feat: new FzfLuaXXX highlights, updated README

bhagwan 2 years ago
parent 989674058e
commit 236b305a18

@ -256,15 +256,57 @@ vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<c-P>',
: to create your own fzf-lua commands see
I tried to make this plugin as customizable as possible, if you find you need to
change something that isnt below, open an issue and Ill do my best to add it.
Customization can be achieved by calling the `setup()` function (optional) or
individually sending parameters to a builtin command, A few examples below:
Customization can be achieved by calling the `setup()` function or individually sending parameters to a builtin command, for example:
> Different `fzf` layout:
:lua require('fzf-lua').files({ fzf_opts = {['--layout'] = 'reverse-list'} })
Consult the list below for available settings:
> Using `files` with a different command and working directory:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.files({ prompt="LS> ", cmd = "ls", cwd="~/<folder>" })
> Using `live_grep` with `git grep`:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.live_grep({ cmd = "git grep --line-number --column --color=always" })
> `colorschemes` with non-default window size:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.colorschemes({ winopts = { height=0.33, width=0.33 } })
Use `setup()` If you wish for a setting to persist and not have to send it using the call
arguments, e.g:
winopts = {
Can also be called from a `.vim` file:
lua << EOF
**Below is a list of most (still, not all default settings), please also
consult the issues if there's something you need and you can't find as there
have been many obscure requests which have been fulfilled and are yet to be
documented. If you're still having issues and/or questions do not hesitate to open an
issue and I'll be more than happy to help.**
local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
require'fzf-lua'.setup {
@ -292,18 +334,27 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- 'none', 'single', 'double', 'thicc' or 'rounded' (default)
border = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' },
fullscreen = false, -- start fullscreen?
hl = {
-- highlights should optimally be set by the colorscheme using
-- FzfLuaXXX highlights. If your colorscheme doesn't set these
-- or you wish to override its defaults use these:
--[[ hl = {
normal = 'Normal', -- window normal color (fg+bg)
border = 'Normal', -- border color (try 'FloatBorder')
-- Only valid with the builtin previewer:
border = 'FloatBorder', -- border color
help_normal = 'Normal', -- <F1> window normal
help_border = 'FloatBorder', -- <F1> window border
-- Only used with the builtin previewer:
cursor = 'Cursor', -- cursor highlight (grep/LSP matches)
cursorline = 'CursorLine', -- cursor line
cursorlinenr = 'CursorLineNr', -- cursor line number
search = 'IncSearch', -- search matches (ctags|help)
-- title = 'Normal', -- preview border title (file/buffer)
-- scrollbar_f = 'PmenuThumb', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight
-- scrollbar_e = 'PmenuSbar', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight
title = 'Normal', -- preview border title (file/buffer)
-- Only used with 'winopts.preview.scrollbar = 'float'
scrollfloat_e = 'PmenuSbar', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight
scrollfloat_f = 'PmenuThumb', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight
-- Only used with 'winopts.preview.scrollbar = 'border'
scrollborder_e = 'FloatBorder', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight
scrollborder_f = 'FloatBorder', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight
}, ]]
preview = {
-- default = 'bat', -- override the default previewer?
-- default uses the 'builtin' previewer
@ -315,7 +366,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
horizontal = 'right:60%', -- right|left:size
layout = 'flex', -- horizontal|vertical|flex
flip_columns = 120, -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex
-- Only valid with the builtin previewer:
-- Only used with the builtin previewer:
title = true, -- preview border title (file/buf)?
