You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

435 lines
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9 years ago
## English Translation File
## Written by Carl Duff (15-Feb-2016)
# Generic
_UseSpaceBar="Use [Spacebar] to de/select options listed."
_AlreadyInst="Already installed:"
9 years ago
_PlsWaitBody="Please wait..."
_PassReEntBody="Re-enter the password."
9 years ago
_PassErrBody="The passwords entered do not match. Please try again."
9 years ago
# Basics
_SelLang="Select Language"
_NoCon="No Internet Detected."
_EstCon="Establish connection?"
_ApplySet="Apply language settings ..."
_ChMenu="Select Menu"
_ChMenuBody="The Regular Menu will guide you through the installation of a pre-configured Manjaro Environment with some additional choices.\n\nThe Advanced Menu can be used to install unconfigured desktops or Manjaro development profiles and also includes an additional selection of network and multimedia applications and some advanced options for system and security configuration."
9 years ago
# Security and Tweaks
_SecMenuTitle="Security and systemd Tweaks"
_SecJournTitle="Amend journald logging"
_SecCoreTitle="Disable Coredump logging"
_SecKernTitle="Restrict Access to Kernel Logs"
_SecKernBody="Kernel logs may contain information an attacker can use to identify and exploit kernel vulnerabilities, including sensitive memory addresses.\n\nIf systemd-journald logging has not been disabled, it is possible to create a rule in /etc/sysctl.d/ to disable access to these logs unless using root privilages (e.g. via sudo)."
9 years ago
_Edit="Edit configuration file"
_SecMenuBody="A few useful and beginner-friendly tweaks are available to improve system security and performance.\n\nSelecting an option will provide details about it."
_SecJournBody="systemd-journald collects and stores kernel logs, system logs, audit records, and standard outputs and error messages from services.\n\nBy default, a persistent (non-volatile) journal size limit is 10% of the root partition size: a 500G root means a 50G limit to data stored in /var/log/journal. 50M should be sufficent. Logging can also be disabled, although solving system problems may be more difficult."
_SecCoreBody="A core dump is a record of computer memory when a process crashes.\n\nUseful for developers but not the average user, core dumps waste system resources and can also contain sensitive data such as passwords and encryption keys.\n\nThe default systemd behavior is to generate core dumps for all processes in /var/lib/systemd/coredump. This behavior can be overridden by creating a configuration file in the /etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d/ directory."
9 years ago
# btrfs
_btrfsSVTitle="btrfs Subvolumes"
_btrfsSVBody="Create btrfs subvolumes?\n\nAn initial subvolume will be created and then mounted. Other subvolumes branching from this may then be created.\n\nOtherwise you can skip directly to the mounting options."
_btrfsMSubBody1="Enter the name of the initial subvolume to mount (e.g. ROOT). Mounting options may then be selected. Once mounted, all other subvolumes created for"
9 years ago
_btrfsMSubBody2="will branch from it."
_btrfsSVErrBody="Blanks or spaces are not permitted. Please try again."
9 years ago
_btrfsSVBody1="Enter the name of subvolume"
_btrfsSVBody2="to create within"
_btrfsSVBody3="This process will be repeated until an asterisk (*) is entered as the subvolume name.\n\nCreated Subvols:"
9 years ago
_btrfsMntBody="Use [Space] to de/select the desired mount options and review carefully. Please do not select multiple versions of the same option."
_btrfsMntConfBody="Confirm the following mount options:"
9 years ago
# Autopartition
_AutoPartBody1="Warning: ALL data on"
_AutoPartBody2="will be destroyed.\n\nA 512MB boot partition will first be created, followed by a second (root or '/') partition using all remaining space."
_AutoPartBody3="If intending to use SWAP, select the 'Swap File' option when mounting.\n\nDo you wish to continue?"
# Error Messages. All others are generated by BASH.
_ErrNoMount="Partition(s) must be mounted first."
_ErrNoBase="The Manjaro base must be installed first."
