start clean-up whitespace...

Bernhard Landauer 8 years ago
parent a5a4c9bad1
commit e278a7fbb2

@ -14,104 +14,104 @@
## ##
## Installer Variables ##
## ##
## ##
## Installer Variables ##
## ##
# Temporary files to store menu selections
ANSWER="/tmp/.aif" # Basic menu selections
PACKAGES="/tmp/.pkgs" # Packages to install
MOUNT_OPTS="/tmp/.mnt_opts" # Filesystem Mount options
ANSWER="/tmp/.aif" # Basic menu selections
PACKAGES="/tmp/.pkgs" # Packages to install
MOUNT_OPTS="/tmp/.mnt_opts" # Filesystem Mount options
# Save retyping
VERSION="Manjaro Installation Framework 0.7"
# Installation
DM_INST="" # Which DMs have been installed?
DM_ENABLED=0 # Has a display manager been enabled?
NM_INST="" # Which NMs have been installed?
NM_ENABLED=0 # Has a network connection manager been enabled?
KERNEL="n" # Kernel(s) installed (base install); kernels for mkinitcpio
GRAPHIC_CARD="" # graphics card
INTEGRATED_GC="" # Integrated graphics card for NVIDIA
NVIDIA_INST=0 # Indicates if NVIDIA proprietary driver has been installed
NVIDIA="" # NVIDIA driver(s) to install depending on kernel(s)
VB_MOD="" # headers packages to install depending on kernel(s)
SHOW_ONCE=0 # Show de_wm information only once
COPY_PACCONF=0 # Copy over installer /etc/pacman.conf to installed system?
DM_INST="" # Which DMs have been installed?
DM_ENABLED=0 # Has a display manager been enabled?
NM_INST="" # Which NMs have been installed?
NM_ENABLED=0 # Has a network connection manager been enabled?
KERNEL="n" # Kernel(s) installed (base install); kernels for mkinitcpio
GRAPHIC_CARD="" # graphics card
INTEGRATED_GC="" # Integrated graphics card for NVIDIA
NVIDIA_INST=0 # Indicates if NVIDIA proprietary driver has been installed
NVIDIA="" # NVIDIA driver(s) to install depending on kernel(s)
VB_MOD="" # headers packages to install depending on kernel(s)
SHOW_ONCE=0 # Show de_wm information only once
COPY_PACCONF=0 # Copy over installer /etc/pacman.conf to installed system?
# Mounting
MOUNTPOINT="/mnt" # Installation: Root mount
MOUNT="" # Installation: All other mounts branching from Root
FS_OPTS="" # File system special mount options available
CHK_NUM=16 # Used for FS mount options checklist length
INCLUDE_PART='part\|lvm\|crypt' # Partition types to include for display and selection.
ROOT_PART="" # ROOT partition
UEFI_PART="" # UEFI partition
UEFI_MOUNT="" # UEFI mountpoint (/boot or /boot/efi)
MOUNTPOINT="/mnt" # Installation: Root mount
MOUNT="" # Installation: All other mounts branching from Root
FS_OPTS="" # File system special mount options available
CHK_NUM=16 # Used for FS mount options checklist length
INCLUDE_PART='part\|lvm\|crypt' # Partition types to include for display and selection.
ROOT_PART="" # ROOT partition
UEFI_PART="" # UEFI partition
UEFI_MOUNT="" # UEFI mountpoint (/boot or /boot/efi)
# Architecture
ARCHI=$(uname -m) # Display whether 32 or 64 bit system
SYSTEM="Unknown" # Display whether system is BIOS or UEFI. Default is "unknown"
ARCHI=$(uname -m) # Display whether 32 or 64 bit system
SYSTEM="Unknown" # Display whether system is BIOS or UEFI. Default is "unknown"
# Menu highlighting (automated step progression)
HIGHLIGHT=0 # Highlight items for Main Menu
HIGHLIGHT_SUB=0 # Highlight items for submenus
SUB_MENU="" # Submenu to be highlighted
HIGHLIGHT=0 # Highlight items for Main Menu
HIGHLIGHT_SUB=0 # Highlight items for submenus
SUB_MENU="" # Submenu to be highlighted
# Logical Volume Management
LVM=0 # Logical Volume Management Detected?
