You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1041 lines
35 KiB

local path = require "fzf-lua.path"
local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils"
3 years ago
local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
local previewers = require "fzf-lua.previewer"
3 years ago
-- Clear the default command or it would interfere with our options
-- not needed anymore, we are pretty much overriding all options
-- with our cli args, in addition this could conflict with fzf.vim
-- vim.env.FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS = ''
3 years ago
local M = {}
M._has_devicons, M._devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons")
-- get the devicons module path
M._devicons_path = M._has_devicons and M._devicons and M._devicons.setup
and debug.getinfo(M._devicons.setup, 'S').source:gsub("^@", "")
function M._default_previewer_fn()
return M.globals.default_previewer or M.globals.winopts.preview.default
-- set this so that make_entry won't
-- get nil err when setting remotely
M.__resume_data = {}
M.globals = {
nbsp = utils.nbsp,
global_resume = true,
global_resume_query = true,
winopts = {
height = 0.85,
width = 0.80,
row = 0.35,
col = 0.55,
border = 'rounded',
fullscreen = false,
--[[ hl = {
normal = 'Normal',
border = 'FloatBorder',
help_normal = 'Normal',
help_border = 'FloatBorder',
-- builtin preview only
cursor = 'Cursor',
cursorline = 'CursorLine',
cursorlinenr = 'CursorLineNr',
search = 'IncSearch',
title = 'Normal',
scrollfloat_e = 'PmenuSbar',
scrollfloat_f = 'PmenuThumb',
scrollborder_e = 'FloatBorder',
scrollborder_f = 'FloatBorder',
}, ]]
preview = {
default = "builtin",
border = 'border',
wrap = 'nowrap',
hidden = 'nohidden',
vertical = 'down:45%',
horizontal = 'right:60%',
layout = 'flex',
flip_columns = 120,
title = true,
scrollbar = 'border',
scrolloff = '-2',
scrollchar = '',
scrollchars = {'', '' },
-- default preview delay 100ms, same as native fzf preview
delay = 100,
winopts = {
number = true,
relativenumber = false,
cursorline = true,
cursorlineopt = 'both',
cursorcolumn = false,
signcolumn = 'no',
list = false,
foldenable = false,
foldmethod = 'manual',
_borderchars = {
["none"] = { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' },
["single"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["double"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["rounded"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
["thicc"] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
on_create = function()
-- vim.cmd("set winhl=Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal")
keymap = {
builtin = {
["<F1>"] = "toggle-help",
["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen",
-- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer
["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap",
["<F4>"] = "toggle-preview",
["<F5>"] = "toggle-preview-ccw",
["<F6>"] = "toggle-preview-cw",
["<S-down>"] = "preview-page-down",
["<S-up>"] = "preview-page-up",
["<S-left>"] = "preview-page-reset",
fzf = {
["ctrl-z"] = "abort",
["ctrl-u"] = "unix-line-discard",
["ctrl-f"] = "half-page-down",
["ctrl-b"] = "half-page-up",
["ctrl-a"] = "beginning-of-line",
["ctrl-e"] = "end-of-line",
["alt-a"] = "toggle-all",
-- Only valid with fzf previewers (bat/cat/git/etc)
["f3"] = "toggle-preview-wrap",
["f4"] = "toggle-preview",
["shift-down"] = "preview-page-down",
["shift-up"] = "preview-page-up",
actions = {
files = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["alt-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
buffers = {
["default"] = actions.buf_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit,
fzf_bin = nil,
fzf_opts = {
['--ansi'] = '',
['--info'] = 'inline',
['--height'] = '100%',
['--layout'] = 'reverse',
['--border'] = 'none',
previewers = {
cat = {
cmd = "cat",
args = "--number",
_ctor = previewers.fzf.cmd_async,
bat = {
cmd = "bat",
args = "--italic-text=always --style=numbers,changes --color always",
theme = nil,
config = nil,
_ctor = previewers.fzf.bat_async,
bat_native = {
cmd = "bat",
args = "--italic-text=always --style=numbers,changes --color always",
_ctor = previewers.fzf.bat,
head = {
cmd = "head",
args = nil,
_ctor = previewers.fzf.head,
3 years ago
git_diff = {
cmd_deleted = "git diff --color HEAD --",
cmd_modified = "git diff --color HEAD",
cmd_untracked = "git diff --color --no-index /dev/null",
_fn_git_icons = function() return M.globals.git.icons end,
_ctor = previewers.fzf.git_diff,
3 years ago
man = {
cmd = "man -c %s | col -bx",
_ctor = previewers.builtin.man_pages,
man_native = {
cmd = "man",
_ctor = previewers.fzf.man_pages,
help_tags = {
split = "botright", -- "topleft"
_ctor = previewers.builtin.help_tags,
help_file = {
_ctor = previewers.builtin.help_file,
