feat: new border style 'thicc'

bhagwan 2 years ago
parent 5f74454867
commit 3511c44753

@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- border argument passthrough to nvim_open_win(), also used
-- to manually draw the border characters around the preview
-- window, can be set to 'false' to remove all borders or to
-- 'none', 'single', 'double' or 'rounded' (default)
-- 'none', 'single', 'double', 'thicc' or 'rounded' (default)
border = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' },
fullscreen = false, -- start fullscreen?
hl = {

@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- border argument passthrough to nvim_open_win(), also used
-- to manually draw the border characters around the preview
-- window, can be set to 'false' to remove all borders or to
-- 'none', 'single', 'double' or 'rounded' (default)
-- 'none', 'single', 'double', 'thicc' or 'rounded' (default)
border = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' },
fullscreen = false, -- start fullscreen?
hl = {

@ -76,10 +76,11 @@ M.globals = {
_borderchars = {
["none"] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' },
["single"] = {'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["double"] = {'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["rounded"] = {'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["none"] = { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' },
["single"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["double"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["rounded"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["thicc"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
on_create = function()
-- vim.cmd("set winhl=Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal")
