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3 years ago
if not pcall(require, "fzf") then
local fzf = require "fzf"
local config = require "fzf-lua.config"
3 years ago
local M = {}
function M.setup(opts)
local globals = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts, config.globals)
-- backward compatibility before winopts was it's own struct
for k, _ in pairs(globals.winopts) do
if opts[k] ~= nil then globals.winopts[k] = opts[k] end
3 years ago
-- override BAT_CONFIG_PATH to prevent a
-- conflct with '$XDG_DATA_HOME/bat/config'
if globals.previewers.bat.config then
vim.env.BAT_CONFIG_PATH = vim.fn.expand(globals.previewers.bat.config)
3 years ago
-- override the bat preview theme if set by caller
if globals.previewers.bat.theme and #globals.previewers.bat.theme > 0 then
vim.env.BAT_THEME = globals.previewers.bat.theme
3 years ago
-- reset default window opts if set by user
fzf.default_window_options = config.winopts()
-- set the fzf binary if set by the user
if globals.fzf_bin ~= nil and vim.fn.executable(globals.fzf_bin) ~= 1 then
globals.fzf_bin = nil
-- ignore if using an older version of nvim-fzf
if fzf.default_options ~= nil then
fzf.default_options.fzf_binary = globals.fzf_bin
globals.fzf_bin = nil
-- reset our globals based on user opts
-- this doesn't happen automatically
config.globals = globals
globals = nil
-- _G.dump(config.globals)
3 years ago
-- we usually send winopts with every fzf.fzf call
-- but set default window options just in case
fzf.default_window_options = config.winopts()
M.fzf_files = require'fzf-lua.core'.fzf_files
M.files = require'fzf-lua.providers.files'.files
M.grep = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep
M.live_grep = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.live_grep
M.grep_last = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_last
M.grep_cword = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_cword
M.grep_cWORD = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_cWORD
M.grep_visual = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_visual
M.grep_curbuf = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_curbuf
M.git_files = require'fzf-lua.providers.git'.files
3 years ago
M.git_status = require'fzf-lua.providers.git'.status
M.git_commits = require'fzf-lua.providers.git'.commits
M.git_bcommits = require'fzf-lua.providers.git'.bcommits
M.git_branches = require'fzf-lua.providers.git'.branches
3 years ago
M.oldfiles = require'fzf-lua.providers.oldfiles'.oldfiles
M.quickfix = require'fzf-lua.providers.quickfix'.quickfix
M.loclist = require'fzf-lua.providers.quickfix'.loclist
M.buffers = require'fzf-lua.providers.buffers'.buffers
M.help_tags = require'fzf-lua.providers.helptags'.helptags
M.man_pages = require'fzf-lua.providers.manpages'.manpages
M.colorschemes = require'fzf-lua.providers.colorschemes'.colorschemes
M.tags = require'fzf-lua.providers.tags'.tags
M.btags = require'fzf-lua.providers.tags'.btags
3 years ago
M.marks = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.marks
M.keymaps = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.keymaps
M.registers = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.registers
M.commands = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.commands
M.command_history = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.command_history
M.search_history = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.search_history
M.spell_suggest = require'fzf-lua.providers.nvim'.spell_suggest
M.lsp_typedefs = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.typedefs
M.lsp_references = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.references
M.lsp_definitions = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.definitions
M.lsp_declarations = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.declarations
M.lsp_implementations = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.implementations
M.lsp_document_symbols = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.document_symbols
M.lsp_workspace_symbols = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.workspace_symbols
M.lsp_live_workspace_symbols = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.live_workspace_symbols
M.lsp_code_actions = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.code_actions
M.lsp_document_diagnostics = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.diagnostics
M.lsp_workspace_diagnostics = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.workspace_diagnostics
M.builtin = function(opts)
if not opts then opts = {} end
opts.metatable = M
opts.metatable_exclude = { ["setup"] = false, ["fzf_files"] = false }
return require'fzf-lua.providers.module'.metatable(opts)
3 years ago
return M