builtin = {
syntax = true,
syntax_delay = 0,
syntax_limit_l = 0,
syntax_limit_b = 1024*1024, -- 1MB
limit_b = 1024*1024*10, -- 10MB
ueberzug_scaler = "cover",
_ctor = previewers.builtin.buffer_or_file,
M.globals.files = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = '> ',
cmd = nil, -- default: auto detect find|fd
multiprocess = true,
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
git_status_cmd = {"git", "status", "-s"},
find_opts = [[-type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -printf '%P\n']],
rg_opts = "--color=never --files --hidden --follow -g '!.git'",
fd_opts = "--color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git",
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
-- Must construct our opts table in stages
-- so we can reference 'M.globals.files'
M.globals.git = {
files = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'GitFiles> ',
cmd = "git ls-files --exclude-standard",
multiprocess = true,
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
3 years ago
status = {
prompt = 'GitStatus> ',
cmd = "git status -s",
previewer = "git_diff",
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
actions = {
["right"] = { actions.git_unstage, actions.resume },
["left"] = { actions.git_stage, actions.resume },
3 years ago
commits = {
prompt = 'Commits> ',
cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color",
preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_checkout,
bcommits = {
prompt = 'BCommits> ',
cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color",
preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_buf_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.git_buf_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.git_buf_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.git_buf_tabedit,
branches = {
prompt = 'Branches> ',
cmd = "git branch --all --color",
preview = "git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_switch,
stash = {
prompt = 'Stash> ',
cmd = "git --no-pager stash list",
preview = "git --no-pager stash show --patch --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_stash_apply,
["ctrl-x"] = { actions.git_stash_drop, actions.resume },
fzf_opts = {
-- TODO: multiselect requires more work as dropping
-- a stash changes the stash index causing an error
-- when the next stash is attempted a drop
["--no-multi"] = '',
['--delimiter'] = "'[:]'",
icons = {
["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" },
["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" },
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["R"] = { icon = "R", color = "yellow" },
["C"] = { icon = "C", color = "yellow" },
["T"] = { icon = "T", color = "magenta" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
M.globals.grep = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Rg> ',
input_prompt = 'Grep For> ',
cmd = nil, -- default: auto detect rg|grep
multiprocess = true,
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
grep_opts = "--binary-files=without-match --line-number --recursive --color=auto --perl-regexp",
rg_opts = "--column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case --max-columns=512",
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
actions = { ["ctrl-g"] = { actions.grep_lgrep } },
-- live_grep_glob options
glob_flag = "--iglob", -- for case sensitive globs use '--glob'
glob_separator = "%s%-%-", -- query separator pattern (lua): ' --'
M.globals.args = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Args> ',
files_only = true,
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
actions = {
["ctrl-x"] = { actions.arg_del, actions.resume }
M.globals.oldfiles = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'History> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
stat_file = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
M.globals.quickfix = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Quickfix> ',
separator = '',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
M.globals.loclist = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Locations> ',
separator = '',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
M.globals.buffers = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Buffers> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
sort_lastused = true,
show_all_buffers = true,
ignore_current_buffer = false,
cwd_only = false,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.buffers end,
actions = {
["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume },
3 years ago
M.globals.tabs = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
3 years ago
prompt = 'Tabs> ',
tab_title = "Tab",
tab_marker = "<<",
3 years ago
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.buffers end,
