You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

471 lines
15 KiB

3 years ago
local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils"
local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
-- Clear the default command or it would interfere with our options
-- not needed anymore, we are pretty much overriding all options
-- with our cli args, in addition this could conflict with fzf.vim
-- vim.env.FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS = ''
3 years ago
local M = {}
M._has_devicons, M._devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons")
-- if the caller has devicons lazy loaded
-- this will generate an error
-- nvim-web-devicons.lua:972: E5560:
-- nvim_command must not be called in a lua loop callback
if M._has_devicons and not M._devicons.has_loaded() then
M.globals = {
winopts = {
win_height = 0.85,
win_width = 0.80,
win_row = 0.30,
win_col = 0.50,
win_border = true,
window_on_create = function()
-- Set popup background same as normal windows
vim.cmd("set winhl=Normal:Normal")
default_prompt = '> ',
fzf_bin = nil,
fzf_layout = 'reverse',
fzf_binds = {
-- <F2> toggle preview
-- <F3> toggle preview text wrap
-- <C-f>|<C-b> page down|up
-- <C-d>|<C-u> half page down|up
-- <S-d>|<S-u> preview page down|up
-- <C-a> toggle select-all
-- <C-u> clear query
-- <C-q> send selected to quicfix
-- <A-q> send all to quicfix
preview_border = 'border',
preview_wrap = 'nowrap',
preview_opts = 'nohidden',
preview_vertical = 'down:45%',
preview_horizontal = 'right:60%',
preview_layout = 'flex',
flip_columns = 120,
default_previewer = utils._if(vim.fn.executable("bat")==1, "bat", "cat"),
previewers = {
cmd = {
-- custom previewer to be overidden by the user
cmd = "",
args = "",
-- we use function here instead of the object due to
-- vim.tbl_deep_extend not copying metatables and
-- metamethods (__index and __call)
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.cmd_async end,
cat = {
cmd = "cat",
args = "--number",
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.cmd_async end,
bat = {
cmd = "bat",
args = "--italic-text=always --style=numbers,changes --color always",
theme = nil,
config = nil,
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.bat_async end,
bat_native = {
cmd = "bat",
args = "--italic-text=always --style=numbers,changes --color always",
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.bat end,
head = {
cmd = "head",
args = nil,
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.head end,
3 years ago
git_diff = {
cmd = "git diff",
args = "--color",
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.cmd_async end,
builtin = {
treesitter = true,
_new = function() return require 'fzf-lua.previewer'.builtin end,
files = {
prompt = '> ',
cmd = nil, -- default: auto detect find|fd
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
git_diff_cmd = "git diff --name-status --relative HEAD",
git_untracked_cmd = "git ls-files --exclude-standard --others",
find_opts = "-type f -printf '%P\n'",
fd_opts =
[[--color never --type f --hidden --follow ]] ..
[[--exclude .git --exclude node_modules --exclude '*.pyc']],
3 years ago
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
3 years ago
3 years ago
-- Must construct our opts table in stages
-- so we can reference 'M.globals.files'
M.globals.git = {
files = {
prompt = 'GitFiles> ',
cmd = "git ls-files --exclude-standard",
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
actions = M.globals.files.actions,
3 years ago
status = {
prompt = 'GitStatus> ',
cmd = "git status -s",
previewer = "git_diff",
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
actions = M.globals.files.actions,
commits = {
prompt = 'Commits> ',
cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color",
preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = nil,
bcommits = {
prompt = 'BCommits> ',
cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color --",
preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = nil,
branches = {
prompt = 'Branches> ',
cmd = "git branch --all --color",
preview = "git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_switch,
icons = {
["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" },
["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" },
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
M.globals.grep = {
prompt = 'Rg> ',
input_prompt = 'Grep For> ',
cmd = nil, -- default: auto detect rg|grep
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
git_diff_cmd = M.globals.files.git_diff_cmd,
git_untracked_cmd = M.globals.files.git_untracked_cmd,
grep_opts = "--line-number --recursive --color=auto",
rg_opts = "--column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case",
3 years ago
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
3 years ago
M.globals.oldfiles = {
prompt = 'History> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
git_diff_cmd = M.globals.files.git_diff_cmd,
git_untracked_cmd = M.globals.files.git_untracked_cmd,
3 years ago
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
3 years ago
M.globals.quickfix = {
prompt = 'Quickfix> ',
separator = '',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
git_diff_cmd = M.globals.files.git_diff_cmd,
git_untracked_cmd = M.globals.files.git_untracked_cmd,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
M.globals.loclist = {
prompt = 'Locations> ',
