filter-repo: add --analyze option

This option walks through the repository history and creates a report
with basic statistics, rename related information, and sizes of objects
and when/if those have been deleted.  It primarily looks at unpacked
sizes (i.e. size of object ignoring delta-ing and compression), and
sums the size of each version of the file for each path.  Additionally,
it aggregates these sums by extension and by directory, and tracks
whether paths, extensions, and directories have been deleted.  This can
be very useful in determining what the big things are, and whether they
might have been considered to have been mistakes to add to the
repository in the first place.

There are numerous caveats with the determination of "deleted" and
"renamed", and can give both false positives and false negatives.  But
they are only meant as a helpful heuristic to give others a starting
point for an investigation, and the information provide so far is useful.
I do want to improve the equivalence classes (rename handling), but that
is for a future commit.

Signed-off-by: Elijah Newren <>
Elijah Newren 6 years ago
parent af3225be67
commit 6ca3d7c1c7

@ -356,6 +356,12 @@ class FileChanges(_GitElement):
self.mode = mode
self.blob_id = id_
# For 'R' file changes (rename), expect to have newname as third arg
elif type_ == 'R':
if id_ is None:
raise SystemExit("new name needed for rename of %s" % filename)
self.filename = (self.filename, id_)
def dump(self, file_):
Write this file-change element to a file
@ -775,6 +781,20 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
path = unquote(path)
filechange = FileChanges('D', path)
elif self._currentline.startswith('R '):
rest = self._currentline[2:-1]
if rest.startswith('"'):
m = re.match(r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', rest)
if not m:
raise SystemExit("Couldn't parse rename source")
orig = unquote(
new = rest[m.end()+1:]
orig, new = rest.split(' ', 1)
if new.startswith('"'):
new = unquote(new)
filechange = FileChanges('R', orig, new)
return filechange
def _parse_original_id(self):
@ -913,6 +933,9 @@ class FastExportFilter(object):
return new_hash[0:orig_len]
def num_commits_parsed(self):
return self._num_commits
def _show_progress(self, force=False):
if not self._quiet:
now = time.time()
@ -1482,6 +1505,10 @@ def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Rewrite repository history')
# FIXME: Need to special case all --* args that rev-list takes, or call
# git rev-parse ...
parser.add_argument('--analyze', action='store_true',
help='''Analyze repository history and create a report
that may be useful in determining what to
filter in a subsequent run.''')
parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
help='''Rewrite history even if the current repo does not
look like a fresh clone.''')
@ -1552,6 +1579,11 @@ def get_args():
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.revisions:
args.revisions = ['--all']
if args.analyze and args.path_changes:
raise SystemExit("Error: --analyze is incompatible with --path* flags; "
"it's a read-only operation.")
if args.analyze and args.stdin:
raise SystemExit("Error: --analyze is incompatible with --stdin.")
# If no path_changes are found, initialize with empty list but mark as
# not inclusive so that all files match
if args.path_changes == None:
@ -1647,6 +1679,334 @@ def get_refs():
output = ''
return dict(reversed(x.split()) for x in output.splitlines())
def analyze_commit(args, commit):
def equiv_class(filename):
return args.stats['equivalence'].get(filename, (filename,))
for change in commit.file_changes:
if change.mode == '160000':
if change.type == 'D':
# Track when files are deleted; see 'R' below about equiv_class
for f in equiv_class(change.filename):
args.stats['deletions'][f] = commit.committer_date
elif change.type == 'R':
# Since we want to know when files are deleted, renames make it slightly
# harder to track. When we have a rename, track that the files are
# equivalent; i.e. that they refer to different versions of same file.
oldname, newname = change.filename
old_tuple = args.stats['equivalence'].get(oldname, ())
if newname in old_tuple:
if old_tuple:
new_tuple = tuple(list(old_tuple)+[newname])
new_tuple = (oldname, newname)
for f in new_tuple:
args.stats['equivalence'][f] = new_tuple
# Note, we require that we get an 'M' for every 'R' since the rename
# comes without information about sha1sum. So we can handle setting
# a few things for newname in the 'M' section below.
elif change.type == 'M':
# If we get an 'M', clearly the file isn't deleted anymore
equiv = equiv_class(change.filename)
for f in equiv:
args.stats['deletions'].pop(f, None)
