You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2960 lines
112 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple program for filtering git repositories, similar to git filter-branch,
BFG repo cleaner, and others. The basic idea is that it works by running
git fast-export <options> | filter | git fast-import <options>
where this program not only launches the whole pipeline but also serves as
the 'filter' in the middle. It does a few additional things on top as well
in order to make it into a well-rounded filtering tool.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import StringIO
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import textwrap
from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime
__all__ = ["Blob", "Reset", "FileChanges", "Commit", "Tag", "Progress",
"Checkpoint", "FastExportFilter", "ProgressWriter",
"string_to_date", "date_to_string",
"record_id_rename", "GitUtils", "FilteringOptions", "RepoFilter"]
def _timedelta_to_seconds(delta):
Converts timedelta to seconds
offset = delta.days*86400 + delta.seconds + (delta.microseconds+0.0)/1000000
return round(offset)
class FixedTimeZone(tzinfo):
Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC.
tz_re = re.compile(r'^([-+]?)(\d\d)(\d\d)$')
def __init__(self, offset_string):
sign, hh, mm = FixedTimeZone.tz_re.match(offset_string).groups()
factor = -1 if (sign and sign == '-') else 1
self._offset = timedelta(minutes = factor*(60*int(hh) + int(mm)))
self._offset_string = offset_string
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return self._offset
def tzname(self, dt):
return self._offset_string
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def string_to_date(datestring):
(unix_timestamp, tz_offset) = datestring.split()
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(unix_timestamp),
def date_to_string(dateobj):
epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(0, dateobj.tzinfo)
return('{} {}'.format(int(_timedelta_to_seconds(dateobj - epoch)),
class PathQuoting:
_unescape = {'a': '\a',
'b': '\b',
'f': '\f',
'n': '\n',
'r': '\r',
't': '\t',
'v': '\v',
'"': '"',
_unescape_re = re.compile(r'\\([a-z"\\]|[0-9]{3})')
_escape = [chr(x) for x in xrange(127)]+['\\'+oct(x)[1:] for x in xrange(127,256)]
_reverse = dict(map(reversed, _unescape.items()))
for x in _reverse:
_escape[ord(x)] = '\\'+_reverse[x]
_special_chars = [len(x) > 1 for x in _escape]
def unescape_sequence(orig):
seq =
return PathQuoting._unescape[seq] if len(seq) == 1 else chr(int(seq, 8))
def dequote(quoted_string):
if quoted_string.startswith('"'):
assert quoted_string.endswith('"')
return PathQuoting._unescape_re.sub(PathQuoting.unescape_sequence,
return quoted_string
def enquote(unquoted_string):
# Option 1: Quoting when fast-export would:
# pqsc = PathQuoting._special_chars
# if any(pqsc[ord(x)] for x in set(unquoted_string)):
# Option 2, perf hack: do minimal amount of quoting required by fast-import
if unquoted_string.startswith('"') or '\n' in unquoted_string:
pqe = PathQuoting._escape
return '"' + ''.join(pqe[ord(x)] for x in unquoted_string) + '"'
return unquoted_string
class AncestryGraph(object):
A class that maintains a direct acycle graph of commits for the purpose of
determining if one commit is the ancestor of another.
def __init__(self):
self.cur_value = 0
# A mapping from the external identifers given to us to the simple integers
# we use in self.graph
self.value = {}
# A tuple of (depth, list-of-ancestors). Values and keys in this graph are
# all integers from the self.value dict. The depth of a commit is one more
# than the max depth of any of its ancestors.
self.graph = {}
def add_commit_and_parents(self, commit, parents):
Record in graph that commit has the given parents. parents _MUST_ have
been first recorded. commit _MUST_ not have been recorded yet.
assert all(p in self.value for p in parents)
assert commit not in self.value
# Get values for commit and parents
self.cur_value += 1
self.value[commit] = self.cur_value
graph_parents = [self.value[x] for x in parents]
# Determine depth for commit, then insert the info into the graph
depth = 1
if parents:
depth += max(self.graph[p][0] for p in graph_parents)
self.graph[self.cur_value] = (depth, graph_parents)
def is_ancestor(self, possible_ancestor, check):
Return whether possible_ancestor is an ancestor of check
a, b = self.value[possible_ancestor], self.value[check]
a_depth = self.graph[a][0]
ancestors = [b]
visited = set()
while ancestors:
ancestor = ancestors.pop()
if ancestor in visited:
depth, more_ancestors = self.graph[ancestor]
if ancestor == a:
return True
elif depth <= a_depth:
return False
class MailmapInfo(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.changes = {}
def _parse_file(self, filename):
name_and_email_re = re.compile(r'(.*?)\s*<([^>]+)>\s*')
comment_re = re.compile(r'\s*#.*')
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
raise SystemExit("Cannot read {}".format(filename))
with open(filename) as f:
count = 0
for line in f:
count += 1
err = "Unparseable mailmap file: line #{} is bad: {}".format(count, line)
# Remove comments
line = comment_re.sub('', line)
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace
line = line.strip()
if not line:
m = name_and_email_re.match(line)
if not m:
raise SystemExit(err)
proper_name, proper_email = m.groups()
if len(line) == m.end():
self.changes[(None, proper_email)] = (proper_name, proper_email)
rest = line[m.end():]
m = name_and_email_re.match(rest)
if m:
commit_name, commit_email = m.groups()
if len(rest) != m.end():
raise SystemExit(err)
commit_name, commit_email = rest, None
self.changes[(commit_name, commit_email)] = (proper_name, proper_email)
def translate(self, name, email):
''' Given a name and email, return the expected new name and email from the
mailmap if there is a translation rule for it, otherwise just return
the given name and email.'''
for old, new in self.changes.iteritems():
old_name, old_email = old
new_name, new_email = new
if (email == old_email or not old_email) and (
name == old_name or not old_name):
return (new_name or name, new_email or email)
return (name, email)
class ProgressWriter(object):
def __init__(self):
self._last_progress_update = time.time()
self._last_message = None
def show(self, msg):
self._last_message = msg
now = time.time()
if now - self._last_progress_update > .1:
self._last_progress_update = now
def finish(self):
self._last_progress_update = 0
if self._last_message:
class _IDs(object):
A class that maintains the 'name domain' of all the 'marks' (short int
id for a blob/commit git object). The reason this mechanism is necessary
is because the text of fast-export may refer to an object using a different
mark than the mark that was assigned to that object using This
class allows you to translate the fast-export marks (old) to the marks
assigned from (new).
Note that there are two reasons why the marks may differ: (1) The
user manually creates Blob or Commit objects (for insertion into the
stream) (2) We're reading the data from two different repositories
and trying to combine the data (git fast-export will number ids from
1...n, and having two 1's, two 2's, two 3's, causes issues).
def __init__(self):
# The id for the next created blob/commit object
self._next_id = 1
# A map of old-ids to new-ids (1:1 map)
self._translation = {}
# A map of new-ids to every old-id that points to the new-id (1:N map)
self._reverse_translation = {}
def new(self):
Should be called whenever a new blob or commit object is created. The
returned value should be used as the id/mark for that object.
rv = self._next_id
self._next_id += 1
return rv
def record_rename(self, old_id, new_id, handle_transitivity = False):
Record that old_id is being renamed to new_id.
if old_id != new_id:
# old_id -> new_id
self._translation[old_id] = new_id
# Transitivity will be needed if new commits are being inserted mid-way
# through a branch.
if handle_transitivity:
# Anything that points to old_id should point to new_id
if old_id in self._reverse_translation:
for id_ in self._reverse_translation[old_id]:
self._translation[id_] = new_id
# Record that new_id is pointed to by old_id
if new_id not in self._reverse_translation:
self._reverse_translation[new_id] = []
def translate(self, old_id):
If old_id has been mapped to an alternate id, return the alternate id.
if old_id in self._translation:
return self._translation[old_id]
return old_id
def __str__(self):
Convert IDs to string; used for debugging
rv = "Current count: %d\nTranslation:\n" % self._next_id
for k in sorted(self._translation):
rv += " %d -> %d\n" % (k, self._translation[k])
rv += "Reverse translation:\n"
for k in sorted(self._reverse_translation):
rv += " " + str(k) + " -> " + str(self._reverse_translation[k]) + "\n"
return rv
class _GitElement(object):
The base class for all git elements that we create.
def __init__(self):
# A string that describes what type of Git element this is
self.type = None
# A flag telling us if this Git element has been dumped
# (i.e. printed) or skipped. Typically elements that have been
# dumped or skipped will not be dumped again.
self.dumped = 0
def dump(self, file_):
This version should never be called. Derived classes need to
override! We should note that subclasses should implement this
method such that the output would match the format produced by
raise SystemExit("Unimplemented function: %s.dump()" % type(self).__name__)
def __str__(self):
Convert GitElement to string; used for debugging
old_dumped = self.dumped
writeme = StringIO.StringIO()
output_lines = writeme.getvalue().splitlines()
self.dumped = old_dumped
return "{}:\n {}".format(type(self).__name__, "\n ".join(output_lines))
def skip(self, new_id=None):
Ensures this element will not be written to output
self.dumped = 2
class _GitElementWithId(_GitElement):
The base class for Git elements that have IDs (commits and blobs)
def __init__(self):
# The mark (short, portable id) for this element =
# The previous mark for this element
self.old_id = None
def skip(self, new_id=None):
This element will no longer be automatically written to output. When a
commit gets skipped, it's ID will need to be translated to that of its
self.dumped = 2
_IDS.record_rename(self.old_id or, new_id)
class Blob(_GitElementWithId):
This class defines our representation of git blob elements (i.e. our
way of representing file contents).
def __init__(self, data, original_id = None):
# Denote that this is a blob
self.type = 'blob'
# Record original id
self.original_id = original_id
# Stores the blob's data = data
def dump(self, file_):
Write this blob element to a file.
self.dumped = 1
file_.write('mark :%d\n' %
file_.write('data %d\n%s' % (len(,
class Reset(_GitElement):
This class defines our representation of git reset elements. A reset
event is the creation (or recreation) of a named branch, optionally
starting from a specific revision).