LVM_SEP_BOOT=0 # 1 = Seperate /boot, 2 = seperate /boot & LVM
LVM_VG="" # Name of volume group to create or use
LVM_VG_MB=0 # MB remaining of VG
LVM_LV_NAME="" # Name of LV to create or use
LV_SIZE_INVALID=0 # Is LVM LV size entered valid?
VG_SIZE_TYPE="" # Is VG in Gigabytes or Megabytes?
LVM=0 # Logical Volume Management Detected?
LVM_SEP_BOOT=0 # 1 = Seperate /boot, 2 = seperate /boot & LVM
LVM_VG="" # Name of volume group to create or use
LVM_VG_MB=0 # MB remaining of VG
LVM_LV_NAME="" # Name of LV to create or use
LV_SIZE_INVALID=0 # Is LVM LV size entered valid?
VG_SIZE_TYPE="" # Is VG in Gigabytes or Megabytes?
LUKS=0 # Luks Used?
LUKS_DEV="" # If encrypted, partition
LUKS_NAME="" # Name given to encrypted partition
LUKS_UUID="" # UUID used for comparison purposes
LUKS_OPT="" # Default or user-defined?
LUKS=0 # Luks Used?
LUKS_DEV="" # If encrypted, partition
LUKS_NAME="" # Name given to encrypted partition
LUKS_UUID="" # UUID used for comparison purposes
LUKS_OPT="" # Default or user-defined?
# Locale and Language
CURR_LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # Default Locale
FONT="" # Set new font if necessary
CURR_LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # Default Locale
FONT="" # Set new font if necessary
KEYMAP="us" # Virtual console keymap. Default is "us"
XKBMAP="us" # X11 keyboard layout. Default is "us"
ZONE="" # For time
SUBZONE="" # For time
LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # System locale. Default is "en_US.UTF-8"
PROFILES="" # iso-profiles path
ZONE="" # For time
SUBZONE="" # For time
LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # System locale. Default is "en_US.UTF-8"
PROFILES="" # iso-profiles path
# Edit Files
FILE="" # File(s) to be reviewed
FILE="" # File(s) to be reviewed
## ##
## Core Functions ##
## ##
## ##
## Core Functions ##
## ##
# Add locale on-the-fly and sets source translation file for installer
select_language() {
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " Select Language " --menu "\nLanguage" 0 0 10 \
"1" $"English (en_**)" \
"2" $"Español (es_ES)" \
"3" $"Português [Brasil] (pt_BR)" \
"4" $"Português (pt_PT)" \
"5" $"Français (fr_FR)" \
"6" $"Russkiy (ru_RU)" \
"7" $"Italiano (it_IT)" \
"8" $"Nederlands (nl_NL)" \
"9" $"Danish (da_DK)" \
"10" $"Magyar (hu_HU)" 2>${ANSWER}
"1" $"English (en_**)" \
"2" $"Español (es_ES)" \
"3" $"Português [Brasil] (pt_BR)" \
"4" $"Português (pt_PT)" \
"5" $"Français (fr_FR)" \
"6" $"Russkiy (ru_RU)" \
"7" $"Italiano (it_IT)" \
"8" $"Nederlands (nl_NL)" \
"9" $"Danish (da_DK)" \
"10" $"Magyar (hu_HU)" 2>${ANSWER}
case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in
case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in
"1") source /usr/share/aif/translations/english.trans
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ select_language() {
# FONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"
# ;;
*) exit 0
*) exit 0
@ -168,47 +168,47 @@ select_language() {
[[ $FONT != "" ]] && setfont $FONT
local greeters=$(ls /mnt/usr/share/xgreeters/*greeter.desktop) name
for g in ${greeters[@]};do
case ${name} in
lightdm-gtk-greeter) break ;;
sed -i -e "s/^.*greeter-session=.*/greeter-session=${name}/" /mnt/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
case ${name} in
sed -i -e "s/^.*greeter-session=.*/greeter-session=${name}/" /mnt/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
