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An Angular module that gives you access to the browsers local storage, **v0.1.1**
[![Build Status](](
##Table of contents:
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [setPrefix](#setprefix)
- [setStorageType](#setstoragetype)
- [setStorageCookie](#setstoragecookie)
- [setStorageCookieDomain](#setstoragecookiedomain)
- [setNotify](#setnotify)
- [Example](#configuration-example)
- [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
- [isSupported](#issupported)
- [getStorageType](#getstoragetype)
- [set](#set)
- [get](#get)
- [keys](#keys)
- [remove](#remove)
- [clearAll](#clearall)
You could set a prefix to avoid overwriting any local storage variables from the rest of your app<br/>
**Default prefix:** `ls.<your-key>`
myApp.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
You could change web storage type to localStorage or sessionStorage<br/>
**Default storage:** `localStorage`
myApp.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
Set cookie options (usually in case of fallback)<br/>
**expiry:** number of days before cookies expire (0 = does not expire). **default:** `30`<br/>
**path:** the web path the cookie represents. **default:** `'/'`
myApp.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
.setStorageCookie(45, '<path>');
Set for cookie domain<br/>
**No default value**
myApp.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
Send signals for each of the following actions:<br/>
**setItem** , default: `true`<br/>
**removeItem** , default: `false`
myApp.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
.setNotify(true, true);
###Configuration Example
Using all together
myApp.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
.setNotify(true, true)
##API Documentation
Checks if the browser support the current storage type(e.g: `localStorage`, `sessionStorage`).
**Returns:** `Boolean`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
if(localStorageService.isSupported()) {
**Returns:** `String`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
var storageType = localStorageService.getStorageType(); //e.g localStorage
Directly adds a value to local storage.<br/>
If local storage is not supported, use cookies instead.<br/>
**Returns:** `Boolean`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
function submit(key, val) {
return localStorageService.set(key, value);
Directly get a value from local storage.<br/>
If local storage is not supported, use cookies instead.<br/>
**Returns:** `value from local storage`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
function getItem(key) {
return localStorageService.get(key);
Return array of keys for local storage, ignore keys that not owned.
**Returns:** `value from local storage`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
var lsKeys = localStorageService.keys();
Remove an item from local storage by key.<br/>
If local storage is not supported, use cookies instead.<br/>
**Returns:** `Boolean`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
function removeItem(key) {
return localStorageService.remove(key);
Remove all data for this app from local storage.<br/>
If local storage is not supported, use cookies instead.<br/>
**Note:** Optionally takes a regular expression string and removes matching.<br/>
**Returns:** `Boolean`
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
function clearNumbers(key) {
return localStorageService.clearAll(/^\d+$/);
function clearAll() {
return localStorageService.clearAll();
$ bower install angular-local-storage
Example use:
angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalStorageModule'])
.controller('yourCtrl', [
function($scope, localStorageService) {
// Start fresh
// Set a key
localStorageService.set('Favorite Sport','Ultimate Frisbee');
// Delete a key
localStorageService.remove('Favorite Sport');
To set the prefix of your localStorage name, you can use the setPrefix method
available on the localStorageServiceProvider
angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalStorageModule'])
.config(['localStorageServiceProvider', function(localStorageServiceProvider){
#### How to bind to a $scope variable:
Usage: localStorageService.bind(scope, scopeKey, def, lsKey);
// Example
$scope.anArtist = {'firstname':'Pablo', 'lastname':'Picasso'};
// Bind to local storage service
localStorageService.bind($scope, 'anArtist', $scope.anArtist, 'specialArtist');
// get bound data:
Check out the full demo and documentation at
##TO DO:
- Expand Readme
Clone the project:
$ git clone<your-repo>/angular-local-storage.git
$ npm install
$ bower install
Run the tests:
$ grunt test
Run the build task, update version before(bower,package)
$ grunt dist
$ git tag 0.*.*
$ git push origin master --tags