scrollbar = 'float', -- `false` or string:'float|border'
-- float: in-window floating border
@ -818,14 +869,56 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
This can also be run from a `.vim` file using:
### Customizing Highlights
FzfLua conviniently creates the below highlights:
-- key is the highlight group name
-- value[1] is the setup/call arg option name
-- value[2] is the default link if value[1] is undefined
FzfLuaNormal = { 'winopts.hl.normal', "Normal" },
FzfLuaBorder = { 'winopts.hl.border', "FloatBorder" },
FzfLuaCursor = { 'winopts.hl.cursor', "Cursor" },
FzfLuaCursorLine = { 'winopts.hl.cursorline', "CursorLine" },
FzfLuaCursorLineNr = { 'winopts.hl.cursornr', "CursorLineNr" },
FzfLuaSearch = { 'winopts.hl.search', "IncSearch" },
FzfLuaTitle = { 'winopts.hl.title', "FzfLuaNormal" },
FzfLuaScrollBorderEmpty = { 'winopts.hl.scrollborder_e', "FzfLuaBorder" },
FzfLuaScrollBorderFull = { 'winopts.hl.scrollborder_f', "FzfLuaBorder" },
FzfLuaScrollFloatEmpty = { 'winopts.hl.scrollfloat_e', "PmenuSbar" },
FzfLuaScrollFloatFull = { 'winopts.hl.scrollfloat_f', "PmenuThumb" },
FzfLuaHelpNormal = { 'winopts.hl.help_normal', "FzfLuaNormal" },
FzfLuaHelpBorder = { 'winopts.hl.help_border', "FzfLuaBorder" },
These can be easily customized either via the lua API:
:lua vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "FzfLuaBorder", { link = "FloatBorder" })
Or vimscript:
:hi! link FzfLuaBorder FloatBorder
If you wish to further customize these highlights without having to
modify your preset colorscheme highlight links you can define the corresponding
`winopts.hl` option or even send it directly via a call argument:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.files({ winopts={hl={normal="IncSearch"}} })
Or via `setup`:
lua << EOF
-- ...
winopts = {
hl = { border = "FloatBorder", }
## Credits

@ -296,17 +296,53 @@ CUSTOMIZATION *fzf-lua-customization*
to create your own fzf-lua commands see Wiki/ADVANCED
I tried to make this plugin as customizable as possible, if you find you need
to change something that isnt below, open an issue and Ill do my best to
add it.
Customization can be achieved by calling the `setup()` function (optional) or
individually sending parameters to a builtin command, A few examples below:
Customization can be achieved by calling the `setup()` function or
individually sending parameters to a builtin command, for example:
Different `fzf` layout:
:lua require('fzf-lua').files({ fzf_opts = {['--layout'] = 'reverse-list'} })
Consult the list below for available settings:
Using `files` with a different command and working directory:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.files({ prompt="LS> ", cmd = "ls", cwd="~/<folder>" })
Using `live_grep` with `git grep`:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.live_grep({ cmd = "git grep --line-number --column --color=always" })
`colorschemes` with non-default window size:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.colorschemes({ winopts = { height=0.33, width=0.33 } })
Use `setup()` If you wish for a setting to persist and not have to send it
using the call arguments, e.g:
winopts = {
Can also be called from a `.vim` file:
lua << EOF
**Below is a list of most (still, not all default settings), please also
consult the issues if there's something you need and you can't find as there
have been many obscure requests which have been fulfilled and are yet to be
documented. If you're still having issues and/or questions do not hesitate to
open an issue and I'll be more than happy to help.**
local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
@ -335,18 +371,27 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- 'none', 'single', 'double', 'thicc' or 'rounded' (default)
border = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' },
fullscreen = false, -- start fullscreen?
