Commit Graph

  • 53c4361575 fix broken UI for keyamps with empty desc keymaps-ui spike 2022-08-24 15:57:13 +0200
  • c4de28730c nicer UI for keymaps inspired from telescope spike 2022-08-21 23:45:36 +0200
  • c56c492218 feat(win): Automatically resize windows if screen change is detected Akianonymus 2022-08-22 12:16:16 +0530
  • d4ec9eea65 chore: regen vimdoc main bhagwan 2022-08-20 05:38:47 -0700
  • d7b1ee7a84 previewer: Add title_align option Akianonymus 2022-08-19 19:24:48 +0530
  • 054c312b1c put on get_line_diagnostics Shojin Masuda 2022-08-18 21:44:09 +0900
  • 0e0bc7a600 fix: builtin previewer scrolling when `scrolloff=0` (closes #500) bhagwan 2022-08-17 18:36:43 -0700
  • d59bc58328 feat(loclist): use `alt-l` to send selection to the loclist (#435) bhagwan 2022-08-17 17:19:42 -0700
  • c8d0a0274e feat(redraw): use `:FzfLua redraw` when term size changes (#498) bhagwan 2022-08-11 11:12:28 -0400
  • 4777dd572a README: add missing ','s m-fonseca 2022-08-09 11:49:01 -0400
  • 830b685796 feat: do not override user-specified cwd for git_files Gregory Anders 2022-08-03 08:57:50 -0600
  • bb73779107 fix(buffers): error "Process exited 0" on buf delete bhagwan 2022-07-29 23:29:27 -0400
  • c3b23be371 fix(lsp): "no client attached" error (closes #490) bhagwan 2022-07-27 08:05:14 -0700
  • 0bfbe03939 chore(API): swap argument order for 'core.fzf' bhagwan 2022-07-27 06:15:58 -0700
  • 8dade5e998 fix(lsp): call hierarchy (closes #481) bhagwan 2022-07-19 10:43:20 -0700
  • 696d0f54e5 fix(diagnostics): when signs configured as false (closes #480) bhagwan 2022-07-18 09:05:52 -0700
  • 95c859b4e4 highlights: restored default border hl to "Normal" (#473) bhagwan 2022-07-10 08:19:58 -0700
  • 4ac0092a4c fix(lsp): properly count number of attached clients supporting a feature to prevent 'async=true' coroutine from waiting forever for a callback (#468) bhagwan 2022-07-09 20:50:21 -0700
  • d6691568b7 fix(lsp): better coroutine logic when 'async=true' (#468) bhagwan 2022-07-09 20:26:24 -0700
  • 8c0408529a fix(lsp_live_workspace_symbols): failure to clear results on failed query (#468). Also, removed ambiguous 'sync' option, use 'async' instead. bhagwan 2022-07-09 17:50:24 -0700
  • af60eb72af feat(no_action_zz): option to disable 'zz' after actions (closes #472) bhagwan 2022-07-09 13:11:18 -0700
  • dae78fc153 feat(git): improvements in git 'status|commits|bcommits': - Option to define 'preview_pager' (e.g. `delta`) which will be piped onto the preview command, more convinient than having to rewrite the preview command or have to define it under 'previewers.git_diff' for 'git.status' - Added timestamp & author name to 'commits|bcommits' default command - Added timestamp to 'commits' default preview command - 'bcommits' changes: + disabled for unnamed buffers + default preview now shows `git diff` for the specific file (instead of showing the entire commit + will attempt to detect the current buffers git root in case current working directory changed, i.e. 'bcommits' will work as long as the current buffer is under a git repo) - 'branches': better branch extraction lua pattern bhagwan 2022-07-09 12:53:02 -0700
  • 7a0b7fac66 make_entry.file: optimized performance and logic bhagwan 2022-07-08 19:51:49 -0700
  • 4707adc1ec feat(file_ignore_patterns): consult the wiki link below bhagwan 2022-07-08 16:01:04 -0700
  • ee19eda2e3 feat: 'diagnostics.icon_padding' for extra wide icons (#470) bhagwan 2022-07-07 22:30:53 -0700
