
xplr supports sorting paths by different properties. The sorting mechanism works like a pipeline, which in visible in the Sort & filter panel.


size↑ › [i]rel↓ › [c]dir↑ › [c]file↑ › sym↑

This line means that the nodes visible in the table will be first sorted by it's size, then by case insensitive relative path, then by the canonical (symlink resolved) type of the node, and finally by whether or not the node is a symlink.

The arrows denote the order.

Each part of this pipeline is called Node Sorter Applicable.

Node Sorter Applicable

It contains the following information:


A sorter can be one of the following:

  • "ByRelativePath"
  • "ByIRelativePath"
  • "ByExtension"
  • "ByIsDir"
  • "ByIsFile"
  • "ByIsSymlink"
  • "ByIsBroken"
  • "ByIsReadonly"
  • "ByMimeEssence"
  • "BySize"
  • "ByCanonicalAbsolutePath"
  • "ByICanonicalAbsolutePath"
  • "ByCanonicalExtension"
  • "ByCanonicalIsDir"
  • "ByCanonicalIsFile"
  • "ByCanonicalIsReadonly"
  • "ByCanonicalMimeEssence"
  • "ByCanonicalSize"
  • "BySymlinkAbsolutePath"
  • "ByISymlinkAbsolutePath"
  • "BySymlinkExtension"
  • "BySymlinkIsDir"
  • "BySymlinkIsFile"
  • "BySymlinkIsReadonly"
  • "BySymlinkMimeEssence"
  • "BySymlinkSize"

TODO: document each


Type: boolean

It defined the direction of the order.


xplr.config.general.initial_sorting = {
    { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir", reverse = true },
    { sorter = "ByIRelativePath", reverse = false },

This snippet defines the initial sorting logic to be applied when xplr loads.