def __init__(self, ref, from_ref = None):
# Denote that this is a reset
self.type = 'reset'
# The name of the branch being (re)created
self.ref = ref
# Some reference to the branch/commit we are resetting from
self.from_ref = from_ref
def dump(self, file_):
Write this reset element to a file
self.dumped = 1
file_.write('reset %s\n' % self.ref)
if self.from_ref:
file_.write('from :%d\n' % self.from_ref)
class FileChanges(_GitElement):
This class defines our representation of file change elements. File change
elements are components within a Commit element.
def __init__(self, type_, filename, id_ = None, mode = None):
# Denote the type of file-change (M for modify, D for delete, etc)
self.type = type_
# Record the name of the file being changed
self.filename = filename
# Record the mode (mode describes type of file entry (non-executable,
# executable, or symlink)).
self.mode = None
# blob_id is the id (mark) of the affected blob
self.blob_id = None
# For 'M' file changes (modify), expect to have id and mode
if type_ == 'M':
if mode is None:
raise SystemExit("file mode and idnum needed for %s" % filename)
self.mode = mode
self.blob_id = id_
# For 'R' file changes (rename), expect to have newname as third arg
elif type_ == 'R':
if id_ is None:
raise SystemExit("new name needed for rename of %s" % filename)
self.filename = (self.filename, id_)
def dump(self, file_):
Write this file-change element to a file
skipped_blob = (self.type == 'M' and self.blob_id is None)
if skipped_blob: return
self.dumped = 1
quoted_filename = PathQuoting.enquote(self.filename)
if self.type == 'M' and isinstance(self.blob_id, int):
file_.write('M %s :%d %s\n' % (self.mode, self.blob_id, quoted_filename))
elif self.type == 'M':
file_.write('M %s %s %s\n' % (self.mode, self.blob_id, quoted_filename))
elif self.type == 'D':
file_.write('D %s\n' % quoted_filename)
raise SystemExit("Unhandled filechange type: %s" % self.type)
class Commit(_GitElementWithId):
This class defines our representation of commit elements. Commit elements
contain all the information associated with a commit.
def __init__(self, branch,
author_name, author_email, author_date,
committer_name, committer_email, committer_date,
from_commit = None,
merge_commits = [],
original_id = None,
# Denote that this is a commit element
self.type = 'commit'
# Record the affected branch
self.branch = branch
# Record original id
self.original_id = original_id
# Record author's name
self.author_name = author_name
# Record author's email
self.author_email = author_email
# Record date of authoring
self.author_date = author_date
# Record committer's name
self.committer_name = committer_name
# Record committer's email
self.committer_email = committer_email
# Record date the commit was made
self.committer_date = committer_date
# Record commit message
self.message = message
# List of file-changes associated with this commit. Note that file-changes
# are also represented as git elements
self.file_changes = file_changes
# Record the commit to initialize this branch from. This revision will be
# the first parent of the new commit
self.from_commit = from_commit
# Record additional parent commits
self.merge_commits = merge_commits
# Member below is necessary for workaround fast-import's/fast-export's
# weird handling of merges.
self.stream_number = 0
if "stream_number" in kwargs:
self.stream_number = kwargs["stream_number"]
def dump(self, file_):
Write this commit element to a file.
self.dumped = 1
# Workaround fast-import/fast-export weird handling of merges
if self.stream_number != _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER:
_EXTRA_CHANGES[] = [[change for change in self.file_changes]]
merge_extra_changes = []
for parent in self.merge_commits:
if parent in _EXTRA_CHANGES:
merge_extra_changes += _EXTRA_CHANGES[parent]
for additional_changes in merge_extra_changes:
self.file_changes += additional_changes
if self.stream_number == _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER:
parent_extra_changes = []
if self.from_commit and self.from_commit in _EXTRA_CHANGES:
parent_extra_changes = _EXTRA_CHANGES[self.from_commit]
parent_extra_changes += merge_extra_changes
_EXTRA_CHANGES[] = parent_extra_changes
# End workaround
file_.write(('commit {}\n'
'mark :{}\n'
'author {} <{}> {}\n'
'committer {} <{}> {}\n'
'data {}\n{}{}'
self.author_name, self.author_email, self.author_date,
self.committer_name, self.committer_email, self.committer_date,
len(self.message), self.message,
'' if self.message.endswith('\n') else '\n')
if self.from_commit:
mark = ':' if isinstance(self.from_commit, int) else ''
file_.write('from {}{}\n'.format(mark, self.from_commit))
for ref in self.merge_commits:
mark = ':' if isinstance(ref, int) else ''
file_.write('merge {}{}\n'.format(mark, ref))
for change in self.file_changes:
def get_parents(self):
Return all parent commits
my_parents = []
if self.from_commit:
my_parents += self.merge_commits
return my_parents
def first_parent(self):
Return first parent commit
my_parents = self.get_parents()
if my_parents:
return my_parents[0]
return None
def skip(self, new_id=None):
_SKIPPED_COMMITS.add(self.old_id or
_GitElementWithId.skip(self, new_id)
class Tag(_GitElement):
This class defines our representation of annotated tag elements.
def __init__(self, ref, from_ref,
tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date, tag_msg,
original_id = None):
# Denote that this is a tag element
self.type = 'tag'
# Store the name of the tag
self.ref = ref
# Store the entity being tagged (this should be a commit)
self.from_ref = from_ref
# Record original id
self.original_id = original_id
# Store the name of the tagger
self.tagger_name = tagger_name
# Store the email of the tagger
self.tagger_email = tagger_email
# Store the date
self.tagger_date = tagger_date
# Store the tag message
self.tag_message = tag_msg
def dump(self, file_):
Write this tag element to a file
self.dumped = 1
file_.write('tag %s\n' % self.ref)
mark = ':' if isinstance(self.from_ref, int) else ''
file_.write('from {}{}\n'.format(mark, self.from_ref))
if self.tagger_name:
file_.write('tagger %s <%s> ' % (self.tagger_name, self.tagger_email))
file_.write('data %d\n%s' % (len(self.tag_message), self.tag_message))
class Progress(_GitElement):
This class defines our representation of progress elements. The progress
element only contains a progress message, which is printed by fast-import
when it processes the progress output.
def __init__(self, message):
# Denote that this is a progress element
self.type = 'progress'
# Store the progress message
self.message = message
def dump(self, file_):
Write this progress element to a file
self.dumped = 1
file_.write('progress %s\n' % self.message)
class Checkpoint(_GitElement):
This class defines our representation of checkpoint elements. These
elements represent events which force fast-import to close the current
packfile, start a new one, and to save out all current branch refs, tags
and marks.
def __init__(self):
# Denote that this is a checkpoint element
self.type = 'checkpoint'
def dump(self, file_):
Write this checkpoint element to a file
self.dumped = 1
class LiteralCommand(_GitElement):
This class defines our representation of commands. The literal command
includes only a single line, and is not processed in any special way.
def __init__(self, line):
# Denote that this is a literal element
self.type = 'literal'
# Store the command
self.line = line
def dump(self, file_):
Write this progress element to a file
self.dumped = 1
class FastExportFilter(object):
A class for parsing and handling the output from fast-export. This
class allows the user to register callbacks when various types of
data are encountered in the fast-export output. The basic idea is that,
FastExportFilter takes fast-export output, creates the various objects
as it encounters them, the user gets to use/modify these objects via
callbacks, and finally FastExportFilter outputs the modified objects
in fast-import format (presumably so they can be used to create a new
def __init__(self, repo_working_dir,
tag_callback = None, commit_callback = None,
blob_callback = None, progress_callback = None,
reset_callback = None, checkpoint_callback = None,
everything_callback = None):
# Repo we are exporting
self._repo_working_dir = repo_working_dir
# Members below simply store callback functions for the various git
# elements
self._tag_callback = tag_callback
self._blob_callback = blob_callback
self._reset_callback = reset_callback
self._commit_callback = commit_callback
self._progress_callback = progress_callback
self._checkpoint_callback = checkpoint_callback
self._everything_callback = everything_callback
# A list of all the refs we've seen, plus any mark we need to set them
# to if the last (or even only) commit on that branch was pruned
self._seen_refs = {}
# A tuple of (depth, list-of-ancestors). Commits and ancestors are
# identified by their id (their 'mark' in fast-export or fast-import
# speak). The depth of a commit is one more than the max depth of any
# of its ancestors.
self._graph = AncestryGraph()
# A set of commit hash pairs (oldhash, newhash) which used to be merge
# commits but due to filtering were turned into non-merge commits.
# The commits probably have suboptimal commit messages (e.g. "Merge branch
# next into master").
self._commits_no_longer_merges = []
# A dict of original_ids to new_ids; filtering commits means getting
# new commit hash (sha1sums), and we record the mapping both for
# diagnostic purposes and so we can rewrite commit messages. Note that
# the new_id can be None rather than a commit hash if the original
# commit became empty and was pruned or was otherwise dropped.
self._commit_renames = {}
# A set of original_ids for which we have not yet gotten the
# new_ids; we use OrderedDict because we need to know the order of
# insertion, but the values are always ignored (and set to None).
# If there was an OrderedSet class, I'd use it instead.
self._pending_renames = collections.OrderedDict()