  • 248efd1ffc fix(diagnostics): 'vim.trim' predefined signs (closes #470) bhagwan 2022-07-07 21:52:13 -0700
  • a2c7d7863c feat(diagnostics): extract icons|highlights from neovim signs bhagwan 2022-07-07 14:27:08 -0700
  • 236b305a18 feat: new FzfLuaXXX highlights, updated README bhagwan 2022-07-07 13:04:01 -0700
  • 989674058e helptags: wrap nvim_win_call in a pcall, regen vimdoc bhagwan 2022-07-06 08:28:19 -0700
  • 5e4151d495 feat(lsp_workspace_symbols): added '<C-g>' to toggle live query: works similar to 'grep_lgrep' action toggling between the fuzzy matching on the entire workspace symbols and live query which sends a new LSP query with each keystroke, fuzzy query is saved between toggles so it can be used as an extra filter for example: live query 'foo', press ctrl-g and enter '!.lua', to exclude all lua files. Addittional changes: - diagnostics decoupled from LSP, new options under 'diagnostics' - symbols options has their own category under 'lsp.symbols' - 'lsp_document_diagnostics' -> 'diagnostics_document' - 'lsp_workspace_diagnostics' -> 'diagnostics_workspace' - backward compatibility maintained for the above changes - all symbols providers use 'async=true' by default bhagwan 2022-07-03 23:51:14 -0700
  • 6ab7eddfc1 fix(buf_switch): winid_from_tab_buf expects number Markus Dobler 2022-07-02 22:09:20 +0200
  • 786d06bc51 fix(lines|blines): send to quickfix (closes #466) bhagwan 2022-07-01 15:25:31 -0700
  • 10e8be0e63 chore: generated vimdoc from README bhagwan 2022-06-30 15:34:26 -0700
  • b52f92a46b fix(nvim_bin): use 'vim.v.progpath' instead of 'vim.v.argv[1]' bhagwan 2022-06-30 10:28:55 -0700
  • 519dbf067b feat(preview): toggle cursorline hl when scrolling (#462) Other changes: - preview: added new highlight setting `CursorLineNr` - internal changes to preview command shellescape bhagwan 2022-06-30 08:45:17 -0700
  • d7de3b51ae feat(grep_lgrep): save query prompt between toggles fix(live_grep_resume): when using skim lsp_workspace_symbols: 'opt.query' -> 'opts.lsp_query' API adjustments: - Support for `opts.query` everywhere - Auto shellescape `opts.preview` - Removed global default prompt bhagwan 2022-06-29 17:35:43 -0700
  • 817df87a8e Major refactor, read below if you're having issues This patch is quite massive, hopefully I got everything right in testing, changes include: - New API interface for "live" queries, for usage refer to: - All providers now use 'fzf_exec' API (previously 'fzf_wrap') - All "live" queries now use 'fzf_live' API - Better resume support for "live" queries - Fzf initial command now uses $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND instead of piping the command, this delegates the responsiblity to fzf which kills the command on exit resulting in better responsibness when exiting fzf - Added 'silent_fail' option (default:'true') to prevent fzf from displaying [Command failed:...] when commands exit with error code - Exposed 'config.globals' as 'require'fzf-lua'.defaults' - Fix: 'libuv.shellescape' with special chars in fish shells - Manpages: moved fzf option `--tiebreak=begin' to config - Buffer actions: navigate to line if exists - Lsp_diagnostics: properly use a coroutine - make_entry signatures changed (entry before opts) - Removed make_entry shortcuts from 'core' - Removed 'coroutine.yield' where unecessary - Fix: 'git_icons' with 'live_grep({multiprocess=false})' - tagstack: use relative paths and replace '$HOME' with '~' - Deprecated 'core.fzf_files' - Fix: resume query if cancelled while loading indicator is shown - Fix: resume query when command failed with 'silent_fail=false' bhagwan 2022-06-25 19:22:06 -0700