hl = {
-- highlights should optimally be set by the colorscheme using
-- FzfLuaXXX highlights. If your colorscheme doesn't set these
-- or you wish to override its defaults use these:
--[[ hl = {
normal = 'Normal', -- window normal color (fg+bg)
border = 'Normal', -- border color (try 'FloatBorder')
-- Only valid with the builtin previewer:
border = 'FloatBorder', -- border color
help_normal = 'Normal', -- <F1> window normal
help_border = 'FloatBorder', -- <F1> window border
-- Only used with the builtin previewer:
cursor = 'Cursor', -- cursor highlight (grep/LSP matches)
cursorline = 'CursorLine', -- cursor line
cursorlinenr = 'CursorLineNr', -- cursor line number
search = 'IncSearch', -- search matches (ctags|help)
-- title = 'Normal', -- preview border title (file/buffer)
-- scrollbar_f = 'PmenuThumb', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight
-- scrollbar_e = 'PmenuSbar', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight
title = 'Normal', -- preview border title (file/buffer)
-- Only used with 'winopts.preview.scrollbar = 'float'
scrollfloat_e = 'PmenuSbar', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight
scrollfloat_f = 'PmenuThumb', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight
-- Only used with 'winopts.preview.scrollbar = 'border'
scrollborder_e = 'FloatBorder', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight
scrollborder_f = 'FloatBorder', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight
}, ]]
preview = {
-- default = 'bat', -- override the default previewer?
-- default uses the 'builtin' previewer
@ -358,7 +403,7 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
horizontal = 'right:60%', -- right|left:size
layout = 'flex', -- horizontal|vertical|flex
flip_columns = 120, -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex
-- Only valid with the builtin previewer:
-- Only used with the builtin previewer:
title = true, -- preview border title (file/buf)?
scrollbar = 'float', -- `false` or string:'float|border'
-- float: in-window floating border
@ -860,14 +905,55 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- nbsp = '\xc2\xa0',
This can also be run from a `.vim` file using:
CUSTOMIZING HIGHLIGHTS *fzf-lua-customizing-highlights*
FzfLua conviniently creates the below highlights:
-- key is the highlight group name
-- value[1] is the setup/call arg option name
-- value[2] is the default link if value[1] is undefined
FzfLuaNormal = { 'winopts.hl.normal', "Normal" },
FzfLuaBorder = { 'winopts.hl.border', "FloatBorder" },
FzfLuaCursor = { 'winopts.hl.cursor', "Cursor" },
FzfLuaCursorLine = { 'winopts.hl.cursorline', "CursorLine" },
FzfLuaCursorLineNr = { 'winopts.hl.cursornr', "CursorLineNr" },
FzfLuaSearch = { 'winopts.hl.search', "IncSearch" },
FzfLuaTitle = { 'winopts.hl.title', "FzfLuaNormal" },
FzfLuaScrollBorderEmpty = { 'winopts.hl.scrollborder_e', "FzfLuaBorder" },
FzfLuaScrollBorderFull = { 'winopts.hl.scrollborder_f', "FzfLuaBorder" },
FzfLuaScrollFloatEmpty = { 'winopts.hl.scrollfloat_e', "PmenuSbar" },
FzfLuaScrollFloatFull = { 'winopts.hl.scrollfloat_f', "PmenuThumb" },
FzfLuaHelpNormal = { 'winopts.hl.help_normal', "FzfLuaNormal" },
FzfLuaHelpBorder = { 'winopts.hl.help_border', "FzfLuaBorder" },
These can be easily customized either via the lua API:
:lua vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "FzfLuaBorder", { link = "FloatBorder" })
Or vimscript:
:hi! link FzfLuaBorder FloatBorder
If you wish to further customize these highlights without having to modify
your preset colorscheme highlight links you can define the corresponding
`winopts.hl` option or even send it directly via a call argument:
:lua require'fzf-lua'.files({ winopts={hl={normal="IncSearch"}} })
Or via `setup`:
lua << EOF
-- ...
