You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

590 lines
15 KiB

# Layout
#### Example: Defining Custom Layout
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {
Horizontal = {
config = {
margin = 1,
horizontal_margin = 1,
vertical_margin = 1,
constraints = {
{ Percentage = 50 },
{ Percentage = 50 },
splits = {
╭ /home ─────────────╮╭ Help [default] ────╮
│ ╭─── path ││. show hidden │
│ ├▸[ð Desktop/] ││/ search │
│ ├ ð Documents/ ││: action │
│ ├ ð Downloads/ ││? global help │
│ ├ ð GitHub/ ││G go to bottom │
│ ├ ð Music/ ││V select/unselect│
│ ├ ð Pictures/ ││ctrl duplicate as │
│ ├ ð Public/ ││ctrl next visit │
A layout is a [sum type][56] can be one of the following:
- [Nothing][8]
- [Table][9]
- [InputAndLogs][10]
- [Selection][11]
- [HelpMenu][12]
- [SortAndFilter][13]
- [Static][25]
- [Dynamic][26]
- [Horizontal][14]
- [Vertical][16]
- CustomContent (deprecated, use `Static` or `Dynamic`)
### Nothing
This layout contains a blank panel.
Type: "Nothing"
### Table
This layout contains the table displaying the files and directories in the current
### InputAndLogs
This layout contains the panel displaying the input prompt and logs.
Type: "InputAndLogs"
### Selection
This layout contains the panel displaying the selected paths.
Type: "Selection"
### HelpMenu
This layout contains the panel displaying the help menu for the current mode in
Type: "HelpMenu"
### SortAndFilter
This layout contains the panel displaying the pipeline of sorters and filters applied on
the list of paths being displayed.
Type: "SortAndFilter"
### Static
This is a custom layout to render static content.
Type: { Static = [Custom Panel][27] }
### Dynamic
This is a custom layout to render dynamic content using a function defined in
[xplr.fn][28] that takes [Content Renderer Argument][36] and returns [Custom Panel][27].
Type: { Dynamic = "[Content Renderer][35]" }
### Horizontal
This is a special layout that splits the panel into two horizontal parts.
It contains the following information:
- [config][15]
- [splits][17]
Type: { Vertical = { config = [Layout Config][15], splits = { [Layout][17], ... } }
### Vertical
This is a special layout that splits the panel into two vertical parts.
It contains the following information:
- [config][15]
- [splits][17]
Type: { Vertical = { config = [Layout Config][15], splits = { [Layout][17], ... } }
## Layout Config
A layout config contains the following information:
- [margin][18]
- [horizontal_margin][19]
- [vertical_margin][20]
- [constraints][21]
### margin
Type: nullable integer
The width of the margin in all direction.
### horizontal_Margin
Type: nullable integer
The width of the horizontal margins. Overwrites the [margin][18] value.
### vertical_Margin
Type: nullable integer
The width of the vertical margins. Overwrites the [margin][18] value.
### constraints
Type: nullable list of [Constraint][22]
The constraints applied on the layout.
## Constraint
A constraint is a [sum type][56] can be one of the following:
- { Percentage = int }
- { Ratio = { int, int } }
- { Length = { int }
- { LengthLessThanScreenHeight = int }
- { LengthLessThanScreenWidth = int }
- { LengthLessThanLayoutHeight = int }
- { LengthLessThanLayoutWidth = int }
- { Max = int }
- { MaxLessThanScreenHeight = int }
- { MaxLessThanScreenWidth = int }
- { MaxLessThanLayoutHeight = int }
- { MaxLessThanLayoutWidth = int }
- { Min = int }
- { MinLessThanScreenHeight = int }
- { MinLessThanScreenWidth = int }
- { MinLessThanLayoutHeight = int }
- { MinLessThanLayoutWidth = int }
## splits
Type: list of [Layout][3]
The list of child layouts to fit into the parent layout.
## Custom Panel
Custom panel is a [sum type][56] can be one of the following:
- [CustomParagraph][29]
- [CustomList][30]
- [CustomTable][31]
- [CustomLayout][55]
### CustomParagraph
A paragraph to render. It contains the following fields:
- **ui** (nullable [Panel UI Config][32]): Optional UI config for the panel.
- **body** (string): The string to render.
#### Example: Render a custom static paragraph
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {
Static = {
CustomParagraph = {
ui = { title = { format = " custom title " } },
body = "custom body",
╭ custom title ────────╮
│custom body │
│ │
│ │
#### Example: Render a custom dynamic paragraph
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = { Dynamic = "custom.render_layout" }
xplr.fn.custom.render_layout = function(ctx)
return {
CustomParagraph = {
ui = { title = { format = } },
body = xplr.util.to_yaml(,
│mime_essence: inode/directory │
│relative_path: Desktop │
│is_symlink: false │
│is_readonly: false │
│parent: /home/sayanarijit │
│absolute_path: /home/sayanarijit/Desktop │
│is_broken: false │
│created: 1668087850396758714 │
│size: 4096 │
│gid: 100 │
### CustomList
A list to render. It contains the following fields:
- **ui** (nullable [Panel UI Config][32]): Optional UI config for the panel.
