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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file newgrf_spritegroup.cpp Handling of primarily NewGRF action 2. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_profiling.h"
#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "newgrf_cache_check.h"
#include "scope_info.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
SpriteGroupPool _spritegroup_pool("SpriteGroup");
TemporaryStorageArray<int32, 0x110> _temp_store;
* ResolverObject (re)entry point.
* This cannot be made a call to a virtual function because virtual functions
* do not like nullptr and checking for nullptr *everywhere* is more cumbersome than
* this little helper function.
* @param group the group to resolve for
* @param object information needed to resolve the group
* @param top_level true if this is a top-level SpriteGroup, false if used nested in another SpriteGroup.
* @return the resolved group
/* static */ const SpriteGroup *SpriteGroup::Resolve(const SpriteGroup *group, ResolverObject &object, bool top_level)
if (group == nullptr) return nullptr;
const GRFFile *grf = object.grffile;
auto profiler = std::find_if(_newgrf_profilers.begin(), _newgrf_profilers.end(), [&](const NewGRFProfiler &pr) { return pr.grffile == grf; });
if (profiler == _newgrf_profilers.end() || !profiler->active) {
if (top_level) _temp_store.ClearChanges();
return group->Resolve(object);
} else if (top_level) {
const SpriteGroup *result = group->Resolve(object);
return result;
} else {
return group->Resolve(object);
static inline uint32 GetVariable(const ResolverObject &object, ScopeResolver *scope, byte variable, uint32 parameter, GetVariableExtra *extra)
uint32 value;
switch (variable) {
case 0x0C: return object.callback;
case 0x10: return object.callback_param1;
case 0x18: return object.callback_param2;
case 0x1C: return object.last_value;
case 0x5F: return (scope->GetRandomBits() << 8) | scope->GetTriggers();
case 0x7D: return _temp_store.GetValue(parameter);
case 0x7F:
if (object.grffile == nullptr) return 0;
return object.grffile->GetParam(parameter);
/* First handle variables common with Action7/9/D */
if (variable < 0x40 && GetGlobalVariable(variable, &value, object.grffile)) return value;
/* Not a common variable, so evaluate the feature specific variables */
return scope->GetVariable(variable, parameter, extra);
* Get a few random bits. Default implementation has no random bits.
* @return Random bits.
/* virtual */ uint32 ScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const
return 0;
* Get the triggers. Base class returns \c 0 to prevent trouble.
* @return The triggers.
/* virtual */ uint32 ScopeResolver::GetTriggers() const
return 0;
* Get a variable value. Default implementation has no available variables.
* @param variable Variable to read
* @param parameter Parameter for 60+x variables
* @param[out] available Set to false, in case the variable does not exist.
* @return Value
/* virtual */ uint32 ScopeResolver::GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, GetVariableExtra *extra) const
DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled scope variable 0x%X", variable);
extra->available = false;
return UINT_MAX;
* Store a value into the persistent storage area (PSA). Default implementation does nothing (for newgrf classes without storage).
* @param reg Position to store into.
* @param value Value to store.
/* virtual */ void ScopeResolver::StorePSA(uint reg, int32 value) {}
* Get the real sprites of the grf.
* @param group Group to get.
* @return The available sprite group.
/* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *ResolverObject::ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const
return nullptr;
* Get a resolver for the \a scope.
* @param scope Scope to return.
* @param relative Additional parameter for #VSG_SCOPE_RELATIVE.
* @return The resolver for the requested scope.
/* virtual */ ScopeResolver *ResolverObject::GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope, byte relative)
return &this->default_scope;
/* Evaluate an adjustment for a variable of the given size.
* U is the unsigned type and S is the signed type to use. */
template <typename U, typename S>
static U EvalAdjustT(const DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust *adjust, ScopeResolver *scope, U last_value, uint32 value)
value >>= adjust->shift_num;
value &= adjust->and_mask;
switch (adjust->type) {
case DSGA_TYPE_DIV: value = ((S)value + (S)adjust->add_val) / (S)adjust->divmod_val; break;
case DSGA_TYPE_MOD: value = ((S)value + (S)adjust->add_val) % (S)adjust->divmod_val; break;
case DSGA_TYPE_NONE: break;
switch (adjust->operation) {
case DSGA_OP_ADD: return last_value + value;
case DSGA_OP_SUB: return last_value - value;
case DSGA_OP_SMIN: return std::min<S>(last_value, value);
case DSGA_OP_SMAX: return std::max<S>(last_value, value);
case DSGA_OP_UMIN: return std::min<U>(last_value, value);
case DSGA_OP_UMAX: return std::max<U>(last_value, value);
case DSGA_OP_SDIV: return value == 0 ? (S)last_value : (S)last_value / (S)value;
case DSGA_OP_SMOD: return value == 0 ? (S)last_value : (S)last_value % (S)value;
case DSGA_OP_UDIV: return value == 0 ? (U)last_value : (U)last_value / (U)value;
case DSGA_OP_UMOD: return value == 0 ? (U)last_value : (U)last_value % (U)value;
case DSGA_OP_MUL: return last_value * value;
case DSGA_OP_AND: return last_value & value;
case DSGA_OP_OR: return last_value | value;
case DSGA_OP_XOR: return last_value ^ value;
case DSGA_OP_STO: _temp_store.StoreValue((U)value, (S)last_value); return last_value;
case DSGA_OP_RST: return value;
case DSGA_OP_STOP: scope->StorePSA((U)value, (S)last_value); return last_value;
case DSGA_OP_ROR: return ROR<uint32>((U)last_value, (U)value & 0x1F); // mask 'value' to 5 bits, which should behave the same on all architectures.