winopts = {
hl = { border = "FloatBorder", }

@ -35,18 +35,22 @@ M.globals = {
col = 0.55,
border = 'rounded',
fullscreen = false,
hl = {
--[[ hl = {
normal = 'Normal',
border = 'Normal',
border = 'FloatBorder',
help_normal = 'Normal',
help_border = 'FloatBorder',
-- builtin preview only
cursor = 'Cursor',
cursorline = 'CursorLine',
cursorlinenr = 'CursorLineNr',
search = 'IncSearch',
-- title = 'Normal',
-- scrollbar_f = 'PmenuThumb',
-- scrollbar_e = 'PmenuSbar',
title = 'Normal',
scrollfloat_e = 'PmenuSbar',
scrollfloat_f = 'PmenuThumb',
scrollborder_e = 'FloatBorder',
scrollborder_f = 'FloatBorder',
}, ]]
preview = {
default = "builtin",
border = 'border',
@ -732,6 +736,10 @@ function M.normalize_opts(opts, defaults)
opts[k] or {}, utils.tbl_deep_clone(M.globals[k]) or {})
-- overwrite highlights if supplied by the caller/provider setup
opts.winopts.__hl = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force",
opts.winopts.__hl, opts.winopts.hl or {})
-- these options are copied from globals unless specifically set
-- also check if we need to override 'opts.prompt' from cli args
-- if we don't override 'opts.prompt' 'FzfWin.save_query' will
@ -929,6 +937,38 @@ M.bytecode = function(s, datatype)
-- returns nil if not found
M.get_global = function(s)
local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.')
local iter = M.globals
for i=1,#keys do
iter = iter[keys[i]]
if not iter then break end
if i == #keys then
return iter
-- builds the tree if needed
M.set_global = function(s, value)
local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.')
local iter = M.globals
for i=1,#keys do
if i == #keys then
iter[keys[i]] = value
-- build the new leaf on parent
-- to preserve original table ref
local parent = iter
if not parent[keys[i]] then
parent[keys[i]] = {}
iter = parent[keys[i]]
M.set_action_helpstr = function(fn, helpstr)
assert(type(fn) == 'function')
M._action_to_helpstr[fn] = helpstr

@ -32,6 +32,47 @@ end
local M = {}
function M.setup_highlights()
local highlights = {
FzfLuaNormal = { 'winopts.hl.normal', "Normal" },
FzfLuaBorder = { 'winopts.hl.border', "FloatBorder" },
FzfLuaCursor = { 'winopts.hl.cursor', "Cursor" },
FzfLuaCursorLine = { 'winopts.hl.cursorline', "CursorLine" },
FzfLuaCursorLineNr = { 'winopts.hl.cursornr', "CursorLineNr" },
FzfLuaSearch = { 'winopts.hl.search', "IncSearch" },
FzfLuaTitle = { 'winopts.hl.title', "FzfLuaNormal" },
FzfLuaScrollBorderEmpty = { 'winopts.hl.scrollborder_e', "FzfLuaBorder" },
FzfLuaScrollBorderFull = { 'winopts.hl.scrollborder_f', "FzfLuaBorder" },
FzfLuaScrollFloatEmpty = { 'winopts.hl.scrollfloat_e', "PmenuSbar" },
FzfLuaScrollFloatFull = { 'winopts.hl.scrollfloat_f', "PmenuThumb" },
FzfLuaHelpNormal = { 'winopts.hl.help_normal', "FzfLuaNormal" },
FzfLuaHelpBorder = { 'winopts.hl.help_border', "FzfLuaBorder" },
for hl_name, v in pairs(highlights) do
-- define a new linked highlight and then override the
-- default config with the new FzfLuaXXX hl this leaves
-- the option for direct call option overrides (via winopts)
local hl_link = config.get_global(v[1])
if not hl_link or vim.fn.hlID(hl_link) == 0 then
-- revert to default if hl option or link doesn't exist
hl_link = v[2]
if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.7') == 1 then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl_name, { default = true, link = hl_link })
vim.cmd(string.format("hi! link %s %s", hl_name, hl_link))
-- save new highlight groups under 'winopts.__hl'
config.set_global(v[1]:gsub("%.hl%.", ".__hl."), hl_name)
-- Setup highlights at least once on load in
-- case the user decides not to call `setup()`
function M.setup(opts)
local globals = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts, config.globals)
-- backward compatibility before winopts was it's own struct
@ -73,6 +114,8 @@ function M.setup(opts)
-- this doesn't happen automatically
config.globals = globals
globals = nil
-- setup highlights
M.resume = require'fzf-lua.core'.fzf_resume

@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ function Previewer.base:scroll(direction)
if not api.nvim_win_is_valid(preview_winid) then return end
