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xplr can be configured using Lua via a special file named init.lua, which can be placed in ~/.config/xplr/ (local to user) or /etc/xplr/ (global) depending on the use case.

When xplr loads, it first executes the built-in init.lua to set the default values, which is then overwritten by another config file, if found using the following lookup order:

  1. --config /path/to/init.lua
  2. ~/.config/xplr/init.lua
  3. /etc/xplr/init.lua

The first one found will be loaded by xplr and the lookup will stop.

The loaded config can be further extended using the -C or --extra-config command-line option.

NEED HELP: Auto generate rest of the docs from src/init.lua using docs/script/