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# A Better Camera
I've been putting this off for a while. Implementing a camera isn't specifically related to using WGPU properly, but it's been bugging me so let's do it.
`` is getting a little crowded, so let's create a `` file to put our camera code. The first thing we're going to put in it in is some imports and our `OPENGL_TO_WGPU_MATRIX`.
use cgmath::*;
use winit::event::*;
use winit::dpi::PhysicalPosition;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2;
pub const OPENGL_TO_WGPU_MATRIX: cgmath::Matrix4<f32> = cgmath::Matrix4::new(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
## The Camera
Next we need create a new `Camera` struct. We're going to be using a FPS style camera, so we'll store the position and the yaw (horizontal rotation), and pitch (vertical rotation). We'll have a `calc_matrix` method to create our view matrix.
pub struct Camera {
pub position: Point3<f32>,
yaw: Rad<f32>,
pitch: Rad<f32>,
impl Camera {
pub fn new<
V: Into<Point3<f32>>,
Y: Into<Rad<f32>>,
P: Into<Rad<f32>>,
position: V,
yaw: Y,
pitch: P,
) -> Self {
Self {
position: position.into(),
yaw: yaw.into(),
pitch: pitch.into(),
pub fn calc_matrix(&self) -> Matrix4<f32> {
4 years ago
## The Projection
I've decided to split the projection from the camera. The projection only really needs to change if the window resizes, so let's create a `Projection` struct.
pub struct Projection {
aspect: f32,
fovy: Rad<f32>,
znear: f32,
zfar: f32,
impl Projection {
pub fn new<F: Into<Rad<f32>>>(
width: u32,
height: u32,
fovy: F,
znear: f32,
zfar: f32,
) -> Self {
Self {
aspect: width as f32 / height as f32,
fovy: fovy.into(),
pub fn resize(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) {
self.aspect = width as f32 / height as f32;
pub fn calc_matrix(&self) -> Matrix4<f32> {
OPENGL_TO_WGPU_MATRIX * perspective(self.fovy, self.aspect, self.znear, self.zfar)
On thing to note: `cgmath` currently returns a right-handed projection matrix from the `perspective` function. This means that the z-axis points out of the screen. If you want the z-axis to be *into* the screen (aka. a left-handed projection matrix), you'll have to code your own.
You can tell the difference between a right-handed coordinate system and a left-handed one by using your hands. Point your thumb to the right. This is the x-axis. Point your pointer finger up. This is the y-axis. Extend your middle finger. This is the z-axis. On your right hand your middle finger should be pointing towards you. On your left hand it should be pointing away.
# The Camera Controller
Our camera is different, so we'll need a new camera controller. Add the following to ``.
pub struct CameraController {
amount_left: f32,
amount_right: f32,
amount_forward: f32,
amount_backward: f32,
amount_up: f32,
amount_down: f32,
rotate_horizontal: f32,
rotate_vertical: f32,
scroll: f32,
speed: f32,
sensitivity: f32,
impl CameraController {
pub fn new(speed: f32, sensitivity: f32) -> Self {
Self {
amount_left: 0.0,
amount_right: 0.0,
amount_forward: 0.0,
amount_backward: 0.0,
amount_up: 0.0,
amount_down: 0.0,
rotate_horizontal: 0.0,
rotate_vertical: 0.0,
scroll: 0.0,
pub fn process_keyboard(&mut self, key: VirtualKeyCode, state: ElementState) -> bool{
let amount = if state == ElementState::Pressed { 1.0 } else { 0.0 };
match key {
VirtualKeyCode::W | VirtualKeyCode::Up => {
self.amount_forward = amount;
VirtualKeyCode::S | VirtualKeyCode::Down => {
self.amount_backward = amount;
VirtualKeyCode::A | VirtualKeyCode::Left => {
self.amount_left = amount;
VirtualKeyCode::D | VirtualKeyCode::Right => {
self.amount_right = amount;
VirtualKeyCode::Space => {
self.amount_up = amount;
VirtualKeyCode::LShift => {
self.amount_down = amount;
_ => false,
pub fn process_mouse(&mut self, mouse_dx: f64, mouse_dy: f64) {
self.rotate_horizontal = mouse_dx as f32;
self.rotate_vertical = mouse_dy as f32;
pub fn process_scroll(&mut self, delta: &MouseScrollDelta) {
self.scroll = -match delta {
// I'm assuming a line is about 100 pixels
MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(_, scroll) => scroll * 100.0,
MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(PhysicalPosition {
y: scroll,
}) => *scroll as f32,
pub fn update_camera(&mut self, camera: &mut Camera, dt: Duration) {
let dt = dt.as_secs_f32();
// Move forward/backward and left/right
let (yaw_sin, yaw_cos) = camera.yaw.0.sin_cos();
let forward = Vector3::new(yaw_cos, 0.0, yaw_sin).normalize();
let right = Vector3::new(-yaw_sin, 0.0, yaw_cos).normalize();
camera.position += forward * (self.amount_forward - self.amount_backward) * self.speed * dt;
camera.position += right * (self.amount_right - self.amount_left) * self.speed * dt;
// Move in/out (aka. "zoom")
// Note: this isn't an actual zoom. The camera's position
// changes when zooming. I've added this to make it easier
// to get closer to an object you want to focus on.
let (pitch_sin, pitch_cos) = camera.pitch.0.sin_cos();
let scrollward = Vector3::new(pitch_cos * yaw_cos, pitch_sin, pitch_cos * yaw_sin).normalize();
camera.position += scrollward * self.scroll * self.speed * self.sensitivity * dt;
4 years ago
self.scroll = 0.0;
// Move up/down. Since we don't use roll, we can just
// modify the y coordinate directly.
camera.position.y += (self.amount_up - self.amount_down) * self.speed * dt;
// Rotate
camera.yaw += Rad(self.rotate_horizontal) * self.sensitivity * dt;
camera.pitch += Rad(-self.rotate_vertical) * self.sensitivity * dt;
// If process_mouse isn't called every frame, these values
// will not get set to zero, and the camera will rotate
// when moving in a non cardinal direction.
self.rotate_horizontal = 0.0;
self.rotate_vertical = 0.0;
// Keep the camera's angle from going too high/low.
