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# Contributing Guide
!!! info "Spiel is open to contributions!"
- [Report bugs and request features](
- [General discussion](
- [Pull requests](
## Development Environment
Spiel uses:
- [`poetry`]( to manage development dependencies.
- [`pre-commit`]( to run various linters and formatters.
- [`pytest`]( for testing and [`mypy`]( for static type-checking.
- [`mkdocs`]( with the [Material theme]( for documentation.
### Initial Setup
To set up a local development environment after cloning the repository:
1. [Install `poetry`](
2. Run `poetry shell` to create a virtual environment for `spiel` and spawn a new shell session with that virtual environment activated.
In the future you'll run `poetry shell` again to activate the virtual environment.
3. Run `poetry install` to install Spiel's dependencies.
4. Run `pre-commit install` to configure `pre-commit`'s integration with `git`.
Do not commit without `pre-commit` installed!
### Running Tests and Type-Checking
Use `pytest` to run tests.
Types will automatically be checked as part of the test suite run;
`mypy` can also be run standalone.
### Building the Docs Locally
To build the docs and start a local web server to view the results of your edits with live reloading, run
mkdocs serve
from the repository root.