# Check user is root, and that there is an active internet connection
# Seperated the checks into seperate "if" statements for readability.
check_requirements() {
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ChkTitle " --infobox "$_ChkBody" 0 0
sleep 2
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ChkTitle " --infobox "$_ChkBody" 0 0
sleep 2
if [[ `whoami` != "root" ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_Erritle " --infobox "$_RtFailBody" 0 0
sleep 2
exit 1
if [[ `whoami` != "root" ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_Erritle " --infobox "$_RtFailBody" 0 0
sleep 2
exit 1
if [[ ! $(ping -c 1 ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --infobox "$_ConFailBody" 0 0
sleep 2
exit 1
if [[ ! $(ping -c 1 ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --infobox "$_ConFailBody" 0 0
sleep 2
exit 1
# This will only be executed where neither of the above checks are true.
# The error log is also cleared, just in case something is there from a previous use of the installer.
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ReqMetTitle " --infobox "$_ReqMetBody" 0 0
sleep 2
echo "" > /tmp/.errlog
pacman -Syy
# This will only be executed where neither of the above checks are true.
# The error log is also cleared, just in case something is there from a previous use of the installer.
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ReqMetTitle " --infobox "$_ReqMetBody" 0 0
sleep 2
echo "" > /tmp/.errlog
pacman -Syy
# Adapted from AIS. Checks if system is made by Apple, whether the system is BIOS or UEFI,
@ -217,23 +217,21 @@ id_system() {
# Apple System Detection
if [[ "$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor)" == 'Apple Inc.' ]] || [[ "$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor)" == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' ]]; then
modprobe -r -q efivars || true # if MAC
modprobe -r -q efivars || true # if MAC
modprobe -q efivarfs # all others
modprobe -q efivarfs # all others
# BIOS or UEFI Detection
if [[ -d "/sys/firmware/efi/" ]]; then
# Mount efivarfs if it is not already mounted
if [[ -z $(mount | grep /sys/firmware/efi/efivars) ]]; then
mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
# Mount efivarfs if it is not already mounted
if [[ -z $(mount | grep /sys/firmware/efi/efivars) ]]; then
mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
@ -242,46 +240,39 @@ arch_chroot() {
manjaro-chroot $MOUNTPOINT "${1}"
local halt='/usr/bin/shutdown -h -P now' \
reboot='/usr/bin/shutdown -r now'
sed -e "s|^.*HaltCommand=.*|HaltCommand=${halt}|" \
-e "s|^.*RebootCommand=.*|RebootCommand=${reboot}|" \
-e "s|^.*MinimumVT=.*|MinimumVT=7|" \
-i "/mnt/etc/sddm.conf"
arch_chroot "gpasswd -a sddm video &> /dev/null"
local halt='/usr/bin/shutdown -h -P now' \
reboot='/usr/bin/shutdown -r now'
sed -e "s|^.*HaltCommand=.*|HaltCommand=${halt}|" \
-e "s|^.*RebootCommand=.*|RebootCommand=${reboot}|" \
-e "s|^.*MinimumVT=.*|MinimumVT=7|" \
-i "/mnt/etc/sddm.conf"
arch_chroot "gpasswd -a sddm video &> /dev/null"
# If there is an error, display it, clear the log and then go back to the main menu (no point in continuing).
check_for_error() {
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && [[ $(cat /tmp/.errlog | grep -i "error") != "" ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$(cat /tmp/.errlog)" 0 0
echo "" > /tmp/.errlog
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && [[ $(cat /tmp/.errlog | grep -i "error") != "" ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$(cat /tmp/.errlog)" 0 0
echo "" > /tmp/.errlog
# Ensure that a partition is mounted
check_mount() {
if [[ $(lsblk -o MOUNTPOINT | grep ${MOUNTPOINT}) == "" ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_ErrNoMount" 0 0