if direction == 0 then
vim.api.nvim_win_call(preview_winid, function()
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_call, preview_winid, function()
-- for some reason 'nvim_win_set_cursor'
-- only moves forward, so set to (1,0) first
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {1, 0})
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ function Previewer.base:scroll(direction)
-- local input = direction > 0 and [[]] or [[]]
-- ^D = 0x04, ^U = 0x15 ('g8' on char to display)
local input = ('%c'):format(utils._if(direction>0, 0x04, 0x15))
vim.api.nvim_win_call(preview_winid, function()
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_call, preview_winid, function()
vim.cmd([[norm! ]] .. input)
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ function Previewer.buffer_or_file:populate_preview_buf(entry_str)
elseif entry.uri then
-- LSP 'jdt://' entries, see issue #195
-- https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/issues/195
vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.win.preview_winid, function()
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_call, self.win.preview_winid, function()
vim.lsp.util.jump_to_location(entry, "utf-16")
self.preview_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ function Previewer.buffer_or_file:do_syntax(entry)
function Previewer.buffer_or_file:set_cursor_hl(entry)
vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.win.preview_winid, function()
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_call, self.win.preview_winid, function()
local lnum, col = tonumber(entry.line), tonumber(entry.col)
local pattern = entry.pattern or entry.text
@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ function Previewer.buffer_or_file:set_cursor_hl(entry)
if self.win.winopts.hl.cursor and not (lnum<=1 and col<=1) then
fn.matchaddpos(self.win.winopts.hl.cursor, {{lnum, math.max(1, col)}}, 11)
if self.win.winopts.__hl.cursor and not (lnum<=1 and col<=1) then
fn.matchaddpos(self.win.winopts.__hl.cursor, {{lnum, math.max(1, col)}}, 11)
@ -807,8 +807,8 @@ function Previewer.help_file:set_cursor_hl(entry)
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {1, 0})
fn.search(entry.hregex, "W")
if self.win.winopts.hl.search then
fn.matchadd(self.win.winopts.hl.search, entry.hregex)
if self.win.winopts.__hl.search then
fn.matchadd(self.win.winopts.__hl.search, entry.hregex)
self.orig_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
@ -940,8 +940,8 @@ function Previewer.tags:set_cursor_hl(entry)
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {1, 0})
fn.search(entry.ctag, "W")
if self.win.winopts.hl.search then
fn.matchadd(self.win.winopts.hl.search, entry.ctag)
if self.win.winopts.__hl.search then
fn.matchadd(self.win.winopts.__hl.search, entry.ctag)
self.orig_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
@ -1007,8 +1007,8 @@ function Previewer.highlights:populate_preview_buf(entry_str)
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {1, 0})
fn.search(selected_hl, "W")
if self.win.winopts.hl.search then
fn.matchadd(self.win.winopts.hl.search, selected_hl)
if self.win.winopts.__hl.search then
fn.matchadd(self.win.winopts.__hl.search, selected_hl)
self.orig_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)

@ -294,18 +294,18 @@ end
function FzfWin:reset_win_highlights(win, is_border)
local hl = ("Normal:%s,FloatBorder:%s"):format(
self.winopts.hl.normal, self.winopts.hl.border)
self.winopts.__hl.normal, self.winopts.__hl.border)
if self._previewer then
for _, h in ipairs({ 'CursorLine', 'CursorLineNr' }) do
if self.winopts.hl[h:lower()] then
hl = hl .. (",%s:%s"):format(h, self.winopts.hl[h:lower()])
if self.winopts.__hl[h:lower()] then
hl = hl .. (",%s:%s"):format(h, self.winopts.__hl[h:lower()])
if is_border then
-- our border is manuually drawn so we need
-- to replace Normal with the border color
hl = ("Normal:%s"):format(self.winopts.hl.border)
hl = ("Normal:%s"):format(self.winopts.__hl.border)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, 'winhighlight', hl)
@ -865,9 +865,9 @@ function FzfWin:clear_border_highlights()
function FzfWin:set_title_hl()