_ErrNoKernel="At least one kernel must be selected."
9 years ago
# Vbox Installations
_VBoxInstTitle="VirtualBox Installation"
_VBoxInstBody="If for any reason the VirtualBox guest modules do not load for the installed system (e.g. low resolution and scrollbars after booting), a one-off series of commands will fix this:\n\n$ su\n# depmod -a\n# modprobe -a vboxvideo vboxguest vboxsf\n# reboot"
9 years ago
# Select Config Files
_SeeConfOptTitle="Review Configuration Files"
_SeeConfOptBody="Select any file listed below to be reviewed or amended."
_SeeConfErrBody="File does not exist."
9 years ago
# Pacman
_PrepPacKey="Refresh Pacman Keys"
# LUKS / DM-Crypt / Encryption
_PrepLUKS="LUKS Encryption (optional)"
_LuksMenuBody="Devices and volumes encrypted using dm_crypt cannot be accessed or even seen without being unlocked via a key or password."
_LuksMenuBody2="A seperate boot partition without encryption or logical volume management (LVM - unless using BIOS Grub) is required."
_LuksMenuBody3="The Automatic option uses default encryption settings, and is recommended for beginners. Otherwise, it is possible to specify cypher and key size parameters manually."
9 years ago
_LuksOpen="Open Encrypted Partition"
_LuksOpenBody="Specify a name for the encrypted block device. It is not necessary to prefix it with /dev/mapper/. An example has been provided."
9 years ago
_LuksEncrypt="Automatic LUKS Encryption"
_LuksEncryptAdv="Define Key-Size and Cypher"
_LuksEncryptBody="Select a partition to encrypt."
_LuksEncruptSucc="Done! Opened and ready for LVM (recommended) or direct mounting."
_LuksPartErrBody="A minimum of two partitions are required for encryption:\n\n1. Root (/) - standard or lvm partition types.\n\n2. Boot (/boot or /boot/efi) - standard partition types only (except lvm where using BIOS Grub)."
_SelLuksRootBody="Select the ROOT (/) partition to encrypt. This is where Manjaro will be installed."
_LuksPassBody="Enter a password to un/encrypt the partition. This should not be the same as the Root account or user account passwords."
_LuksWaitBody="Creating encrypted Root partition:"
9 years ago
_LuksWaitBody2="Device or volume used:"
_LuksCipherKey="Once the specified flags have been amended, they will automatically be used with the 'cryptsetup -q luksFormat /dev/...' command.\n\nNOTE: Key files are not supported; they can be added manually post-installation. Do not specify any additional flags such as -v (--verbose) or -y (--verify-passphrase)."
9 years ago
# Logical Volume Management
_PrepLVM="Logical Volume Management"
_LvmMenu="Logical Volume Management (LVM) allows 'virtual' hard drives (Volume Groups) and partitions (Logical Volumes) to be created from existing drives and partitions. A Volume Group must be created first, then one or more Logical Volumes in it.\n\nLVM can also be used with an encrypted partition to create multiple logical volumes (e.g. root and home) in it."
9 years ago
_LvmCreateVG="Create VG and LV(s)"
_LvmDelVG="Delete Volume Groups"
_LvMDelAll="Delete *ALL* VGs, LVs, PVs"
_LvmDetBody="Existing Logical Volume Management (LVM) detected. Activating. Please Wait..."
_LvmPartErrBody="There are no viable partitions available to use for Logical Volume Management. A minimum of one is required.\n\nIf LVM is already in use, deactivating it will allow the partition(s) used for its Physical Volume(s) to be used again."
_LvmNameVgBody="Enter the name of the Volume Group (VG) to create.\n\nThe VG is the new 'virtual device / hard-disk' to create out of the partition(s) selected next."
_LvmNameVgErr="Invalid Name Entered. The Volume Group name may be alpha-numeric, but may not contain spaces, start with a '/', or already be in use."
_LvmPvSelBody="Select the partition(s) to use for the Physical Volume (PV)."
