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34 lines
869 B

<!-- Before creating an issue, please search the issue tracker and make sure fzf-lua is up to date -->
<!-- If you're submitting a general question or feature request delete sections that don't apply -->
### Info
- Operating System:
- Shell:
- Terminal:
- `nvim --version`:
- `fzf --version`:
Check if your problem is reproducible with minimal init, by running:
nvim -u <((echo "lua << EOF") && (curl -s && (echo "EOF"))
Change '[ ]' to '[x]' below if the issue is reproducible.
- [ ] The issue is reproducible with `minimal_init.lua`
<!-- Delete this section if the issue is reproducible with minimal init -->
<summary>fzf-lua configuration</summary>
<!-- Replace the below your fzf-lua setup -->
### Description