System snapshots, #build

- Added: Dedublicated snapshots, read docs/Settings#snapshots first
- Added: Actions for better Python and JS linting
- Changed: Clean up JS
- Changed: Use patched ffmpeg builds for arm64
- API: Added endpoints to interact with snapshots
- Fixed: mobile layout for channel filter dopdown on downloads
simon 2 years ago
commit d69460bf98
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2C15AA5E89985DD4

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = {
extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'eslint-config-prettier'],
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2020,
env: {
browser: true,
rules: {
strict: ['error', 'global'],
'no-unused-vars': ['error', { vars: 'local' }],
eqeqeq: ['error', 'always', { null: 'ignore' }],
curly: ['error', 'multi-line'],
'no-var': 'error',

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: lint_js
on: [pull_request, push]
name: lint_js
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '16'
- run: npm ci
- run: npm run lint
- run: npm run format -- --check

@ -4,16 +4,21 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
# note: this logic is duplicated in the `validate` function in ./
# if you update this file, you should update that as well
- run: pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- run: pip install bandit black codespell flake8 flake8-bugbear
flake8-comprehensions isort
- run: black --check --diff --line-length 79 .
- run: codespell
- run: flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=79
--show-source --statistics
- run: isort --check-only --line-length 79 --profile black .
flake8-comprehensions isort requests
- run: ./ validate
# - run: black --check --diff --line-length 79 .
# - run: codespell --skip="./.git,./package.json,./package-lock.json,./node_modules"
# - run: flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=79
# --show-source --statistics
# - run: isort --check-only --line-length 79 --profile black .
# - run: pip install -r tubearchivist/requirements.txt
# - run: mkdir --parents --verbose .mypy_cache
# - run: mypy --ignore-missing-imports --install-types --non-interactive .

.gitignore vendored

@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ db.sqlite3
# vscode custom conf
# JavaScript stuff

@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ Do you see anything on the roadmap that you would like to take a closer look at
To fix a bug or implement a feature, fork the repository and make all changes to the testing branch. When ready, create a pull request.
## Making changes to the JavaScript
The JavaScript does not require any build step; you just edit the files directly. However, there is config for eslint and prettier (a linter and formatter respectively); their use is recommended but not required. To use them, install `node`, run `npm i` from the root directory of this repository to install dependencies, then run `npm run lint` and `npm run format` to run eslint and prettier respectively.
## Releases
There are three different docker tags:

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Similar to that, TubeArchivist will become all sorts of messed up when running o
## Getting Started
1. Go through the **settings** page and look at the available options. Particularly set *Download Format* to your desired video quality before downloading. **Tube Archivist** downloads the best available quality by default. To support iOS or MacOS and some other browsers a compatible format must be specified. For example:
2. Subscribe to some of your favorite YouTube channels on the **channels** page.
3. On the **downloads** page, click on *Rescan subscriptions* to add videos from the subscribed channels to your Download queue or click on *Add to download queue* to manually add Video IDs, links, channels or playlists.

@ -82,10 +82,12 @@ function validate {
echo "run validate on $check_path"
# note: this logic is duplicated in the `./github/workflows/lint_python.yml` config
# if you update this file, you should update that as well
echo "running black"
black --diff --color --check -l 79 "$check_path"
echo "running codespell"
codespell --skip="./.git" "$check_path"
codespell --skip="./.git,./package.json,./package-lock.json,./node_modules" "$check_path"
echo "running flake8"
flake8 "$check_path" --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=79 \
--show-source --statistics