3 years ago
actions = {
["default"] = actions.buf_switch,
["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume },
3 years ago
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = "'[\\):]'",
["--with-nth"] = '2..',
3 years ago
M.globals.lines = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Lines> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
show_unlisted = false,
no_term_buffers = true,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = "'[\\]:]'",
["--nth"] = '2..',
["--tiebreak"] = 'index',
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.buffers end,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.buf_edit_or_qf,
["alt-q"] = actions.buf_sel_to_qf
M.globals.blines = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'BLines> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
show_unlisted = true,
no_term_buffers = false,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = "'[:]'",
["--with-nth"] = '2..',
["--tiebreak"] = 'index',
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.buffers end,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.buf_edit_or_qf,
["alt-q"] = actions.buf_sel_to_qf
M.globals.tags = {
previewer = { _ctor = previewers.builtin.tags },
prompt = 'Tags> ',
ctags_file = "tags",
rg_opts = "--no-heading --color=always --smart-case",
grep_opts = "--color=auto --perl-regexp",
multiprocess = true,
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
git_icons = true,
color_icons = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
actions = { ["ctrl-g"] = { actions.grep_lgrep } },
M.globals.btags = {
previewer = { _ctor = previewers.builtin.tags },
prompt = 'BTags> ',
ctags_file = "tags",
rg_opts = "--no-heading --color=always",
grep_opts = "--color=auto --perl-regexp",
multiprocess = true,
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
git_icons = true,
color_icons = true,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = "'[:]'",
["--with-nth"] = '2..',
["--tiebreak"] = 'index',
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
M.globals.colorschemes = {
prompt = 'Colorschemes> ',
live_preview = true,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.colorscheme,
winopts = {
height = 0.55,
width = 0.50,
M.globals.highlights = {
prompt = 'highlights> ',
previewer = { _ctor = previewers.builtin.highlights, },
M.globals.helptags = {
prompt = 'Help> ',
actions = {
["default"] =,
["ctrl-s"] =,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.help_vert,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.help_tab,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = "'[ ]'",
['--with-nth'] = "..-2",
previewer = {
_ctor = previewers.builtin.help_file,
M.globals.manpages = {
prompt = 'Man> ',
cmd = "man -k .",
actions = {
["default"] =,
["ctrl-s"] =,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.man_vert,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.man_tab,
fzf_opts = { ['--tiebreak'] = 'begin' },
previewer = "man",
M.globals.lsp = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt_postfix = '> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
cwd_only = false,
ui_select = true,
async_or_timeout = 5000,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
M.globals.lsp.symbols = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt_postfix = '> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
symbol_style = 1,
symbol_hl_prefix = "CmpItemKind",
symbol_fmt = function(s) return "["..s.."]" end,
async_or_timeout = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
actions = { ["ctrl-g"] = { actions.sym_lsym } },
M.globals.diagnostics = {
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
prompt = 'Diagnostics> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
diag_icons = true,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
-- signs = {
-- ["Error"] = { text = "e", texthl = "DiagnosticError" },
-- ["Warn"] = { text = "w", texthl = "DiagnosticWarn" },
-- ["Info"] = { text = "i", texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" },
-- ["Hint"] = { text = "h", texthl = "DiagnosticHint" },
-- },
M.globals.builtin = {
prompt = 'Builtin> ',
winopts = {
height = 0.65,
width = 0.50,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.run_builtin,
M.globals.nvim = {
3 years ago
marks = {
prompt = 'Marks> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.goto_mark,
previewer = {
_ctor = previewers.builtin.marks,
3 years ago
jumps = {
prompt = 'Jumps> ',
cmd = "jumps",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.goto_jump,
previewer = {
_ctor = previewers.builtin.jumps,
tagstack = {
prompt = 'Tagstack> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
commands = {