- **body** (list of string): The list of strings to display.
#### Example: Render a custom static list
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {
Static = {
CustomList = {
ui = { title = { format = " custom title " } },
body = { "1", "2", "3" },
╭ custom title ─────────────╮
│1 │
│2 │
│3 │
│ │
#### Example: Render a custom dynamic list
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = { Dynamic = "custom.render_layout" }
xplr.fn.custom.render_layout = function(ctx)
return {
CustomList = {
ui = { title = { format = } },
body = {
( or {}).relative_path or "",,
│Desktop │
│0.21.2 │
│17336 │
│ │
│ │
## CustomTable
A custom table to render. It contains the following fields:
- **ui** (nullable [Panel UI Config][32]): Optional UI config for the panel.
- **widths** (list of [Constraint][22]): Width of the columns.
- **col_spacing** (nullable int): Spacing between columns. Defaults to 1.
- **body** (list of list of string): The rows and columns to render.
#### Example: Render a custom static table
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {
Static = {
CustomTable = {
ui = { title = { format = " custom title " } },
widths = {
{ Percentage = 50 },
{ Percentage = 50 },
body = {
{ "a", "b" },
{ "c", "d" },
╭ custom title ────────────────────╮
│a b │
│c d │
│ │
│ │
│ │
#### Example: Render a custom dynamic table
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {Dynamic = "custom.render_layout" }
xplr.fn.custom.render_layout = function(ctx)
return {
CustomTable = {
ui = { title = { format = } },
widths = {
{ Percentage = 50 },
{ Percentage = 50 },
body = {
{ "", "" },
{ "Layout height", tostring(ctx.layout_size.height) },
{ "Layout width", tostring(ctx.layout_size.width) },
{ "", "" },
{ "Screen height", tostring(ctx.screen_size.height) },
{ "Screen width", tostring(ctx.screen_size.width) },
│ │
│Layout height 12 │
│Layout width 46 │
│ │
│Screen height 12 │
│Screen width 46 │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
### CustomLayout
A whole custom layout to render. It doesn't make sense to use it as a
[Static][25] layout, but can be very useful to render as a [Dynamic][26] layout
for use cases where the structure of the layout needs to change without having
to switch modes.
> WARNING: Rendering the same dynamic custom layout recursively will result in
> a ugly crash.
#### Example: Render a custom dynamic layout
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = { Dynamic = "custom.render_layout" }
xplr.fn.custom.render_layout = function(ctx)
local inner = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Percentage = 50 },
{ Percentage = 50 },
splits = {
{ Static = { CustomParagraph = { body = "Try your luck..." } } },
{ Static = { CustomParagraph = { body = "Press ctrl-r" } } },
local layout_type = "Vertical"
if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then
layout_type = "Horizontal"
return { CustomLayout = { [layout_type] = inner } }
│Try your luck... ││Press ctrl-r │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│Try your luck... │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│Press ctrl-r │
│ │
│ │
│ │
## Panel UI Config
It contains the following optional fields:
- **title** ({ format = "string", style = [Style][33] }): the title of the panel.
- **style** ([Style][33]): The style of the panel body.
- **borders** (nullable list of [Border][34]): The shape of the borders.
- **border_type** ([Border Type][54]): The type of the borders.
- **border_style** ([Style][33]): The style of the borders.
## Content Renderer
It is a Lua function that receives [a special argument][36] as input and
returns some output that can be rendered in the UI. It is used to render
content body for the custom dynamic layouts.
## Content Renderer Argument
It contains the following information:
- [layout_size][37]
- [screen_size][37]
- [app][38]
### Size
It contains the following information:
- x
- y
- height
- width
Every field is of integer type.
### app
This is a lightweight version of the [Lua Context][39]. In this context, the
heavyweight fields like [directory_buffer][50] are omitted for performance
Hence, only the following fields are available.
- [version][40]
- [pwd][41]
- [initial_pwd][53]
- [vroot][52]
- [focused_node][42]
- [selection][43]
- [mode][44]
- [layout][45]
- [input_buffer][46]
- [pid][47]
- [session_path][48]
- [explorer_config][49]
## Also See:
- [xplr.config.layouts][51]
[1]: #builtin
[2]: #custom
[3]: #layout
[4]: #default
[5]: #no_help
[6]: #no_selection
[7]: #no_help_no_selection
[8]: #nothing
[9]: #table
[10]: #inputandlogs
[11]: #selection
[12]: #helpmenu
[13]: #sortandfilter
[14]: #horizontal
[15]: #layout-config
[16]: #vertical
[17]: #splits
[18]: #margin
[19]: #horizontal_margin
[20]: #vertical_margin
[21]: #constraints
[22]: #constraint
[25]: #static
[26]: #dynamic
[27]: #custom-panel
[29]: #customparagraph
[30]: #customlist
[31]: #customtable
[32]: #panel-ui-config
[35]: #content-renderer
[36]: #content-renderer-argument
[37]: #size
[38]: #app
[55]: #customlayout