd) {
/* if the vehicle has speed 0, update the last_speed field. */
if (v->cur_speed == 0) v->SetLastSpeed();
} else {
/* Loop until the train has finished moving. */
for (;;) {
j -= adv_spd;
TrainController(v, NULL);
/* Don't continue to move if the train crashed. */
if (CheckTrainCollision(v)) break;
/* Determine distance to next map position */
adv_spd = v->GetAdvanceDistance();
/* No more moving this tick */
if (j < adv_spd || v->cur_speed == 0) break;
OrderType order_type = v->current_order.GetType();
/* Do not skip waypoints (incl. 'via' stations) when passing through at full speed. */
if ((order_type == OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT || order_type == OT_GOTO_STATION) &&
(v->current_order.GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) &&
IsTileType(v->tile, MP_STATION) &&
v->current_order.GetDestination() == GetStationIndex(v->tile)) {
for (Train *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (!(u->IsDrawn())) continue;
u->UpdateViewport(false, false);
if (v->progress == 0) v->progress = j; // Save unused spd for next time, if TrainController didn't set progress
return true;
* Get running cost for the train consist.
* @return Yearly running costs.
Money Train::GetRunningCost() const
Money cost = 0;
const Train *v = this;
do {
const Engine *e = v->GetEngine();
if (e->u.rail.running_cost_class == INVALID_PRICE) continue;
uint cost_factor = GetVehicleProperty(v, PROP_TRAIN_RUNNING_COST_FACTOR, e->u.rail.running_cost);
if (cost_factor == 0) continue;
/* Halve running cost for multiheaded parts */
if (v->IsMultiheaded()) cost_factor /= 2;
cost += GetPrice(e->u.rail.running_cost_class, cost_factor, e->GetGRF());
} while ((v = v->GetNextVehicle()) != NULL);
return cost;
* Update train vehicle data for a tick.
* @return True if the vehicle still exists, false if it has ceased to exist (front of consists only).
bool Train::Tick()
if (this->IsFrontEngine()) {
if (!(this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) || this->cur_speed > 0) this->running_ticks++;
if (!TrainLocoHandler(this, false)) return false;
return TrainLocoHandler(this, true);
} else if (this->IsFreeWagon() && (this->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) {
/* Delete flooded standalone wagon chain */
if (++this->crash_anim_pos >= 4400) {
delete this;
return false;
return true;
* Check whether a train needs service, and if so, find a depot or service it.
* @return v %Train to check.
static void CheckIfTrainNeedsService(Train *v)
if (Company::Get(v->owner)->settings.vehicle.servint_trains == 0 || !v->NeedsAutomaticServicing()) return;
if (v->IsChainInDepot()) {
uint max_penalty;
switch ( {
case VPF_NPF: max_penalty =; break;
case VPF_YAPF: max_penalty =; break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
FindDepotData tfdd = FindClosestTrainDepot(v, max_penalty);
/* Only go to the depot if it is not too far out of our way. */
if (tfdd.best_length == UINT_MAX || tfdd.best_length > max_penalty) {
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)) {
/* If we were already heading for a depot but it has
* suddenly moved farther away, we continue our normal
* schedule? */
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
DepotID depot = GetDepotIndex(tfdd.tile);
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) &&
v->current_order.GetDestination() != depot &&
!Chance16(3, 16)) {
v->current_order.MakeGoToDepot(depot, ODTFB_SERVICE);
v->dest_tile = tfdd.tile;
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
/** Update day counters of the train vehicle. */
void Train::OnNewDay()
if ((++this->day_counter & 7) == 0) DecreaseVehicleValue(this);
if (this->IsFrontEngine()) {
/* update destination */
if (this->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION)) {
TileIndex tile = Station::Get(this->current_order.GetDestination())->train_station.tile;
if (tile != INVALID_TILE) this->dest_tile = tile;
if (this->running_ticks != 0) {
/* running costs */
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN, this->GetRunningCost() * this->running_ticks / (DAYS_IN_YEAR * DAY_TICKS));
/* sharing fee */
this->profit_this_year -= cost.GetCost();
this->running_ticks = 0;
SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(this->owner, cost);
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, this->index);
if (IsEngine() || IsMultiheaded()) {
* Get the tracks of the train vehicle.
* @return Current tracks of the vehicle.