  • 341f0641ea fzf_exec: normalize opts ('cwd' expand) bhagwan 2022-06-25 01:27:36 -0700
  • 53cd37031e feat(fzf_exec): improved API, easy command transform bhagwan 2022-06-25 01:09:50 -0700
  • b17cc7220a feat(fzf_exec): easy API to run custom commands bhagwan 2022-06-24 18:33:06 -0700
  • 5f473263b9 fix(quickfix): prevent indexing opts when nil Mark Oborne 2022-06-24 21:35:13 +0100
  • 574ade266d defaults: set `` to 'IncSearch' bhagwan 2022-06-24 12:19:18 -0700
  • d44a33733e feat(help_tags): preview no longer runs `:help` (closes #457) bhagwan 2022-06-24 11:06:11 -0700
  • 6a4392564b fix(resume): missing '<' char (closes #454) bhagwan 2022-06-19 15:43:07 -0700
  • 07e34d2bac fix: preview/actions for paths that contain ':' (closes #453) bhagwan 2022-06-19 13:30:21 -0700
  • 52326a6444 fix(tags): error E5560 when tags are under $HOME (#452) bhagwan 2022-06-16 07:00:30 -0700
  • 7bb4973246 chore(grep): rename opt 'continue_last_search' -> 'resume' bhagwan 2022-06-14 17:35:27 -0700
  • ae99fed33f fix(live_grep_native): resume query double escape (closes #451) bhagwan 2022-06-14 16:41:52 -0700
  • 86804f7462 feat(actions): do not require 'default' action (#449) bhagwan 2022-06-13 10:48:11 -0700
  • 3ce5eaca0b feat(icons): option to globally control file|git icons (#188) bhagwan 2022-06-13 09:52:52 -0700
  • 57402a41ac fix(jump_to_single_result_action): when 'forced_uri' (closes #448) bhagwan 2022-06-12 17:22:15 -0700
  • 2d2ee02d17 fix(oldfiles): missing entries (closes #447) bhagwan 2022-06-12 17:04:55 -0700
  • 844718eb5a feat(commands): include buffer local commands (closes #445) bhagwan 2022-06-12 10:06:39 -0700
  • 179162abe0 fix(path_shorten): validate non-zero positive number bhagwan 2022-06-11 02:16:38 -0700
  • 62f67b6194 feat(make_entry): replace $HOME with '~' where possible (#436) bhagwan 2022-06-11 01:56:41 -0700
  • 3079c9561a fix(show_cwd_header): when set to 'true' and 'cwd' matches ':pwd' bhagwan 2022-06-11 00:51:33 -0700
  • 1a1d794f48 fix(quickfix): send to quickfix action when using 'path_shorten' bhagwan 2022-06-11 00:04:55 -0700
  • d02d6f2f6b feat(lsp|symbols): regex filtering option (#441) also, rework how header string is constructed and display document/workspace symbols query/regex in header string bhagwan 2022-06-10 23:30:58 -0700
  • e42a757faf feat(bcommits): pager support (e.g. `delta`), closes #440 bhagwan 2022-06-10 11:13:38 -0700
  • bf3a4e12fb feat(menus): new provider for vim menus (':help menus') Matthieu Coudron 2022-06-08 23:02:37 +0200
  • 343322108d fix(lsp): symbols when 'lsp.protocol.CompletionItemKind' is default bhagwan 2022-06-08 18:40:42 -0700
  • 523962ae53 fix(lsp): symbol formatting on 'resume' bhagwan 2022-06-08 18:29:46 -0700
  • 870f88096b fix(path_shorten): use first path when glob mathes multiple paths bhagwan 2022-06-08 18:16:02 -0700
  • 59069a393b feat(lsp): enable symbol formatting for 'live_workspace_symbols' bhagwan 2022-06-08 17:56:09 -0700
  • 09e2b982fb feat(lsp): make symbol highlights configurable bhagwan 2022-06-08 17:48:09 -0700
  • ea287de481 feat(lsp): use symbol icons and highlight using CmpItemKindXXX hls bhagwan 2022-06-08 17:32:45 -0700
