filter-repo: pre-compile all regexes

Repeatedly using non-compiled regexes is rather wasteful of resources.
Pre-compile these and use the cached versions.

I ran
   git filter-repo --invert-paths --path --dry-run
and then for timing ran

   cat .git/filter-repo/fast-export.original | time git filter-repo \
     --invert-paths --path --dry-run --stdin

on the git.git repository (with tags of blobs and tags of tags deleted).
Comparing the timings before and after this change, I see about a 13%
overall speedup just from caching the regexes.

Signed-off-by: Elijah Newren <>
Elijah Newren 6 years ago
parent cbacb6cd82
commit 301aea9993

@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ class FixedTimeZone(tzinfo):
Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC.
tz_re = re.compile(r'^([-+]?)(\d\d)(\d\d)$')
def __init__(self, offset_string):
sign, hh, mm = re.match(r'^([-+]?)(\d\d)(\d\d)$', offset_string).groups()
sign, hh, mm = FixedTimeZone.tz_re.match(offset_string).groups()
factor = -1 if (sign and sign == '-') else 1
self._offset = timedelta(minutes = factor*(60*int(hh) + int(mm)))
self._offset_string = offset_string
@ -174,6 +176,7 @@ class MailmapInfo(object):
def _parse_file(self, filename):
name_and_email_re = re.compile(r'(.*?)\s*<([^>]+)>\s*')
comment_re = re.compile(r'\s*#.*')
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
raise SystemExit("Cannot read {}".format(filename))
with open(filename) as f:
@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ class MailmapInfo(object):
count += 1
err = "Unparseable mailmap file: line #{} is bad: {}".format(count, line)
# Remove comments
line = re.sub(r'\s*#.*', '', line)
line = comment_re.sub('', line)
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace
line = line.strip()
if not line:
@ -854,6 +857,23 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
# to subsequent commits being empty
self._files_tweaked = set()
# Compile some regexes and cache those
self._mark_re = re.compile(r'mark :(\d+)\n$')
self._parent_regexes = {}
parent_regex_rules = ('{} :(\d+)\n$', '{} ([0-9a-f]{{40}})\n')
for parent_refname in ('from', 'merge'):
ans = [re.compile(x.format(parent_refname)) for x in parent_regex_rules]
self._parent_regexes[parent_refname] = ans
self._modify_re = re.compile('M (\d+) (?::?([0-9a-f]{40}|\d+)) (.*)\n$')
self._quoted_string_re = re.compile(r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"')
self._refline_regexes = {}
for refline_name in ('reset', 'commit', 'tag', 'progress'):
self._refline_regexes[refline_name] = re.compile(refline_name+' (.*)\n$')
self._user_regexes = {}
for user in ('author', 'committer', 'tagger'):
self._user_regexes[user] = re.compile(user + ' (.*?) <(.*?)> (.*)\n$')
self._hash_re = re.compile(r'(\b[0-9a-f]{7,40}\b)')
def _advance_currentline(self):
Grab the next line of input
@ -866,7 +886,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
next line; return None otherwise
mark = None
matches = re.match('mark :(\d+)\n$', self._currentline)
matches = self._mark_re.match(self._currentline)
if matches:
mark = int(
@ -880,7 +900,8 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
refname arg.
orig_baseref, baseref = None, None
matches = re.match('%s :(\d+)\n' % refname, self._currentline)
rule, altrule = self._parent_regexes[refname]
matches = rule.match(self._currentline)
if matches:
orig_baseref = int( + self._id_offset
# We translate the parent commit mark to what it needs to be in
@ -888,7 +909,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
baseref = _IDS.translate(orig_baseref)
matches = re.match('%s ([0-9a-f]{40})\n' % refname, self._currentline)
matches = altrule.match(self._currentline)
if matches:
orig_baseref =
baseref = orig_baseref
@ -904,9 +925,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
filechange = None
if self._currentline.startswith('M '):
(mode, idnum, path) = \
re.match('M (\d+) (?::?([0-9a-f]{40}|\d+)) (.*)\n$',
(mode, idnum, path) = self._modify_re.match(self._currentline).groups()
# We translate the idnum to our id system
if len(idnum) != 40:
idnum = _IDS.translate( int(idnum)+self._id_offset )
@ -926,7 +945,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
elif self._currentline.startswith('R '):
rest = self._currentline[2:-1]
if rest.startswith('"'):
m = re.match(r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', rest)
m = self._quoted_string_re.match(rest)
if not m:
raise SystemExit("Couldn't parse rename source")
orig = PathQuoting.dequote(
@ -951,7 +970,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
current-line does not match, so current-line will always be advanced if
this method returns.
matches = re.match('%s (.*)\n$' % refname, self._currentline)
matches = self._refline_regexes[refname].match(self._currentline)
if not matches:
raise SystemExit("Malformed %s line: '%s'" %
(refname, self._currentline))
@ -964,9 +983,8 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
Get user name, email, datestamp from current-line. Current-line will
be advanced.
(name, email, when) = \
re.match('%s (.*?) <(.*?)> (.*)\n$' %
usertype, self._currentline).groups()
user_regex = self._user_regexes[usertype]
(name, email, when) = user_regex.match(self._currentline).groups()
# TimeZone idiocy; IST is any of four timezones, so someone translated
# it to something that was totally invalid...and it got recorded that
@ -985,7 +1003,9 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
Reads data from _input. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond
the data.
size = int(re.match('data (\d+)\n$', self._currentline).group(1))
fields = self._currentline.split()
assert fields[0] == 'data'
size = int(fields[1])
data =
if self._currentline == '\n':
@ -1316,9 +1336,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
(committer_name, committer_email, committer_date)
commit_msg = self._parse_data()
commit_msg = re.sub(r'(\b[0-9a-f]{7,40}\b)',
commit_msg = self._hash_re.sub(self._translate_commit_hash, commit_msg)
pinfo = [self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from')]
# Due to empty pruning, we can have real 'from' and 'merge' lines that
@ -1541,6 +1559,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
f.write('{} {}\n'.format(old, new if new != None else deleted_hash))
batch_check_process = None
batch_check_output_re = re.compile('^([0-9a-f]{40}) ([a-z]+) ([0-9]+)$')
with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'ref-map'), 'w') as f:
for refname, old_hash in orig_refs.iteritems():
if refname in refs_nuked:
@ -1557,7 +1576,7 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
line = batch_check_process.stdout.readline()
m = re.match('^([0-9a-f]{40}) ([a-z]+) ([0-9]+)$', line)
m = batch_check_output_re.match(line)
if not m or != 'tag':
raise SystemExit("Failed to find new id for {} (old id was {})"
.format(refname, old_hash))
@ -1736,6 +1755,8 @@ class FilteringOptions(object):
mod_type = 'filter'
match_type = suffix
if match_type == 'regex':
values = re.compile(values)
items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, []) or []
items.append((mod_type, match_type, values))
setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
@ -2631,7 +2652,7 @@ class RepoFilter(object):
wanted = True
if match_type == 'glob' and fnmatch.fnmatch(pathname, path_exp):
wanted = True
if match_type == 'regex' and, pathname):
if match_type == 'regex' and
wanted = True
elif mod_type == 'rename':
old_exp, new_exp = path_exp.split(':')