Trackdir Train::GetVehicleTrackdir() const
if (this->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) return INVALID_TRACKDIR;
if (this->track == TRACK_BIT_DEPOT) {
/* We'll assume the train is facing outwards */
return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(GetRailDepotDirection(this->tile)); // Train in depot
if (this->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
/* Train in tunnel or on bridge, so just use his direction and make an educated guess
* given the track bits on the tunnel/bridge head tile.
* If a reachable track piece is reserved, use that, otherwise use the first reachable track piece.
TrackBits tracks = GetAcrossTunnelBridgeReservationTrackBits(this->tile);
if (!tracks) tracks = GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(this->tile);
Trackdir td = TrackExitdirToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(tracks), GetTunnelBridgeDirection(this->tile));
if (GetTunnelBridgeDirection(this->tile) != DirToDiagDir(this->direction)) td = ReverseTrackdir(td);
return td;
} else if (this->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
return TrackDirectionToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(this->track & TRACK_BIT_MASK), this->direction);
return TrackDirectionToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(this->track), this->direction);
* Delete a train while it is visible.
* This happens when a company bankrupts when infrastructure sharing is enabled.
* @param v The train to delete.
void DeleteVisibleTrain(Train *v)
SCOPE_INFO_FMT([v], "DeleteVisibleTrain: %s", scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(v));
TileIndex crossing = TrainApproachingCrossingTile(v);
/* delete train from back to front */
Train *u;
Train *prev = v->Last();
do {
u = prev;
prev = u->Previous();
if (prev != NULL) prev->SetNext(NULL);
/* 'u' shouldn't be accessed after it has been deleted */
TileIndex tile = u->tile;
TrackBits trackbits = u->track;
bool in_wormhole = trackbits & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE;
delete u;
if (in_wormhole) {
/* Vehicle is inside a wormhole, u->track contains no useful value then. */
if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(tile)) {
TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
AddSideToSignalBuffer(end, INVALID_DIAGDIR, GetTileOwner(tile));
SetSignalledBridgeTunnelGreenIfClear(tile, end);
} else {
Track track = TrackBitsToTrack(trackbits);
if (HasReservedTracks(tile, trackbits)) UnreserveRailTrack(tile, track);
if (IsLevelCrossingTile(tile)) UpdateLevelCrossing(tile);
/* Update signals */
if (in_wormhole || IsRailDepotTile(tile)) {
AddSideToSignalBuffer(tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, GetTileOwner(tile));
} else {
AddTrackToSignalBuffer(tile, TrackBitsToTrack(trackbits), GetTileOwner(tile));
} while (prev != NULL);
if (crossing != INVALID_TILE) UpdateLevelCrossing(crossing);
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
/* Get the pixel-width of the image that is used for the train vehicle
* @return: the image width number in pixel
int GetDisplayImageWidth(Train *t, Point *offset)
int vehicle_pitch = 0;
const Engine *e = Engine::Get(t->engine_type);
if (e->grf_prop.grffile != NULL && is_custom_sprite(e->u.rail.image_index)) {
reference_width = e->grf_prop.grffile->traininfo_vehicle_width;
vehicle_pitch = e->grf_prop.grffile->traininfo_vehicle_pitch;
if (offset != NULL) {
offset->x = reference_width / 2;
offset->y = vehicle_pitch;
return t->gcache.cached_veh_length * reference_width / VEHICLE_LENGTH;
Train* CmdBuildVirtualRailWagon(const Engine *e)
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = &e->u.rail;
Train *v = new Train();
v->x_pos = 0;
v->y_pos = 0;
v->spritenum = rvi->image_index;
v->engine_type = e->index;
v->gcache.first_engine = INVALID_ENGINE; // needs to be set before first callback
v->direction = DIR_W;
v->tile = 0; // INVALID_TILE;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
v->owner = _current_company;
v->track = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_DEFPAL;
v->cargo_type = e->GetDefaultCargoType();
v->cargo_cap = rvi->capacity;
v->railtype = rvi->railtype;
v->build_year = _cur_year;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
v->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits();
v->group_id = DEFAULT_GROUP;
// Make sure we set EVERYTHING to virtual, even articulated parts.