if self.winopts.hl.title and self._title_len and self._title_len>0 then
vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.border_winid, function()
fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.hl.title, {{1, 9, self._title_len+1}}, 11)
if self.winopts.__hl.title and self._title_len and self._title_len>0 then
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_call, self.border_winid, function()
fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.__hl.title, {{1, 9, self._title_len+1}}, 11)
@ -920,16 +920,16 @@ function FzfWin:update_scrollbar_border(o)
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.border_buf, 1, -2, 0, lines)
-- border highlights
if self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f or self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e then
vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.border_winid, function()
if self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f then
if self.winopts.__hl.scrollborder_f or self.winopts.__hl.scrollborder_e then
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_call, self.border_winid, function()
if self.winopts.hl.scrollborder_f then
for i=1,#full do
fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f, full[i], 11)
fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.__hl.scrollborder_f, full[i], 11)
if self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e then
if self.winopts.__hl.scrollborder_e then
for i=1,#empty do
fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e, empty[i], 11)
fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.__hl.scrollborder_e, empty[i], 11)
@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ function FzfWin:update_scrollbar_float(o)
style1.noautocmd = true
self._sbuf1 = ensure_tmp_buf(self._sbuf1)
self._swin1 = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self._sbuf1, false, style1)
local hl = self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e or 'PmenuSbar'
local hl = self.winopts.__hl.scrollfloat_e or 'PmenuSbar'
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self._swin1, 'winhighlight',
('Normal:%s,NormalNC:%s,NormalFloat:%s'):format(hl, hl, hl))
@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ function FzfWin:update_scrollbar_float(o)
style2.noautocmd = true
self._sbuf2 = ensure_tmp_buf(self._sbuf2)
self._swin2 = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self._sbuf2, false, style2)
local hl = self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f or 'PmenuThumb'
local hl = self.winopts.__hl.scrollfloat_f or 'PmenuThumb'
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self._swin2, 'winhighlight',
('Normal:%s,NormalNC:%s,NormalFloat:%s'):format(hl, hl, hl))
@ -1154,8 +1154,8 @@ function FzfWin.toggle_help()
opts.mode_width = opts.mode_width or 10
opts.name_width = opts.name_width or 28
opts.keybind_width = opts.keybind_width or 14
opts.normal_hl = opts.normal_hl or self.winopts.hl.normal
opts.border_hl = opts.border_hl or self.winopts.hl.border
opts.normal_hl = opts.normal_hl or self.winopts.__hl.help_normal
opts.border_hl = opts.border_hl or self.winopts.__hl.help_border
opts.winblend = opts.winblend or 0
opts.column_padding = opts.column_padding or " "
opts.column_width = opts.keybind_width + opts.name_width + #opts.column_padding + 2
@ -1261,8 +1261,8 @@ function FzfWin.toggle_help()
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.km_bufnr, "bufhidden", "wipe")
self.km_winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self.km_bufnr, false, winopts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(self.km_bufnr, "_FzfLuaHelp")
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winhl", "Normal:" .. opts.normal_hl)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winhl", "FloatBorder:" .. opts.border_hl)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winhl",
string.format("Normal:%s,FloatBorder:%s", opts.normal_hl, opts.border_hl))
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winblend", opts.winblend)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "foldenable", false)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "wrap", false)
