We do this in order to make it easier to analyze in GLAM: see the metric
descriptions for more details.
Additionally, we change the time unit to milliseconds to make it easier
to analyze in GLAM.
This was the previous behavior for both the top and bottom toolbars.
Regressed when changing to use a new custom behavior for the top toolbar.
When entering fullscreen we will now collapse and hide the toolbar, allow the
browser to expand to the entire screen estate and then, when exiting fullscreen
expand the toolbar.
Collapsing and then expanding the toolbar will trigger the
EngineViewBrowserToolbarBehavior to place the browser below the toolbar.
When the user opts out of telemetry, we need to reset the user identifiers
used by the experiment system, so that there's no risk of tracking the
user across the reset event if they later decide to re-enable telemetry.
Speculative fix based on the Firebase logs which shows that on a second check
of R.id.tab_wrapper it is not found the screen.
It may be because after `advanceToHalfExpandedState` and before getting a
reference to it in `waitForTabTrayBehaviorToIdle` it was already animated off
the screen.
With this in mind I've added a null check for the view reference before trying
to register an idling resource on it's Behavior.
Also added and used a way to click at a specific location in a View, not just
in the default middle in the View.
It was observed from the Firebase videos that a "click" on the topBar actually
selected the private tabs section. This would leave us to believe that the
"click" was caught by that other View which was placed above the x,y middle of
the topBar.
* For #17352 - Fixes deleted downloads reappearing
The `getDeleteDownloadItemsOperation` job would check fragment context not null after the fragment was stopped. Removing that check and only passing the downloadUseCase as a parameter fixes the problem.
Previously when the toolbar was on top the banner was inflated in the toolbar's parent - an AppBarLayout.
After migrating to use a custom behavior for scrolling the toolbar and not use
anymore the AppbarLayout for this we needed a new solution.
Using a new behavior to keep this banner in sync with the y translation of the
toolbar gives us most of the old behavior back.