for (Train* train_part = v; train_part != NULL; train_part = train_part->Next()) {
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
_new_vehicle_id = v->index;
v->UpdateViewport(true, false);
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
return v;
Train* CmdBuildVirtualRailVehicle(EngineID eid, bool lax_engine_check, StringID &error)
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
if (lax_engine_check) {
const Engine *e = Engine::GetIfValid(eid);
if (e == NULL || e->type != VEH_TRAIN) {
return NULL;
} else {
if (!IsEngineBuildable(eid, VEH_TRAIN, _current_company)) {
return NULL;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
const Engine* e = Engine::Get(eid);
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = &e->u.rail;
int num_vehicles = (e->u.rail.railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD ? 2 : 1) + CountArticulatedParts(eid, false);
if (!Train::CanAllocateItem(num_vehicles)) {
return NULL;
if (rvi->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) {
return CmdBuildVirtualRailWagon(e);
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
Train *v = new Train();
v->x_pos = 0;
v->y_pos = 0;
v->direction = DIR_W;
v->tile = 0; // INVALID_TILE;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
v->owner = _current_company;
v->track = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED | VS_DEFPAL;
v->spritenum = rvi->image_index;
v->cargo_type = e->GetDefaultCargoType();
v->cargo_cap = rvi->capacity;
v->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION;
v->engine_type = e->index;
v->gcache.first_engine = INVALID_ENGINE; // needs to be set before first callback
v->reliability = e->reliability;
v->reliability_spd_dec = e->reliability_spd_dec;
v->max_age = e->GetLifeLengthInDays();
v->railtype = rvi->railtype;
_new_vehicle_id = v->index;
v->build_year = _cur_year;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
v->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits();
v->group_id = DEFAULT_GROUP;
if (rvi->railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD) {
} else {
// Make sure we set EVERYTHING to virtual, even articulated parts.
for (Train* train_part = v; train_part != NULL; train_part = train_part->Next()) {
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
return v;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
* Build a virtual train vehicle.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 the engine ID to build
* @param p2 unused
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildVirtualRailVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
EngineID eid = p1;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
if (!IsEngineBuildable(eid, VEH_TRAIN, _current_company)) {
bool should_execute = (flags & DC_EXEC) != 0;
if (should_execute) {
Train* train = CmdBuildVirtualRailVehicle(eid, false, err);
if (train == NULL) {
if (text && text[0] == 'R') {
CargoID cargo = text[1];
if (cargo >= NUM_CARGO) return CMD_ERROR;
CargoID default_cargo = Engine::Get(eid)->GetDefaultCargoType();
if (default_cargo != cargo) {
CommandCost refit_res = CmdRefitVehicle(tile, flags, train->index, cargo | (1 << 5), NULL);
if (!refit_res.Succeeded()) return refit_res;
return CommandCost();
* Replace a vehicle based on a template replacement order.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 the ID of the vehicle to replace.
* @param p2 whether the vehicle should stay in the depot.
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdTemplateReplaceVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
VehicleID vehicle_id = p1;
Vehicle* vehicle = Vehicle::GetIfValid(vehicle_id);
if (vehicle == NULL || vehicle->type != VEH_TRAIN) {
return CMD_ERROR;
bool should_execute = (flags & DC_EXEC) != 0;
if (!should_execute) {
return CommandCost();
Train* incoming = Train::From(vehicle);
bool stayInDepot = p2 != 0;
Train *new_chain = NULL;
Train *remainder_chain = NULL;
Train *tmp_chain = NULL;
TemplateVehicle *tv = GetTemplateVehicleByGroupID(incoming->group_id);
if (tv == NULL) {
return CMD_ERROR;
EngineID eid = tv->engine_type;
_new_vehicle_id = p1;
CommandCost move_cost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES);
CommandCost tmp_result(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES);
/* first some tests on necessity and sanity */
if (tv == NULL) return buy;
if (tv->IsReplaceOldOnly() && !vehicle->NeedsAutorenewing(Company::Get(vehicle->owner), false)) {
if (!stayInDepot) incoming->vehstatus &= ~VS_STOPPED;
return buy;
bool need_replacement = !TrainMatchesTemplate(incoming, tv);
bool need_refit = !TrainMatchesTemplateRefit(incoming, tv);
bool use_refit = tv->refit_as_template;
CargoID store_refit_ct = CT_INVALID;
short store_refit_csubt = 0;
