You can think of xplr as a server. Just like web servers listen to HTTP requests, xplr listens to messages.
You can send these messages to an xplr session in the following ways:
- Via key bindings
- Via Lua function calls
- Via shell command using the input pipe
To send messages using the key bindings or Lua function calls, messages are represented in Lua syntax. For example:
- "Quit"
- { FocusPath = "/path/to/file" }
- { Call = { command = "bash", args = { "-c", "read -p test" } } }
However, to send messages using the input pipe, they need to be represented using YAML (or JSON) syntax. For example:
- Quit
- FocusPath: "/path/to/file"
- Call: { command: bash, args: ["-c", "read -p test"] }
Full List of Messages
YAML: ExplorePwd
Explore the present working directory and register the filtered nodes. This operation is expensive. So, try to avoid using it too often.
YAML: ExplorePwdAsync
Explore the present working directory and register the filtered nodes asynchronously.
This operation happens asynchronously. That means, the xplr directory buffers won't be updated
immediately. Hence, it needs to be used with care and probably with special checks in place.
To explore $PWD
synchronously, use ExplorePwd
YAML: ExploreParentsAsync
Explore the present working directory along with its parents and register the filtered nodes.
This operation happens asynchronously. That means, the xplr directory buffers won't be updated
immediately. Hence, it needs to be used with care and probably with special checks in place.
To explore just the $PWD
synchronously, use ExplorePwd
YAML: Refresh
Refresh the UI.
But it will not re-explore the directory if the working directory is the same.
If there is some change in the working directory and you want to re-explore it,
use the Explore
message instead.
Also, it will not clear the screen. Use ClearScreen
for that.
YAML: ClearScreen
Clears the screen.
YAML: FocusNext
Focus next node.
{ FocusNextByRelativeIndex = int }
YAML: FocusNextByRelativeIndex: int
Focus on the n
th node relative to the current focus where n
is a given value.
YAML Example: FocusNextByRelativeIndex: 2
Lua Example: { FocusNextByRelativeIndex = 2 }
YAML: FocusNextByRelativeIndexFromInput
Focus on the n
th node relative to the current focus where n
is read from
the input buffer.
YAML: FocusPrevious
Focus on the previous item.
{ FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex = int }
YAML: FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex: int
Focus on the -n
th node relative to the current focus where n
is a given value.
YAML Example: FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex: 2
Lua Example: { FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex = 2 }
YAML: FocusPreviousByRelativeIndexFromInput
Focus on the -n
th node relative to the current focus where n
is read from
the input buffer.
YAML: FocusFirst
Focus on the first node.
YAML: FocusLast
Focus on the last node.
{ FocusPath = "string" }
YAML: FocusPath: string
Focus on the given path.
YAML Example: FocusPath: /path/to/file
Lua Example: { FocusPath = "/path/to/file" }
YAML: FocusPathFromInput
Focus on the path read from input buffer.
{ FocusByIndex = int }
YAML: FocusByIndex: int
Focus on the absolute n
th node where n
is a given value.
YAML Example: FocusByIndex: 2
Lua Example: { FocusByIndex = 2 }
YAML: FocusByIndexFromInput
Focus on the absolute n
th node where n
is read from the input buffer.
{ FocusByFileName = "string" }
YAML: FocusByFileName: string
Focus on the file by name from the present working directory.
YAML Example: FocusByFileName: filename.ext
Lua Example: { FocusByFileName = "filename.ext" }
{ ChangeDirectory = "string" }
YAML: ChangeDirectory: string
Change the present working directory ($PWD)
YAML Example: ChangeDirectory: /path/to/directory
Lua Example: { ChangeDirectory = "/path/to/directory" }
YAML: Enter
Enter into the currently focused path if it's a directory.
YAML: Back
Go back to the parent directory.
YAML: LastVisitedPath
Go to the last path visited.
YAML: NextVisitedPath
Go to the next path visited.
YAML: FollowSymlink
Follow the symlink under focus to its actual location.
{ UpdateInputBuffer = Input Opertaion }
YAML: BufferInput: Input Operation
Update the input buffer using cursor based operations.
YAML Example: UpdateInputBuffer: GoToPreviousWord
Lua Example: { UpdateInputBuffer = "GoToPreviousWord" }
YAML: UpdateInputBufferFromKey
Update the input buffer from the key read from keyboard input.
{ BufferInput = "string" }
YAML: BufferInput: string
Append/buffer the given string into the input buffer.
