This patch is quite massive, hopefully I got everything right in
testing, changes include:
- New API interface for "live" queries, for usage refer to:
- All providers now use 'fzf_exec' API (previously 'fzf_wrap')
- All "live" queries now use 'fzf_live' API
- Better resume support for "live" queries
- Fzf initial command now uses $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND instead of piping the
command, this delegates the responsiblity to fzf which kills the
command on exit resulting in better responsibness when exiting fzf
- Added 'silent_fail' option (default:'true') to prevent fzf from
displaying [Command failed:...] when commands exit with error code
- Exposed 'config.globals' as 'require'fzf-lua'.defaults'
- Fix: 'libuv.shellescape' with special chars in fish shells
- Manpages: moved fzf option `--tiebreak=begin' to config
- Buffer actions: navigate to line if exists
- Lsp_diagnostics: properly use a coroutine
- make_entry signatures changed (entry before opts)
- Removed make_entry shortcuts from 'core'
- Removed 'coroutine.yield' where unecessary
- Fix: 'git_icons' with 'live_grep({multiprocess=false})'
- tagstack: use relative paths and replace '$HOME' with '~'
- Deprecated 'core.fzf_files'
- Fix: resume query if cancelled while loading indicator is shown
- Fix: resume query when command failed with 'silent_fail=false'
- do not spawn cmd with libuv unless 'file_icons' or 'git_icons' are set
- 'path.starts_with_separator' minor regex optimization
- 'files' cmd fallback order is now fd, **rg** and then find
- 'strip_cwd_prefix' enabled again (default: 'true')
- 'cwd' header line added to 'files' and 'git' providers