You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
4.4 KiB

An attempt to make neovim (cli version) as functional as an IDE while being very eyecandy.
# Screenshots -
<img src =""><hr>
<kbd><img src =""></kbd><hr>
# Very Useful lua plugins used in my config -
#### lspkind-nvim
This tiny plugin adds vscode-like pictograms to neovim built-in lsp completion items :
<kbd><img src = ""></kbd><hr>
#### nvim-tree.lua
fast file tree :
<kbd><img src = ""></kbd><hr>
### telescope-nvim -
A fuzzy file finder, picker, sorter, previewer and much more:
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd>
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd><hr>
### indent-blankline.nvim -
adds indentline :
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd>
using indenLine plugin on left and blanklineNvim on right
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd>
### galaxyline -
fastest statusline plugin I've used so far:
<kbd><img src = ""></kbd><hr>
### gitsigns.nvim -
Shows git signs of a repo on the signcolumn to indicate diffs/changes etc (needs plenary.nvim)
### nvim-bufferline.lua -
As a top bufferline like thing which lets me handle tabs like switching, closing tabs.
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd>
### nvim-web-devicons -
Lua fork of vim devicons which lets me change icons of filetypes
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd><hr>
### nvim-treesitter
Better syntax highlighting for programming languages ( my config just has html,css,js support for now ).
without / with Treesitter :
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd>
### nvim-base16 -
contains a collection of all base16 themes for vim , plugin written in lua (comparison of base16-vim and nvim-base16):
nvim-base16 doesnt even take time to load unlike base16-vim which was eating half of the loadup time! ( the below screenshot was taken and tested on my old pentium laptop , so results might differ)
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd><hr>
(neovim loads pretty fast on ssds)
<kbd> <img src = ""></kbd><hr>
# Features
- File navigation with Nvimtree
- mouse works
- managing tabs with bufferline
- autosave
- icons on nvimtree , telescope , bufferline/statusline and almost everywhere! with nvim-web-devicons
- minimal status line ( galaxyline)
- gitsigns (colored bars in my config)
- using nvim-lsp
- nvim-lspconfig for nvim-lps configuration
- nvim-compe for autocompletion
- lspkind to show pictograms on autocompletion items
- telescope for file finding , picking , previewing (files and even images)
- nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting
- nvim-autopairs , for autolosing braces and stuffs
- neoformat for prettifying / formatting code
- packer.nvim as package manager
- indent-blankline.Nvim for indentlines
- smooth scrolling
- Snip support from VSCode through vsnip supporting custom and predefined snips (friendly-snippets)
# Requirements
- neovim 0.5
- A terminal that supports [nerdfonts](
- Set terminal's inner padding to 0.
# Wiki
- [config-structure](
- [Install](
- [mappings](
- Add more themes.
- Add a theme switcher
# Contact -
- My linux / unix related ricing community: (telegram)
- Me: @siduck (telegram)