# A dict of commit_hash[1:7] -> set(commit_hashes with that prefix).
# It's common for commit messages to refer to commits by abbreviated
# commit hashes, as short as 7 characters. To facilitate translating
# such short hashes, we have a mapping of prefixes to full old hashes.
self._commit_short_old_hashes = collections.defaultdict(set)
# A set of commit hash references appearing in commit messages which
# mapped to a valid commit that was removed entirely in the filtering
# process. The commit message will continue to reference the
# now-missing commit hash, since there was nothing to map it to.
self._commits_referenced_but_removed = set()
# A handle to the input source for the fast-export data
self._input = None
# A handle to the output file for the output we generate (we call dump
# on many of the git elements we create).
self._output = None
# A pair of (input, output) pipes for communicating with fast import.
self._fast_import_pipes = None
# Stores the contents of the current line of input being parsed
self._currentline = ''
# Stores a translation of ids, useful when reading the output of a second
# or third (or etc.) git fast-export output stream
self._id_offset = 0
# Progress handling (number of commits parsed, etc.)
self._progress_writer = ProgressWriter()
self._num_commits = 0
self._quiet = False
# Whether we've run our post-processing extra commands
self._finalize_handled = False
# Names of files that were tweaked in any commit; such paths could lead
# to subsequent commits being empty
self._files_tweaked = set()
# Compile some regexes and cache those
self._mark_re = re.compile(r'mark :(\d+)\n$')
self._parent_regexes = {}
parent_regex_rules = ('{} :(\d+)\n$', '{} ([0-9a-f]{{40}})\n')
for parent_refname in ('from', 'merge'):
ans = [re.compile(x.format(parent_refname)) for x in parent_regex_rules]
self._parent_regexes[parent_refname] = ans
self._quoted_string_re = re.compile(r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"')
self._refline_regexes = {}
for refline_name in ('reset', 'commit', 'tag', 'progress'):
self._refline_regexes[refline_name] = re.compile(refline_name+' (.*)\n$')
self._user_regexes = {}
for user in ('author', 'committer', 'tagger'):
self._user_regexes[user] = re.compile(user + ' (.*?) <(.*?)> (.*)\n$')
self._hash_re = re.compile(r'(\b[0-9a-f]{7,40}\b)')
def _advance_currentline(self):
Grab the next line of input
self._currentline = self._input.readline()
def _parse_optional_mark(self):
If the current line contains a mark, parse it and advance to the
next line; return None otherwise
mark = None
matches = self._mark_re.match(self._currentline)
if matches:
mark = int(
return mark
def _parse_optional_parent_ref(self, refname):
If the current line contains a reference to a parent commit, then
parse it and advance the current line; otherwise return None. Note
that the name of the reference ('from', 'merge') must match the
refname arg.
6 years ago
orig_baseref, baseref = None, None
rule, altrule = self._parent_regexes[refname]
matches = rule.match(self._currentline)
if matches:
6 years ago
orig_baseref = int( + self._id_offset
# We translate the parent commit mark to what it needs to be in
# our mark namespace
6 years ago
baseref = _IDS.translate(orig_baseref)
matches = altrule.match(self._currentline)
if matches:
6 years ago
orig_baseref =
baseref = orig_baseref
6 years ago
return orig_baseref, baseref
def _parse_optional_filechange(self):
If the current line contains a file-change object, then parse it
and advance the current line; otherwise return None. We only care
about file changes of type 'M' and 'D' (these are the only types
of file-changes that fast-export will provide).
filechange = None
changetype = self._currentline[0]
if changetype == 'M':
(changetype, mode, idnum, path) = self._currentline.split(None, 3)
if idnum[0] == ':':
idnum = idnum[1:]
path = path.rstrip('\n')
# We translate the idnum to our id system
if len(idnum) != 40:
idnum = _IDS.translate( int(idnum)+self._id_offset )
if idnum is not None:
if path.startswith('"'):
path = PathQuoting.dequote(path)
filechange = FileChanges('M', path, idnum, mode)
filechange = 'skipped'
elif changetype == 'D':
(changetype, path) = self._currentline.split(None, 1)
path = path.rstrip('\n')
if path.startswith('"'):
path = PathQuoting.dequote(path)
filechange = FileChanges('D', path)
elif changetype == 'R':
rest = self._currentline[2:-1]
if rest.startswith('"'):
m = self._quoted_string_re.match(rest)
if not m:
raise SystemExit("Couldn't parse rename source")
orig = PathQuoting.dequote(
new = rest[m.end()+1:]
orig, new = rest.split(' ', 1)
if new.startswith('"'):
new = PathQuoting.dequote(new)
filechange = FileChanges('R', orig, new)
return filechange
def _parse_original_id(self):
original_id = self._currentline[len('original-oid '):].rstrip()
return original_id
def _parse_ref_line(self, refname):
Parses string data (often a branch name) from current-line. The name of
the string data must match the refname arg. The program will crash if
current-line does not match, so current-line will always be advanced if
this method returns.
matches = self._refline_regexes[refname].match(self._currentline)
if not matches:
raise SystemExit("Malformed %s line: '%s'" %
(refname, self._currentline))
ref =
return ref
def _parse_user(self, usertype):
Get user name, email, datestamp from current-line. Current-line will
be advanced.
user_regex = self._user_regexes[usertype]
(name, email, when) = user_regex.match(self._currentline).groups()
# TimeZone idiocy; IST is any of four timezones, so someone translated
# it to something that was totally invalid...and it got recorded that
# way. Others have suggested just using an invalid timezone that
# fast-import will not choke on. Let's do that. Note that +051800
# seems to be the only weird timezone found in the wild, by me or some
# other posts google returned on the subject...
if when.endswith('+051800'):
when = when[0:-7]+'+0261'
return (name, email, when)
def _parse_data(self):
Reads data from _input. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond
the data.
fields = self._currentline.split()
assert fields[0] == 'data'
size = int(fields[1])
data =
if self._currentline == '\n':
return data
def _parse_blob(self):
Parse input data into a Blob object. Once the Blob has been created, it
will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be
advanced until it is beyond this blob's data. The Blob will be dumped
to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by
the callback).
# Parse the Blob
id_ = self._parse_optional_mark()
original_id = None
if self._currentline.startswith('original-oid'):
original_id = self._parse_original_id();
data = self._parse_data()
if self._currentline == '\n':
# Create the blob
blob = Blob(data, original_id)
# If fast-export text had a mark for this blob, need to make sure this
# mark translates to the blob's true id.
if id_:
blob.old_id = id_
# Call any user callback to allow them to use/modify the blob
if self._blob_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('blob', blob)
# Now print the resulting blob
if not blob.dumped:
def _parse_reset(self):
Parse input data into a Reset object. Once the Reset has been created,
it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will
be advanced until it is beyond the reset data. The Reset will be dumped
to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by
the callback).
# Parse the Reset
ref = self._parse_ref_line('reset')
6 years ago
ignoreme, from_ref = self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from')
if self._currentline == '\n':
# fast-export likes to print extraneous resets that serve no purpose.
# While we could continue processing such resets, that is a waste of
# resources. Also, we want to avoid recording that this ref was
# seen in such cases, since this ref could be rewritten to nothing.
if not from_ref:
# Create the reset
reset = Reset(ref, from_ref)
# Call any user callback to allow them to modify the reset
if self._reset_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('reset', reset)
# Now print the resulting reset
self._seen_refs[reset.ref] = None
if not reset.dumped:
def _get_rename(self, old_hash):
# If we already know the rename, just return it
new_hash = self._commit_renames.get(old_hash, None)
if new_hash:
return new_hash
# If it's not in the remaining pending renames, we don't know it
if old_hash is not None and old_hash not in self._pending_renames:
return None
# Read through the pending renames until we find it or we've read them all,
# and return whatever we might find
return self._commit_renames.get(old_hash, None)
def _flush_renames(self, old_hash=None, limit=0):
# Parse through self._pending_renames until we have read enough. We have
# read enough if:
# self._pending_renames is empty
# old_hash != None and we found a rename for old_hash
# limit > 0 and len(self._pending_renames) started less than 2*limit
# limit > 0 and len(self._pending_renames) < limit
if limit and len(self._pending_renames) < 2 * limit:
fi_input, fi_output = self._fast_import_pipes
while self._pending_renames:
orig_id, ignore = self._pending_renames.popitem(last=False)
new_id = fi_output.readline().rstrip()
self._commit_renames[orig_id] = new_id
if old_hash == orig_id:
if limit and len(self._pending_renames) < limit:
def _translate_commit_hash(self, matchobj):
old_hash =
orig_len = len(old_hash)
new_hash = self._get_rename(old_hash)
if new_hash is None:
if old_hash[0:7] not in self._commit_short_old_hashes:
return old_hash
possibilities = self._commit_short_old_hashes[old_hash[0:7]]
matches = [x for x in possibilities
if x[0:orig_len] == old_hash]
if len(matches) != 1:
return old_hash
old_hash = matches[0]
new_hash = self._get_rename(old_hash)
if new_hash is None:
return old_hash[0:orig_len]
return new_hash[0:orig_len]
def trim_extra_parents(self, orig_parents, parents):
'''Due to pruning of empty commits, some parents could be non-existent
(None) or otherwise redundant. Remove the non-existent parents, and
remove redundant parents so long as that doesn't transform a merge
commit into a non-merge commit.
Returns a tuple:
(parents, new_first_parent_if_would_become_non_merge)'''
# Pruning of empty commits means multiple things:
# * An original parent of this commit may have been pruned causing the
# need to rewrite the reported parent to the nearest ancestor. We
# want to know when we're dealing with such a parent.
# * Further, there may be no "nearest ancestor" if the entire history
# of that parent was also pruned. (Detectable by the parent being
# 'None')
# Remove all parents rewritten to None, and keep track of which parents
# were rewritten to an ancestor.
tmp = zip(parents, [x in _SKIPPED_COMMITS for x in orig_parents])
tmp2 = [x for x in tmp if x[0] is not None]
parents, is_rewritten = [list(x) for x in zip(*tmp2)] if tmp2 else ([], [])
# However, the way fast-export/fast-import split parents into from_commit
# and merge_commits means we'd rather a parentless commit be represented
# as a list containing a single None entry.
if not parents:
# We can't have redundant parents if we don't have at least 2 parents
if len(parents) < 2:
