You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
6.8 KiB

3 years ago
if not pcall(require, "fzf") then
local fzf = require "fzf"
local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils"
local config = require "fzf-lua.config"
local M = {}
local getopt = function(opts, key, expected_type, default)
if opts and opts[key] ~= nil then
if expected_type == "any" or type(opts[key]) == expected_type then
3 years ago
return opts[key]
string.format("Expected '%s' for config option '%s', got '%s'",
expected_type, key, type(opts[key]))
elseif default ~= nil then
return default
return nil
local setopt = function(cfg, opts, key, type)
cfg[tostring(key)] = getopt(opts, key, type, cfg[tostring(key)])
local setopts = function(cfg, opts, tbl)
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
setopt(cfg, opts, k, v)
local setopt_tbl = function(cfg, opts, key)
if opts and opts[key] then
for k, v in pairs(opts[key]) do
if not cfg[key] then cfg[key] = {} end
cfg[key][k] = v
function M.setup(opts)
setopts(config, opts, {
win_height = "number",
win_width = "number",
win_row = "number",
win_col = "number",
win_border = "any", -- boolean|table (borderchars)
winopts_raw = "function",
3 years ago
default_prompt = "string",
fzf_args = "string",
3 years ago
fzf_layout = "string",
fzf_binds = "table",
preview_cmd = "string",
preview_border = "string",
preview_wrap = "string",
preview_opts = "string",
3 years ago
preview_vertical = "string",
preview_horizontal = "string",
preview_layout = "string",
flip_columns = "number",
window_on_create = "function",
bat_theme = "string",
bat_opts = "string",
setopts(config.files, opts.files, {
prompt = "string",
cmd = "string",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
fd_opts = "string",
find_opts = "string",
git_diff_cmd = "string",
git_untracked_cmd = "string",
setopts(config.grep, opts.grep, {
prompt = "string",
input_prompt = "string",
cmd = "string",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
rg_opts = "string",
grep_opts = "string",
git_diff_cmd = "string",
git_untracked_cmd = "string",
setopts(config.oldfiles, opts.oldfiles, {
prompt = "string",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
git_diff_cmd = "string",
git_untracked_cmd = "string",
cwd_only = "boolean",
include_current_session = "boolean",
setopts(config.quickfix, opts.quickfix, {
prompt = "string",
cwd = "string",
separator = "string",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
git_diff_cmd = "string",
git_untracked_cmd = "string",
setopts(config.loclist, opts.loclist, {
prompt = "string",
cwd = "string",
separator = "string",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
git_diff_cmd = "string",
git_untracked_cmd = "string",
setopts(config.lsp, opts.lsp, {
prompt = "string",
cwd = "string",
timeout = "number",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
git_diff_cmd = "string",
git_untracked_cmd = "string",
3 years ago
setopts(config.git, opts.git, {
prompt = "string",
cmd = "string",
git_icons = "boolean",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
setopts(config.buffers, opts.buffers, {
prompt = "string",
git_prompt = "string",
file_icons = "boolean",
color_icons = "boolean",
sort_lastused = "boolean",
show_all_buffers = "boolean",
ignore_current_buffer = "boolean",
cwd_only = "boolean",
setopts(config.colorschemes, opts.colorschemes, {
prompt = "string",
live_preview = "boolean",
post_reset_cb = "function",
setopts(config.manpages, opts.manpages, {
prompt = "string",
cmd = "string",
setopts(config.helptags, opts.helptags, {
prompt = "string",
-- table overrides without losing defaults
for _, k in ipairs({
"git", "files", "oldfiles", "buffers",
"grep", "quickfix", "loclist",
"colorschemes", "helptags", "manpages",
}) do
setopt_tbl(config[k], opts[k], "actions")
setopt_tbl(config[k], opts[k], "winopts")
setopt_tbl(config, opts, "git_icons")
setopt_tbl(config, opts, "git_icon_colors")
setopt_tbl(config, opts, "file_icon_colors")
-- override the bat preview theme if set by caller
if config.bat_theme and #config.bat_theme > 0 then
vim.env.BAT_THEME = config.bat_theme
-- reset default window opts if set by user
fzf.default_window_options = config.winopts()
-- we usually send winopts with every fzf.fzf call
-- but set default window options just in case
fzf.default_window_options = config.winopts()
M.fzf_files = require'fzf-lua.core'.fzf_files
M.files = require'fzf-lua.providers.files'.files
M.grep = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep
M.live_grep = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.live_grep
M.grep_last = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_last
M.grep_cword = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_cword
M.grep_cWORD = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_cWORD
M.grep_visual = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_visual
M.grep_curbuf = require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep_curbuf
M.git_files = require'fzf-lua.providers.files'.git_files
M.oldfiles = require'fzf-lua.providers.oldfiles'.oldfiles
M.quickfix = require'fzf-lua.providers.quickfix'.quickfix
M.loclist = require'fzf-lua.providers.quickfix'.loclist
M.buffers = require'fzf-lua.providers.buffers'.buffers
M.help_tags = require'fzf-lua.providers.helptags'.helptags
M.man_pages = require'fzf-lua.providers.manpages'.manpages
M.colorschemes = require'fzf-lua.providers.colorschemes'.colorschemes
M.lsp_refs = require'fzf-lua.providers.lsp'.refs_async
3 years ago
return M