You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
* @file packet.h Basic functions to create, fill and read packets.
#include "os_abstraction.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "../../string_type.h"
typedef uint16_t PacketSize; ///< Size of the whole packet.
typedef uint8_t PacketType; ///< Identifier for the packet
* Internal entity of a packet. As everything is sent as a packet,
* all network communication will need to call the functions that
* populate the packet.
* Every packet can be at most a limited number bytes set in the
* constructor. Overflowing this limit will give an assertion when
* sending (i.e. writing) the packet. Reading past the size of the
* packet when receiving will return all 0 values and "" in case of
* the string.
* --- Points of attention ---
* - all > 1 byte integral values are written in little endian,
* unless specified otherwise.
* Thus, 0x01234567 would be sent as {0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01}.
* - all sent strings are of variable length and terminated by a '\0'.
* Thus, the length of the strings is not sent.
* - years that are leap years in the 'days since X' to 'date' calculations:
* (year % 4 == 0) and ((year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0))
struct Packet {
/** The current read/write position in the packet */
PacketSize pos;
/** The buffer of this packet. */
std::vector<byte> buffer;
/** The limit for the packet size. */
size_t limit;
/** Socket we're associated with. */
NetworkSocketHandler *cs;
Packet(NetworkSocketHandler *cs, size_t limit, size_t initial_read_size = sizeof(PacketSize));
Packet(NetworkSocketHandler *cs, PacketType type, size_t limit = COMPAT_MTU);
/* Sending/writing of packets */
void PrepareToSend();
bool CanWriteToPacket(size_t bytes_to_write);
void Send_bool (bool data);
void Send_uint8 (uint8_t data);
void Send_uint16(uint16_t data);
void Send_uint32(uint32_t data);
void Send_uint64(uint64_t data);
void Send_string(const std::string_view data);
void Send_buffer(const std::vector<byte> &data);
std::span<const byte> Send_bytes(const std::span<const byte> span);
/* Reading/receiving of packets */
bool HasPacketSizeData() const;
bool ParsePacketSize();
size_t Size() const;
void PrepareToRead();
PacketType GetPacketType() const;
bool CanReadFromPacket(size_t bytes_to_read, bool close_connection = false);
bool Recv_bool ();
uint8_t Recv_uint8 ();
uint16_t Recv_uint16();
uint32_t Recv_uint32();
uint64_t Recv_uint64();
std::vector<byte> Recv_buffer();
size_t Recv_bytes(std::span<byte> span);
std::string Recv_string(size_t length, StringValidationSettings settings = SVS_REPLACE_WITH_QUESTION_MARK);
size_t RemainingBytesToTransfer() const;
* Transfer data from the packet to the given function. It starts reading at the
* position the last transfer stopped.
* See Packet::TransferIn for more information about transferring data to functions.
* @param transfer_function The function to pass the buffer as second parameter and the
* amount to write as third parameter. It returns the amount that
* was written or -1 upon errors.
* @param limit The maximum amount of bytes to transfer.
* @param destination The first parameter of the transfer function.
* @param args The fourth and further parameters to the transfer function, if any.
* @return The return value of the transfer_function.
template <
typename A = size_t, ///< The type for the amount to be passed, so it can be cast to the right type.
typename F, ///< The type of the function.
typename D, ///< The type of the destination.
typename ... Args> ///< The types of the remaining arguments to the function.
ssize_t TransferOutWithLimit(F transfer_function, size_t limit, D destination, Args&& ... args)
size_t amount = std::min(this->RemainingBytesToTransfer(), limit);
if (amount == 0) return 0;
assert(this->pos < this->buffer.size());
assert(this->pos + amount <= this->buffer.size());
/* Making buffer a char means casting a lot in the Recv/Send functions. */
const char *output_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this-> + this->pos);
ssize_t bytes = transfer_function(destination, output_buffer, static_cast<A>(amount), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (bytes > 0) this->pos += bytes;
return bytes;
* Transfer data from the packet to the given function. It starts reading at the
* position the last transfer stopped.
* See Packet::TransferIn for more information about transferring data to functions.
* @param transfer_function The function to pass the buffer as second parameter and the
* amount to write as third parameter. It returns the amount that
* was written or -1 upon errors.
* @param destination The first parameter of the transfer function.
* @param args The fourth and further parameters to the transfer function, if any.
* @tparam A The type for the amount to be passed, so it can be cast to the right type.
* @tparam F The type of the transfer_function.
* @tparam D The type of the destination.
* @tparam Args The types of the remaining arguments to the function.
* @return The return value of the transfer_function.
template <typename A = size_t, typename F, typename D, typename ... Args>
ssize_t TransferOut(F transfer_function, D destination, Args&& ... args)
return TransferOutWithLimit<A>(transfer_function, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), destination, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* Transfer data from the given function into the packet. It starts writing at the
* position the last transfer stopped.
* Examples of functions that can be used to transfer data into a packet are TCP's
* recv and UDP's recvfrom functions. They will directly write their data into the
* packet without an intermediate buffer.
* Examples of functions that can be used to transfer data from a packet are TCP's
* send and UDP's sendto functions. They will directly read the data from the packet's
* buffer without an intermediate buffer.
* These are functions are special in a sense as even though the packet can send or
* receive an amount of data, those functions can say they only processed a smaller
* amount, so special handling is required to keep the position pointers correct.
* Most of these transfer functions are in the form function(source, buffer, amount, ...),
* so the template of this function will assume that as the base parameter order.
* This will attempt to write all the remaining bytes into the packet. It updates the
* position based on how many bytes were actually written by the called transfer_function.
* @param transfer_function The function to pass the buffer as second parameter and the
* amount to read as third parameter. It returns the amount that
* was read or -1 upon errors.
* @param source The first parameter of the transfer function.
* @param args The fourth and further parameters to the transfer function, if any.
* @tparam A The type for the amount to be passed, so it can be cast to the right type.
* @tparam F The type of the transfer_function.
* @tparam S The type of the source.
* @tparam Args The types of the remaining arguments to the function.
* @return The return value of the transfer_function.
template <typename A = size_t, typename F, typename S, typename ... Args>
ssize_t TransferIn(F transfer_function, S source, Args&& ... args)
size_t amount = this->RemainingBytesToTransfer();
if (amount == 0) return 0;
assert(this->pos < this->buffer.size());
assert(this->pos + amount <= this->buffer.size());
/* Making buffer a char means casting a lot in the Recv/Send functions. */
char *input_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(this-> + this->pos);
ssize_t bytes = transfer_function(source, input_buffer, static_cast<A>(amount), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (bytes > 0) this->pos += bytes;
return bytes;