new feature: press F1 for keybind help (#294)

bhagwan 2 years ago
parent 533ca71fe4
commit e3546e8272

@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- delete or modify is sufficient -- delete or modify is sufficient
builtin = { builtin = {
-- neovim `:tmap` mappings for the fzf win -- neovim `:tmap` mappings for the fzf win
["<F1>"] = "toggle-help",
["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen", ["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen",
-- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer -- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer
["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap", ["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap",
@ -422,8 +423,8 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
git_icons = true, -- show git icons? git_icons = true, -- show git icons?
file_icons = true, -- show file icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons?
color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons
-- force display the cwd header line regardles of your current working directory -- force display the cwd header line regardles of your current working
-- can also be used to hide the header when not wanted -- directory can also be used to hide the header when not wanted
-- show_cwd_header = true -- show_cwd_header = true
}, },
status = { status = {
@ -474,6 +475,8 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" }, ["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" },
["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" }, ["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" },
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" }, ["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["R"] = { icon = "R", color = "yellow" },
["C"] = { icon = "C", color = "yellow" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" }, ["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
-- override git icons? -- override git icons?
-- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" }, -- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" },

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- delete or modify is sufficient -- delete or modify is sufficient
builtin = { builtin = {
-- neovim `:tmap` mappings for the fzf win -- neovim `:tmap` mappings for the fzf win
["<F1>"] = "toggle-help",
["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen", ["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen",
-- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer -- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer
["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap", ["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap",
@ -460,6 +461,9 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
git_icons = true, -- show git icons? git_icons = true, -- show git icons?
file_icons = true, -- show file icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons?
color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons
-- force display the cwd header line regardles of your current working
-- directory can also be used to hide the header when not wanted
-- show_cwd_header = true
}, },
status = { status = {
prompt = 'GitStatus ', prompt = 'GitStatus ',
@ -509,6 +513,8 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" }, ["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" },
["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" }, ["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" },
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" }, ["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["R"] = { icon = "R", color = "yellow" },
["C"] = { icon = "C", color = "yellow" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" }, ["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
-- override git icons? -- override git icons?
-- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" }, -- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" },

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ M.globals = {
}, },
keymap = { keymap = {
builtin = { builtin = {
["<F1>"] = "toggle-help",
["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen", ["<F2>"] = "toggle-fullscreen",
-- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer -- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer
["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap", ["<F3>"] = "toggle-preview-wrap",
@ -708,4 +709,55 @@ function M.normalize_opts(opts, defaults)
return opts return opts
end end
M.set_action_helpstr = function(fn, helpstr)
assert(type(fn) == 'function' and type(helpstr) == 'string')
M._action_to_helpstr[fn] = helpstr
M.get_action_helpstr = function(fn)
return M._action_to_helpstr[fn]
M._action_to_helpstr = {
[actions.file_edit] = "file-edit",
[actions.file_edit_or_qf] = "file-edit-or-qf",
[actions.file_split] = "file-split",
[actions.file_vsplit] = "file-vsplit",
[actions.file_tabedit] = "file-tabedit",
[actions.file_sel_to_qf] = "file-selection-to-qf",
[actions.buf_edit] = "buffer-edit",
[actions.buf_split] = "buffer-split",
[actions.buf_vsplit] = "buffer-vsplit",
[actions.buf_tabedit] = "buffer-tabedit",
[actions.buf_del] = "buffer-delete",
[actions.buf_switch] = "buffer-switch",
[actions.colorscheme] = "set-colorscheme",
[actions.run_builtin] = "run-builtin",
[actions.ex_run] = "edit-cmd",
[actions.ex_run_cr] = "exec-cmd",
[] = "edit-search",
[actions.search_cr] = "exec-search",
[actions.goto_mark] = "goto-mark",
[actions.goto_jump] = "goto-jump",
[actions.spell_apply] = "spell-apply",
[actions.set_filetype] = "set-filetype",
[actions.packadd] = "packadd",
[] = "help-open",
[actions.help_vert] = "help-vertical",
[actions.help_tab] = "help-tab",
[] = "man-open",
[actions.man_vert] = "man-vertical",
[actions.man_tab] = "man-tab",
[actions.git_switch] = "git-switch",
[actions.git_checkout] = "git-checkout",
[actions.git_stage] = "git-stage",
[actions.git_unstage] = "git-unstage",
[actions.git_buf_edit] = "git-buffer-edit",
[actions.git_buf_tabedit] = "git-buffer-tabedit",
[actions.git_buf_split] = "git-buffer-split",
[actions.git_buf_vsplit] = "git-buffer-vsplit",
[actions.arg_add] = "arg-list-add",
[actions.arg_del] = "arg-list-delete",
return M return M