@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ Requirements:
You need the following headers: Content-Type, Accept-Encoding, and Range. Note that the last two headers, Accept-Encoding and Range, are additional headers that you may not have needed previously.
Wildcards "*" cannot be used for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. If the page has protected media content, it must use a domain instead of a wildcard.
## Snapshots
System snapshots will automatically make daily snapshots of the Elasticsearch index. Snapshots are deduplicated, meaning that each snapshot will only have to backup changes since the last snapshot. There is also a cleanup function implemented, that will remove snapshots older than 30 days. Due to this improvements compared to our previous solution, system snapshots will replace the current backup system in a future version.
Before activating system snapshots, you'll have to add two additional environment variables to the *archivist-es* container:
The variable `path.repo` will set folder where the snapshots will go inside the Elasticsearch container, you can't change the folder, but the variable needs to be set. For the `TZ` variable, set the same as you have for the Tube Archivist container. Rebuild the container for changes to take effect, e.g `docker compose up -d`.
# Scheduler Setup
Schedule settings expect a cron like format, where the first value is minute, second is hour and third is day of the week. Day 0 is Sunday, day 1 is Monday etc.

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint 'tubearchivist/static/**/*.js'",
"format": "prettier --write 'tubearchivist/static/**/*.js'"
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^8.26.0",
"prettier": "^2.7.1",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0"
"prettier": {
"singleQuote": true,
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"printWidth": 100

@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ Note:
- [Download Queue List](#download-queue-list-view)
- [Download Queue Single](#download-queue-item-view)
**Snapshot management**
- [Snapshot List](#snapshot-list-view)
- [Snapshot Single](#snapshot-item-view)
- [Login](#login-view)
- [Task](#task-view) WIP
@ -207,6 +211,48 @@ Add to queue previously ignored video:
DELETE /api/download/\<video_id>/
Forget or delete from download queue
## Snapshot List View
GET /api/snapshot/
Return snapshot config and a list of available snapshots.
"next_exec": epoch,
"next_exec_str": "date_str",
"expire_after": "30d",
"snapshots": []
POST /api/snapshot/
Create new snapshot now, will return immediately, task will run async in the background, will return snapshot name:
"snapshot_name": "ta_daily_<random-id>
## Snapshot Item View
GET /api/snapshot/\<snapshot-id>/
Return metadata of a single snapshot
"id": "ta_daily_<random-id>,
"state": "SUCCESS",
"es_version": "0.0.0",
"start_date": "date_str",
"end_date": "date_str",
"end_stamp": epoch,
"duration_s": 0
GET /api/snapshot/\<snapshot-id>/
Restore this snapshot
DELETE /api/snapshot/\<snapshot-id>/
Remove this snapshot from index
## Login View
Return token and user ID for username and password:
POST /api/login

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ from api.views import (
@ -89,6 +91,16 @@ urlpatterns = [

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from api.src.task_processor import TaskHandler
from import PendingInteract
from import CookieHandler
from import ElasticWrap
from import ElasticSnapshot
from home.src.frontend.searching import SearchForm
from home.src.index.generic import Pagination
from import SponsorBlock
@ -485,6 +486,70 @@ class TaskApiView(ApiBaseView):
return Response(response)
class SnapshotApiListView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/snapshot/
GET: returns snashot config plus list of existing snapshots
POST: take snapshot now
def get(request):
"""handle get request"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
snapshots = ElasticSnapshot().get_snapshot_stats()
return Response(snapshots)
def post(request):
"""take snapshot now with post request"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
response = ElasticSnapshot().take_snapshot_now()
return Response(response)
class SnapshotApiView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/snapshot/<snapshot-id>/
GET: return a single snapshot
POST: restore snapshot
DELETE: delete a snapshot
def get(request, snapshot_id):
"""handle get request"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
snapshot = ElasticSnapshot().get_single_snapshot(snapshot_id)
if not snapshot:
return Response({"message": "snapshot not found"}, status=404)
return Response(snapshot)
def post(request, snapshot_id):
"""restore snapshot with post request"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
response = ElasticSnapshot().restore_all(snapshot_id)
if not response:
message = {"message": "failed to restore snapshot"}
return Response(message, status=400)
return Response(response)
def delete(request, snapshot_id):
"""delete snapshot from index"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
response = ElasticSnapshot().delete_single_snapshot(snapshot_id)
if not response:
message = {"message": "failed to delete snapshot"}
return Response(message, status=400)
return Response(response)
class CookieView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/cookie/
GET: check if cookie is enabled