3 years ago
if camera.pitch < -Rad(SAFE_FRAC_PI_2) {
camera.pitch = -Rad(SAFE_FRAC_PI_2);
} else if camera.pitch > Rad(SAFE_FRAC_PI_2) {
camera.pitch = Rad(SAFE_FRAC_PI_2);
## Cleaning up ``
First things first we need to delete `Camera` and `CameraController` as well as the extra `OPENGL_TO_WGPU_MATRIX` from ``. Once you've done that import ``.
mod model;
mod texture;
mod camera; // NEW!
We need to update `update_view_proj` to use our new `Camera` and `Projection`.
impl CameraUniform {
// ...
fn update_view_proj(&mut self, camera: &camera::Camera, projection: &camera::Projection) {
self.view_position = camera.position.to_homogeneous().into();
self.view_proj = (projection.calc_matrix() * camera.calc_matrix()).into();
We need to change our `State` to use our `Camera`, `CameraProjection` and `Projection` as well. We'll also add a `mouse_pressed` field to store whether the mouse was pressed.
struct State {
// ...
camera: camera::Camera, // UPDATED!
projection: camera::Projection, // NEW!
camera_controller: camera::CameraController, // UPDATED!
// ...
// NEW!
mouse_pressed: bool,
You'll need to import `winit::dpi::PhysicalPosition` if you haven't already.
We need to update `new()` as well.
impl State {
async fn new(window: &Window) -> Self {
// ...
let camera = camera::Camera::new((0.0, 5.0, 10.0), cgmath::Deg(-90.0), cgmath::Deg(-20.0));
3 years ago
let projection = camera::Projection::new(config.width, config.height, cgmath::Deg(45.0), 0.1, 100.0);
let camera_controller = camera::CameraController::new(4.0, 0.4);
// ...
camera_uniform.update_view_proj(&camera, &projection); // UPDATED!
// ...
Self {
// ...
projection, // NEW!
// ...
mouse_pressed: false, // NEW!
We need to change our `projection` in `resize` as well.
fn resize(&mut self, new_size: winit::dpi::PhysicalSize<u32>) {
self.projection.resize(new_size.width, new_size.height);
// ...
`input()` will need to be updated as well. Up to this point we have been using `WindowEvent`s for our camera controls. While this works, it's not the best solution. The [winit docs]( inform us that OS will often transform the data for the `CursorMoved` event to allow effects such as cursor acceleration. Because of this, we're going to change our `input()` function to use `DeviceEvent` instead of `WindowEvent`.
fn input(&mut self, event: &DeviceEvent) -> bool {
match event {
KeyboardInput {
virtual_keycode: Some(key),
) => self.camera_controller.process_keyboard(*key, *state),
DeviceEvent::MouseWheel { delta, .. } => {
DeviceEvent::Button {
button: 1, // Left Mouse Button
} => {
self.mouse_pressed = *state == ElementState::Pressed;
DeviceEvent::MouseMotion { delta } => {
if self.mouse_pressed {
self.camera_controller.process_mouse(delta.0, delta.1);
_ => false,
This change means will have to modify the event loop in `main()` as well.
fn main() {
// ... |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll;
match event {
// ...
// NEW!
Event::DeviceEvent {
ref event,
.. // We're not using device_id currently
} => {
Event::WindowEvent {
ref event,
} if window_id == => {
match event {
| WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
KeyboardInput {
state: ElementState::Pressed,
virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::Escape),
} => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
WindowEvent::Resized(physical_size) => {
WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { new_inner_size, .. } => {
_ => {}
// ...
The `update` function requires a bit more explanation. The `update_camera` function on the `CameraController` has a parameter `dt: Duration` which is the delta time or time between frames. This is to help smooth out the camera movement so that it's not locked be the framerate. Currently we aren't calculating `dt`, so I decided to pass it into `update` as a parameter.
fn update(&mut self, dt: std::time::Duration) {
self.camera_controller.update_camera(&mut, dt);
self.camera_uniform.update_view_proj(&, &self.projection);
// ..
While we're at it, let's use `dt` for the light's rotation as well.
self.light_uniform.position =
cgmath::Quaternion::from_axis_angle((0.0, 1.0, 0.0).into(), cgmath::Deg(60.0 * dt.as_secs_f32()))
* old_position; // UPDATED!
We still need to calculate `dt`. Let's do that in the `main` function.
fn main() {
4 years ago
// ...
let mut state = pollster::block_on(State::new(&window));
let mut last_render_time = std::time::Instant::now(); |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll;
match event {
// ...
Event::RedrawRequested(_) => {
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let dt = now - last_render_time;
last_render_time = now;
4 years ago
// ...
_ => {}
With that we should be able to move our camera wherever we want.