prompt = 'Commands> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.ex_run,
command_history = {
prompt = 'Command History> ',
fzf_opts = { ["--tiebreak"] = 'index', },
actions = {
["default"] = actions.ex_run_cr,
["ctrl-e"] = actions.ex_run,
search_history = {
prompt = 'Search History> ',
fzf_opts = { ["--tiebreak"] = 'index', },
actions = {
["default"] = actions.search_cr,
["ctrl-e"] =,
registers = {
prompt = 'Registers> ',
ignore_empty = true,
keymaps = {
prompt = 'Keymaps> ',
spell_suggest = {
prompt = 'Spelling Suggestions> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.spell_apply,
filetypes = {
prompt = 'Filetypes> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.set_filetype,
packadd = {
prompt = 'packadd> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.packadd,
menus = {
prompt = 'Menu> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.exec_menu,
M.globals.dap = {
commands = {
prompt = 'DAP Commands> ',
configurations = {
prompt = 'DAP Configurations> ',
variables = {
prompt = 'DAP Variables> ',
frames = {
prompt = 'DAP Frames> ',
breakpoints = {
prompt = 'DAP Breakpoints> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
previewer = M._default_previewer_fn,
_actions = function() return M.globals.actions.files end,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = "'[\\]:]'",
["--with-nth"] = '2..',
M.globals.file_icon_padding = ''
if not M._has_devicons then
M.globals.file_icon_colors = {
["lua"] = "blue",
["rockspec"] = "magenta",
["vim"] = "green",
["vifm"] = "green",
["sh"] = "cyan",
["zsh"] = "cyan",
["bash"] = "cyan",
["bat"] = "cyan",
["term"] = "green",
["py"] = "green",
["md"] = "yellow",
["go"] = "magenta",
["c"] = "blue",
["cpp"] = "blue",
["h"] = "magenta",
["hpp"] = "magenta",
["sol"] = "magenta",
["abi"] = "yellow",
["js"] = "blue",
["ts"] = "cyan",
["tsx"] = "cyan",
["css"] = "magenta",
["hs"] = "blue",
["rs"] = "blue",
["rst"] = "yellow",
["xml"] = "yellow",
["yml"] = "yellow",
["yaml"] = "yellow",
["json"] = "yellow",
["toml"] = "yellow",
["ini"] = "red",
["conf"] = "red",
["config"] = "red",
["plist"] = "red",
["local"] = "red",
["build"] = "red",
["patch"] = "red",
["diff"] = "red",
["service"] = "red",
["desktop"] = "red",
["txt"] = "white",
["ico"] = "green",
["gif"] = "green",
["jpg"] = "green",
["png"] = "green",
["svg"] = "green",
["otf"] = "green",
["ttf"] = "green",
function M.normalize_opts(opts, defaults)
3 years ago
if not opts then opts = {} end
-- opts can also be a function that returns an opts table
if type(opts) == 'function' then
opts = opts()
-- save the user's call parameters separately
-- we reuse those with 'actions.grep_lgrep'
opts.__call_opts = opts.__call_opts or utils.deepcopy(opts)
-- inherit from globals.actions?
if type(defaults._actions) == 'function' then
defaults.actions = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep",
defaults.actions or {},
-- First, merge with provider defaults
-- we must clone the 'defaults' tbl, otherwise 'opts.actions.default'
-- overrides 'config.globals.lsp.actions.default' in neovim 6.0
-- which then prevents the default action of all other LSP providers
opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts, utils.tbl_deep_clone(defaults))
-- Merge required tables from globals
for _, k in ipairs({ 'winopts', 'keymap', 'fzf_opts', 'previewers' }) do
opts[k] = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep",
-- must clone or map will be saved as reference
-- and then overwritten if found in 'backward_compat'
opts[k] or {}, utils.tbl_deep_clone(M.globals[k]) or {})
3 years ago
-- Merge arrays from globals|defaults, can't use 'vim.tbl_xxx'
-- for these as they only work for maps, ie. '{ key = value }'
for _, k in ipairs({ 'file_ignore_patterns' }) do
for _, m in ipairs({ defaults, M.globals }) do
if m[k] then
for _, item in ipairs(m[k]) do
if not opts[k] then opts[k] = {} end
table.insert(opts[k], item)
-- these options are copied from globals unless specifically set
-- also check if we need to override 'opts.prompt' from cli args
-- if we don't override 'opts.prompt' 'FzfWin.save_query' will
-- fail to remove the prompt part from resume saved query (#434)
for _, s in ipairs({ 'fzf_args', 'fzf_cli_args', 'fzf_raw_args' }) do
if opts[s] == nil then
opts[s] = M.globals[s]
local pattern_prefix = "%-%-prompt="
local pattern_prompt = ".-"
local surround = opts[s] and opts[s]:match(pattern_prefix .. "(.)")
-- prompt was set without surrounding quotes
-- technically an error but we can handle it gracefully instead
if surround and surround ~= [[']] and surround ~= [["]] then
surround = ''
pattern_prompt = "[^%s]+"
if surround then
local pattern_capture = pattern_prefix ..
("%s(%s)%s"):format(surround, pattern_prompt, surround)
local pattern_gsub = pattern_prefix ..