// if a train shall keep its old refit, store the refit setting of its first vehicle
if (!use_refit) {
for (Train *getc = incoming; getc != NULL; getc = getc->GetNextUnit()) {
if (getc->cargo_type != CT_INVALID) {
store_refit_ct = getc->cargo_type;
// TODO: set result status to success/no success before returning
if (!need_replacement) {
if (!need_refit || !use_refit) {
/* before returning, release incoming train first if 2nd param says so */
if (!stayInDepot) incoming->vehstatus &= ~VS_STOPPED;
return buy;
} else {
CommandCost buyCost = TestBuyAllTemplateVehiclesInChain(tv, tile);
if (!buyCost.Succeeded() || !CheckCompanyHasMoney(buyCost)) {
if (!stayInDepot) incoming->vehstatus &= ~VS_STOPPED;
if (!buyCost.Succeeded() && buyCost.GetErrorMessage() != INVALID_STRING_ID) {
return buyCost;
} else {
/* define replacement behavior */
bool reuseDepot = tv->IsSetReuseDepotVehicles();
bool keepRemainders = tv->IsSetKeepRemainingVehicles();
if (need_replacement) {
// step 1: generate primary for newchain and generate remainder_chain
// 1. primary of incoming might already fit the template
// leave incoming's primary as is and move the rest to a free chain = remainder_chain
// 2. needed primary might be one of incoming's member vehicles
// 3. primary might be available as orphan vehicle in the depot
// 4. we need to buy a new engine for the primary
// all options other than 1. need to make sure to copy incoming's primary's status
if (eid == incoming->engine_type) { // 1
new_chain = incoming;
remainder_chain = incoming->GetNextUnit();
if (remainder_chain) {
move_cost.AddCost(CmdMoveRailVehicle(tile, flags, remainder_chain->index | (1 << 20), INVALID_VEHICLE, 0));
} else if ((tmp_chain = ChainContainsEngine(eid, incoming)) && tmp_chain != NULL) { // 2
// new_chain is the needed engine, move it to an empty spot in the depot
new_chain = tmp_chain;
move_cost.AddCost(DoCommand(tile, new_chain->index, INVALID_VEHICLE, flags, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE));
remainder_chain = incoming;
} else if (reuseDepot && (tmp_chain = DepotContainsEngine(tile, eid, incoming)) && tmp_chain != NULL) { // 3
new_chain = tmp_chain;
move_cost.AddCost(DoCommand(tile, new_chain->index, INVALID_VEHICLE, flags, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE));
remainder_chain = incoming;
} else { // 4
tmp_result = DoCommand(tile, eid, 0, flags, CMD_BUILD_VEHICLE);
/* break up in case buying the vehicle didn't succeed */
if (!tmp_result.Succeeded()) {
return tmp_result;
new_chain = Train::Get(_new_vehicle_id);
/* make sure the newly built engine is not attached to any free wagons inside the depot */
move_cost.AddCost(DoCommand(tile, new_chain->index, INVALID_VEHICLE, flags, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE));
/* prepare the remainder chain */
remainder_chain = incoming;
// If we bought a new engine or reused one from the depot, copy some parameters from the incoming primary engine
if (incoming != new_chain && flags == DC_EXEC) {
CopyHeadSpecificThings(incoming, new_chain, flags);
// additionally, if we don't want to use the template refit, refit as incoming
// the template refit will be set further down, if we use it at all
if (!use_refit) {
uint32 cb = GetCmdRefitVeh(new_chain);
DoCommand(new_chain->tile, new_chain->index, store_refit_ct | store_refit_csubt << 8 | (1 << 16) | (1 << 31), flags, cb);
// step 2: fill up newchain according to the template
// foreach member of template (after primary):
// 1. needed engine might be within remainder_chain already
// 2. needed engine might be orphaned within the depot (copy status)
// 3. we need to buy (again) (copy status)
TemplateVehicle *cur_tmpl = tv->GetNextUnit();
Train *last_veh = new_chain;
while (cur_tmpl) {
// 1. engine contained in remainder chain
if ((tmp_chain = ChainContainsEngine(cur_tmpl->engine_type, remainder_chain)) && tmp_chain != NULL) {
// advance remainder_chain (if necessary) to not lose track of it
if (tmp_chain == remainder_chain) {
remainder_chain = remainder_chain->GetNextUnit();
move_cost.AddCost(CmdMoveRailVehicle(tile, flags, tmp_chain->index, last_veh->index, 0));
// 2. engine contained somewhere else in the depot
else if (reuseDepot && (tmp_chain = DepotContainsEngine(tile, cur_tmpl->engine_type, new_chain)) && tmp_chain != NULL) {
move_cost.AddCost(CmdMoveRailVehicle(tile, flags, tmp_chain->index, last_veh->index, 0));
// 3. must buy new engine
else {
tmp_result = DoCommand(tile, cur_tmpl->engine_type, 0, flags, CMD_BUILD_VEHICLE);
if (!tmp_result.Succeeded()) {
return tmp_result;
tmp_chain = Train::Get(_new_vehicle_id);
move_cost.AddCost(CmdMoveRailVehicle(tile, flags, tmp_chain->index, last_veh->index, 0));
// TODO: is this enough ? might it be that we bought a new wagon here and it now has std refit ?