YAML Example: BufferInput: foo
Lua Example: { BufferInput = "foo" }
YAML: BufferInputFromKey
Append/buffer the characted read from a keyboard input into the input buffer.
{ SetInputBuffer = "string" }
YAML: SetInputBuffer: string
Set/rewrite the input buffer with the given string. When the input buffer is not-null (even if empty string) it will show in the UI.
YAML Example: SetInputBuffer: foo
Lua Example: { SetInputBuffer = "foo" }
YAML: RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter
Remove input buffer's last character.
YAML: RemoveInputBufferLastWord
Remove input buffer's last word.
YAML: ResetInputBuffer
Reset the input buffer back to null. It will not show in the UI.
{ SwitchMode = "string" }
YAML: SwitchMode: string
Switch input mode. It clears the input buffer.
NOTE: To be specific about which mode to switch to, use
YAML Example: SwitchMode: default
Lua Example: { SwitchMode = "default" }
{ SwitchModeKeepingInputBuffer = "string" }
YAML: SwitchModeKeepingInputBuffer: string
Switch input mode. It keeps the input buffer.
NOTE: To be specific about which mode to switch to, use
YAML Example: SwitchModeKeepingInputBuffer: default
Lua Example: { SwitchModeKeepingInputBuffer = "default" }
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "string" }
YAML: SwitchModeBuiltin: string
Switch to a builtin mode. It clears the input buffer.
YAML Example: SwitchModeBuiltin: default
Lua Example: { SwitchModeBuiltin = "default" }
{ SwitchModeBuiltinKeepingInputBuffer = "string" }
YAML: SwitchModeBuiltinKeepingInputBuffer: string
Switch to a builtin mode. It keeps the input buffer.
YAML Example: SwitchModeBuiltinKeepingInputBuffer: default
Lua Example: { SwitchModeBuiltinKeepingInputBuffer = "default" }
{ SwitchModeCustom = "string" }
YAML: SwitchModeCustom: string
Switch to a custom mode. It clears the input buffer.
YAML Example: SwitchModeCustom: my_custom_mode
Lua Example: { SwitchModeCustom = "my_custom_mode" }
{ SwitchModeCustomKeepingInputBuffer = "string" }
YAML: SwitchModeCustom: string
Switch to a custom mode. It keeps the input buffer.
YAML Example: SwitchModeCustomKeepingInputBuffer: my_custom_mode
Lua Example: { SwitchModeCustomKeepingInputBuffer = "my_custom_mode" }
YAML: PopMode
Pop the last mode from the history and switch to it. It clears the input buffer.
YAML: PopModeKeepingInputBuffer
Pop the last mode from the history and switch to it. It keeps the input buffer.
{ SwitchLayout = "string" }
YAML: SwitchLayout: string
Switch layout.
NOTE: To be specific about which layout to switch to, use
YAML Example: SwitchLayout: default
Lua Example: { SwitchLayout = "default" }
{ SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "string" }
YAML: SwitchLayoutBuiltin: string
Switch to a builtin layout.
YAML Example: SwitchLayoutBuiltin: default
Lua Example: { SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "default" }
{ SwitchLayoutCustom = "string" }
YAML: SwitchLayoutCustom: string
Switch to a custom layout.
YAML Example: SwitchLayoutCustom: my_custom_layout
Lua Example: { SwitchLayoutCustom = "my_custom_layout" }
{ Call = "string" }
YAML: Call: string
Call a shell command with the given arguments.
Note that the arguments will be shell-escaped.
So to read the variables, the -c
option of the shell
can be used.
You may need to pass ExplorePwd
depening on the expectation.
YAML Example: Call: { command: bash, args: ["-c", "read -p test"] }
Lua Example: { Call = { command = "bash", args = { "-c", "read -p test" } } }
{ CallSilently = "string" }
YAML: CallSilently: string
Like Call
but without the flicker. The stdin, stdout
stderr will be piped to null. So it's non-interactive.
YAML Example: CallSilently: { command: tput, args: ["bell"] }
Lua Example: { CallSilently = { command = "tput", args = { "bell" } } }
{ BashExec = "string" }
YAML: BashExec: string
An alias to Call: {command: bash, args: ["-c", "{string}"], silent: false}
where {string}
is the given value.
YAML Example: BashExec: "read -p test"
Lua Example: { BashExec = "read -p test" }
{ BashExecSilently = "string" }
YAML: BashExecSilently(String)
Like BashExec
but without the flicker. The stdin, stdout
stderr will be piped to null. So it's non-interactive.