separator = '',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
git_diff_cmd = M.globals.files.git_diff_cmd,
git_untracked_cmd = M.globals.files.git_untracked_cmd,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
M.globals.buffers = {
prompt = 'Buffers> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
sort_lastused = true,
show_all_buffers = true,
ignore_current_buffer = false,
cwd_only = false,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.buf_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit,
["ctrl-x"] = actions.buf_del,
M.globals.tags = {
prompt = 'Tags> ',
ctags_file = "tags",
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
git_icons = true,
color_icons = true,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
M.globals.btags = {
prompt = 'BTags> ',
ctags_file = "tags",
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
git_icons = true,
color_icons = true,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
M.globals.colorschemes = {
prompt = 'Colorschemes> ',
live_preview = true,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.colorscheme,
winopts = {
win_height = 0.55,
win_width = 0.50,
M.globals.helptags = {
prompt = 'Help> ',
actions = {
["default"] =,
["ctrl-s"] =,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.help_vert,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.help_tab,
M.globals.manpages = {
prompt = 'Man> ',
cmd = "man -k .",
actions = {
["default"] =,
["ctrl-s"] =,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.man_vert,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.man_tab,
M.globals.lsp = {
prompt = '> ',
file_icons = true and M._has_devicons,
color_icons = true,
git_icons = false,
lsp_icons = true,
severity = "hint",
cwd_only = false,
async_or_timeout = true,
actions = M.globals.files.actions,
icons = {
["Error"] = { icon = "", color = "red" }, -- error
["Warning"] = { icon = "", color = "yellow" }, -- warning
["Information"] = { icon = "", color = "blue" }, -- info
["Hint"] = { icon = "", color = "magenta" }, -- hint
M.globals.builtin = {
prompt = 'Builtin> ',
winopts = {
win_height = 0.65,
win_width = 0.50,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.run_builtin,
M.globals.nvim = {
3 years ago
marks = {
prompt = 'Marks> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.goto_mark,
commands = {
prompt = 'Commands> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.ex_run,
command_history = {
prompt = 'Command History> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.ex_run,
search_history = {
prompt = 'Search History> ',
actions = {
["default"] =,
registers = {
prompt = 'Registers> ',
ignore_empty = true,
keymaps = {
prompt = 'Keymaps> ',
spell_suggest = {
prompt = 'Spelling Suggestions> ',
actions = {
["default"] = actions.spell_apply,
M.globals.file_icon_colors = {
["lua"] = "blue",
["vim"] = "green",
["sh"] = "cyan",
["zsh"] = "cyan",
["bash"] = "cyan",
["py"] = "green",
["md"] = "yellow",
["c"] = "blue",
["cpp"] = "blue",
["h"] = "magenta",
["hpp"] = "magenta",
["js"] = "blue",
["ts"] = "cyan",
["tsx"] = "cyan",
["css"] = "magenta",
["yml"] = "yellow",
["yaml"] = "yellow",
["json"] = "yellow",
["toml"] = "yellow",
["conf"] = "yellow",
["build"] = "red",
["txt"] = "white",
["gif"] = "green",
["jpg"] = "green",
["png"] = "green",
["svg"] = "green",
["sol"] = "red",
["desktop"] = "magenta",
3 years ago
M.winopts = function(opts)
if not opts then opts = {} end
if not opts.winopts then opts.winopts = {} end
opts.winopts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts.winopts, M.globals.winopts)
opts.winopts_raw = opts.winopts_raw or M.globals.winopts_raw
3 years ago
local raw = {}
if opts.winopts_raw and type(opts.winopts_raw) == "function" then
raw = opts.winopts_raw()
local winopts = opts.winopts
local height = raw.height or math.floor(vim.o.lines * winopts.win_height)
local width = raw.width or math.floor(vim.o.columns * winopts.win_width)
local row = raw.row or math.floor((vim.o.lines - height) * winopts.win_row)
local col = raw.col or math.floor((vim.o.columns - width) * winopts.win_col)
3 years ago
return {
-- style = 'minimal',
height = height, width = width, row = row, col = col,
border = raw.border or winopts.win_border,
window_on_create = raw.window_on_create or winopts.window_on_create
3 years ago
3 years ago
M.preview_window = function(opts)
local o = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts, M.globals)
local preview_veritcal = string.format('%s:%s:%s:%s',
o.preview_opts, o.preview_border, o.preview_wrap, o.preview_vertical)
local preview_horizontal = string.format('%s:%s:%s:%s',
o.preview_opts, o.preview_border, o.preview_wrap, o.preview_horizontal)
if o.preview_layout == "vertical" then
3 years ago
return preview_veritcal
elseif o.preview_layout == "flex" then
return utils._if(vim.o.columns>o.flip_columns, preview_horizontal, preview_veritcal)
3 years ago
return preview_horizontal
function M.normalize_opts(opts, defaults)
3 years ago
if not opts then opts = {} end
opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts, defaults)
if defaults.winopts then
if not opts.winopts then opts.winopts = {} end
opts.winopts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts.winopts, defaults.winopts)
3 years ago
if not opts.previewer or not M.globals.previewers[opts.previewer] then
opts.previewer = M.globals.default_previewer
3 years ago
return opts
return M