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Default Key Bindings

The default key binding is inspired by vim and slightly overlaps with nnn, but it's supposed to be customized as per user requirements.

When you press ? in default mode, you can see the complete list of modes and the key mappings for each mode.


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter submit
esc cancel
tab try complete


key remaps action
. show hidden
/ ctrl-f search
: action
? global help menu
G go to bottom
V ctrl-a select/unselect all
ctrl-c terminate
ctrl-d duplicate as
ctrl-i tab next visited path
ctrl-o last visited path
ctrl-r refresh screen
ctrl-u clear selection
ctrl-w switch layout
d delete
down j down
enter quit with result
f filter
g go to
h left back
k up up
l right enter
q quit
r rename
s sort
space v toggle selection
~ go home
[0-9] input


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter duplicate
esc cancel


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter submit
esc cancel


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
down j to down
enter to index
esc cancel
k up to up
[0-9] input
key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
ctrl-n down down
ctrl-p up up
enter esc focus
left back
right enter
tab toggle selection


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter just quit
esc cancel
f quit printing focus
p quit printing pwd
r quit printing result
s quit printing selection


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
d create directory
esc cancel
f create file


key remaps action
R relative path does not match regex
backspace remove last filter
ctrl-c terminate
ctrl-r reset filters
ctrl-u clear filters
enter esc submit
r relative path does match regex


key remaps action
D force delete
ctrl-c terminate
d delete
esc cancel


key remaps action
! reverse sorters
C by created reverse
E by canonical extension reverse
L by last modified reverse
M by canonical mime essence reverse
N by node type reverse
R by relative path reverse
S by size reverse
backspace remove last sorter
c by created
ctrl-c terminate
ctrl-r reset sorters
ctrl-u clear sorters
e by canonical extension
enter esc submit
l by last modified
m by canonical mime essence
n by node type
r by relative path
s by size


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
esc cancel
f follow symlink
g top
p path
x open in gui


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter submit
esc cancel
tab try complete


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
esc escape


key remaps action
! shell
c create
ctrl-c terminate
e open in editor
esc cancel
l logs
m toggle mouse
q quit options
s selection operations
[0-9] go to index


key remaps action
1 default
2 no help menu
3 no selection panel
4 no help or selection
ctrl-c terminate
esc cancel


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter submit
esc cancel


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter open logs in editor
esc escape
q quit


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter submit
esc cancel
tab try complete


key remaps action
c copy here
ctrl-c terminate
esc cancel
m move here
x open in gui


key remaps action
ctrl-c terminate
enter rename
esc cancel
tab try complete