You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
3.9 KiB

##name Latvian
##ownname Latvie<69>u valoda
##id 0x0000
STR_0001_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}&#256;rpus kartes robe<62>as
STR_0002_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}P&#257;r&#257;k tuvu kartes malai
STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES :{WHITE}Nav diezgan naudas - vajag {CURRENCY}
STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED :{WHITE}Zemei j&#257;b&#363;t plakanai
STR_000A_EN_ROUTE_FROM :{WHITE}{STRING}{YELLOW} (ce&#316;&#257; no
STR_000C_ACCEPTS :{BLACK}Pie&#326;em: {WHITE}
STR_000D_ACCEPTS :{BLACK}Pie&#326;em: {GOLD}
STR_000E :
STR_000F_PASSENGERS :Pasa<73>ierus
STR_0010_COAL :Ogles
STR_0011_MAIL :Pastu
STR_0012_OIL :Naftu
STR_0013_LIVESTOCK :Liellopus
STR_0014_GOODS :Preces
STR_0015_GRAIN :Graudus
STR_0016_WOOD :Kokmatere&#257;lus
STR_0017_IRON_ORE :Dzelzs r&#363;du
STR_0018_STEEL :T&#275;raudu
STR_0019_VALUABLES :V&#275;rtspap&#299;ri
STR_001A_COPPER_ORE :Vara r&#363;da
STR_001B_MAIZE :Kukur&#363;za
STR_001C_FRUIT :Aug&#316;i
STR_001D_DIAMONDS :Dimanti
STR_001E_FOOD :P&#257;rtika
STR_001F_PAPER :Pap&#299;rs
STR_0020_GOLD :Zelts
STR_0021_WATER :&#362;dens
STR_0022_WHEAT :Kvie<69>i
STR_0023_RUBBER :Gumija
STR_0024_SUGAR :Cukurs
STR_0025_TOYS :Rota&#316;lietas
STR_0026_CANDY :Saldumi
STR_0027_COLA :Kola
STR_0028_COTTON_CANDY :Cukurvate
STR_0029_BUBBLES :Burbu&#316;i
STR_002A_TOFFEE :Cukurpl&#257;ksnes
STR_002B_BATTERIES :Baterijas
STR_002C_PLASTIC :Plastmasa
STR_002D_FIZZY_DRINKS :Burbu&#316;&#363;de&#326;i
STR_002E :
STR_002F_PASSENGER :Pasa<73>ieris
STR_0030_COAL :Ogle
STR_0031_MAIL :Pasts
############ range for menu starts
############ range for menu ends
############ range for months starts
############ range for months ends
############ range for service numbers starts
############ range for service numbers ends
############ range for days starts
############ range for days ends
############ range for cargo acecpted starts
############ range for cargo acecpted ends
############ range for menu starts
############ range ends here
############ range for menu starts
############ range ends here
############ range for menu starts
############ range ends here
############ start of townname region
############ end of townname region
# Start of order review system.
# end of order system
############ network gui strings
############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order
############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order
############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order
############ end network gui strings
##id 0x0800
##id 0x1000
##id 0x1800
##id 0x2000
##id 0x2800
##id 0x3000
############ range for rating starts
############ range for rating ends
##id 0x3800
##id 0x4000
##id 0x4800
############ range for requires starts
############ range for requires ends
##id 0x5000
##id 0x5800
############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame
############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break!
##id 0x6000
############ end of savegame specific region!
##id 0x6800
############ range for difficulty levels starts
############ range for difficulty levels ends
############ range for difficulty settings starts
############ range for difficulty settings ends
##id 0x7000
##id 0x8000
##id 0x8800
##id 0x9000
##id 0x9800
##id 0xA000
##id 0xB000
############ Those following lines need to be in this order!!
############ End of order list