_LvmPvConfBody1="Confirm creation of Volume Group"
_LvmPvConfBody2="with the following partitions:"
_LvmPvActBody1="Creating and activating Volume Group"
_LvmPvDoneBody1="Volume Group"
9 years ago
_LvmPvDoneBody2="has been created"
_LvmLvNumBody1="Use [Spacebar] to select the number of Logical Volumes (LVs) to create in"
_LvmLvNumBody2="The last (or only) LV will automatically use 100% of the remaining space in the Volume Group."
_LvmLvNameBody1="Enter the name of the Logical Volume (LV) to create.\n\nThis is like setting a name / label for a partition."
_LvmLvNameBody2="NOTE: This LV will automatically use up all space remaining on the Volume Group"
_LvmLvNameErrBody="Invalid Name Entered. The Logical Volume (LV) name may be alpha-numeric, but may not contain spaces or be preceeded with a '/'."
9 years ago
_LvmLvSizeBody2="Enter the size of the Logical Volume (LV) in Megabytes (M) or Gigabytes (G). For example, 100M will create a 100 Megabyte LV. 10G will create a 10 Gigabyte LV."
_LvmLvSizeErrBody="Invalid value Entered. A numeric value must be entered with an 'M' (Megabytes) or a 'G' (Gigabytes) at the end.\n\nExamples include, 100M, 10G, or 250M. The value may also not be equal to or greater than the remaining size of the VG."
_LvmCompBody="Done! All Logical Volumes have been created for the Volume Group.\n\nDo you wish to view the new LVM scheme?"
_LvmDelQ="Confirm deletion of Volume Group(s) and Logical Volume(s).\n\nIf deleting a Volume Group, all Logical Volumes within will be deleted as well."
_LvmSelVGBody="Select Volume Group to delete. All Logical Volumes within will also be deleted."
_LvmVGErr="No Volume Groups found."
9 years ago
# Show devices and partitions
_DevShowOpt="List Devices (optional)"
# Check Requirements
_ChkTitle="Rechecking Requirements"
_ChkBody="Rechecking installer has been run as root and that there is an active internet connection. Please wait..."
_RtFailBody="The installer must be run as root. Exiting."
_ConFailBody="Internet connection test failed. Exiting."
_ReqMetTitle="Requirements Met"
_ReqMetBody="All checks passed!"
_UpdDb="Updating database ..."
9 years ago
# Installer Mirrorlist
_MirrorBranch="Choose Manjaro branch to use"
_MirrorlistBody="The mirrorlist contains server addresses used by pacman to install packages. To find the fastest servers, FIRST generate a mirrorlist by country BEFORE running RankMirrors, otherwise the process will take a LONG TIME.\n\nThe pacman configuration file can be edited to enable multilib and other repositories.\n\nNOTE: Close text files with '[CTRL] + [x]'. If edited, then press [y] to save or [n] to discard changes."
9 years ago
_MirrorbyCountry="Generate mirrorlist by Country"
_MirrorEdit="Manually edit mirrorlist"
_MirrorRankTitle="Rank Mirrors by Speed"
9 years ago
_MirrorRestTitle="Restore original mirrorlist"
_MirrorRankBody="Finding the fastest servers from the mirrorlist."
_MirrorNoneBody="A copy of the original mirrorlist was not found."
_MirrorCntryBody="A list of mirrors by the selected country will be generated."
9 years ago
_MirrorGenQ="Use generated mirrorlist for installer?"
_MirrorConfig="Edit Pacman Mirror Configuration"
_MirrorPacman="Edit Pacman Configuration"
_MIrrorPacQ="Use edited pacman configuration for installed system? If Yes, the file will be copied over after installing the base."
9 years ago
# Set Keymap (vconsole)
_VCKeymapTitle="Set Virtual Console"
_DefKeymap="Currently configured keymap setting is:"
_VCKeymapBody="A virtual console is a shell prompt in a non-graphical environment. Its keymap is independent of a desktop environment / terminal."