case DSGA_OP_SCMP: return ((S)last_value == (S)value) ? 1 : ((S)last_value < (S)value ? 0 : 2);
case DSGA_OP_UCMP: return ((U)last_value == (U)value) ? 1 : ((U)last_value < (U)value ? 0 : 2);
case DSGA_OP_SHL: return (uint32)(U)last_value << ((U)value & 0x1F); // Same behaviour as in ParamSet, mask 'value' to 5 bits, which should behave the same on all architectures.
case DSGA_OP_SHR: return (uint32)(U)last_value >> ((U)value & 0x1F);
case DSGA_OP_SAR: return (int32)(S)last_value >> ((U)value & 0x1F);
default: return value;
static bool RangeHighComparator(const DeterministicSpriteGroupRange& range, uint32 value)
return range.high < value;
const SpriteGroup *DeterministicSpriteGroup::Resolve(ResolverObject &object) const
uint32 last_value = 0;
uint32 value = 0;
uint i;
ScopeResolver *scope = object.GetScope(this->var_scope);
for (i = 0; i < this->adjusts.size(); i++) {
const DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust *adjust = &this->adjusts[i];
/* Try to get the variable. We shall assume it is available, unless told otherwise. */
GetVariableExtra extra(adjust->and_mask << adjust->shift_num);
if (adjust->variable == 0x7E) {
const SpriteGroup *subgroup = SpriteGroup::Resolve(adjust->subroutine, object, false);
if (subgroup == nullptr) {
} else {
value = subgroup->GetCallbackResult();
/* Note: 'last_value' and 'reseed' are shared between the main chain and the procedure */
} else if (adjust->variable == 0x7B) {
_sprite_group_resolve_check_veh_check = false;
value = GetVariable(object, scope, adjust->parameter, last_value, &extra);
} else {
value = GetVariable(object, scope, adjust->variable, adjust->parameter, &extra);
if (!extra.available) {
/* Unsupported variable: skip further processing and return either
* the group from the first range or the default group. */
return SpriteGroup::Resolve(this->error_group, object, false);
switch (this->size) {
case DSG_SIZE_BYTE: value = EvalAdjustT<uint8, int8> (adjust, scope, last_value, value); break;
case DSG_SIZE_WORD: value = EvalAdjustT<uint16, int16>(adjust, scope, last_value, value); break;
case DSG_SIZE_DWORD: value = EvalAdjustT<uint32, int32>(adjust, scope, last_value, value); break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
last_value = value;
object.last_value = last_value;
if (this->calculated_result) {
/* nvar == 0 is a special case -- we turn our value into a callback result */
if (value != CALLBACK_FAILED) value = GB(value, 0, 15);
static CallbackResultSpriteGroup nvarzero(0, true);
nvarzero.result = value;
return &nvarzero;
if (this->ranges.size() > 4) {
const auto &lower = std::lower_bound(this->ranges.begin(), this->ranges.end(), value, RangeHighComparator);
if (lower != this->ranges.end() && lower->low <= value) {
assert(lower->low <= value && value <= lower->high);
return SpriteGroup::Resolve(lower->group, object, false);
} else {
for (const auto &range : this->ranges) {
if (range.low <= value && value <= range.high) {
return SpriteGroup::Resolve(, object, false);
return SpriteGroup::Resolve(this->default_group, object, false);
const SpriteGroup *RandomizedSpriteGroup::Resolve(ResolverObject &object) const
ScopeResolver *scope = object.GetScope(this->var_scope, this->count);
if (object.callback == CBID_RANDOM_TRIGGER) {
/* Handle triggers */
byte match = this->triggers & object.waiting_triggers;
bool res = (this->cmp_mode == RSG_CMP_ANY) ? (match != 0) : (match == this->triggers);
if (res) {
object.used_triggers |= match;
object.reseed[this->var_scope] |= (this->groups.size() - 1) << this->lowest_randbit;
uint32 mask = ((uint)this->groups.size() - 1) << this->lowest_randbit;
byte index = (scope->GetRandomBits() & mask) >> this->lowest_randbit;
return SpriteGroup::Resolve(this->groups[index], object, false);
const SpriteGroup *RealSpriteGroup::Resolve(ResolverObject &object) const
return object.ResolveReal(this);
* Process registers and the construction stage into the sprite layout.
* The passed construction stage might get reset to zero, if it gets incorporated into the layout
* during the preprocessing.
* @param[in,out] stage Construction stage (0-3), or nullptr if not applicable.
* @return sprite layout to draw.
const DrawTileSprites *TileLayoutSpriteGroup::ProcessRegisters(uint8 *stage) const
if (!this->dts.NeedsPreprocessing()) {
if (stage != nullptr && this->dts.consistent_max_offset > 0) *stage = GetConstructionStageOffset(*stage, this->dts.consistent_max_offset);
return &this->dts;
static DrawTileSprites result;
uint8 actual_stage = stage != nullptr ? *stage : 0;
this->dts.PrepareLayout(0, 0, 0, actual_stage, false);
this->dts.ProcessRegisters(0, 0, false);
result.seq = this->dts.GetLayout(&result.ground);
/* Stage has been processed by PrepareLayout(), set it to zero. */
if (stage != nullptr) *stage = 0;
return &result;