176 Commits (main)

Author SHA1 Message Date
bhagwan d4ec9eea65 chore: regen vimdoc 2 years ago
Akianonymus d7b1ee7a84 previewer: Add title_align option
change alignment of the preview title

default is left
2 years ago
bhagwan d59bc58328 feat(loclist): use `alt-l` to send selection to the loclist (#435) 2 years ago
m-fonseca 4777dd572a README: add missing ','s 2 years ago
bhagwan 95c859b4e4 highlights: restored default border hl to "Normal" (#473) 2 years ago
bhagwan dae78fc153 feat(git): improvements in git 'status|commits|bcommits':
- Option to define 'preview_pager' (e.g. `delta`) which will be piped
  onto the preview command, more convinient than having to rewrite the
  preview command or have to define it under 'previewers.git_diff'
  for 'git.status'
- Added timestamp & author name to 'commits|bcommits' default command
- Added timestamp to 'commits' default preview command
- 'bcommits' changes:
  + disabled for unnamed buffers
  + default preview now shows `git diff` for the specific file (instead
    of showing the entire commit
  + will attempt to detect the current buffers git root in case current
    working directory changed, i.e. 'bcommits' will work as long as the
    current buffer is under a git repo)
- 'branches': better branch extraction lua pattern
2 years ago
bhagwan ee19eda2e3 feat: 'diagnostics.icon_padding' for extra wide icons (#470) 2 years ago
bhagwan a2c7d7863c feat(diagnostics): extract icons|highlights from neovim signs 2 years ago
bhagwan 236b305a18 feat: new FzfLuaXXX highlights, updated README 2 years ago
bhagwan 5e4151d495 feat(lsp_workspace_symbols): added '<C-g>' to toggle live query:
works similar to 'grep_lgrep' action toggling between the fuzzy
matching on the entire workspace symbols and live query which
sends a new LSP query with each keystroke, fuzzy query is saved
between toggles so it can be used as an extra filter for example:
live query 'foo', press ctrl-g and enter '!.lua', to exclude all
lua files.
Addittional changes:
- diagnostics decoupled from LSP, new options under 'diagnostics'
- symbols options has their own category under 'lsp.symbols'
- 'lsp_document_diagnostics' -> 'diagnostics_document'
- 'lsp_workspace_diagnostics' -> 'diagnostics_workspace'
- backward compatibility maintained for the above changes
- all symbols providers use 'async=true' by default
2 years ago
bhagwan 519dbf067b feat(preview): toggle cursorline hl when scrolling (#462)
Other changes:
- preview: added new highlight setting `CursorLineNr`
- internal changes to preview command shellescape
2 years ago
bhagwan d7de3b51ae feat(grep_lgrep): save query prompt between toggles
fix(live_grep_resume): when using skim
lsp_workspace_symbols: 'opt.query' -> 'opts.lsp_query'
API adjustments:
- Support for `opts.query` everywhere
- Auto shellescape `opts.preview`
- Removed global default prompt
2 years ago
bhagwan 817df87a8e Major refactor, read below if you're having issues
This patch is quite massive, hopefully I got everything right in
testing, changes include:
- New API interface for "live" queries, for usage refer to:
- All providers now use 'fzf_exec' API (previously 'fzf_wrap')
- All "live" queries now use 'fzf_live' API
- Better resume support for "live" queries
- Fzf initial command now uses $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND instead of piping the
  command, this delegates the responsiblity to fzf which kills the
  command on exit resulting in better responsibness when exiting fzf
- Added 'silent_fail' option (default:'true') to prevent fzf from
  displaying [Command failed:...] when commands exit with error code
- Exposed 'config.globals' as 'require'fzf-lua'.defaults'
- Fix: 'libuv.shellescape' with special chars in fish shells
- Manpages: moved fzf option `--tiebreak=begin' to config
- Buffer actions: navigate to line if exists
- Lsp_diagnostics: properly use a coroutine
- make_entry signatures changed (entry before opts)
- Removed make_entry shortcuts from 'core'
- Removed 'coroutine.yield' where unecessary
- Fix: 'git_icons' with 'live_grep({multiprocess=false})'
- tagstack: use relative paths and replace '$HOME' with '~'
- Deprecated 'core.fzf_files'
- Fix: resume query if cancelled while loading indicator is shown
- Fix: resume query when command failed with 'silent_fail=false'
2 years ago
bhagwan 574ade266d defaults: set `winopts.hl.search` to 'IncSearch' 2 years ago
bhagwan d44a33733e feat(help_tags): preview no longer runs `:help` (closes #457) 2 years ago
Matthieu Coudron bf3a4e12fb feat(menus): new provider for vim menus (':help menus') 2 years ago
bhagwan 343322108d fix(lsp): symbols when 'lsp.protocol.CompletionItemKind' is default 2 years ago
bhagwan 09e2b982fb feat(lsp): make symbol highlights configurable 2 years ago
bhagwan ea287de481 feat(lsp): use symbol icons and highlight using CmpItemKindXXX hls 2 years ago
bhagwan 3511c44753 feat: new border style 'thicc' 2 years ago
OKURA Masafumi d4c050e101 README update: minor typo, fzf minimum version clarification 2 years ago
bhagwan 23034bb022 feat: new git provider: 'git_stash' (closes #410) 2 years ago
bhagwan b614a9d315 feat: file providers now support 'path_shorten' (#408) 2 years ago
bhagwan 52dedd28d8 feat(lsp): added 'lsp_(incoming|outgoing)_calls' (closes #399) 2 years ago
Benedikt Rips 159383c331 Disable Fzf's native border
Fzf may be configured via `$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS` to show a border, which
takes up unnecessary space in `fzf-lua`.