9 years ago
# Set Xkbmap (environment)
_XkbmapBody="Select Desktop Environment Keymap."
9 years ago
# Set Locale
_localeBody="Locales determine the languages displayed, time and date formats, etc.\n\nThe format is language_COUNTRY (e.g. en_US is english, United States; en_GB is english, Great Britain)."
# Set Timezone
_TimeZBody="The time zone is used to correctly set your system clock."
_TimeSubZBody="Select the city nearest to you."
8 years ago
_TimeZQ="Set Time Zone:"
9 years ago
# Set Hardware Clock
_HwCBody="UTC is the universal time standard, and is recommended unless dual-booting with Windows."
9 years ago
# Generate FSTAB
_FstabBody="The FSTAB file (File System TABle) sets what storage devices and partitions are to be mounted, and how they are to be used.\n\nUUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is recommended.\n\nIf no labels were set for the partitions earlier, device names will be used for the label option."
_FstabErr="The Part UUID option is only for UEFI/GPT installations."
9 years ago
_FstabDevName="Device Name"
_FstabDevLabel="Device Label"
_FstabDevUUID="Device UUID"
_FstabDevPtUUID="UEFI Part UUID"
# Set Hostname
_HostNameBody="The host name is used to identify the system on a network.\n\nIt is restricted to alphanumeric characters, can contain a hyphen (-) - but not at the start or end - and must be no longer than 63 characters."
9 years ago
# Set Root Password
_PassRtBody="Enter Root password"
_PassRtBody2="Re-enter Root password"
9 years ago
# Create New User
_NUsrTitle="Create New User"
_NUsrBody="Enter the user name. Letters MUST be lower case."
9 years ago
# Username Error
_NUsrErrTitle="User Name Error"
_NUsrErrBody="An incorrect user name was entered. Please try again."
9 years ago
# Set User
_PassNUsrBody="Enter password for"
_NUsrSetBody="Creating User and setting groups..."
_DefShell="Choose the default shell."
9 years ago
# Mounting (Partitions)
_MntStatusTitle="Mount Status"
_MntStatusSucc="Mount Successful!"
_MntStatusFail="Mount Failed!"
_WarnMount1="IMPORTANT: Partitions can be mounted without formatting them by selecting the"
_WarnMount2="option listed at the top of the file system menu.\n\nEnsure the correct choices for mounting and formatting are made as no warnings will be provided, with the exception of the UEFI boot partition."
9 years ago
# Select Device (installation)
_DevSelTitle="Select Device"
_DevSelBody="Devices (/dev/) are available hard-disks and USB-sticks to install on. The first is /sda, the second /sdb, and so on.\n\nWhere using a USB-stick to boot Architect, be careful as it will also be listed!"
9 years ago
# Partitioning Tool
_PartToolTitle="Partitioning Tool"
_PartToolBody="An automatic partitioning option is available for beginners. Otherwise, cfdisk is recomended for BIOS, parted for UEFI.\n\nDO NOT select a UEFI/GPT-only partitioning tool for a BIOS/MBR system as this could cause serious problems, including an unbootable installation."
9 years ago
_PartOptAuto="Automatic Partitioning"
_PartOptWipe="Securely Wipe Device (optional)"
_AutoPartWipeBody1="WARNING: ALL data on"
_AutoPartWipeBody2="will be destroyed using the command 'wipe -Ifre'. This process may also take a long time depending on the size of the device.\n\nDo you wish to continue?"
9 years ago
# Partitioning Error
_PartErrBody="BIOS systems require a minmum of one partition (ROOT).\n\nUEFI systems require a minimum of two partitions (ROOT and UEFI)."
9 years ago
# File System
_FSTitle="Choose Filesystem"
_FSBody="Ext4 is recommended. Not all filesystems are viable for Root or Boot partitions. All have different features and limitations."