return parents, None
# Remove duplicate parents (if both sides of history have lots of commits
# which become empty due to pruning, the most recent ancestor on both
# sides may be the same commit), except only remove parents that have
# been rewritten due to previous empty pruning.
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
# Deleting duplicate rewritten parents means keeping parents if either
# they have not been seen or they are ones that have not been rewritten.
parents_copy = parents
pairs = [[p, is_rewritten[i]] for i, p in enumerate(parents)
if not (p in seen or seen_add(p)) or not is_rewritten[i]]
parents, is_rewritten = [list(x) for x in zip(*pairs)]
if len(parents) < 2:
return parents_copy, parents[0]
# Flatten unnecessary merges. (If one side of history is entirely
# empty commits that were pruned, we may end up attempting to
# merge a commit with its ancestor. Remove parents that are an
# ancestor of another parent.)
num_parents = len(parents)
to_remove = []
for cur in xrange(num_parents):
if not is_rewritten[cur]:
for other in xrange(num_parents):
if cur != other and self._graph.is_ancestor(parents[cur],
break # cur removed, so skip rest of others -- i.e. check cur+=1
for x in reversed(to_remove):
if len(parents) < 2:
return parents_copy, parents[0]
return parents, None
def prunable(self, commit, new_1st_parent, had_file_changes, orig_parents):
parents = [commit.from_commit] + commit.merge_commits
if not commit.from_commit:
parents = []
# For merge commits, unless there are prunable (redundant) parents, we
# do not want to prune
if len(parents) >= 2 and not new_1st_parent:
return False
if len(parents) < 2:
# Special logic for commits that started empty...
if not had_file_changes:
# If the commit remains empty and had parents pruned, then prune
# this commit; otherwise, retain it
return (not commit.file_changes and
len(parents) < len(orig_parents))
# We can only get here if the commit didn't start empty, so if it's
# empty now, it obviously became empty
if not commit.file_changes:
return True
# If there are no parents of this commit and we didn't match the case
# above, then this commit cannot be pruned. Since we have no parent(s)
# to compare to, abort now to prevent future checks from failing.
if not parents:
return False
# Similarly, we cannot handle the hard cases if we don't have a pipe
# to communicate with fast-import
if not self._fast_import_pipes:
return False
# non-merge commits can only be empty if blob/file-change editing caused
# all file changes in the commit to have the same file contents as
# the parent.
changed_files = set(change.filename for change in commit.file_changes)
if len(orig_parents) < 2 and changed_files - self._files_tweaked:
return False
# Finally, the hard case: due to either blob rewriting, or due to pruning
# of empty commits wiping out the first parent history back to the merge
# base, the list of file_changes we have may not actually differ from our
# (new) first parent's version of the files, i.e. this would actually be
# an empty commit. Check by comparing the contents of this commit to its
# (remaining) parent.
# NOTE on why this works, for the case of original first parent history
# having been pruned away due to being empty:
# The first parent history having been pruned away due to being
# empty implies the original first parent would have a tree (after
# filtering) that matched the merge base's tree. Since
# file_changes has the changes needed to go from what would have
# been the first parent to our new commit, and what would have been
# our first parent has a tree that matches the merge base, then if
# the new first parent has a tree matching the versions of files in
# file_changes, then this new commit is empty and thus prunable.
fi_input, fi_output = self._fast_import_pipes
self._flush_renames() # Avoid fi_output having other stuff present
# Optimization note: we could have two loops over file_changes, the
# first doing all the fi_input.write() calls, and the second doing the
# rest. But I'm worried about fast-import blocking on fi_output
# buffers filling up so I instead read from it as I go.
for change in commit.file_changes:
parent = new_1st_parent or commit.from_commit
assert parent # Should be good based on the checks above
fi_input.write("ls :{} {}\n".format(parent, change.filename))
parent_version = fi_output.readline().split()
if change.type == 'D':
if parent_version != ['missing', change.filename]:
return False
blob_sha = change.blob_id
if isinstance(change.blob_id, int):
fi_input.write("get-mark :{}\n".format(change.blob_id))
blob_sha = fi_output.readline().rstrip()
if parent_version != [change.mode, 'blob', blob_sha, change.filename]:
return False
return True
def record_remapping(self, commit, orig_parents):
new_id = None
# Record the mapping of old commit hash to new one
if commit.original_id and self._fast_import_pipes:
fi_input, fi_output = self._fast_import_pipes
fi_input.write("get-mark :{}\n".format(
orig_id = commit.original_id
# Note that we have queued up an id for later reading; flush a
# few of the older ones if we have too many queued up
self._pending_renames[orig_id] = None
self._flush_renames(None, limit=40)
# Also, record if this was a merge commit that turned into a non-merge
# commit.
if len(orig_parents) >= 2 and not commit.merge_commits:
self._commits_no_longer_merges.append((commit.original_id, new_id))
def num_commits_parsed(self):
return self._num_commits
def _parse_commit(self):
Parse input data into a Commit object. Once the Commit has been created,
it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will
be advanced until it is beyond the commit data. The Commit will be dumped
to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by
the callback OR the callback has removed all file-changes from the commit).
# Parse the Commit. This may look involved, but it's pretty simple; it only
# looks bad because a commit object contains many pieces of data.
branch = self._parse_ref_line('commit')
id_ = self._parse_optional_mark()
original_id = None
if self._currentline.startswith('original-oid'):
original_id = self._parse_original_id();
author_name = None
if self._currentline.startswith('author'):
(author_name, author_email, author_date) = self._parse_user('author')
(committer_name, committer_email, committer_date) = \
if not author_name:
(author_name, author_email, author_date) = \
(committer_name, committer_email, committer_date)
commit_msg = self._parse_data()
commit_msg = self._hash_re.sub(self._translate_commit_hash, commit_msg)
6 years ago
pinfo = [self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from')]
# Due to empty pruning, we can have real 'from' and 'merge' lines that
# due to commit rewriting map to a parent of None. We need to record
# 'from' if its non-None, and we need to parse all 'merge' lines.
while self._currentline.startswith('merge '):
6 years ago
orig_parents, parents = [list(tmp) for tmp in zip(*pinfo)]
# Prune parents (due to pruning of empty commits) if relevant
parents, new_1st_parent = self.trim_extra_parents(orig_parents, parents)
from_commit = parents[0]
merge_commits = parents[1:]
# Get the list of file changes
file_changes = []
file_change = self._parse_optional_filechange()
had_file_changes = file_change is not None
while file_change:
if not (type(file_change) == str and file_change == 'skipped'):
file_change = self._parse_optional_filechange()
if self._currentline == '\n':
# Okay, now we can finally create the Commit object
commit = Commit(branch,
author_name, author_email, author_date,
committer_name, committer_email, committer_date,
stream_number = _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER)
# If fast-export text had a mark for this commit, need to make sure this
# mark translates to the commit's true id.
if id_:
commit.old_id = id_
# Record ancestry graph
self._graph.add_commit_and_parents(, commit.get_parents())
# Record the original list of file changes relative to first parent
orig_file_changes = set(commit.file_changes)
# Call any user callback to allow them to modify the commit
if self._commit_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('commit', commit)
# Sanity check that user callbacks didn't violate assumption on parents
if commit.merge_commits:
assert commit.from_commit is not None
# Find out which files were modified by the callbacks. Such paths could
# lead to sebsequent commits being empty (e.g. if removed a line containing
# a password from every version of a file that had the password, and some
# later commit did nothing more than remove that line)
final_file_changes = set(commit.file_changes)
differences = orig_file_changes.symmetric_difference(final_file_changes)
self._files_tweaked.update(x.filename for x in differences)
# Now print the resulting commit, or if prunable skip it
if not commit.dumped:
if not self.prunable(commit, new_1st_parent, had_file_changes,
self._seen_refs[commit.branch] = None # was seen, doesn't need reset
self.record_remapping(commit, orig_parents)
rewrite_to = new_1st_parent or commit.first_parent()
# We skip empty commits, but want to keep track to make sure our branch
# still gets set and/or updated appropriately.
if rewrite_to:
self._seen_refs[commit.branch] = rewrite_to # need reset
commit.skip(new_id = rewrite_to)
self._commit_renames[commit.original_id] = None
# Show progress
self._num_commits += 1
if not self._quiet:"Parsed {} commits".format(self._num_commits))
def _parse_tag(self):
Parse input data into a Tag object. Once the Tag has been created,
it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will
be advanced until it is beyond the tag data. The Tag will be dumped
to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by
the callback).
# Parse the Tag
tag = self._parse_ref_line('tag')
6 years ago
ignoreme, from_ref = self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from')
original_id = None
if self._currentline.startswith('original-oid'):
original_id = self._parse_original_id();
tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date = None, None, None
if self._currentline.startswith('tagger'):
(tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date) = self._parse_user('tagger')
tag_msg = self._parse_data()
if self._currentline == '\n':
# Create the tag
tag = Tag(tag, from_ref,
tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date, tag_msg,
# Call any user callback to allow them to modify the tag
if self._tag_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('tag', tag)
# The tag might not point at anything that still exists ( self.from_ref
# will be None if the commit it pointed to and all its ancestors were
# pruned due to being empty)
if not tag.from_ref:
# If everything in the history of this tag was pruned, we need to delete
# the fact that it was seen so that refs_to_nuke will include it and
# wipe out the original version of that tag.
full_ref = 'refs/tags/{}'.format(tag.ref)
if full_ref in self._seen_refs:
del self._seen_refs[full_ref]
elif not tag.dumped:
def _parse_progress(self):
Parse input data into a Progress object. Once the Progress has
been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate
callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the
progress data. The Progress will be dumped to _output once
everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback).
# Parse the Progress
message = self._parse_ref_line('progress')
if self._currentline == '\n':
# Create the progress message
progress = Progress(message)
# Call any user callback to allow them to modify the progress messsage
if self._progress_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('progress', progress)
# Now print the resulting progress message
if not progress.dumped:
def _parse_checkpoint(self):
Parse input data into a Checkpoint object. Once the Checkpoint has
been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate
callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the
checkpoint data. The Checkpoint will be dumped to _output once
everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback).
# Parse the Checkpoint
if self._currentline == '\n':
# Create the checkpoint
checkpoint = Checkpoint()
# Call any user callback to allow them to drop the checkpoint
if self._checkpoint_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('checkpoint', checkpoint)
# Now print the resulting checkpoint
if not checkpoint.dumped:
def _parse_literal_command(self):
Parse literal command. Just dump the line as is.