YAML Example: BashExecSilently: "tput bell"
Lua Example: { BashExecSilently = "tput bell" }
{ CallLua = "string" }
YAML: CallLua: string
Call a Lua function.
A Lua Context object will be passed to the function as argument. The function can optionally return a list of messages for xplr to handle after the executing the function.
YAML Example: CallLua: custom.some_custom_funtion
Lua Example: { CallLua = "custom.some_custom_funtion" }
{ CallLuaSilently = "string" }
YAML: CallLuaSilently: string
Like CallLua
but without the flicker. The stdin, stdout
stderr will be piped to null. So it's non-interactive.
YAML Example: CallLuaSilently: custom.some_custom_function
Lua Example: { CallLuaSilently = "custom.some_custom_function" }
{ LuaEval = "string" }
YAML: LuaEval: string
Execute Lua code without needing to define a function.
If the string
is a callable, xplr will try to call it with with the
Lua Context argument.
YAML Example: LuaEval: "return { { LogInfo = } }"
YAML Example: LuaEval: "function(app) return { { LogInfo = app.pwd } } end"
Lua Example: { LuaEval = [[return { { LogInfo = } }]] }
Lua Example: { LuaEval = [[function(app) return { { LogInfo = app.pwd } } end]] }
{ LuaEvalSilently = "string" }
YAML: LuaEvalSilently: string
Like LuaEval
but without the flicker. The stdin, stdout
stderr will be piped to null. So it's non-interactive.
YAML Example: LuaEvalSilently: "return { { LogInfo = 'foo' } }"
Lua Example: { LuaEvalSilently = [[return { { LogInfo = "foo" } }]] }
YAML: Select
Select the focused node.
YAML: SelectAll
Select all the visible nodes.
{ SelectPath = "string" }
YAML: SelectPath: string
Select the given path.
YAML Example: SelectPath: /path/to/file
Lua Example: { SelectPath = "/path/to/file" }
YAML: UnSelect
Unselect the focused node.
YAML: UnSelectAll
Unselect all the visible nodes.
{ UnSelectPath = "string)" }
YAML: UnSelectPath: string
UnSelect the given path.
YAML Example: UnSelectPath: /path/to/file
Lua Example: { UnSelectPath = "/path/to/file" }
YAML: ToggleSelection
Toggle selection on the focused node.
YAML: ToggleSelectAll
Toggle between select all and unselect all.
{ ToggleSelectionByPath = "string" }
YAML: ToggleSelectionByPath: string
Toggle selection by file path.
YAML Example: ToggleSelectionByPath: /path/to/file
Lua Example: { ToggleSelectionByPath = "/path/to/file" }
YAML: ClearSelection
Clear the selection.
{ AddNodeFilter = { filter = Filter, input = "string" }
YAML: AddNodeFilter: { filter = Filter, input = string }
Add a filter to exclude nodes while exploring directories.
YAML Example: AddNodeFilter: { filter: RelativePathDoesStartWith, input: foo }
Lua Example: { AddNodeFilter = { filter = "RelativePathDoesStartWith", input = "foo" } }
{ RemoveNodeFilter = { filter = Filter, input = "string" }
YAML: RemoveNodeFilter: { filter = Filter, input = string
Remove an existing filter.
YAML Example: RemoveNodeFilter: { filter: RelativePathDoesStartWith, input: foo }
Lua Example: { RemoveNodeFilter: { filter: "RelativePathDoesStartWith", input: "foo" } }
{ ToggleNodeFilter = { filter = Filter, input = "string" }
YAML: ToggleNodeFilter: { filter = Filter, input = string }
Remove a filter if it exists, else, add a it.
YAML Example: ToggleNodeFilter: { filter: RelativePathDoesStartWith, input: foo }
Lua Example: { ToggleNodeFilter = { filter = "RelativePathDoesStartWith", input = "foo" } }
{ AddNodeFilterFromInput = Filter }
YAML: AddNodeFilterFromInput: Filter
Add a node filter reading the input from the buffer.
YAML Example: AddNodeFilterFromInput: RelativePathDoesStartWith
Lua Example: { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesStartWith" }
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = Filter }
YAML: RemoveNodeFilterFromInput: Filter
Remove a node filter reading the input from the buffer.
YAML Example: RemoveNodeFilterFromInput: RelativePathDoesStartWith
Lua Example: { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesStartWith" }
YAML: RemoveLastNodeFilter
Remove the last node filter.
YAML: ResetNodeFilters
Reset the node filters back to the default configuration.