("%s%s%s"):format(surround, pattern_prompt, surround)
if opts[s]:match(pattern_gsub) then
opts.prompt = opts[s]:match(pattern_capture)
opts[s] = opts[s]:gsub(pattern_gsub, "")
local function get_opt(o, t1, t2)
if t1[o] ~= nil then return t1[o]
else return t2[o] end
-- Merge global resume options
opts.global_resume = get_opt('global_resume', opts, M.globals)
opts.global_resume_query = get_opt('global_resume_query', opts, M.globals)
-- Backward compat: renamed '{continue|repeat}_last_search'
if opts.resume == nil then
for _, o in ipairs({ 'repeat_last_search', 'continue_last_search' }) do
if opts[o] ~= nil then
opts.resume = opts[o]
-- global option overrides, if exists, these options will
-- be used in a "LOGICAL AND" against the local option (#188)
-- e.g.:
-- git_icons = TRUE
-- global_git_icons = FALSE
-- the resulting 'git_icons' would be:
-- git_icons = TRUE && FALSE (==FALSE)
for _, o in ipairs({ 'file_icons', 'git_icons', 'color_icons' }) do
local g_opt = get_opt("global_" .. o, opts, M.globals)
if g_opt ~= nil then
opts[o] = opts[o] and g_opt
-- backward compatibility, rhs overrides lhs
-- (rhs being the "old" option)
local backward_compat = {
['winopts.row'] = 'winopts.win_row',
['winopts.col'] = 'winopts.win_col',
['winopts.width'] = 'winopts.win_width',
['winopts.height'] = 'winopts.win_height',
['winopts.border'] = 'winopts.win_border',
['winopts.on_create'] = 'winopts.window_on_create',
['winopts.preview.wrap'] = 'preview_wrap',
['winopts.preview.border'] = 'preview_border',
['winopts.preview.hidden'] = 'preview_opts',
['winopts.preview.vertical'] = 'preview_vertical',
['winopts.preview.horizontal'] = 'preview_horizontal',
['winopts.preview.layout'] = 'preview_layout',
['winopts.preview.flip_columns'] = 'flip_columns',
['winopts.preview.default'] = 'default_previewer',
['winopts.hl.normal'] = 'winopts.hl_normal',
['winopts.hl.border'] = 'winopts.hl_border',
['winopts.hl.cursor'] = 'previewers.builtin.hl_cursor',
['winopts.hl.cursorline'] = 'previewers.builtin.hl_cursorline',
['winopts.preview.delay'] = 'previewers.builtin.delay',
['winopts.preview.title'] = 'previewers.builtin.title',
['winopts.preview.scrollbar'] = 'previewers.builtin.scrollbar',
['winopts.preview.scrollchar'] = 'previewers.builtin.scrollchar',
-- Diagnostics & LSP symbols separation options
['diag_icons'] = 'lsp.lsp_icons',
-- recursive key loopkup, can also set new value
local map_recurse = function(m, s, v, w)
local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.')
local val, map = m, nil
for i=1,#keys do
map = val
val = val[keys[i]]
if not val then break end
if v~=nil and i==#keys then map[keys[i]] = v end
if v and w then utils.warn(w) end
return val
-- interate backward compat map, retrieve values from opts or globals
for k, v in pairs(backward_compat) do
map_recurse(opts, k, map_recurse(opts, v) or map_recurse(M.globals, v))
-- ,("'%s' is now defined under '%s'"):format(v, k))
if type(opts.previewer) == 'function' then
-- we use a function so the user can override
-- globals.winopts.preview.default
opts.previewer = opts.previewer()
if type(opts.previewer) == 'table' then
-- merge with the default builtin previewer
opts.previewer = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep",
opts.previewer, M.globals.previewers.builtin)
if opts.cwd and #opts.cwd > 0 then
opts.cwd = vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd)
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(opts.cwd) then
utils.warn(("Unable to access '%s', removing 'cwd' option."):format(opts.cwd))
opts.cwd = nil
-- relative paths in cwd are inaccessible when using multiprocess
-- as the external process have no awareness of our current working
-- directory so we must convert to full path (#375)
if not path.starts_with_separator(opts.cwd) then
opts.cwd = path.join({ vim.loop.cwd(), opts.cwd })
-- test for valid git_repo
opts.git_icons = opts.git_icons and path.is_git_repo(opts, true)
local executable = function(binary, fncerr, strerr)
if binary and vim.fn.executable(binary) ~= 1 then
fncerr(("'%s' is not a valid executable, %s"):format(binary, strerr))
return false
return true
opts.fzf_bin = opts.fzf_bin or M.globals.fzf_bin
if not opts.fzf_bin or
not executable(opts.fzf_bin, utils.warn, "fallback to 'fzf'.") then
-- default|fallback to fzf
opts.fzf_bin = "fzf"
-- try fzf plugin if fzf is not installed globally
if vim.fn.executable(opts.fzf_bin) ~= 1 then
local ok, fzf_plug = pcall(vim.api.nvim_call_function, "fzf#exec", {})
if ok and fzf_plug then
opts.fzf_bin = fzf_plug
if not executable(opts.fzf_bin, utils.err,
"aborting. Please make sure 'fzf' is in installed.") then
return nil
-- are we using skim?
