fix: preview/actions for paths that contain ':' (closes #453)

bhagwan 2 years ago
parent 52326a6444
commit 07e34d2bac

@ -254,6 +254,28 @@ function M.entry_to_file(entry, opts, force_uri)
local file = s[1]
local line = tonumber(s[2])
local col = tonumber(s[3])
-- if the filename contains ':' we will have the wrong filename.
-- test for existence on the longest possible match on the file
-- system so we can accept files that end with ':', for example:
-- file.ext:1
-- file.ext:1:2
-- file.ext:1:2:3
-- the only usecase where this would fail would be when grep'ing
-- if the contents of the file starts with '%d' without indents
-- AND the match line:col+text would match an existing file.
-- probably not great for performance but this function only gets
-- called within previews/actions so it's not that bad (#453)
if #s > 1 then
local newfile = file
for i=2, #s do
newfile = ("%s:%s"):format(newfile, s[i])
if vim.loop.fs_stat(newfile) then
file = newfile
line = s[i+1]
col = s[i+2]
local terminal
if bufnr then
terminal = utils.is_term_buffer(bufnr)