# Create the literal command object
command = LiteralCommand(self._currentline)
# Now print the resulting checkpoint
if not command.dumped:
def _handle_final_commands(self):
self._finalize_handled = True
for ref, value in self._seen_refs.iteritems():
if value is not None:
# Create a reset
reset = Reset(ref, value)
# Call any user callback to allow them to modify the reset
if self._reset_callback:
if self._everything_callback:
self._everything_callback('reset', reset)
# Now print the resulting reset
def record_metadata(self, metadata_dir, orig_refs, refs_nuked):
deleted_hash = '0'*40
with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'commit-map'), 'w') as f:
f.write("old new\n")
for (old,new) in self._commit_renames.iteritems():
f.write('{} {}\n'.format(old, new if new != None else deleted_hash))
batch_check_process = None
batch_check_output_re = re.compile('^([0-9a-f]{40}) ([a-z]+) ([0-9]+)$')
with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'ref-map'), 'w') as f:
for refname, old_hash in orig_refs.iteritems():
if refname in refs_nuked:
new_hash = deleted_hash
elif old_hash in self._commit_renames:
new_hash = self._commit_renames[old_hash]
new_hash = new_hash if new_hash != None else deleted_hash
else: # Must be an annotated tag
if not batch_check_process:
cmd = 'git cat-file --batch-check'.split()
batch_check_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
line = batch_check_process.stdout.readline()
m = batch_check_output_re.match(line)
if not m or != 'tag':
raise SystemExit("Failed to find new id for {} (old id was {})"
.format(refname, old_hash))
new_hash =
f.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(old_hash, new_hash, refname))
if batch_check_process:
with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'suboptimal-issues'), 'w') as f:
issues_found = False
if self._commits_no_longer_merges:
issues_found = True
The following commits used to be merge commits but due to filtering
are now regular commits; they likely have suboptimal commit messages
(e.g. "Merge branch next into master"). Original commit hash on the
left, commit hash after filtering/rewriting on the right:
for oldhash, newhash in self._commits_no_longer_merges:
f.write(' {} {}\n'.format(oldhash, newhash))
if self._commits_referenced_but_removed:
issues_found = True
The following commits were filtered out, but referenced in another
commit message. The reference to the now-nonexistent commit hash
(or a substring thereof) was left as-is in any commit messages:
for bad_commit_reference in self._commits_referenced_but_removed:
f.write(' {}\n'.format(bad_commit_reference))
if not issues_found:
f.write("No filtering problems encountered.")
def get_seen_refs(self):
return self._seen_refs.keys()
def run(self, input, output, fast_import_pipes, quiet):
This method filters fast export output.
# Set input. If no args provided, use stdin.
self._input = input
self._output = output
self._fast_import_pipes = fast_import_pipes
self._quiet = quiet
# Setup some vars
self._id_offset = _IDS._next_id-1
# Run over the input and do the filtering
while self._currentline:
if self._currentline.startswith('blob'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('reset'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('commit'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('tag'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('progress'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('checkpoint'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('feature'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('option'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('done'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('#'):
elif self._currentline.startswith('get-mark') or \
self._currentline.startswith('cat-blob') or \
raise SystemExit("Unsupported command: '%s'" % self._currentline)
raise SystemExit("Could not parse line: '%s'" % self._currentline)
if not self._quiet:
if not self._finalize_handled:
def record_id_rename(old_id, new_id):
Register a new translation
handle_transitivity = True
_IDS.record_rename(old_id, new_id, handle_transitivity)
# Internal globals
_IDS = _IDs()
_EXTRA_CHANGES = {} # idnum -> list of list of FileChanges
class GitUtils(object):
def get_commit_count(repo, *args):
Return the number of commits that have been made on repo.
if not args:
args = ['--all']
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list):
args = args[0]
p1 = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-list"] + args,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
p2 = subprocess.Popen(["wc", "-l"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
count = int(p2.communicate()[0])
if p1.poll() != 0:
raise SystemExit("%s does not appear to be a valid git repository" % repo)
return count
def get_total_objects(repo):
Return the number of objects (both packed and unpacked)
p1 = subprocess.Popen(["git", "count-objects", "-v"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=repo)
lines =
# Return unpacked objects + packed-objects
return int(lines[0].split()[1]) + int(lines[2].split()[1])
def is_repository_bare(repo_working_dir):
out = subprocess.check_output('git rev-parse --is-bare-repository'.split(),
return (out.strip() == 'true')
def determine_git_dir(repo_working_dir):
d = subprocess.check_output('git rev-parse --git-dir'.split(),
if repo_working_dir=='.' or d.startswith('/'):
return d
return os.path.join(repo_working_dir, d)
def get_refs(repo_working_dir):
output = subprocess.check_output('git show-ref'.split(),
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# If error code is 1, there just aren't any refs; i.e. new repo.
# If error code is other than 1, some other error (e.g. not a git repo)
if e.returncode != 1:
raise SystemExit('fatal: {}'.format(e))
output = ''
return dict(reversed(x.split()) for x in output.splitlines())
class FilteringOptions(object):
class AppendFilter(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
suffix = option_string[len('--path-'):] or 'match'
if suffix == 'rename':
mod_type = 'rename'
match_type = 'prefix'
elif suffix.startswith('rename-'):
mod_type = 'rename'
match_type = suffix[len('rename-'):]
mod_type = 'filter'
match_type = suffix
if match_type == 'regex':
values = re.compile(values)
items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, []) or []
items.append((mod_type, match_type, values))
setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
class HelperFilter(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
af = FilteringOptions.AppendFilter(dest='path_changes',
dirname = values if values[-1] == '/' else values+'/'
if option_string == '--subdirectory-filter':
af(parser, namespace, dirname, '--path-match')
af(parser, namespace, dirname+':', '--path-rename')
elif option_string == '--to-subdirectory-filter':
af(parser, namespace, ':'+dirname, '--path-rename')
raise SystemExit("Error: HelperFilter given invalid option_string: {}"
def create_arg_parser():
# Include usage in the summary, so we can put the description first
summary = '''Rewrite (or analyze) repository history
git-filter-repo destructively rewrites history (unless --analyze or --dry-run
are specified) according to specified rules. It refuses to do any rewriting
unless either run from a clean fresh clone, or --force was specified.
Basic Usage:
git-filter-repo --analyze
See EXAMPLES section for details.
# Provide a long helpful examples section
example_text = '''EXAMPLES
To get help:
git-filter-repo --help
# Create the basic parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=summary,
usage = argparse.SUPPRESS,
add_help = False,
epilog = example_text,
analyze = parser.add_argument_group(title='Analysis')
analyze.add_argument('--analyze', action='store_true',
help='''Analyze repository history and create a
report that may be useful in determining
what to filter in a subsequent run. Will
not modify your repo.''')
refs = parser.add_argument_group(title='Git References')
refs.add_argument('--refs', action='store_const', const=['--all'],
default=['--all'], help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
path = parser.add_argument_group(title='Filtering based on paths')
path.add_argument('--invert-paths', action='store_false',
help='''Invert the selection of files from the specified
--path-{match,glob,regex} options below, i.e. only
select files matching none of those options.''')
path.add_argument('--path-match', '--path', metavar='DIR_OR_FILE',
action=FilteringOptions.AppendFilter, dest='path_changes',
help='''Exact paths (files or directories) to include in
filtered history. Multiple --path options can be
specified to get a union of paths.''')
path.add_argument('--path-glob', metavar='GLOB',
action=FilteringOptions.AppendFilter, dest='path_changes',
help='''Glob of paths to include in filtered history.
Multiple --path-glob options can be specified to
get a union of paths.''')
path.add_argument('--path-regex', metavar='REGEX',
action=FilteringOptions.AppendFilter, dest='path_changes',
help='''Regex of paths to include in filtered history.
Multiple --path-regex options can be specified to
get a union of paths''')
rename = parser.add_argument_group(title='Renaming based on paths')
rename.add_argument('--path-rename', '--path-rename-prefix',
help='''Prefix to rename; if filename starts with
OLD_NAME, replace that with NEW_NAME. Multiple
--path-rename options can be specified.''')
refrename = parser.add_argument_group(title='Renaming of refs')
refrename.add_argument('--tag-rename', metavar='OLD:NEW',
help='''Rename tags starting with OLD to start with
NEW. e.g. --tag-rename foo:bar will rename
tag foo-1.2.3 to bar-1.2.3; either OLD or NEW
can be empty.''')
helpers = parser.add_argument_group(title='Shortcuts')
helpers.add_argument('--subdirectory-filter', metavar='DIRECTORY',
help='''Only look at history that touches the given
subdirectory and treat that directory as the
project root. Equivalent to using
"--path DIRECTORY/ --path-rename DIRECTORY/:"
helpers.add_argument('--to-subdirectory-filter', metavar='DIRECTORY',
help='''Treat the project root as instead being under
DIRECTORY. Equivalent to using
"--path-rename :DIRECTORY/"''')
people = parser.add_argument_group(title='Filtering of names/emails')
people.add_argument('--mailmap', dest='mailmap', metavar='FILENAME',
help='''Use specified mailmap file (see git-shortlog(1)
for details on the format) when rewriting
author, committer, and tagger names and
emails. If the specified file is part of git
history, historical versions of the file will
be ignored; only the current contents are
people.add_argument('--use-mailmap', dest='mailmap',
action='store_const', const='.mailmap',
help='''Same as: '--mailmap .mailmap' ''')
contents = parser.add_argument_group(title='Content editing filters')
contents.add_argument('--replace-text', metavar='EXPRESSIONS_FILE',
help='''A file with expressions that, if found, will
be replaced. By default, each expression is
treated as literal text, but 'regex:' and 'glob:'
prefixes are supported. You can end the line
with "==>" and some replacement text to choose
a replacement choice other than the default of
"***REMOVED***". ''')
location = parser.add_argument_group(title='Location to filter from/to')
help='''Git repository to read from''')
help='''Git repository to overwrite with filtered
misc = parser.add_argument_group(title='Miscellaneous options')
misc.add_argument('--help', '-h', action='store_true',
help='''Show this help message and exit.''')
misc.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
help='''Rewrite history even if the current repo does not
look like a fresh clone.''')
misc.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true',
help='''Do not change the repository. Run `git
fast-export` and filter its output, and save both
the original and the filtered version for
comparison. Some filtering of empty commits may
not occur due to inability to query the fast-import
misc.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
help='''Print additional information about operations being
performed and commands being run. When used
together with --dry-run, also show extra
information about what would be run.''')
misc.add_argument('--stdin', action='store_true',
help='''Instead of running `git fast-export` and filtering
its output, filter the fast-export stream from
misc.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true',
help='''Pass --quiet to other git commands called''')
return parser
def sanity_check_args(args):
if args.analyze and args.path_changes:
raise SystemExit("Error: --analyze is incompatible with --path* flags; "
"it's a read-only operation.")
if args.analyze and args.stdin:
raise SystemExit("Error: --analyze is incompatible with --stdin.")