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import sys
from django.apps import AppConfig
from import ElasticWrap
from import index_check
from import ElasticSnapshot
from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig as ArchivistConfig
from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ class StartupCheck:
def get_has_run(self):
@ -63,10 +65,7 @@ class StartupCheck:
cache_dir = self.config_handler.config["application"]["cache_dir"]
for folder in folders:
folder_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, folder)
except FileExistsError:
os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)
def release_lock(self):
"""make sure there are no leftover locks set in redis"""
@ -84,6 +83,14 @@ class StartupCheck:
if response:
print("deleted leftover key from redis: " + lock)
def snapshot_check(self):
"""setup snapshot config, create if needed"""
active = self.config_handler.config["application"]["enable_snapshot"]
if not active:
def is_invalid(self, version):
"""return true if es version is invalid, false if ok"""
major, minor = [int(i) for i in version.split(".")[:2]]

@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
"cache_dir": "/cache",
"videos": "/youtube",
"colors": "dark",
"enable_cast": false
"enable_cast": false,
"enable_snapshot": false
"scheduler": {
"update_subscribed": false,

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
- handle snapshots in ES
from datetime import datetime
from os import environ
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
from import ElasticWrap
from import get_mapping
class ElasticSnapshot:
"""interact with snapshots on ES"""
REPO = "ta_snapshot"
"compress": "true",
"chunk_size": "1g",
"location": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data/snapshot",
POLICY = "ta_daily"
def __init__(self):
self.all_indices = self._get_all_indices()
def _get_all_indices(self):
"""return all indices names managed by TA"""
mapping = get_mapping()
all_indices = [f"ta_{i['index_name']}" for i in mapping]
return all_indices
def setup(self):
"""setup the snapshot in ES, create or update if needed"""
print("snapshot: run setup")
repo_exists = self._check_repo_exists()
if not repo_exists:
policy_exists = self._check_policy_exists()
if not policy_exists:
is_outdated = self._needs_startup_snapshot()
if is_outdated:
_ = self.take_snapshot_now()
def _check_repo_exists(self):
"""check if expected repo already exists"""
path = f"_snapshot/{self.REPO}"
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).get()
if statuscode == 200:
print(f"snapshot: repo {self.REPO} already created")
matching = response[self.REPO]["settings"] == self.REPO_SETTINGS
if not matching:
print(f"snapshot: update repo settings {self.REPO_SETTINGS}")
return matching
print(f"snapshot: setup repo {self.REPO} config {self.REPO_SETTINGS}")
return False
def create_repo(self):
"""create filesystem repo"""
path = f"_snapshot/{self.REPO}"
data = {
"type": "fs",
"settings": self.REPO_SETTINGS,
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).post(data=data)
if statuscode == 200:
print(f"snapshot: repo setup correctly: {response}")
def _check_policy_exists(self):
"""check if snapshot policy is set correctly"""
policy = self._get_policy()
expected_policy = self._build_policy_data()
if not policy:
print(f"snapshot: create policy {self.POLICY} {expected_policy}")
return False
if policy["policy"] != expected_policy:
print(f"snapshot: update policy settings {expected_policy}")
return False
print("snapshot: policy is set.")
return True
def _get_policy(self):
"""get policy from es"""
path = f"_slm/policy/{self.POLICY}"
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).get()
if statuscode != 200:
return False
return response[self.POLICY]
def create_policy(self):
"""create snapshot lifetime policy"""
path = f"_slm/policy/{self.POLICY}"
data = self._build_policy_data()
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).put(data)
if statuscode == 200:
print(f"snapshot: policy setup correctly: {response}")
def _build_policy_data(self):
"""build policy dict from config"""
return {
"schedule": "0 30 1 * * ?",
"name": f"<{self.POLICY}_>",
"repository": self.REPO,
"config": {
