removing some old #fix comments;removing thread option not implemented and better not to be done;

git-svn-id: 31edc4fc-5e31-b4c4-d58b-c8bc928bcb95
emijrp 14 years ago
parent 05d1fb97c4
commit 23c9a06a31

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import urllib2
# curonly and all history (curonly si puede acumular varias peticiones en un solo GET, ara full history pedir cada pagina una a una)
# usar api o parsear html si no está disponible
# threads para bajar más rápido? pedir varias páginas a la vez
# Special:Log? uploads, account creations, etc
# download Special:Version to save whch extension it used
# que guarde el index.php (la portada) como index.html para que se vea la licencia del wiki abajo del todo
@ -379,7 +378,6 @@ def saveImageFilenamesURL(config={}, images=[]):
print 'Image filenames and URLs saved at...', imagesfilename
def getImageFilenamesURL(config={}):
#fix start is only available if parsing from API, if not, reload all the list from special:imagelist is mandatory
print 'Retrieving image filenames'
r_next = r'(?<!&amp;dir=prev)&amp;offset=(?P<offset>\d+)&amp;' # (?<!
images = []
@ -441,15 +439,10 @@ def undoHTMLEntities(text=''):
return text
def generateImageDump(config={}, other={}, images=[], start=''):
#slurp all the images
#save in a .tar?
#tener en cuenta
#fix, download .desc ? YEP!
#fix download the upload log too, for uploaders info and date
print 'Retrieving images from "%s"' % (start and start or 'start')
imagepath = '%s/images' % (config['path'])
if os.path.isdir(imagepath):
print 'It exists an images directory for this dump' #fix, resume?
print 'It exists an images directory for this dump'
@ -579,7 +572,6 @@ def getParameters():
'namespaces': ['all'],
'exnamespaces': [],
'path': '',
'threads': 1, #fix not coded yet
'delay': 0,
other = {
@ -588,7 +580,7 @@ def getParameters():
#console params
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["h", "help", "path=", "api=", "index=", "images", "logs", "xml", "curonly", "threads=", "resume", "delay=", "namespaces=", "exnamespaces=", ])
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["h", "help", "path=", "api=", "index=", "images", "logs", "xml", "curonly", "resume", "delay=", "namespaces=", "exnamespaces=", ])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
@ -619,8 +611,6 @@ def getParameters():
print "If you select --curonly, you must use --xml too"
config["curonly"] = True
elif o in ("--threads"):
config["threads"] = int(a)
elif o in ("--resume"):
other["resume"] = True
elif o in ("--delay"):