if (need_refit && flags == DC_EXEC) {
if (use_refit) {
uint32 cb = GetCmdRefitVeh(tmp_chain);
DoCommand(tmp_chain->tile, tmp_chain->index, cur_tmpl->cargo_type | (cur_tmpl->cargo_subtype << 8) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 31), flags, cb);
} else {
uint32 cb = GetCmdRefitVeh(tmp_chain);
DoCommand(tmp_chain->tile, tmp_chain->index, store_refit_ct | (store_refit_csubt << 8) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 31), flags, cb);
cur_tmpl = cur_tmpl->GetNextUnit();
last_veh = tmp_chain;
/* no replacement done */
else {
new_chain = incoming;
/// step 3: reorder and neutralize the remaining vehicles from incoming
// wagons remaining from remainder_chain should be filled up in as few freewagonchains as possible
// each locos might be left as singular in the depot
// neutralize each remaining engine's status
// refit, only if the template option is set so
if (use_refit && (need_refit || need_replacement)) {
CmdRefitTrainFromTemplate(new_chain, tv, flags);
if (new_chain && remainder_chain) {
for (Train *ct = remainder_chain; ct; ct = ct->GetNextUnit()) {
TransferCargoForTrain(ct, new_chain);
// point incoming to the newly created train so that starting/stopping from the calling function can be done
incoming = new_chain;
if (!stayInDepot && flags == DC_EXEC) {
new_chain->vehstatus &= ~VS_STOPPED;
if (remainder_chain && keepRemainders && flags == DC_EXEC) {
} else if (remainder_chain) {
buy.AddCost(DoCommand(tile, remainder_chain->index | (1 << 20), 0, flags, CMD_SELL_VEHICLE));
/* Redraw main gui for changed statistics */
_new_vehicle_id = new_chain->index;
return buy;
Squashed commit of the following: commit b17f39a2016dc11a6a9815f398d690d82a6a59aa Merge: 67b3190 3bb7c47 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:44:34 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'merge/trunk27506' into dev commit 3bb7c4768580198b7316bfeebc4b870d355439e8 Merge: 14929fe 9db36bd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Feb 12 19:43:53 2016 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'openttd/master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 14929fe3536e2aa5b4d6a43d0d55043da7a2f252 Merge: af15609 4b8c698 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Feb 10 22:14:25 2016 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into merge/trunk27506 commit 67b319060b4b88b72c94b0e0c2c9fdcf1c2fd95d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 20:17:13 2015 +0100 removed 2 unused function calls commit af15609c938eb388dd507b16fb7b6d547c54c2da Merge: 5465c88 b251ba3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Feb 28 15:12:33 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'trunk' into merge_trunk commit 5465c88c8016c5e7910570ab5795222e8348c703 Author: me <> Date: Sat Feb 28 10:59:41 2015 +0100 regenerated MSVS project files forgot to do this, they still retained the old filenames commit 0391455e29c5ed794fcd0f58c63ff98dc52685ac Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:53:05 2015 +0100 removed the patch files from this repo again that was a rather dum idea, it made the difference patch between branches trunk and tbtr huge. the patch files are now being tracked again in the supplimentary repo 'tbtr_proj', that will keep this fork clean and creating diff-patches will be much easier commit 8395d40386c8d620c90fb4be66cf6679408ac975 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 16:27:40 2015 +0100 fix for reported bug by DC-1: crash in station gui the template gui item was added to the drop-down list that was also shown in a station gui, but there was no action present when this item was selected in a station gui. per default the game would commit suicide by called NOT_REACHED() at the default case of the according switch-statement. commit 833873245d33bd77105a82a584d9bec2362419bc Merge: 39596be 8688c95 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:08:53 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_disableTemplateOrderCheck' into tbtr commit 8688c95a01ed5933a35a08597bbf45ff148f5a67 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Feb 26 15:06:25 2015 +0100 added fix by DC-1 don't check the orders list of a virtual vehicle commit 39596beff9a815a0f9b2ea3abe5d82c3ec5933e7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:47:58 2015 +0100 added history of patches for the mod commit b3ae74ac4e9143202a1fda1333a91c3716ebb21e Merge: 9a601a1 ee756e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 22 10:03:04 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'tbtr' into merge_tbtr commit ee756e1c2229534f1cc05edb97269b0c83ddde66 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 22:25:50 2015 +0100 removed nonsensical comments + disabled code commit e7d37f0500c56c84a36ce8b93eafb31f800e1086 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:30:38 2015 +0100 added some missing renames in includes commit 