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ function FzfWin:setup_keybinds()
end end
end end
local keymap_tbl = { local keymap_tbl = {
['toggle-help'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_help()' },
['toggle-fullscreen'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_fullscreen()' }, ['toggle-fullscreen'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_fullscreen()' },
} }
if self.previewer_is_builtin then if self.previewer_is_builtin then
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ function FzfWin:new(o)
end end
o = o or {} o = o or {}
self = setmetatable({}, { __index = self }) self = setmetatable({}, { __index = self })
self.actions = o.actions
self.winopts = normalize_winopts(o) self.winopts = normalize_winopts(o)
self.fullscreen = self.winopts.fullscreen self.fullscreen = self.winopts.fullscreen
self.preview_wrap = not opt_matches(o, 'wrap', 'nowrap') self.preview_wrap = not opt_matches(o, 'wrap', 'nowrap')
@ -1009,4 +1011,140 @@ function FzfWin.preview_scroll(direction)
end end
end end
function FzfWin.toggle_help()
if not _self then return end
local self = _self
if self.km_winid then
-- help window is already open
-- close and dispose resources
if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.km_winid) then
vim.api.nvim_win_close(self.km_winid, true)
if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.km_bufnr) then
vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self.km_bufnr, {force=true})
self.km_winid = nil
self.km_bufnr = nil
local opts = {}
opts.max_height = opts.max_height or math.floor(0.4*vim.o.lines)
opts.mode_width = opts.mode_width or 10
opts.name_width = opts.name_width or 28
opts.keybind_width = opts.keybind_width or 14
opts.normal_hl = opts.normal_hl or self.winopts.hl.normal
opts.border_hl = opts.border_hl or self.winopts.hl.border
opts.winblend = opts.winblend or 0
opts.column_padding = opts.column_padding or " "
opts.column_width = opts.keybind_width + opts.name_width + #opts.column_padding + 2
opts.close_with_action = opts.close_with_action or true
local function format_bind(m, k, v, ml, kl, vl)
return ("%s%%-%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds")
:format(opts.column_padding, ml, kl, vl)
:format('`'..m..'`', '|'..k..'|', '*'..v..'*')
local keymaps = {}
-- fzf and neovim (builtin) keymaps
for _, m in ipairs({ 'builtin', 'fzf' }) do
for k, v in pairs(self.keymap[m]) do
format_bind(m, k, v, opts.mode_width, opts.keybind_width, opts.name_width))
-- action keymaps
if self.actions then
for k, v in pairs(self.actions) do
if k == 'default' then k = 'enter' end
if type(v) =='table' then
v = config.get_action_helpstr(v[1]) or v
v = config.get_action_helpstr(v) or v
format_bind('action', k,
("%s"):format(v):gsub(" ", ""),
opts.mode_width, opts.keybind_width, opts.name_width))
-- sort alphabetically
table.sort(keymaps, function(x, y)
if x < y then
return true
return false
-- append to existing line based on
-- available columns
local function table_append(tbl, s)
local last = #tbl>0 and tbl[#tbl]
if not last or #last+#s>vim.o.columns then
table.insert(tbl, s)
tbl[#tbl] = last .. s
local lines = {}
for _, km in ipairs(keymaps) do
table_append(lines, km)
-- calc popup height based on no. of lines
local height = #lines<opts.max_height and #lines or opts.max_height
-- rearrange lines so keymaps appear
-- sequential within the same column
lines = {}
for i=1,height do
lines[i] = keymaps[i]
for i=1,height do
lines[i] = lines[i] .. (keymaps[i+height] or '')
local winopts = {
relative = 'editor',
style = 'minimal',
width = vim.o.columns,
height = height,
row = vim.o.lines-height-vim.o.cmdheight-2,
col = 1,
-- top border only
border = {' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' },
-- topmost popup
zindex = 999,
self.km_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.km_bufnr, "bufhidden", "wipe")
self.km_winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self.km_bufnr, false, winopts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(self.km_bufnr, "_FzfLuaHelp")
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winhl", "Normal:" .. opts.normal_hl)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winhl", "FloatBorder:" .. opts.border_hl)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "winblend", opts.winblend)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "foldenable", false)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.km_winid, "wrap", false)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.km_bufnr, 'filetype', 'help')
"autocmd BufLeave <buffer> ++once lua %s",
string.format("pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_close, %s, true)", self.km_winid),
string.format("pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_delete, %s, {force=true})", self.km_bufnr),
}, ";")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.km_bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
return FzfWin return FzfWin