  • 7817c4205e feat(buffers): replace $HOME with '~' for paths outside of cwd (#436) bhagwan 2022-06-08 14:08:02 -0700
  • fc30750436 feat: override prompt if specified in fzf_args (closes #434) bhagwan 2022-06-08 11:53:22 -0700
  • 8313277e0b fix(jumps): fix preview not showing correctly Mark Oborne 2022-06-05 15:17:08 +0100
  • a84b86d01e fix: calling an fzf-lua mapping from insert mode (closes #429) bhagwan 2022-06-04 13:06:07 -0700
  • eacdda76c6 testing framework initial setup bhagwan 2022-05-29 15:18:41 -0700
  • fa90b74e31 wrapper around `fn.input` to prevent exception with `<C-c>` bhagwan 2022-05-28 12:26:10 -0700
  • 3511c44753 feat: new border style 'thicc' bhagwan 2022-05-26 10:36:47 -0700
  • 5f74454867 ueberzug: display error message in preview win (and ':messages') bhagwan 2022-05-24 17:43:50 -0700
  • eb3d2d121f nvim 0.8 compatibility: refactor preview shell command (closes #409) bhagwan 2022-05-17 20:13:35 -0700
  • 74831cf138 fix: bat previewer with LSP 'force_uri=true' (#409) bhagwan 2022-05-17 08:14:59 -0700
  • 3a288a65b6 fix(previewer): correct highlight group in preview monkoose 2022-05-17 10:28:16 +0300
  • d4c050e101 README update: minor typo, fzf minimum version clarification OKURA Masafumi 2022-05-15 13:27:10 +0900
  • d4ab66551b feat: libuv stdout|stderr stream redirect options (#414) bhagwan 2022-05-14 12:02:05 -0700
  • 7583b40fde feat: add styling support for the `--color` option (closes #413) bhagwan 2022-05-13 17:37:07 -0700
  • de7ac64e74 feat: new action 'git_stash_pop' (#410) bhagwan 2022-05-12 16:37:59 -0700
  • 23034bb022 feat: new git provider: 'git_stash' (closes #410) bhagwan 2022-05-12 16:13:45 -0700
  • d27f9b1131 blines: fix bat previewer line offset (fzf field index) bhagwan 2022-05-11 21:11:31 -0700
  • b614a9d315 feat: file providers now support 'path_shorten' (#408) bhagwan 2022-05-06 17:38:41 -0700
  • 5fbbc3b653 feat: new 'actions.git_reset': discard local changes bhagwan 2022-05-01 12:53:33 -0700
  • a0ac8021de buffers:|tabs: new option 'filename_only' (closes #404) bhagwan 2022-05-01 11:38:27 -0700
  • 033ffc986b lsp_live_workspace_symbols: fix query resume bhagwan 2022-04-30 12:24:52 -0700
  • dd61e15199 ref(lsp): add server_capabilities support on 0.8 Arsham Shirvani 2022-04-30 18:15:27 +0100
  • 52dedd28d8 feat(lsp): added 'lsp_(incoming|outgoing)_calls' (closes #399) bhagwan 2022-04-30 11:25:48 -0700
  • b0a81d1c36 Merge branch 'pr_400' bhagwan 2022-04-30 07:21:07 -0700
  • 159383c331 Disable Fzf's native border Benedikt Rips 2022-04-30 14:51:45 +0200
  • ed3c6adaea helptags: fix help-open action for wrapped <tags> bhagwan 2022-04-29 17:23:47 -0700
  • 9f197417dc git_status: prevent preview error in bare git repo bhagwan 2022-04-27 18:31:14 -0700
  • d397352af9 feat: enable <ctrl-g> action in 'grep|lgrep_curbuf' bhagwan 2022-04-27 18:23:54 -0700
  • 36278656fa switch back to correct source win when using 'split' (closes #397) bhagwan 2022-04-25 11:39:44 -0700
  • 64afe5cbad helptags: remove unnecessary '-nth' setting bhagwan 2022-04-23 16:12:03 -0700
  • 19f79c26bd call 'on_create' on window reuse (closes #394) bhagwan 2022-04-23 15:42:34 -0700
  • 5722fd62fd feat(git_diff): more complex custom preview commands (closes #392) bhagwan 2022-04-22 09:57:08 -0700
  • 97d4ba31f7 git icons|status: added support for 'typechange' diff bhagwan 2022-04-21 13:07:11 -0700
  • 5ae4148f77 ueberzug preview: provide a detailed error on failure bhagwan 2022-04-21 12:51:19 -0700