63c2b13766b077e4f2923f321e95d53356dee2db Merge: e92e6ba 9752606 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Feb 17 21:22:11 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_renameFiles' into merge_renameFiles Conflicts: src/tbtr_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp commit 975260643d212f8cac72485f2011011210622849 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Feb 9 22:11:18 2015 +0100 replaced source file prefix: aaa -> tbtr commit e92e6ba7089564886d17dd5c1fd8d85ea0ca4ac7 Merge: 62d2f80 ac16eab Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 15:02:19 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'rm_TODOs' into dev Conflicts: src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp commit 62d2f809edf170cfbeb0599822c4c3d4f9a1fefe Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:59:36 2015 +0100 i++ -> ++i commit ac16eabc082f62b9fe2ef6c11a314f8e9a28c26b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:34:36 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODOs commit 22f642f32265882b8f99b409b517823991c08101 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:49 2015 +0100 rm TODO yes, depends on the selected template because the button "Start replacing" means, to start the replacement for the currently selected group and template (create a templatereplacement object for this combination) commit 60d8192838e340a3cf6899979361c997df73b716 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 14:17:26 2015 +0100 rm'ed TODO: included task in TODO-list commit 39e42674ac9f5ad5dd056b613e80ef4e754c1153 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Feb 8 11:19:36 2015 +0100 changed window class in use: WC_NONE -> WC_TEMPLATE_GUI_MAIN commit cadfac96e21aeb862b75e0454197ddce89fb728c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 26 23:18:29 2015 +0100 removed a weird call to deleteAllTmplReplacements was a TODO task, it was set to delete all template replacements belonging to group with id -1, which does not exist, ever commit dc1058464c29f61b6197dec556ec468d1ff38451 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 23:27:03 2015 +0100 removed some TODOs commit 7afeb17db512600424039099a0f4bd78882fcd8e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 25 11:35:47 2015 +0100 removed all MYGUI comments tried to replace them with useful comments where necessary added a few new TODOs here and there commit 6b9453224a77811062254e6bce7dac4074b829a8 Merge: 292a5aa 687bc4c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:47:06 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'fix_compiler_warnings' into dev commit 687bc4c34fbb9ddeaf15b4857b235a9709dd85be Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 20:43:26 2015 +0100 fixed all remaining warnings commit ada08d7097772e325b7852fd058d8bad7036ae4d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 18:25:45 2015 +0100 removed testing code that produced a warning commit f3b1568384f36998aeb1fa51c1fab4cfb96c7f93 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:07:34 2015 +0100 removed unused variable REPLACEMENT_IN_PROGRESS commit 5aa9098880070cfaa3d2815f445497b2886933f9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 18 00:02:43 2015 +0100 removed variable 'mode' from ClickedOnVehicle() member function of class TemplateCreateWindow in the depot gui the mode variable is used to decide whether a vehicle is started or dragged or ... here, we only drag so the mode is never used commit 292a5aa9dba9cf1d0003e84055fb95357f922454 Merge: 8f6df8c 2bb12bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:41:29 2015 +0100 Merge branch 'feat_mergePatch0.4c' into dev commit 2bb12bcf283cccc8869bf537b79b22f479cb7203 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Jan 14 23:32:04 2015 +0100 added vi's .swp files to .gitignore commit aecf6f549b32f92342f8e0b65158bebef6270537 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Jan 13 20:15:25 2015 +0100 corrected UpdateViewport code was VehicleUpdateViewport(Vehicle*, bool) before is Vehicle::UpdateViewport(bool, bool) now commit ae199283fd5ac0199cef1c4c980561122d030199 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Mon Jan 12 22:34:22 2015 +0100 updated code for EngineNumberSorter commit 9735035c6dd4ded9bb76958722dc25e26ced5f05 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 11 18:36:17 2015 +0100 removed unused parameter 'part_of_chain' from cargo movement code commit b8b86e1f2592288ddcfb46a0a5d81c3257da60d3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Jan 4 21:44:17 2015 +0100 Reimplemented moving of cargo - uses the new shift function - manages to spread the old cargo of replaced vehicles from a chain across the memebers of the newly constructed chain some TODOs are left within the code and some testing needs to be done, how this behaves when there is more than one vehicle being replaced commit 