# If we get an 'M' for a file that wasn't the latest in a rename chain,
# then that equivalence class isn't valid anymore.
if equiv[-1] != change.filename:
for f in equiv:
if f in args.stats['equivalence']:
del args.stats['equivalence'][f]
raise SystemExit("Unhandled change type: {}".format(change.type))
# We're just gathering data; don't spend time dumping the commit
commit.dumped = 2
def gather_data(args):
# Get sizes of blobs by sha1
cf = subprocess.Popen('git cat-file --batch-check --batch-all-objects'.split(),
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
size = {}
for line in cf.stdout:
sha, objtype, shasize = line.split()
shasize = int(shasize)
if objtype == 'blob':
size[sha] = shasize
stats = {'names': collections.defaultdict(set),
'allnames' : set(),
'deletions': {},
'equivalence': {},
'size': size}
# Setup the fast-export process
fep_cmd = ['git', 'fast-export',
'--use-done-feature'] + args.revisions
fep = subprocess.Popen(fep_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
input = fep.stdout
output = open(os.devnull, 'w')
# Create and run the filter
setattr(args, 'size', size)
setattr(args, 'stats', stats)
analyze_filter = FastExportFilter(
commit_callback = lambda c : analyze_commit(args, c),
), output, quiet = args.quiet)
setattr(args, 'num_commits', analyze_filter.num_commits_parsed())
# Close the output, ensure fast-export have completed
if fep.wait():
raise SystemExit("Error: fast-export failed; see above.")
def do_analysis(args, git_dir):
# Create the report file as necessary
results_tmp_dir = os.path.join(git_dir, 'filter-repo')
if not os.path.isdir(results_tmp_dir):
reportfile = os.path.join(results_tmp_dir,
if not args.force and os.path.isfile(reportfile):
raise SystemExit("Error: {} already exists; refusing to overwrite!".
# Now gather the data we need
def datestr(datetimeobj):
return datetimeobj.strftime('%F') if datetimeobj else '<present>'
def dirnames(path):
while True:
path = os.path.dirname(path)
yield path
if path == '':
# Compute aggregate unpacked size information for paths, extensions, and dirs
total_size = 0
path_size = collections.defaultdict(int)
ext_size = collections.defaultdict(int)
dir_size = collections.defaultdict(int)
for sha in args.stats['names']:
size = args.size[sha]
for name in args.stats['names'][sha]:
total_size += size
path_size[name] += size
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
ext_size[ext] += size
for dirname in dirnames(name):
dir_size[dirname] += size
# Determine if and when extensions and directories were deleted
ext_deleted_data = {}
dir_deleted_data = {}
for name in args.stats['allnames']:
when = args.stats['deletions'].get(name, None)
# Update the extension
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
if when is None:
ext_deleted_data[ext] = None
elif ext in ext_deleted_data:
if ext_deleted_data[ext] is not None:
ext_deleted_data[ext] = max(ext_deleted_data[ext], when)
ext_deleted_data[ext] = when
# Update the dirs
for dirname in dirnames(name):
if when is None:
dir_deleted_data[dirname] = None
elif dirname in dir_deleted_data:
if dir_deleted_data[dirname] is not None:
dir_deleted_data[dirname] = max(dir_deleted_data[dirname], when)
dir_deleted_data[dirname] = when
with open(reportfile, 'w') as f:
# Give a basic overview of this file
f.write("== Table of Contents ==\n")
f.write(" * Overal Statistics\n")
f.write(" * Caveats\n")
f.write(" * File renames\n")
f.write(" * Directory sizes\n")
f.write(" * Deleted directories\n")
f.write(" * All directories\n")
f.write(" * Filename extension sizes\n")
f.write(" * Deleted extensions\n")
f.write(" * All extensions\n")
f.write(" * Path sizes (accumulated across commits)\n")
f.write(" * Deleted paths\n")
f.write(" * All paths\n")
f.write(" * Files by sha and associated pathnames\n")
# Provide total unpacked size
f.write("== Overal Statistics ==\n")
f.write(" Number of commits: {}\n".format(args.num_commits))
f.write(" Number of filenames: {}\n".format(len(path_size)))
f.write(" Number of directories: {}\n".format(len(dir_size)))
f.write(" Number of file extensions: {}\n".format(len(ext_size)))
f.write(" Total unpacked size: {}\n".format(total_size))
f.write(" (Unpacked size represents what size your repository would be\n")
f.write(" if no trees, commits, tags, or other metadata were included\n")
f.write(" AND if no files were packed; i.e., without delta-ing and\n")
f.write(" without compression.)\n")
# Mention issues with the report
f.write("== Caveats ==\n")
f.write("=== Deletions ===\n")
Whether a file is deleted is not a binary quality, since it can be
deleted on some branches but still exist in others. Also, it might
exist in an old tag, but have been deleted in versions newer than
that. More thorough tracking could be done, including looking at
merge commits where one side of history deleted and the other modified,
in order to give a more holistic picture of deletions. However, that
algorithm would not only be more complex to implement, it'd also be
quite difficult to present and interpret by users. Since --analyze
is just about getting a high-level rough picture of history, it instead
implements the simplistic rule that is good enough for 98% of cases:
A file is marked as deleted if the last commit in the fast-export
stream that mentions the file lists it as deleted.