# If no path_changes are found, initialize with empty list but mark as
# not inclusive so that all files match
if args.path_changes == None:
args.path_changes = []
args.inclusive = False
# Similarly, if we only have renames, all paths should match
has_filter = False
for (mod_type, match_type, path_expression) in args.path_changes:
if mod_type == 'filter':
has_filter = True
if not has_filter:
args.inclusive = False
# Also throw in a sanity check on git version here;
# PERF: remove this check once new enough git versions are common
p = subprocess.Popen('git diff-tree -h'.split(),
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output =
if '--combined-all-paths' not in output:
raise SystemExit("Error: need a version of git whose diff-tree command "
"has the --combined-all-paths option")
def get_replace_text(filename):
replace_literals = []
replace_regexes = []
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
# Determine the replacement
replacement = '***REMOVED***'
if '==>' in line:
line, replacement = line.rsplit('==>', 1)
# See if we need to match via regex
regex = None
if line.startswith('regex:'):
regex = line[6:]
elif line.startswith('glob:'):
regex = fnmatch.translate(line[5:])
if regex.endswith(r'\Z(?ms)'):
regex = regex[0:-7]
if regex:
replace_regexes.append((re.compile(regex), replacement))
# Otherwise, find the literal we need to replace
if line.startswith('literal:'):
line = line[8:]
if not line:
replace_literals.append((line, replacement))
return {'literals': replace_literals, 'regexes': replace_regexes}
def default_options():
return FilteringOptions.parse_args([], error_on_empty = False)
def parse_args(input_args, error_on_empty = True):
parser = FilteringOptions.create_arg_parser()
if not input_args and error_on_empty:
raise SystemExit("No arguments specified.")
args = parser.parse_args(input_args)
raise SystemExit()
if args.mailmap:
args.mailmap = MailmapInfo(args.mailmap)
if args.replace_text:
args.replace_text = FilteringOptions.get_replace_text(args.replace_text)
return args
class RepoAnalyze(object):
# First, several helper functions for analyze_commit()
def equiv_class(stats, filename):
return stats['equivalence'].get(filename, (filename,))
def setup_equivalence_for_rename(stats, oldname, newname):
# if A is renamed to B and B is renamed to C, then the user thinks of
# A, B, and C as all being different names for the same 'file'. We record
# this as an equivalence class:
# stats['equivalence'][name] = (A,B,C)
# for name being each of A, B, and C.
old_tuple = stats['equivalence'].get(oldname, ())
if newname in old_tuple:
elif old_tuple:
new_tuple = tuple(list(old_tuple)+[newname])
new_tuple = (oldname, newname)
for f in new_tuple:
stats['equivalence'][f] = new_tuple
def setup_or_update_rename_history(stats, commit, oldname, newname):
rename_commits = stats['rename_history'].get(oldname, set())
stats['rename_history'][oldname] = rename_commits
def handle_renames(stats, commit, change_types, filenames):
for index, change_type in enumerate(change_types):
if change_type == 'R':
oldname, newname = filenames[index], filenames[-1]
RepoAnalyze.setup_equivalence_for_rename(stats, oldname, newname)
RepoAnalyze.setup_or_update_rename_history(stats, commit,
oldname, newname)
def handle_file(stats, graph, commit, modes, shas, filenames):
mode, sha, filename = modes[-1], shas[-1], filenames[-1]
# Figure out kind of deletions to undo for this file, and update lists
# of all-names-by-sha and all-filenames
delmode = 'tree_deletions'
if mode != '040000':
delmode = 'file_deletions'
# If the file (or equivalence class of files) was recorded as deleted,
# clearly it isn't anymore
equiv = RepoAnalyze.equiv_class(stats, filename)
for f in equiv:
stats[delmode].pop(f, None)
# If we get a modify/add for a path that was renamed, we may need to break
# the equivalence class. However, if the modify/add was on a branch that
# doesn't have the rename in its history, we are still okay.
need_to_break_equivalence = False
if equiv[-1] != filename:
for rename_commit in stats['rename_history'][filename]:
if graph.is_ancestor(rename_commit, commit):
need_to_break_equivalence = True
if need_to_break_equivalence:
for f in equiv:
if f in stats['equivalence']:
del stats['equivalence'][f]
def analyze_commit(stats, graph, commit, parents, date, file_changes):
graph.add_commit_and_parents(commit, parents)
for change in file_changes:
modes, shas, change_types, filenames = change
if len(parents) == 1 and change_types.startswith('R'):
change_types = 'R' # remove the rename score; we don't care
if modes[-1] == '160000':
elif modes[-1] == '000000':
# Track when files/directories are deleted
for f in RepoAnalyze.equiv_class(stats, filenames[-1]):
if any(x == '040000' for x in modes[0:-1]):
stats['tree_deletions'][f] = date
stats['file_deletions'][f] = date
elif change_types.strip('AMT') == '':
RepoAnalyze.handle_file(stats, graph, commit, modes, shas, filenames)
elif modes[-1] == '040000' and change_types.strip('RAM') == '':
RepoAnalyze.handle_file(stats, graph, commit, modes, shas, filenames)
elif change_types.strip('RAM') == '':
RepoAnalyze.handle_file(stats, graph, commit, modes, shas, filenames)
RepoAnalyze.handle_renames(stats, commit, change_types, filenames)
raise SystemExit("Unhandled change type(s): {} (in commit {})"
.format(change_types, commit))
def gather_data(args):
blob_size_progress = ProgressWriter()
num_blobs = 0
# Get sizes of blobs by sha1
cmd = '--batch-check=%(objectname) %(objecttype) ' + \
'%(objectsize) %(objectsize:disk)'
cf = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-all-objects', cmd],
bufsize = -1,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
unpacked_size = {}
packed_size = {}
for line in cf.stdout:
sha, objtype, objsize, objdisksize = line.split()
objsize, objdisksize = int(objsize), int(objdisksize)
if objtype == 'blob':
unpacked_size[sha] = objsize
packed_size[sha] = objdisksize
num_blobs += 1"Processed {} blob sizes".format(num_blobs))
stats = {'names': collections.defaultdict(set),
'allnames' : set(),
'file_deletions': {},
'tree_deletions': {},
'equivalence': {},
'rename_history': collections.defaultdict(set),
'unpacked_size': unpacked_size,
'packed_size': packed_size,
'num_commits': 0}
# Setup the rev-list/diff-tree process
commit_parse_progress = ProgressWriter()
num_commits = 0
cmd = ('git rev-list --topo-order --reverse {}'.format(' '.join(args.refs)) +
' | git diff-tree --stdin --always --root --format=%H%n%P%n%cd' +
' --date=short -M -t -c --raw --combined-all-paths')
dtp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=-1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
f = dtp.stdout
line =
cont = bool(line)
graph = AncestryGraph()
while cont:
commit = line.rstrip()
parents =
date =
# We expect a blank line next; if we get a non-blank line then
# this commit modified no files and we need to move on to the next.
# If there is no line, we've reached end-of-input.
line =
cont = True
except StopIteration:
cont = False
# If we haven't reached end of input, and we got a blank line meaning
# a commit that has modified files, then get the file changes associated
# with this commit.
file_changes = []
if cont and not line:
cont = False
for line in f:
if not line.startswith(':'):
cont = True
n = 1+max(1, len(parents))
assert line.startswith(':'*(n-1))
relevant = line[n-1:-1]
splits = relevant.split(None, n)
modes = splits[0:n]
splits = splits[n].split(None, n)
shas = splits[0:n]
splits = splits[n].split('\t')
change_types = splits[0]
filenames = [PathQuoting.dequote(x) for x in splits[1:]]
file_changes.append([modes, shas, change_types, filenames])
# Analyze this commit and update progress
RepoAnalyze.analyze_commit(stats, graph, commit, parents, date,
num_commits += 1"Processed {} commits".format(num_commits))
# Show the final commits processed message and record the number of commits
stats['num_commits'] = num_commits
# Close the output, ensure rev-list|diff-tree pipeline completed successfully
if dtp.wait():
raise SystemExit("Error: rev-list|diff-tree pipeline failed; see above.")
return stats
def write_report(reportdir, stats):
def datestr(datetimestr):
return datetimestr if datetimestr else '<present>'
def dirnames(path):
while True:
path = os.path.dirname(path)
yield path
if path == '':
# Compute aggregate size information for paths, extensions, and dirs
total_size = {'packed': 0, 'unpacked': 0}
path_size = {'packed': collections.defaultdict(int),
'unpacked': collections.defaultdict(int)}
ext_size = {'packed': collections.defaultdict(int),
'unpacked': collections.defaultdict(int)}
dir_size = {'packed': collections.defaultdict(int),
'unpacked': collections.defaultdict(int)}
for sha in stats['names']:
size = {'packed': stats['packed_size'][sha],
'unpacked': stats['unpacked_size'][sha]}
for which in ('packed', 'unpacked'):
for name in stats['names'][sha]:
total_size[which] += size[which]
path_size[which][name] += size[which]
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
ext_size[which][ext] += size[which]
for dirname in dirnames(name):
dir_size[which][dirname] += size[which]
# Determine if and when extensions and directories were deleted
ext_deleted_data = {}
for name in stats['allnames']:
when = stats['file_deletions'].get(name, None)
# Update the extension
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
if when is None:
ext_deleted_data[ext] = None
elif ext in ext_deleted_data:
if ext_deleted_data[ext] is not None:
ext_deleted_data[ext] = max(ext_deleted_data[ext], when)
ext_deleted_data[ext] = when
dir_deleted_data = {}
for name in dir_size['packed']:
dir_deleted_data[name] = stats['tree_deletions'].get(name, None)
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "README"), 'w') as f:
# Give a basic overview of this file
f.write("== Overal Statistics ==\n")
f.write(" Number of commits: {}\n".format(stats['num_commits']))
f.write(" Number of filenames: {}\n".format(len(path_size['packed'])))
f.write(" Number of directories: {}\n".format(len(dir_size['packed'])))
f.write(" Number of file extensions: {}\n".format(len(ext_size['packed'])))
f.write(" Total unpacked size (bytes): {:10d}\n"
f.write(" Total packed size (bytes): {:10d}\n"
# Mention issues with the report
f.write("== Caveats ==\n")
f.write("=== Sizes ===\n")
Packed size represents what size your repository would be if no
trees, commits, tags, or other metadata were included (though it may
fail to represent de-duplication; see below). It also represents the
current packing, which may be suboptimal if you haven't gc'ed for a
Unpacked size represents what size your repository would be if no if
no trees, commits, tags, or other metadata were included AND if no
files were packed; i.e., without delta-ing or compression.
