1. In order to close issue #59, I've introduced user-configurable values for panning steps - for X- & Y-axis, separately. Now panning is called by pressing fiveway without mod_keys. When one presses Shift+FW, he/she changes panning steps in the following way - Shift-Left/Right = decrease / increase X-panning step (divide or multiply on factor 2), Shift-Up/Down = increase / decrease Y-panning step. The lowest value for panning steps is set 1. Both parameters, shift_x & shift_y, are saved to local settings (i.e. history file).
2. Manual zoom step was also made user-configurable. So, instead of two old zooming functions (with fixed 10% and 20%-steps), I made one function to zoom (Shift+<>), while the other (Alt+<>) changes the zoom step downto minimum 1%.
3. Fresh introduced function to change parameter rcountmax was added by storing rcountmax to both setting files - global settings & local ones (i.e. history file) - so that the rcountmax-priority (from low to high) is the following: default rcountmax=5 < its value in global settings < rcountmax stored for each concrete document.
3. Dirty, the extention-based hack to avoid reading not crengine-related parameters stored in history files. TODO: one has to finally introduce loadSpecialSettings() & readSpecialSettings() for PDFReader & DJVUReader and to store therein the reader-specific parameters (like globalgamma, bbox, globalzoom, globalzoom_mode; render_mode = for djvu-files only, etc.)
4. Some lua-code cosmetics (to make code more readable); for example: "self.pan_margin = settings:readSetting("pan_margin") or self.pan_margin" instead of
"local pan_margin = settings:readSetting("pan_margin")
if pan_margin then
self.pan_margin = pan_margin
5. Fix for the today's tigran123 fix: issue #246 (details are included). Added InfoMessage:show() to inform most impatient users that the reader tries to redraw new zoo mode.
6. The fontface for the reading info (called by 'Menu') is restored to be in accordance with original intentions and with the same fontface in crereader.lua - namely, Font:getFace("rifont", 20)
7. Moved the exit hotkeys (Alt+Back & Home) to the end of hotkey list.
otherwise it gives an impression that the program hangs (unless the user presses Next page or does anything else that causes
screen refresh, e.g. manual screen refresh).
djvu pixel format on each redraw of the page as this can be done once on open and close
of the document. Also, set dither bits to 4 to help djvulibre choose the most
optimal dithering algorithm for the Kindle. Also, make coding style of "if(" -> "if ("
consistent (both instances were used, but "if (" was more frequent).
1. Restored default value rcountmax=5; the function to make manual full screen refresh is no more silent; at first, it asks user to set a number of partial refreshes (rcountmax) and then performs full refresh. TODO: saving parameter 'rcountmax' in the global reader settings (or separately, for each document).
2. The hotkey 'R' and the respective function toggle_render_mode() for djvu-documents are moved to djvureader.
3. Added hotkey 'M' and the respective function that calls menu with zoom-modes. Probably, one needs to remove unappropriate items, like "Fit zoom to page" and, less probably, the hotkeys (A, S, D, F and ^A, ^S, ^D, ^F) to set zoom-mode directly.
Since parameter 'render_mode' is related to djvu-documents only, the hotkey 'R' and the respective function to toggle 'render_mode' are moved from unireader to djvureader.
1. Improved the method to restore position in document after rescaling font face, size, weight, interline spacing, etc.
2. Fixed rotation functions inherited from unireader.lua
3. Removed hotkey for the function of manual cropping inherited from unireader.lua; reason: not crengine-related
4. Added fast navigation functions via Shift+fiveway: jump to previous / next TOC-entry; scroll 10 pages backwards / forward
Also added support for all other rendering modes handled by djvulibre.
Also made the message print a human-readable description of the mode rather than just the number.
closes#194, closes#218
1. Lowercase layout is default
2. Uppercase chars by pressing Shift+Key; it will probably require us to
remap some old MOD_SHIFT-commands to MOD_ALT (not the upper raw that is
responsible for digits: Alt-Q = 1, etc.)
3. New 'documentation' functions
- usual helppage with active hotkeys (Alt+H)
- list of available math functions (Alt+M, active in the calculator
4. Added two small functions to move cursor to the first/last position
in inputbox (Shift+FW-left/FW-right)
5. Some minor rearrangement for layouts (mostly for convenient work with
6. Keeping initial "d_text" in InputBox:input(... d_text, is_hint) when
is_hint is not true (say, for minor changing of long filenames #219, etc.)
or incremental search.
Added: calculator with a proper documentation of available math