opts._is_skim = opts.fzf_bin:find('sk') ~= nil
-- libuv.spawn_nvim_fzf_cmd() pid callback
opts._pid_cb = function(pid) opts._pid = pid end
-- mark as normalized
opts._normalized = true
3 years ago
return opts
M.bytecode = function(s, datatype)
local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.')
local iter = M
for i=1,#keys do
iter = iter[keys[i]]
if not iter then break end
if i == #keys and type(iter) == datatype then
-- Not sure if second argument 'true' is needed
-- can't find any references for it other than
-- it being used in packer.nvim
return string.dump(iter, true)
-- returns nil if not found
M.get_global = function(s)
local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.')
local iter = M.globals
for i=1,#keys do
iter = iter[keys[i]]
if not iter then break end
if i == #keys then
return iter
-- builds the tree if needed
M.set_global = function(s, value)
local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.')
local iter = M.globals
for i=1,#keys do
if i == #keys then
iter[keys[i]] = value
-- build the new leaf on parent
-- to preserve original table ref
local parent = iter
if not parent[keys[i]] then
parent[keys[i]] = {}
iter = parent[keys[i]]
M.set_action_helpstr = function(fn, helpstr)
assert(type(fn) == 'function')
M._action_to_helpstr[fn] = helpstr
M.get_action_helpstr = function(fn)
return M._action_to_helpstr[fn]
M._action_to_helpstr = {
[actions.file_edit] = "file-edit",
[actions.file_edit_or_qf] = "file-edit-or-qf",
[actions.file_split] = "file-split",
[actions.file_vsplit] = "file-vsplit",
[actions.file_tabedit] = "file-tabedit",
[actions.file_sel_to_qf] = "file-selection-to-qf",
[actions.file_switch] = "file-switch",
[actions.file_switch_or_edit] = "file-switch-or-edit",
[actions.buf_edit] = "buffer-edit",
[actions.buf_edit_or_qf] = "buffer-edit-or-qf",
[actions.buf_sel_to_qf] = "buffer-selection-to-qf",
[actions.buf_split] = "buffer-split",
[actions.buf_vsplit] = "buffer-vsplit",
[actions.buf_tabedit] = "buffer-tabedit",
[actions.buf_del] = "buffer-delete",
[actions.buf_switch] = "buffer-switch",
[actions.buf_switch_or_edit] = "buffer-switch-or-edit",
[actions.colorscheme] = "set-colorscheme",
[actions.run_builtin] = "run-builtin",
[actions.ex_run] = "edit-cmd",
[actions.ex_run_cr] = "exec-cmd",
[actions.exec_menu] = "exec-menu",
[] = "edit-search",
[actions.search_cr] = "exec-search",
[actions.goto_mark] = "goto-mark",
[actions.goto_jump] = "goto-jump",
[actions.spell_apply] = "spell-apply",
[actions.set_filetype] = "set-filetype",
[actions.packadd] = "packadd",
[] = "help-open",
[actions.help_vert] = "help-vertical",
[actions.help_tab] = "help-tab",
[] = "man-open",
[actions.man_vert] = "man-vertical",
[actions.man_tab] = "man-tab",
[actions.git_switch] = "git-switch",
[actions.git_checkout] = "git-checkout",
[actions.git_stage] = "git-stage",
[actions.git_unstage] = "git-unstage",
[actions.git_reset] = "git-reset",
[actions.git_stash_pop] = "git-stash-pop",
[actions.git_stash_drop] = "git-stash-drop",
[actions.git_stash_apply] = "git-stash-apply",
[actions.git_buf_edit] = "git-buffer-edit",
[actions.git_buf_tabedit] = "git-buffer-tabedit",
[actions.git_buf_split] = "git-buffer-split",
[actions.git_buf_vsplit] = "git-buffer-vsplit",
[actions.arg_add] = "arg-list-add",
[actions.arg_del] = "arg-list-delete",
[actions.grep_lgrep] = "grep<->lgrep",
[actions.sym_lsym] = "sym<->lsym",
3 years ago
return M