Both unpacked and packed sizes can be slightly misleading. Deleting
a blob from history not save as much space as the unpacked size,
because it is obviously normally stored in packed form. Also,
deleting a blob from history may not save as much space as its packed
size either, because another blob could be stored as a delta against
that blob, so when you remove one blob another blob's packed size may
Also, the sum of the packed sizes can add up to more than the
repository size; if the same contents appeared in the repository in
multiple places, git will automatically de-dupe and store only one
copy, while the way sizes are added in this analysis adds the size
for each file path that has those contents. Further, if a file is
ever reverted to a previous version's contents, the previous
version's size will be counted multiple times in this analysis, even
though git will only store it once.
f.write("=== Deletions ===\n")
Whether a file is deleted is not a binary quality, since it can be
deleted on some branches but still exist in others. Also, it might
exist in an old tag, but have been deleted in versions newer than
that. More thorough tracking could be done, including looking at
merge commits where one side of history deleted and the other modified,
in order to give a more holistic picture of deletions. However, that
algorithm would not only be more complex to implement, it'd also be
quite difficult to present and interpret by users. Since --analyze
is just about getting a high-level rough picture of history, it instead
implements the simplistic rule that is good enough for 98% of cases:
A file is marked as deleted if the last commit in the fast-export
stream that mentions the file lists it as deleted.
This makes it dependent on topological ordering, but generally gives
the "right" answer.
f.write("=== Renames ===\n")
Renames share the same non-binary nature that deletions do, plus
additional challenges:
* If the renamed file is renamed again, instead of just two names for
a path you can have three or more.
* Rename pairs of the form (oldname, newname) that we consider to be
different names of the "same file" might only be valid over certain
commit ranges. For example, if a new commit reintroduces a file
named oldname, then new versions of oldname aren't the "same file"
anymore. We could try to portray this to the user, but it's easier
for the user to just break the pairing and only report unbroken
rename pairings to the user.
* The ability for users to rename files differently in different
branches means that our chains of renames will not necessarily be
linear but may branch out.
# Equivalence classes for names, so if folks only want to keep a
# certain set of paths, they know the old names they want to include
# too.
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "renames.txt"), 'w') as f:
seen = set()
for pathname,equiv_group in sorted(stats['equivalence'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1]):
if equiv_group in seen:
f.write("{} ->\n ".format(equiv_group[0]) +
"\n ".join(equiv_group[1:]) +
# List directories in reverse sorted order of unpacked size
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "directories-deleted-sizes.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("=== Deleted directories by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: unpacked size, packed size, date deleted, directory name\n")
for dirname, size in sorted(dir_size['packed'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
if (dir_deleted_data[dirname]):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10d} {:10s} {}\n"
dirname or '<toplevel>'))
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "directories-all-sizes.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("=== All directories by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: unpacked size, packed size, date deleted, directory name\n")
for dirname, size in sorted(dir_size['packed'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10d} {:10s} {}\n"
dirname or '<toplevel>'))
# List extensions in reverse sorted order of unpacked size
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "extensions-deleted-sizes.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("=== Deleted extensions by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: unpacked size, packed size, date deleted, extension name\n")
for extname, size in sorted(ext_size['packed'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
if (ext_deleted_data[extname]):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10d} {:10s} {}\n"
extname or '<no extension>'))
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "extensions-all-sizes.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("=== All extensions by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: unpacked size, packed size, date deleted, extension name\n")
for extname, size in sorted(ext_size['packed'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10d} {:10s} {}\n"
extname or '<no extension>'))
# List files in reverse sorted order of unpacked size
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "path-deleted-sizes.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("=== Deleted paths by reverse accumulated size ===\n")
f.write("Format: unpacked size, packed size, date deleted, path name(s)\n")
for pathname, size in sorted(path_size['packed'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
when = stats['file_deletions'].get(pathname, None)
if when:
f.write(" {:10d} {:10d} {:10s} {}\n"
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "path-all-sizes.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("=== All paths by reverse accumulated size ===\n")
f.write("Format: unpacked size, packed size, date deleted, pathectory name\n")
for pathname, size in sorted(path_size['packed'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
when = stats['file_deletions'].get(pathname, None)
f.write(" {:10d} {:10d} {:10s} {}\n"
# List of filenames and sizes in descending order
with open(os.path.join(reportdir, "blob-shas-and-paths.txt"), 'w') as f:
f.write("== Files by sha and associated pathnames in reverse size ==\n")
f.write("Format: sha, unpacked size, packed size, filename(s) object stored as\n")
for sha, size in sorted(stats['packed_size'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
if sha not in stats['names']:
# Some objects in the repository might not be referenced, or not
# referenced by the branches/tags the user cares about; skip them.
names_with_sha = stats['names'][sha]
if len(names_with_sha) == 1:
names_with_sha = names_with_sha.pop()
names_with_sha = sorted(list(names_with_sha))
f.write(" {} {:10d} {:10d} {}\n".format(sha,
def run(args):
git_dir = GitUtils.determine_git_dir('.')
# Create the report directory as necessary
results_tmp_dir = os.path.join(git_dir, 'filter-repo')
if not os.path.isdir(results_tmp_dir):
reportdir = os.path.join(results_tmp_dir, "analysis")
if not args.force and os.path.isdir(reportdir):
raise SystemExit("Error: {} already exists; refusing to overwrite!".
# Gather the data we need
stats = RepoAnalyze.gather_data(args)
# Write the reports
sys.stdout.write("Writing reports to {}...".format(reportdir))
RepoAnalyze.write_report(reportdir, stats)
class InputFileBackup:
def __init__(self, input_file, output_file):
self.input_file = input_file
self.output_file = output_file
def read(self, size):
output =
return output
def readline(self):
line = self.input_file.readline()
return line
class DualFileWriter:
def __init__(self, file1, file2):
self.file1 = file1
self.file2 = file2
def write(self, *args):
def close(self):
class RepoFilter(object):
def __init__(self,
blob_callback = None,
commit_callback = None,
tag_callback = None,
reset_callback = None,
everything_callback = None):
# Store arguments for later use
self._args = args
self._blob_callback = blob_callback
self._commit_callback = commit_callback
self._tag_callback = tag_callback
self._reset_callback = reset_callback
self._everything_callback = everything_callback
# Defaults for input
self._input = None
self._fep = None # Fast Export Process
self._fe_orig = None # Path to where original fast-export output stored
self._fe_filt = None # Path to where filtered fast-export output stored
# Defaults for output
self._output = None
self._fip = None # Fast Import Process
self._import_pipes = None
self._managed_output = True
# Other vars
self._sanity_checks_handled = False
self._orig_refs = None
self._newnames = {}
def _run_sanity_checks(self):
self._sanity_checks_handled = True
if not self._managed_output:
if self._args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Passed arguments:\n{}".format(self._args))
# Determine basic repository information
target_working_dir = or '.'
self._orig_refs = GitUtils.get_refs(target_working_dir)
is_bare = GitUtils.is_repository_bare(target_working_dir)
# Do sanity checks from the correct directory
if not self._args.force:
cwd = os.getcwd()
RepoFilter.sanity_check(self._orig_refs, is_bare)
def sanity_check(refs, is_bare):
def abort(reason):
raise SystemExit(
"Aborting: Refusing to overwrite repo history since this does not\n"
"look like a fresh clone.\n"
" ("+reason+")\n"
"To override, use --force.")
# Make sure repo is fully packed, just like a fresh clone would be
output = subprocess.check_output('git count-objects -v'.split())
stats = dict(x.split(': ') for x in output.splitlines())
num_packs = int(stats['packs'])
if stats['count'] != '0' or num_packs > 1:
abort("expected freshly packed repo")
# Make sure there is precisely one remote, named "origin"...or that this
# is a new bare repo with no packs and no remotes
output = subprocess.check_output('git remote'.split()).strip()
if not (output == "origin" or (num_packs == 0 and not output)):
abort("expected one remote, origin")
# Avoid letting people running with weird setups and overwriting GIT_DIR
# elsewhere
git_dir = GitUtils.determine_git_dir('.')
if is_bare and git_dir != '.':
abort("GIT_DIR must be .")
