doc update for lsp_installer

ray-x 2 years ago
parent 73dfd12f0f
commit e04914ab6c

@ -296,7 +296,8 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
sumneko_root_path = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/github/sumneko/lua-language-server",
sumneko_binary = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/github/sumneko/lua-language-server/bin/macOS/lua-language-server",
servers = {'cmake', 'ltex'}, -- by default empty, but if you whant navigator load e.g. `cmake` and `ltex` for you , you
servers = {'cmake', 'ltex'}, -- by default empty, and it should load all LSP clients avalible based on filetype
-- but if you whant navigator load e.g. `cmake` and `ltex` for you , you
-- can put them in the `servers` list and navigator will auto load them.
-- you could still specify the custom config like this
-- cmake = {filetypes = {'cmake', 'makefile'}, single_file_support = false},
@ -468,21 +469,21 @@ The plugin can be loaded lazily (packer `opt = true` ), And it will check if opt
The terminal will need to be able to output nerdfont and emoji correctly. I am using Kitty with nerdfont (Victor Mono).
## Integration with lsp_installer (williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer)
## Integrat with lsp_installer (williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer)
If you'd like to only use the lsp servers installed by lsp_installer. Please set
If you are using lsp_installer and would like to use the lsp servers installed by lsp_installer. Please set
lsp_installer = true
In the config.
In the config. Also please setup the lsp server from installer setup with `server:setup{opts}`
Navigator will startup the server installed by lsp-installer. Please do not call `server:setup{opts}` from lsp installer
Alternatively, Navigator can be used to startup the server installed by lsp-installer. Please do not call `server:setup{opts}` from lsp installer
as it will override the navigator setup
Also, could use following setups
To start LSP installed by lsp_installer, please use following setups
@ -498,7 +499,15 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
example cmd setup (mac) for pyright :
-- lsp_installer = false -- default value is false
lsp = {
tsserver = {
cmd = { "/Users/username/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver", "--stdio" }
@ -511,7 +520,24 @@ local install_root_dir = path.concat {vim.fn.stdpath 'data', 'lsp_servers'}
And you can setup binary full path to this: (e.g. with gopls)
`install_root_dir .. '/go/gopls'`
`install_root_dir .. '/go/gopls'` So the config is
local path = require 'nvim-lsp-installer.path'
local install_root_dir = path.concat {vim.fn.stdpath 'data', 'lsp_servers'}
-- lsp_installer = false -- default value is false
lsp = {
gopls = {
cmd = { install_root_dir .. '/go/gopls' }
## Usage
