Update rendertext.lua

Minor modification in function renderUtf8Multiline(...) to solve Issue #214
NuPogodi 12 years ago committed by Dobrica Pavlinusic
parent d577ed9b00
commit 20fae9369e

@ -107,17 +107,13 @@ function renderUtf8Text(buffer, x, y, face, text, kerning)
return pen_x
-- NuPogodi: Some New Functions to render UTF8 text restricted by some width 'w'
-- render UTF8 text restricted by width 'w'
function renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, x, y, face, text, kerning, w)
if text == nil then
Debug("renderUtf8Text called without text");
return nil
local pen_x = 0
local rest = ""
local prevcharcode = 0
local prevcharcode, pen_x, rest = 0, 0, ""
for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do
if pen_x < w then
local charcode = util.utf8charcode(uchar)
@ -158,30 +154,33 @@ function SplitString(text)
function renderUtf8Multiline(buffer, x, y, face, text, kerning, w, line_spacing)
-- at first, split a text on separate words
local words = SplitString(text)
-- test whether it is inside of reasonable values 1.0 < line_spacing < 5.0 or given in pixels (>5)
-- default value is 1.75 ; getGlyph(face, 48).t = height of char '0'
if line_spacing<1 then line_spacing=math.ceil(getGlyph(face, 48).t) -- single = minimum
elseif line_spacing < 5 then line_spacing=math.ceil(getGlyph(face, 48).t * line_spacing)
-- default value is 1.75 ; getGlyph(face, 65).t = height of char 'A'
local gl = getGlyph(face, 65)
if line_spacing<1 then line_spacing=gl.t -- single = minimum
elseif line_spacing < 5 then line_spacing=math.ceil(gl.t * line_spacing)
-- if line_spacing>5 then it seems to be defined in pixels
elseif line_spacing>=5 then line_spacing=line_spacing
-- and, finally, default value
else line_spacing = math.ceil(getGlyph(face, 48).t * 1.75)
elseif line_spacing>=5 then line_spacing=line_spacing
-- and, just for a case, default value
else line_spacing = math.ceil(gl.t * 1.75)
local lx = x
-- NuPogodi, 17.07.2012: minor modification to solve issue #214
local lx, render = x
for i = 1, #words do
if sizeUtf8Text(lx, buffer:getWidth(), face, words[i], kerning).x < (w - lx + x) then
lx = lx + renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, words[i], kerning, w - lx + x).x
-- set lx to the line start
lx = x
-- add the y-distance between lines
y = y + line_spacing
-- and draw next word
lx = lx + renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, words[i], kerning, w - lx + x).x
else -- shift down if it's not the first word in the current line
if lx > x then
y = y + line_spacing
lx = x -- move lx to the line start and draw next word until the last char
render = renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, words[i], kerning, w-gl.ax)
while render.leaved ~= "" do
y = y + line_spacing
render = renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, render.leaved, kerning, w-gl.ax)
lx = lx + render.x
end -- if
end --for
return { x = x, y = y }
