You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Template syntax

zk uses the Handlebars template syntax for its templates. The list of variables available depends of the running command:

Additional helpers

Besides the default Handlebars helpers, zk ships with additional helpers which you might find useful. They are available to all templates.

Date helper

The {{date}} helper formats the given date for display.

Template contexts usually provide a now variable which can be used to print the current date.

The default format output by {{date <variable>}} looks like 2009-11-17, but you can choose a different format by providing a second argument, e.g. {{date now "medium"}}.

Format Output Notes
short 11/17/2009
medium Nov 17, 2009
long November 17, 2009
full Tuesday, November 17, 2009
year 2009
time 20:34
timestamp 200911172034 Useful for sortable filenames
timestamp-unix 1258490098 Number of seconds since January 1, 1970
elapsed 12 years ago Time elapsed since then in human-friendly format

If none of the provided formats suit you, you can use a custom format using strftime-style placeholders, e.g. {{date now "%m-%d-%Y"}}. See man strftime for a list of placeholders.

Slug helper

The {{slug}} helper generates a URL friendly version of a text. For example, {{slug "This will be slugified!"}} becomes this-will-be-slugified.

This is mostly useful to generate a safe filename containing the title passed to zk new --title "An interesting note". With the filename template {{slug title}}, it becomes

Prepend helper

The {{prepend}} helper adds a prefix to every line of the given text or block. You can use it to generate a Markdown quote, for example:

{{prepend "> " "A quote"}}

{{#prepend "> "}}
A multiline

Shell helper

The {{sh}} helper will call the given shell command and insert its output in the template. Your imagination is the limit!

Get today's events from your calendar:
{{sh "icalBuddy -b '* ' -nc eventsToday"}}

Insert a random quote:
{{prepend '> ' (sh 'fortune')}}

Download today's weather:
{{sh 'curl'}}

When used as a block helper, the block content will be passed to the command through a standard input pipe.

Will output "HELLO, WORLD!":
{{#sh "tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'"}}
Hello, world!

Style helper

The {{style}} helper is mostly useful when formatting content for the command-line. See the styling rules for more information.

{{style 'red bold' 'A text'}}

{{#style 'underline'}}Another text{{/style}}