Setting `config.globals.fzf_opts['--border'] = 'none'` disables Fzf's

README update: fzf default opt '--border=none'
2 years ago
bhagwan 97d4ba31f7 git icons|status: added support for 'typechange' diff 2 years ago
bhagwan fa69ad7b13 lines|blines: added selection/multi-select to quickfix 2 years ago
bhagwan 0e775b075b blines: expose multi-select in config options 2 years ago
bhagwan d075f9008a README: updated 'rg_glob_fn' argument return order 2 years ago
bhagwan f3d0789e33 feat: custom glob parsing function via 'grep.rg_glob_fn' (#373) 2 years ago
bhagwan 1d93315328 btags: added missing 'rg_opts' (closes #372) 2 years ago
bhagwan 835de49506 new provider: highlights 2 years ago
bhagwan 4edaa792ff grep: opts.search overrides continue_last_search (closes #370) 2 years ago
Marco Fonseca 84fa52720c docs: add missing comma to cfg and space cleanup
docs: minor updates and vimdoc regen
2 years ago
bhagwan f86de7aa6b new option 'grep.rg_glob': default to rg glob parsing (closes #365) 2 years ago
bhagwan d96b57abf3 README update: clarified `viu -b` usage inside a neovim terminal 2 years ago
bhagwan 610378e53c new feature: image previews with `ueberzug` 2 years ago
bhagwan 3f72cad542 new feature: custom shell command previews (e.g. image previews with `viu`) 2 years ago
bhagwan f1af3d7690 actions.grep_lgrep: changed default bind to <C-g> 2 years ago
bhagwan 3f3310064f actions.grep_lgrep: changed default bind to <C-l> 2 years ago
Callum Macrae 06c5ccaebb Correct vim-plug install instructions
Previously defaulted to master branch, this tells it to use main instead
2 years ago
bhagwan 27f58c51c2 new feautre: <c-i> to toggle between 'grep|live_grep' 2 years ago
bhagwan 962f89bf8e README update: tags commands moved to dedicated section 2 years ago
bhagwan dcebd33a88 tags: added grep_cword|CWORD|visual 2 years ago
bhagwan ad4e168e99 buitin previewer: do not preview file size>10MB (configurable) 2 years ago
bhagwan 9094065d79 new provider: tags_live_grep 2 years ago
bhagwan af6d6c3785 new provider: tags_grep 2 years ago
bhagwan 95b82e7973 tags|btags rework, multiprocess performance enhancement (#355) 2 years ago
bhagwan 5f1506fc0c apply cwd to path when parsing LSP URIs (#341) 2 years ago
bhagwan 59de53fbbe lsp_code_actions: 'deepcopy' fallback, 'ui_select' control opt (#353) 2 years ago