YAML: ClearNodeFilters
Clear all the node filters.
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = Sorter, reverse = bool } }
YAML: AddNodeSorter: { sorter: Sorter, reverse = bool }
Add a sorter to sort nodes while exploring directories.
YAML Example: AddNodeSorter: { sorter: ByRelativePath, reverse: false }
YAML Example: { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByRelativePath", reverse = false } }
{ RemoveNodeSorter = Sorter }
YAML: RemoveNodeSorter: Sorter
Remove an existing sorter.
YAML Example: RemoveNodeSorter: ByRelativePath
Lua Example: { RemoveNodeSorter = "ByRelativePath" }
{ ReverseNodeSorter = Sorter }
YAML: ReverseNodeSorter: Sorter
Reverse a node sorter.
YAML Example: ReverseNodeSorter: ByRelativePath
Lua Example: { ReverseNodeSorter = "ByRelativePath" }
{ ToggleNodeSorter = { sorter = Sorter, reverse = bool } }
YAML: ToggleNodeSorter: { sorter: Sorter, reverse = bool }
Remove a sorter if it exists, else, add a it.
YAML Example: ToggleSorterSorter: {sorter: ByRelativePath, reverse: false }
Lua Example: { ToggleSorterSorter: { sorter = "ByRelativePath", reverse = false } }
YAML: ReverseNodeSorters
Reverse the node sorters.
YAML: RemoveLastNodeSorter
Remove the last node sorter.
YAML: ResetNodeSorters
Reset the node sorters back to the default configuration.
YAML: ClearNodeSorters
Clear all the node sorters.
YAML: EnableMouse
Enable mouse
YAML: DisableMouse
Disable mouse
YAML: ToggleMouse
Toggle mouse
{ StartFifo = "string" }
YAML: StartFifo: string
Start piping the focused path to the given fifo path
YAML Example: StartFifo: /tmp/xplr.fifo
Lua Example: { StartFifo = "/tmp/xplr.fifo }
YAML: StopFifo
Close the active fifo and stop piping.
{ ToggleFifo = "string" }
YAML: ToggleFifo: string
Toggle betwen {Start|Stop}Fifo
YAML Example: ToggleFifo: /path/to/fifo
Lua Example: { ToggleFifo = "/path/to/fifo" }
{ LogInfo = "string" }
YAML: LogInfo: string
Log information message.
YAML Example: LogInfo: launching satellite
Lua Example: { LogInfo = "launching satellite" }
{ LogSuccess = "String" }
YAML: LogSuccess: string
Log a success message.
YAML Example: LogSuccess: satellite reached destination
Lua Example: { LogSuccess = "satellite reached destination" }
{ LogWarning = "string" }
YAML: LogWarning: string
Log an warning message.
YAML Example: LogWarning: satellite is heating
Lua Example: { LogWarning = "satellite is heating" }
{ LogError = "string" }
YAML: LogError: string
Log an error message.
YAML Example: LogError: satellite crashed
Lua Example: { LogError = "satellite crashed" }
YAML: Quit
Quit with returncode zero (success).
YAML: PrintPwdAndQuit
Print $PWD and quit.
YAML: PrintFocusPathAndQuit
Print the path under focus and quit. It can be empty string if there's nothing to focus.
YAML: PrintSelectionAndQuit
Print the selected paths and quit. It can be empty is no path is selected.
YAML: PrintResultAndQuit
Print the selected paths if it's not empty, else, print the focused node's path.
YAML: PrintAppStateAndQuit
Print the state of application in YAML format. Helpful for debugging or generating the default configuration file.
{ Debug = "string" }
YAML: Debug: string
Write the application state to a file, without quitting. Also helpful for debugging.
YAML Example: Debug: /path/to/file
Lua Example: { Debug = "/path/to/file" }
YAML: Terminate
Terminate the application with a non-zero return code.
Cursor based input operation can be one of the following:
- { SetCursor = int }
- { InsertCharacter = str }
- "GoToPreviousCharacter"
- "GoToNextCharacter"
- "GoToPreviousWord"
- "GoToNextWord"
- "GoToStart"
- "GoToEnd"
- "DeletePreviousCharacter"
- "DeleteNextCharacter"
- "DeletePreviousWord"
- "DeleteNextWord"
- "DeleteLine"
Lua Function Calls
xplr allows users to define lua functions using the xplr.fn.custom
Lua API.
These functions can be called using messages like CallLua
, CallLuaSilently
When called the function receives a special argument that contains some useful information. The function can optionally return a list of messages which will be handled by xplr.