0d76e1bfe10ef207ac5e4018976e9fba0b0bb25e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sat Jan 3 01:05:54 2015 +0100 fixed saveload code for TemplateVehicle commit ba0ea6975f48fe38c2b5376ebc83c23d6bb6151c Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:32:23 2015 +0100 final changes for the merge - removed the WDF_UNLICK_BUTTON - updated ctor calls to Window() - disabled the engine number sorter commit 9cc213335046b3febfe6649fde40b00e1bb43d5b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:29:03 2015 +0100 disabled cargo movement during templrpl need to reimplement this step since the cargo is now moved packet-by-packet and not as a complete list from a vehicle onto another vehicle anymore commit 39743806d0156f8547670c525af0e59083dbcd49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 11:16:54 2015 +0100 replaced cargo function 'Count' - not available anymore: VehicleCargoList::Count() - using StoredCount() for now, should check if this is the correct count commit 9b240bbf9b2ee5659bbcb518e9e2767103861254 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:27:56 2015 +0100 final corrections for template_gui_create_virtualtrain commit cf0d48d8fa052ff521e1fac0ec75d75107c9b76e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:20:30 2015 +0100 disbabled usage of not-anymore-existing newgrf_engine.h::ListPositionOfEngine commit 81da16b7f0c3ea2417b24707329d1d971a67e82e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:53 2015 +0100 fixed typo in value WID_BV_SORT_ASSENDING_DESCENDING commit c8f81a5c3df5ccf4858bda64a53979af510ccd87 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 01:09:25 2015 +0100 create_virtual_train: uint GetEngineListHeight not static commit bd29d99f80bd824e28104f3bc839fc2a5abdd297 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:57:25 2015 +0100 template_gui_create: static WindowDesc not const commit edee9c1c544845459102328209b98d424cfd3248 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Fri Jan 2 00:44:50 2015 +0100 updated call to Window::FinishInitNested commit 25fc3cb7ed6db15f42bd3fdff9506621fbba3d72 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 23:56:48 2015 +0100 updated ctor calls for classes derived from Window - first param in the constructor used to be const WindowDesc*, now it is WindowDesc* commit 54d710170f1ce9cf5539cd525744ca61f4089e7b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Thu Jan 1 02:50:29 2015 +0100 updated constr calls to WindowDesc::WindowDesc need a const char* at 2nd pos now commit 7c954141f00666dec4c9559019a1a4af3b452372 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle.cpp commit aa12720049a3dfb1c2e02d453813bd567b67ff60 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:22:54 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,4,5/6) commit 2b8e70f15478072264f1e063418f8de0744a98e1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:13:29 2014 +0100 applied patch train_cmd.cpp (failed hunk 1/8) commit 47499523bf1ed0cce5fdf6cc2a7102e571dcb07d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:07:00 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_engine.cpp commit 7a40c62a7b5ab8059981270252a7def69eacb7d7 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 02:02:52 2014 +0100 applied patch vehicle_cmd.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/3) commit 277839abd8cb7eb277e4ed6cb72e0f3da5b7e479 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:56:35 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.h (failed hunk 1/1) commit 7b64c87ad3dede6442a88dafa5aa8a6a3e0db812 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:53:56 2014 +0100 applied patch group_gui.cpp (failed hunks 2,3/4) commit 8075261c526004e21534fa0ab80429132d5f634b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:46:24 2014 +0100 applied patch vehiclelist.cpp (failed hunk 1/2) commit b1c197c0f38e45fb50dad7f7e33f1438b150a34f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Wed Dec 31 01:42:04 2014 +0100 applied patch train.h (failed hunk 1/3) commit 81bfa209e92fa74387420cc85851767d2737c1b0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch viewport.cpp.patch (file src/viewport.cpp) commit 5c083054544eabac9260a75033198c665b169215 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch train_gui.cpp.patch (file src/train_gui.cpp) commit 3c3534621c6b37530035faadfa092d70fed724c9 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch source.list.patch (file source.list) commit 6bbb071431882d4bab43023f7194f96c824e78e5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload_internal.h.patch (file src/saveload/saveload_internal.h) commit 158640eb786cc7867c9e689eb8a92a209e528a83 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch saveload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/saveload.cpp) commit e171ad716c126e98bc045f5ce574ac6161f3ab4f Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs90.