You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Tube Archivist Wiki
**WIP**: This is work in progress!
Welcome to the official Tube Archivist Wiki. This is an up-to-date documentation of user functionality.
Table of contents:
* [Main](Main): Tube Archivist landing page
* [Channels](Channels): Browse your channels, handle subscriptions
* [Downloads](Downloads): Scanning subscriptions, handle download queue
* [Settings](Settings): All the configuration options
## Getting Started
1. [Subscribe](Channels#channels-overview) to some of your favourite YouTube channels.
2. [Scan](Downloads#rescan-subscriptions) subscriptions to add the latest videos to the download queue.
3. [Add](Downloads#add-to-download-queue) additional videos, channels or playlist - ignore the ones you don't want to download.
4. [Download](Downloads#download-queue) and let **Tube Archivist** do it's thing.
5. Sit back and enjoy your archived and indexed collection!
## General Navigation
* Clicking on the channel name or the channel icon brings you to the dedicated channel page to show videos from that channel.
* Clicking on a video title brings you to the dedicated video page and shows additional details.
* Clicking on a video thumbnail opens the video player and starts streaming the selected video.
* Hover over the playing video to show additional control options.
An empty checkbox icon <img src="assets/icon-unseen.png?raw=true" alt="unseen icon" width="20px" style="margin:0 5px;"> will show for videos you haven't marked as watched. Click on it and the icon will change to a filled checkbox <img src="assets/icon-seen.png?raw=true" alt="seen icon" width="20px" style="margin:0 5px;"> indicating it as watched.