_FSSkip="Do not format"
8 years ago
_FSWarn1="Data on"
_FSWarn2="will be lost"
9 years ago
# Select Root
_SelRootBody="Select ROOT Partition. This is where Manjaro will be installed."
9 years ago
# Select SWAP
_SelSwpBody="Select SWAP Partition. If using a Swapfile, it will be initially set the same size as your RAM."
9 years ago
# Select UEFI
_SelUefiBody="Select UEFI Partition. This is a special partition for booting UEFI systems."
9 years ago
# Format UEFI
_FormUefiBody="The UEFI partition"
_FormUefiBody2="has already been formatted.\n\nReformat? Doing so will erase ALL data already on that partition."
9 years ago
# UEFI Mountpoint
_MntUefiBody="Select UEFI Mountpoint."
9 years ago
# Extra Partitions
_ExtPartBody="Select additional partitions in any order, or 'Done' to finish."
9 years ago
# Extra Partitions
_ExtPartBody1="Specify partition mountpoint. Ensure the name begins with a forward slash (/). Examples include:"
9 years ago
# Extra Partition Naming Error
_ExtErrBody="Partition cannot be mounted due to a problem with the mountpoint name. A name must be given after a forward slash."
9 years ago
# Install Base
_WarnInstBase="A Manjaro Base has already been installed on this partition.\nProceed anyway?"
9 years ago
_InstBseTitle="Install Base"
_InstFail="Installation failed."
_InstBseBody="Standard: Recommended for beginners. Choose up to two kernels (linux and linux-lts) and optionally the base-devel package group. sudo, btrfs-progs, f2fs-tools will also be installed.\n\nAdvanced: Choose up to four kernels (linux, lts, grsec, zen) and control individual base and base-devel packages. Additional configuration for grsec and zen may be required for Virtualbox and NVIDIA.\n\nNOTE: Unless already installed, at least one kernel must be selected."
_InstStandBseBody="The base package group will be installed automatically. The base-devel package group is required to use the Arch User Repository (AUR)."
9 years ago
_InstStandBase="Standard Installation"
_InstAdvBase="Advanced Installation"
_InstAdvBseBody="WARNING: This is for experienced users only. Newer users should use the 'standard' installation option."
_InstAdvWait="Gathering package descriptions."
8 years ago
_InstGrub="Install Grub"
9 years ago
# Install BIOS Bootloader
_InstBiosBtTitle="Install BIOS Bootloader"
_InstGrubBody="The installation device for GRUB can be selected in the next step.\n\nOs-prober is needed for automatic detection of already installed systems on other partitions."
_InstBiosBtBody="Grub2 is recommended for beginners. The installation device can also be selected.\n\nSyslinux is a lighter and simpler alternative that will only work with ext/btrfs filesystems."
9 years ago
_InstSysTitle="Install Syslinux"
_InstSysBody="Install syslinux to Master Boot Record (MBR) or to Root (/)?"
9 years ago
# Install UEFI Bootloader
_InstUefiBtTitle="Install UEFI Bootloader"
_InstUefiBtBody="Install UEFI Bootloader GRUB."
_SetBootDefBody="Some UEFI firmware may not detect the bootloader unless it is set as default by copying its efi stub to"
_SetBootDefBody2="and renaming it to bootx64.efi.\n\nIt is recommended to do so unless already using a default bootloader, or where intending to use multiple bootloaders.\n\nSet bootloader as default?"
9 years ago
# efi file set for Grub
_SetDefDoneBody="has been set as the default bootloader."
9 years ago
# Graphics Card Menu
_GCtitle="Graphics Card Menu"
_GCBody="Pick Nouveau for older NVIDIA cards. If your card is not listed, pick 'Unknown / Generic'."
9 years ago
_GCUnknOpt="Unknown / Generic"
# NVIDIA Configruation Check
_NvidiaConfTitle="NVIDIA Configuration Check"
_NvidiaConfBody="A basic NVIDIA configuration file has been created. Please check it before closing to continue."
