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# Configuration
The configuration is based on the file [defaults.hjson]( This file also contains documentation for all the available options. To override the defaults, you can copy the options you want to change into your local `config.hjson` file.
The `defaults.hjson` and `config.hjson` files are located at `config/defaults.hjson` and`config/config.hjson`, respectively. To change these default locations, you can set these two environment variables:
- LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION # config.hjson
Additionally, you can override any config files with environment variables. These have the same name as the config options, and are prefixed with `LEMMY_`. For example, you can override the `database.password` with `LEMMY_DATABASE__POOL_SIZE=10`.
An additional option `LEMMY_DATABASE_URL` is available, which can be used with a PostgreSQL connection string like `postgres://lemmy:password@lemmy_db:5432/lemmy`, passing all connection details at once.
If the Docker container is not used, manually create the database specified above by running the following commands:
cd server