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs90.vcproj) commit b77486d89c12a80f73f088759da760abd0af7f49 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs80.vcproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs80.vcproj) commit 57f9c52fc580da51e20bd40f116fe66c9a0f3669 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj) commit bda1f739a415600a7f522b1c7f9ca53fa7713ed3 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters.patch (file projects/openttd_vs100.vcxproj.filters) commit ed96771b03e726e5cb56cac9a8328c3a1e63856b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch newgrf_spritegroup.cpp.patch (file src/newgrf_spritegroup.cpp) commit 3df57e0d855fef5f54be4fd8d25e231a7eb3c3f1 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:10 2014 +0100 applied patch group_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/group_cmd.cpp) commit da31ca4b67d6993f127c6cecac717eb286ead4e6 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch english.txt.patch (file src/lang/english.txt) commit ddc0af7139fccbae4060c70440f17c763e3bba96 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch depot_gui.cpp.patch (file src/depot_gui.cpp) commit 88aca9db192c6a2b92185f56505caf8b91d23ab4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch autoreplace_cmd.cpp.patch (file src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp) commit 45ca80f7c9847ac3afe181a0badeb12bbbd5ed0d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch articulated_vehicles.cpp.patch (file src/articulated_vehicles.cpp) commit 44bd0bf2e77f366b61f96b0f4ca564f2e2e5814a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch afterload.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/afterload.cpp) commit 679f9b327f9d3f3bec327ae0266f289981972c85 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_veh_sl.cpp) commit ebcec221ec7c1988e85ba458283ff362e034e6d5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.h) commit ad690e74b95d2aa07157b73834eef672c63ef901 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.h.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.h) commit 5982153c369432fc694daaa91a06dfefeeb29485 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle_func.cpp) commit 773f889e165b013de96736fa380d5ab5c311b3dd Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_vehicle.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_vehicle.cpp) commit 03af781d69a09863d3b76ee4911e5eecd90a7cf5 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp.patch (file src/saveload/aaa_template_replacement_sl.cpp) commit ab6cb0562fd390d551670dbc27e0c3c94c8554db Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_replaceall.cpp) commit d88452a6195c55e39bceb3ea7689fc546c4eee6a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:43:09 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_main.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_main.cpp) commit ab6ac687f355d400ad9ebc154e75477671a8e0fa Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:42:21 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create_virtualtrain.cpp) commit 288d14b9b145cb045b6a287d23cf3be4f2712ede Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:38:12 2014 +0100 applied patch aaa_template_gui_create.cpp.patch (file src/aaa_template_gui_create.cpp) commit 5342db70e07fb7c1f3c41654abd2c6a4c51472c4 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:32 2014 +0100 applied aaa_* header files commit 6f14e94a0ad715a33a2653cf6c12e1c2981ace8d Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:55 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_base.h.patch commit b76a5ce921fab5d81b60755ce66db71e38664e9b Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:29:28 2014 +0100 applied window_type.h.patch commit d33d738c7e3477de3f12affcc74c88194a61c442 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:30 2014 +0100 applied newgrf_engine.h.patch commit 931fd1143706bc76aa145e1430645cb4496f9f4a Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:27:21 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui.h.patch commit f6c4ab089dad5a4a01401e18cffa8f20e02f733e Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 17:00:52 2014 +0100 applied vehicle_gui_base.h.patch commit 5f7378136758fcc4987791d264856169950cbfe2 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:34:23 2014 +0100 applied build_vehicle_widget.h.patch commit 5c6fc73847a2f34573260721bb68c7b552d546bc Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:10 2014 +0100 applied autoreplace_func.h commit 7636f27011841d01e5f954c855dfa0cf1859e0e0 Author: Thomas Schmidt <> Date: Sun Dec 28 12:01:00 2014 +0100 applied newgrf.h Remove some spurious whitespace changes, update projects files.
9 years ago
void TrainRoadVehicleCrashBreakdown(Vehicle *v)
Train *t = Train::From(v)->First();
t->breakdown_ctr = 2;
t->breakdown_delay = 255;
t->breakdown_type = BREAKDOWN_RV_CRASH;
t->breakdown_severity = 0;
t->reliability = 0;