9 years ago
# Graphics Card Detection
_GCDetBody="Is your graphics card or virtualisation software"
9 years ago
_GCDetBody2="-Select 'Yes' to install its OPEN-SOURCE driver.\n\n-Select 'No' to open the graphics card menu, which includes proprietary NVIDIA drivers."
# Install DE Info
_DEInfoBody="Multiple environments can be installed.\n\nGnome and LXDE come with a display manager.\n\nCinnamon, Gnome and KDE come with a Network Manager."
9 years ago
# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Install Desktop Environments"
8 years ago
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:"
_ErrInit="Wrong init system"
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only.\nPlease adjust your selection:"
_DiffPro="Select different profile"
_InstSystd="Install systemd base"
9 years ago
_InstDEBody="Desktop Environments and their related package groups are listed first."
_ExtraTitle="Full or minimal?"
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions"
9 years ago
# Install Common Packages
_InstComTitle="Install Common Packages"
_InstComBody="Some environments require additional packages to function better."
# Display Manager
_DmChTitle="Install Display Manager"
_DmChBody="gdm lists Gnome-shell as a dependency. sddm is recommended for plasma. lightdm will incude lightdm-gtk-greeter. slim is no longer maintained."
_DmDoneBody="Display manager has been installed and enabled."
9 years ago
# Network Manager
_InstNMTitle="Install Network Manager"
_InstNMBody="Network Manager is recommended, especially for wireless and PPPoE/DSL connections."
_InstNMErrBody="Network connection manager has been installed and enabled."
9 years ago
# Welcome
_WelTitle="Welcome to"
_WelBody="This installer will download the latest packages from the Manjaro repositories. \n\nMENU OPTIONS: Select by pressing the option number or by using the up/down arrow keys before pressing [enter] to confirm. Switch between buttons by using [Tab] or the left/right arrow keys before pressing [enter] to confirm. Long lists can be navigated using the [pg up] and [pg down] keys, and/or by pressing the first letter of the desired option.\n\nCONFIGURATION & PACKAGE OPTIONS: Default packages in checklists will be pre-checked. Use the [Spacebar] to de/select."
9 years ago
# Preparation Menu
_PrepMenuTitle="Prepare Installation"
_PrepMenuBody="The console keyboard layout will be used for both the installer and the installed system."
9 years ago
_PrepKBLayout="Set Desktop Keyboard Layout"
_PrepMirror="Configure Installer Mirrorlist"
_PrepPartDisk="Partition Disk"
_PrepMntPart="Mount Partitions"
# Install Base Menu
_PkgList="Processing package list"
9 years ago
_InstBsMenuTitle="Install Base"
_InstBseMenuBody="Packages to be installed must be downloaded from mirror servers. The pacstrap script installs the base system. To build packages from the AUR or with ABS, the base-devel group is also required."
9 years ago
_InstBse="Install Base Packages"
_ChsInit="Choose your initsystem"
8 years ago
_WarnOrc="These Manjaro profiles are incompatible with openrc:"
_ChsAddPkgs="Choose additional modules for your kernels"
9 years ago
_InstBootldr="Install Bootloader"
8 years ago
_InstDrvTitle="Install Hardware Drivers"
_InstDrvBody="Some network and graphics cards \nmay need special drivers. \nOptions 1 and 2 choose drivers automatically, \noptions 3 and 4 let you choose specific drivers"
_InstFree="Install free drivers"
_InstProp="Install proprietary drivers"
9 years ago
# Configure Base Menu
_ConfBseMenuTitle="Configure Base"
_ConfBseBody="Basic configuration of the base."
9 years ago
_ConfBseFstab="Generate FSTAB"
_ConfBseHost="Set Hostname"
_ConfBseTimeHC="Set Timezone and Clock"
_ConfBseSysLoc="Set System Locale"
_RunMkinit="Run Mkinitcpio"
_RunUpGrub="Update GRUB"
9 years ago
# User Menu
_ConfUsrRoot="Set Root Password"
_ConfUsrNew="Add New User(s)"
# Graphics Menu
_InstGrMenuTitle="Install Graphical Interface"
_InstGrMenuBody="Prior to installing a desktop environment, graphics, input, and sound drivers MUST be installed first. This will include installing graphics card drivers."