This makes it dependent on topological ordering, but generally gives
the "right" answer.
f.write("=== Renames ===\n")
Renames share the same non-binary nature that deletions do, plus
additional challenges:
* If the renamed file is renamed again, instead of just two names for
a path you can have three or more.
* Rename pairs of the form (oldname, newname) that we consider to be
different names of the "same file" might only be valid over certain
commit ranges. For example, if a new commit reintroduces a file
named oldname, then new versions of oldname aren't the "same file"
anymore. We could try to portray this to the user, but it's easier
for the user to just break the pairing and only report unbroken
rename pairings to the user.
* Since modifying a renamed file on the side of history that doesn't
rename it should be expected to be common (unlike modifying a deleted
file on the side of history that doesn't delete it), tracking history
becomes more important to avoid incorrectly breaking rename chains.
This has not yet been implemented. This seriously raises the risk
of erroneously breaking rename pairings; a future release may address
this shortcoming.
* We only use rename detection, not copy detection. However, that
means that if some commit in history renamed two files into the same
location, we won't pick up one of the two renames and will instead
report that branch as having been deleted.
* The ability for users to rename files differently in different
branches means that our chains of renames will not necessarily be
linear but may branch out.
# Equivalence classes for names, so if folks only want to keep a
# certain set of paths, they know the old names they want to include
# too.
f.write("== File renames ==\n")
seen = set()
for pathname,equiv_group in sorted(args.stats['equivalence'].iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1]):
if equiv_group in seen:
f.write(" {} ->\n ".format(equiv_group[0]) +
"\n ".join(equiv_group[1:]) +
# List directories in reverse sorted order of unpacked size
f.write("== Directory sizes ==\n")
f.write("=== Deleted directories by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: size (bytes), date deleted, directory name\n")
for dirname, size in sorted(dir_size.iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
if (dir_deleted_data[dirname]):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10s} {}\n".format(size,
dirname or '<toplevel>'))
f.write("=== All directories by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: size (bytes), date deleted, directory name\n")
for dirname, size in sorted(dir_size.iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10s} {}\n".format(size, datestr(dir_deleted_data[dirname]),
dirname or '<toplevel>'))
# List extensions in reverse sorted order of unpacked size
f.write("== Filename extension sizes ==\n")
f.write("=== Deleted extensions by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: size (bytes), date deleted, extension name\n")
for extname, size in sorted(ext_size.iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
if (ext_deleted_data[extname]):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10s} {}\n".format(size,
extname or '<no extension>'))
f.write("=== All extensions by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: size (bytes), date deleted, extension name\n")
for extname, size in sorted(ext_size.iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
f.write(" {:10d} {:10s} {}\n".format(size,
extname or '<no extension>'))
# List files in reverse sorted order of unpacked size
f.write("== Path sizes (accumulated across commits) ==\n")
f.write("=== Deleted paths by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: size (bytes), date deleted, path name(s)\n")
for pathname, size in sorted(path_size.iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
when = args.stats['deletions'].get(pathname, None)
if when:
f.write(" {:10d} {:10s} {}\n".format(size, datestr(when), pathname))
f.write("=== All paths by reverse size ===\n")
f.write("Format: size (bytes), date deleted, pathectory name\n")
for pathname, size in sorted(path_size.iteritems(),
key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
when = args.stats['deletions'].get(pathname, None)
f.write(" {:10d} {:10s} {}\n".format(size, datestr(when), pathname))
# List of filenames and sizes in descending order
f.write("== Files by sha and associated pathnames in reverse size ==\n")
f.write("Format: sha, size (bytes), filename(s) object stored as\n")
for sha, size in sorted(args.size.iteritems(), key=lambda x:x[1],
if sha not in args.stats['names']:
# Some objects in the repository might not be referenced, or not
# referenced by the branches/tags the user cares about; skip them.
names_with_sha = args.stats['names'][sha]
if len(names_with_sha) == 1:
names_with_sha = names_with_sha.pop()
names_with_sha = sorted(list(names_with_sha))
f.write(" {} {:9d} {}\n".format(sha, size, names_with_sha))
print("Report written to {}".format(reportfile))
def tweak_commit(args, commit):
def filename_matches(path_expression, pathname):
if path_expression == '':
@ -1737,6 +2097,11 @@ def run_fast_filter():
is_bare = is_repository_bare()
git_dir = determine_git_dir()
# Do analysis, if requested
if args.analyze:
do_analysis(args, git_dir)
# Do sanity checks
if not args.force:
sanity_check(orig_refs, is_bare)