# Ensure that Manjaro has been installed
check_base() {
if [[ ! -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_ErrNoBase" 0 0
# Simple code to show devices / partitions.
@ -291,9 +282,9 @@ show_devices() {
## ##
## Configuration Functions ##
## ##
## ##
## Configuration Functions ##
## ##
@ -311,55 +302,6 @@ configure_mirrorlist() {
pacman-mirrors -g -b $(cat ${BRANCH}) -i
# Generate a mirrorlist based on the country chosen.
#mirror_by_country() {
# BRANCH="/tmp/.branch"
# countries_list="Africa AF Australia AU Austria AT Belarus BY Belgium BE Brasil BR Bulgaria BG Canada CA Chile CL China CN Colombia CO Costa_Rica CR Czech CZ Denmark DK Ecuador EQ France FR Germany DE Greece GR Indonesia ID Ireland IE Italy IT Japan JP Netherlands NL Philippines PH Poland PL Portugal PT Romania RO Russia RU Singapore SG Sweden SE Taiwan TW Turkey TR United_Kingdom GB United_States US Vietnam VN"
# for i in ${countries_list}; do
# done
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " --menu "$_MirrorCntryBody" 0 0 0 $COUNTRY_LIST 2>${ANSWER} || install_base_menu
# #URL="$(cat ${ANSWER})&use_mirror_status=on"
# #Choose the branch for mirrorlist
# MIRROR_TEMP=$(mktemp --suffix=-mirrorlist)
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " Choose Manjaro branch to use " --radiolist " $_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 3 \
# "stable" "-" on \
# "testing" "-" off \
# "unstable" "-" off 2>${BRANCH}
# # Get latest mirror list and save to tmpfile
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " --infobox "$_PlsWaitBody" 0 0
# pacman-mirrors -g -b $(cat ${BRANCH}) -c $(cat ${ANSWER}) -o ${MIRROR_TEMP} 2>/tmp/.errlog
## curl -so ${MIRROR_TEMP} ${URL} 2>/tmp/.errlog
# check_for_error
# sed -i 's/^#Server/Server/g' ${MIRROR_TEMP}
# nano ${MIRROR_TEMP}
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " --yesno "$_MirrorGenQ" 0 0
# if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then
# mv -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.orig
# mv -f ${MIRROR_TEMP} /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# chmod +r /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " --infobox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0
# sleep 2
# else
# configure_mirrorlist
# fi
#dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " \
# --menu "$_MirrorlistBody" 0 0 5 \
# "1" "$_MirrorbyCountry" \
# "2" "$_MirrorEdit" \
# "3" "$_MirrorRestTitle" \
# "4" "$_MirrorPacman" \
# "5" "$_Back" 2>${ANSWER}
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " \
--menu "$_MirrorlistBody" 0 0 4 \
"1" "$_MirrorRankTitle" \
@ -367,26 +309,6 @@ dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " \
"3" "$_MirrorPacman" \
"4" "$_Back" 2>${ANSWER}
# case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in
# "1") mirror_by_country
# ;;
# "2") nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# ;;
# "3") if [[ -e /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.orig ]]; then
# mv -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.orig /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " --msgbox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0
# else
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_MirrorNoneBody" 0 0
# fi
# ;;
# "4") nano /etc/pacman.conf
# dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorPacman " --yesno "$_MIrrorPacQ" 0 0 && COPY_PACCONF=1 || COPY_PACCONF=0
# pacman -Syy
# ;;
# *) install_base_menu
# ;;
# esac
case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in
"1") rank_mirrors
@ -396,7 +318,7 @@ dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorlistTitle " \
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_MirrorPacman " --yesno "$_MIrrorPacQ" 0 0 && COPY_PACCONF=1 || COPY_PACCONF=0
pacman -Syy
*) install_base_menu
*) install_base_menu
@ -1432,7 +1354,7 @@ check_lv_size() {
# Specify number of Logical volumes to create.
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --title " $_LvmCreateVG " --radiolist "$_LvmLvNumBody1 ${LVM_VG}. $_LvmLvNumBody2" 0 0 9 \
"1" "-" off "2" "-" off "3" "-" off "4" "-" off "5" "-" off "6" "-" off "7" "-" off "8" "-" off "9 " "-" off 2>${ANSWER}
"1" "-" off "2" "-" off "3" "-" off "4" "-" off "5" "-" off "6" "-" off "7" "-" off "8" "-" off "9" "-" off 2>${ANSWER}
[[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) == "" ]] && lvm_menu || NUMBER_LOGICAL_VOLUMES=$(cat ${ANSWER})