_InstDEMenuTitle="Choose a full Manjaro edition or vanilla desktop environments"
9 years ago
_InstGrMenuDS="Install Display Server"
_InstGrMenuDSBody="In addition to xorg and wayland options, drivers for input devices (xf86-input-) are also listed."
_InstGrMenuDD="Install Display Driver"
8 years ago
_InstGrDrv="Choose video-driver to be installed"
_WarnInstGr="No Display Driver selected."
_InstDEStable="Install Manjaro Desktop"
_InstDEGit="Install Manjaro Desktop (development profiles)"
_InstDE="Install unconfigured desktop environments"
_InstGrDE="Install Desktop environment"
8 years ago
_InstPBody="This installs a package list and a desktop-settings package, corresponding to manjaro editions of the same name."
9 years ago
_InstGrMenuGE="Install Graphical Environment"
_InstGrMenuDM="Install Display Manager"
# Networking Menu
_InstNMMenuTitle="Install Networking Capabilties"
8 years ago
_InstNWDrv="Install Network Drivers"
_InfoNWKernel="Support for your network card is built into the kernel,\nno need to install anything."
_InstNMMenuBody="Supplementary packages may be required for networking and wireless devices. Some wireless devices may also require additional firmware to function."
9 years ago
_InstNMMenuPkg="Install Wireless Device Packages"
_InstNMMenuNM="Install Network Connection Manager"
_InstNMMenuCups="Install CUPS / Printer Packages"
_InstNMMenuPkgBody="Key wifi packages will be pre-checked if a wireless device was detected. If unsure about additional firmware, all packages can be installed."
_SeeWirelessDev="Display Wireless Device (optional)"
_WirelessShowTitle="Wireless Device"
_WirelessErrBody="None Detected."
9 years ago
_InstCupsBody="CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple Inc. for OS X and other UNIX-like operating systems. Samba allows file and printer sharing between Linux and Windows systems."
_InstCupsQ="Enable org.cups.cupsd.service on installed system?"
9 years ago
# Install Multimedia Support Menu
_InstMultMenuTitle="Install Multimedia Support"
_InstMultMenuBody="Accessibility packages aid those with sight and/or hearing impairments. The Custom Packages option allows for user-defined packages to be installed."
9 years ago
_InstMulSnd="Install Sound Driver(s)"
_InstMulSndBody="ALSA provides kernel driven sound card drivers. PulseAudio serves as a proxy to ALSA."
9 years ago
_InstMulCodec="Install Codecs"
_InstMulAcc="Install Accessibility Packages"
_InstMulAccBody="Select desired accessibility packages."
9 years ago
_InstMulCust="Install Custom Packages"
# Codecs Menu
_InstMulCodBody="GStreamer is a pipeline-based multimedia framework. The first two options are the current and legacy (gstreamer0.10) package groups. Xine is also listed."
9 years ago
# Custom Packages Box
_InstMulCustBody="Enter the (exact) names of packages to be installed from the Manjaro repositories, seperated by spaces.\n\nFor example, to install Firefox, VLC, and HTop: firefox vlc htop"
9 years ago
# Main Menu
_MMTitle="Main Menu"
_MMBody="Steps should be followed IN ORDER. Once complete, select 'Done' to finalise the installation."
9 years ago
# Final Check
_BaseCheck="Base is not installed"
_BootlCheck="Bootloader is not installed"
_FstabCheck="Fstab has not been generated"
_GCCheck="No graphics driver has been installed"
_LocaleCheck="Locales have not been generated"
_RootCheck="Root password is not set"
_UserCheck="No user accounts have been generated"
9 years ago
# Close Installer
_CloseInstBody="Close installer?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to save the installation-log to the installed system?\nIt will be copied to"