Lua Context
This is a special argument passed to the lua functions when called using the
, CallLuaSilently
It contains the following information:
- version
- pwd
- focused_node
- directory_buffer
- selection
- mode
- layout
- input_buffer
- pid
- session_path
- explorer_config
- history
- last_modes
Type: string
xplr version. Can be used to test compatibility.
Type: string
The present working directory/
Type: nullable Node
The node under focus.
Type: nullable Directory Buffer
The directory buffer being rendered.
Type: list of selected Nodes
The selected nodes.
Type: Mode
Current mode.
Type: Layout
Current layout.
Type: nullable string
The input buffer.
Type: integer
The xplr session PID.
Type: string
The session path.
Type: History
Type: list of Mode
Last modes, not popped yet.
Type: string
The parent path of the node.
Type: string
The path relative to the parent, i.e. the file/directory name with extension.
Type: string
The absolute path (without resolving symlinks) of the node.
Type: string
The extension of the node.
Type: boolean
if the node is a symlink.
Type: boolean
if the node is a broken symlink.
Type: boolean
if the node is a directory.
Type: boolean
if the node is a file.
Type: boolean
if the node is real-only.
Type: string
The mime type of the node. For e.g. text/csv
, image/jpeg
Type: integer
The size of the exact node. The size of a directory won't be calculated recursively.
Type: string
Like size but in human readable format.
Type: Permission
The permissions applied to the node.
Type: nullable Resolved Node Metadata
If the node is a symlink, it will hold information about the symlink resolved node. Else, it will hold information the actual node. It the symlink is broken, it will be null.
Type: nullable Resolved Node Metadata
If the node is a symlink and is not broken, it will hold information about the symlink resolved node. However, it will never hold information about the actual node. It will instead be null.
A node contains the following fields:
- parent
- relative_path
- absolute_path
- extension
- is_symlink
- is_broken
- is_dir
- is_file
- is_readonly
- mime_essence
- size
- human_size
- permissions
- canonical
- symlink
Directory Buffer
Directory buffer contains the following fields:
Type: string
The parent path of the node.
Type: list of Nodes
A list of visible nodes.
Type: int
The count of nodes being rendered.
Type: int
The index of the node under focus. It can be 0
even when there's no node to
focus on.
History contains the following fields:
Type: int
Location of the current path in history.
Type: list of string
Visited paths.
Example: Using Lua Function Calls
-- Define the function
xplr.fn.custom.ask_name_and_greet = function(app)
print("What's your name?")
local name =
local greeting = "Hello " .. name .. "!"
local message = greeting .. " You are inside " .. app.pwd
return {
{ LogSuccess = message },
-- Map the function to a key (space) = {
help = "ask name and greet",
messages = {
{ CallLua = "custom.ask_name_and_greet" }
-- Now, when you press "space" in default mode, you will be prompted for your
-- name. Enter your name to receive a nice greeting and to know your location.
Environment Variables and Pipes
Alternative to CallLua
, CallLuaSilently
messages that call Lua functions,
there are Call
, CallSilently
, BashExec
, BashExecSilently
that call shell commands.
However, unlike the Lua functions, these shell commands have to read the useful information and send messages via environment variables and temporary files called "pipe"s. These environment variables and files are only available when a command is being executed.
Visit the fzf integration tutorial for example.
Environment variables
To see the environment variables, invoke the shell by typing :!
in default
mode and run the following command:
env | grep ^XPLR_
You will see something like:
XPLR_MODE=action to
The environment variables starting with XPLR_PIPE_
are the temporary files
called "pipe"s.
Input pipe
Current there is only one input pipe.
Output pipes
are the output pipes that contain data which cannot be
exposed directly via environment variables, like multi-line string.
Append new-line delimited messages to this pipe in YAML (or JSON) syntax. These messages will be read and handled by xplr after the command execution.
New-line delimited list of selected paths.
The full help menu.
New-line delimited list of logs.
New-line delimited result (selected paths if any, else the focused path)
New-line delimited list of last visited paths (similar to jump list in vim).
New-line delimited list of paths, filtered and sorted as displayed in the files table.
Example: Using Environment Variables and Pipes = {
help = "ask name and greet",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
echo "What's your name?"
read name
greeting="Hello $name!"
message="$greeting You are inside $PWD"
echo LogSuccess: '"'$message'"' >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
-- Now, when you press "space" in default mode, you will be prompted for your
-- name. Enter your name to receive a nice greeting and to know your location.