elif not is_bare and git_dir != '.git':
abort("GIT_DIR must be .git")
# Make sure that all reflogs have precisely one entry
reflog_dir=os.path.join(git_dir, 'logs')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(reflog_dir):
for filename in files:
pathname = os.path.join(root, filename)
with open(pathname) as f:
if len( > 1:
shortpath = pathname[len(reflog_dir)+1:]
abort("expected at most one entry in the reflog for " + shortpath)
# Make sure there are no stashed changes
if 'refs/stash' in refs:
abort("has stashed changes")
# Do extra checks in non-bare repos
if not is_bare:
# Avoid uncommitted, unstaged, or untracked changes
if'git diff --staged'.split()):
abort("you have uncommitted changes")
if'git diff --quiet'.split()):
abort("you have unstaged changes")
if len(subprocess.check_output('git ls-files -o'.split())) > 0:
abort("you have untracked changes")
# Avoid unpushed changes
for refname, rev in refs.iteritems():
if not refname.startswith('refs/heads/'):
origin_ref = refname.replace('refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/origin/')
if origin_ref not in refs:
abort('{} exists, but {} not found'.format(refname, origin_ref))
if rev != refs[origin_ref]:
abort('{} does not match {}'.format(refname, origin_ref))
def tweak_blob(args, blob):
if args.replace_text:
for literal, replacement in args.replace_text['literals']: =, replacement)
for regex, replacement in args.replace_text['regexes']: = regex.sub(replacement,
def tweak_commit(self, args, commit):
def filename_matches(path_expression, pathname):
if path_expression == '':
return True
n = len(path_expression)
if (pathname.startswith(path_expression) and
(path_expression[n-1] == '/' or
len(pathname) == n or
pathname[n] == '/')):
return True
return False
def newname(path_changes, pathname, filtering_is_inclusive):
wanted = False
for (mod_type, match_type, path_exp) in path_changes:
if mod_type == 'filter' and not wanted:
assert match_type in ('match', 'glob', 'regex')
if match_type == 'match' and filename_matches(path_exp, pathname):
wanted = True
if match_type == 'glob' and fnmatch.fnmatch(pathname, path_exp):
wanted = True
if match_type == 'regex' and
wanted = True
elif mod_type == 'rename':
old_exp, new_exp = path_exp.split(':')
assert match_type in ('prefix',)
if match_type == 'prefix' and pathname.startswith(old_exp):
pathname = pathname.replace(old_exp, new_exp, 1)
return pathname if (wanted == filtering_is_inclusive) else None
# Change the author & committer according to mailmap rules
if args.mailmap:
commit.author_name, commit.author_email = \
args.mailmap.translate(commit.author_name, commit.author_email)
commit.committer_name, commit.committer_email = \
args.mailmap.translate(commit.committer_name, commit.committer_email)
# Sometimes the 'branch' given is a tag; if so, rename it as requested so
# we don't get any old tagnames
commit.branch = RepoFilter.new_tagname(args, commit.branch)
# Filter the list of file changes
new_file_changes = {}
for change in commit.file_changes:
if change.filename in self._newnames:
change.filename = self._newnames[change.filename]
change.filename = newname(args.path_changes, change.filename,
self._newnames[change.filename] = change.filename
if not change.filename:
continue # Filtering criteria excluded this file; move on to next one
if change.filename in new_file_changes:
# Getting here means that path renaming is in effect, and caused one
# path to collide with another. That's usually bad, but sometimes
# people have a file named OLDFILE in old revisions of history, and they
# rename to NEWFILE, and would like to rewrite history so that all
# revisions refer to it as NEWFILE. As such, we can allow a collision
# when (at least) one of the two paths is a deletion. Note that if
# OLDFILE and NEWFILE are unrelated this also allows the rewrite to
# continue, which makes sense since OLDFILE is no longer in the way.
if change.type == 'D':
# We can just throw this one away and keep the other
elif new_file_changes[change.filename].type != 'D':
raise SystemExit("File renaming caused colliding pathnames!\n" +
" Commit: {}\n".format(commit.original_id) +
" Filename: {}".format(change.filename))
new_file_changes[change.filename] = change
commit.file_changes = new_file_changes.values()
def new_tagname(args, tagname, shortname = False):
replace = args.tag_rename
if not replace:
return tagname
old, new = replace.split(':', 1)
if not shortname:
old, new = 'refs/tags/'+old, 'refs/tags/'+new
if tagname.startswith(old):
return tagname.replace(old, new, 1)
return tagname
def handle_tag(args, tag, shortname = False):
tag.ref = RepoFilter.new_tagname(args, tag.ref, shortname)
if args.mailmap:
tag.tagger_name, tag.tagger_email = \
args.mailmap.translate(tag.tagger_name, tag.tagger_email)
def handle_reset(args, reset, shortname = False):
reset.ref = RepoFilter.new_tagname(args, reset.ref, shortname)
def results_tmp_dir(self):
working_dir = or self._args.source or '.'
git_dir = GitUtils.determine_git_dir(working_dir)
d = os.path.join(git_dir, 'filter-repo')
if not os.path.isdir(d):
return d
def importer_only(self):
def set_output(self, outputRepoFilter):
assert outputRepoFilter._output
# set_output implies this RepoFilter is doing exporting, though may not
# be the only one.
self._setup_input(use_done_feature = False)
# Set our output management up to pipe to outputRepoFilter's locations
self._managed_output = False
self._output = outputRepoFilter._output
self._import_pipes = outputRepoFilter._import_pipes
# Handle sanity checks, though currently none needed for export-only cases
def _setup_input(self, use_done_feature):
if self._args.stdin:
self._input = sys.stdin
self._fe_orig = None
skip_blobs = (self._blob_callback is None and
self._everything_callback is None and
self._args.replace_text is None and
self._args.source is None and is None)
extra_flags = ['--no-data'] if skip_blobs else []
done_feature = ['--use-done-feature'] if use_done_feature else []
location = ['-C', self._args.source] if self._args.source else []
fep_cmd = ['git'] + location + ['fast-export', '--show-original-ids',
'--signed-tags=strip', '--tag-of-filtered-object=rewrite'
] + done_feature + extra_flags + self._args.refs
self._fep = subprocess.Popen(fep_cmd, bufsize=-1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
self._input = self._fep.stdout
if self._args.dry_run or self._args.debug:
self._fe_orig = os.path.join(self.results_tmp_dir(),
output = open(self._fe_orig, 'w')
self._input = InputFileBackup(self._input, output)
if self._args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Running: {}".format(' '.join(fep_cmd)))
print(" (saving a copy of the output at {})".format(self._fe_orig))
def _setup_output(self):
if not self._args.dry_run:
location = ['-C',] if else []
fip_cmd = ['git'] + location + 'fast-import --force --quiet'.split()
self._fip = subprocess.Popen(fip_cmd,
self._import_pipes = (self._fip.stdin, self._fip.stdout)
if self._args.dry_run or self._args.debug:
self._fe_filt = os.path.join(self.results_tmp_dir(),
self._output = open(self._fe_filt, 'w')
self._output = self._fip.stdin
if self._args.debug:
self._output = DualFileWriter(self._fip.stdin, self._output)
print("[DEBUG] Running: {}".format(' '.join(fip_cmd)))
print(" (using the following file as input: {})".format(self._fe_filt))
def _migrate_origin_to_heads(self):
if self._args.dry_run:
refs_to_migrate = set(x for x in self._orig_refs
if x.startswith('refs/remotes/origin/'))
if not refs_to_migrate:
if self._args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Migrating refs/remotes/origin/* -> refs/heads/*")
target_working_dir = or '.'
p = subprocess.Popen('git update-ref --no-deref --stdin'.split(),
for ref in refs_to_migrate:
if ref == 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD':
p.stdin.write('delete {} {}\n'.format(ref, self._orig_refs[ref]))
del self._orig_refs[ref]
newref = ref.replace('refs/remotes/origin/', 'refs/heads/')
if newref not in self._orig_refs:
p.stdin.write('create {} {}\n'.format(newref, self._orig_refs[ref]))
p.stdin.write('delete {} {}\n'.format(ref, self._orig_refs[ref]))
self._orig_refs[newref] = self._orig_refs[ref]
del self._orig_refs[ref]
if p.wait():
raise SystemExit("git update-ref failed; see above")
# Now remove
if self._args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Removing 'origin' remote (rewritten history will no ")
print(" longer be related; consider re-pushing it elsewhere.")'git remote rm origin'.split(), cwd=target_working_dir)
def finish(self):
''' Alternative to run() when there is no input of our own to parse,
meaning that run only really needs to close the handle to fast-import
and let it finish, thus making a call to "run" feel like a misnomer. '''
assert not self._input
assert self._managed_output
def run(self):
start = time.time()
if not self._input and not self._output:
self._setup_input(use_done_feature = True)
assert self._sanity_checks_handled
if self._input:
# Set up the callbacks
def combined_blob_callback(b):
RepoFilter.tweak_blob(self._args, b)
self._blob_callback and self._blob_callback(b)
def actual_commit_callback(c):
self.tweak_commit(self._args, c)
self._commit_callback and self._commit_callback(c)
def actual_tag_callback(t):
RepoFilter.handle_tag(self._args, t, shortname = True)
self._tag_callback and self._tag_callback(t)
def actual_reset_callback(r):
RepoFilter.handle_reset(self._args, r)
self._reset_callback and self._reset_callback(r)
actual_blob_callback = self._blob_callback
if self._args.replace_text:
actual_blob_callback = combined_blob_callback
# Create and run the filter
fef = FastExportFilter(self._args.source or '.',
blob_callback = actual_blob_callback,
commit_callback = actual_commit_callback,
tag_callback = actual_tag_callback,
reset_callback = actual_reset_callback,
everything_callback = self._everything_callback),
fast_import_pipes = self._import_pipes,
quiet = self._args.quiet)
# Make sure fast-export completed successfully
if not self._args.stdin and self._fep.wait():
raise SystemExit("Error: fast-export failed; see above.")
# If we're not the manager of self._output, we should avoid post-run cleanup
if not self._managed_output:
# Close the output and ensure fast-import successfully completes
if not self._args.dry_run and self._fip.wait():
raise SystemExit("Error: fast-import failed; see above.")
# Notify user how long it took, before doing a gc and such
msg = "New history written in {:.2f} seconds; now repacking/cleaning..."
# Exit early, if requested
if self._args.dry_run:
if self._fe_orig:
orig_str = "by comparing:\n "+self._fe_orig
orig_str = "at:"
print("NOTE: Not running fast-import or cleaning up; --dry-run passed.")
print(" Requested filtering can be seen {}".format(orig_str))
print(" " + self._fe_filt)
target_working_dir = or '.'
if self._input:
# Remove unused refs
refs_to_nuke = set(self._orig_refs) - set(fef.get_seen_refs())
if refs_to_nuke:
if self._args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Deleting the following refs:\n "+
"\n ".join(refs_to_nuke))
p = subprocess.Popen('git update-ref --stdin'.split(),
p.stdin.write(''.join(["option no-deref\ndelete {}\n".format(x)
for x in refs_to_nuke]))
if p.wait():
raise SystemExit("git update-ref failed; see above")
# Write out data about run
# Nuke the reflogs and repack
if not self._args.quiet and not self._args.debug:
print("Repacking your repo and cleaning out old unneeded objects")
quiet_flags = '--quiet' if self._args.quiet else ''
cleanup_cmds = ['git reflog expire --expire=now --all'.split(),
'git gc {} --prune=now'.format(quiet_flags).split()]
if not GitUtils.is_repository_bare(target_working_dir):
cleanup_cmds.append('git reset {} --hard'.format(quiet_flags).split())
for cmd in cleanup_cmds:
if self._args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Running: {}".format(' '.join(cmd))), cwd=target_working_dir)
# Let user know how long it took
print("Completely finished after {:.2f} seconds.".format(time.time()-start))
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = FilteringOptions.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
if args.analyze:
filter = RepoFilter(args)