"indices": self.all_indices,
"include_global_state": True,
"retention": {
"expire_after": "30d",
"min_count": 5,
"max_count": 50,
def _needs_startup_snapshot(self):
"""check if last snapshot is expired"""
snap_dicts = self._get_all_snapshots()
if not snap_dicts:
print("snapshot: create initial snapshot")
return True
last_stamp = snap_dicts[0]["end_stamp"]
now = int("%s"))
outdated = (now - last_stamp) / 60 / 60 > 24
if outdated:
print("snapshot: is outdated, create new now")
print("snapshot: last snapshot is up-to-date")
return outdated
def take_snapshot_now(self):
"""execute daily snapshot now"""
path = f"_slm/policy/{self.POLICY}/_execute"
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).post()
if statuscode == 200:
print(f"snapshot: executing now: {response}")
return response
def get_snapshot_stats(self):
"""get snapshot info for frontend"""
snapshot_info = self._build_policy_details()
if snapshot_info:
snapshot_info.update({"snapshots": self._get_all_snapshots()})
return snapshot_info
def get_single_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
"""get single snapshot metadata"""
path = f"_snapshot/{self.REPO}/{snapshot_id}"
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).get()
if statuscode == 404:
print(f"snapshots: not found: {snapshot_id}")
return False
snapshot = response["snapshots"][0]
return self._parse_single_snapshot(snapshot)
def _get_all_snapshots(self):
"""get a list of all registered snapshots"""
path = f"_snapshot/{self.REPO}/*?sort=start_time&order=desc"
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).get()
if statuscode == 404:
print("snapshots: not configured")
return False
all_snapshots = response["snapshots"]
if not all_snapshots:
print("snapshots: no snapshots found")
return False
snap_dicts = []
for snapshot in all_snapshots:
snap_dict = self._parse_single_snapshot(snapshot)
return snap_dicts
def _parse_single_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""extract relevant metadata from single snapshot"""
snap_dict = {
"id": snapshot["snapshot"],
"state": snapshot["state"],
"es_version": snapshot["version"],
"start_date": self._date_converter(snapshot["start_time"]),
"end_date": self._date_converter(snapshot["end_time"]),
"end_stamp": snapshot["end_time_in_millis"] // 1000,
"duration_s": snapshot["duration_in_millis"] // 1000,
return snap_dict
def _build_policy_details(self):
"""get additional policy details"""
policy = self._get_policy()
if not policy:
return False
next_exec = policy["next_execution_millis"] // 1000
next_exec_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(next_exec)
next_exec_str = next_exec_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
expire_after = policy["policy"]["retention"]["expire_after"]
policy_metadata = {
"next_exec": next_exec,
"next_exec_str": next_exec_str,
"expire_after": expire_after,
return policy_metadata
def _date_converter(date_utc):
"""convert datetime string"""
expected_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
date = datetime.strptime(date_utc, expected_format)
local_datetime = date.replace(tzinfo=ZoneInfo("localtime"))
converted = local_datetime.astimezone(ZoneInfo(environ.get("TZ")))
converted_str = converted.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
return converted_str
def restore_all(self, snapshot_name):
"""restore snapshot by name"""
for index in self.all_indices:
_, _ = ElasticWrap(index).delete()
path = f"_snapshot/{self.REPO}/{snapshot_name}/_restore"
data = {"indices": "*"}
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).post(data=data)
if statuscode == 200:
print(f"snapshot: executing now: {response}")
return response
print(f"snapshot: failed to restore, {statuscode} {response}")
return False
def delete_single_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
"""delete single snapshot from index"""
path = f"_snapshot/{self.REPO}/{snapshot_id}"
response, statuscode = ElasticWrap(path).delete()
if statuscode == 200:
print(f"snapshot: deleting {snapshot_id} {response}")
return response
print(f"snapshot: failed to delete, {statuscode} {response}")
return False

@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ class ApplicationSettingsForm(forms.Form):
("1", "enable Cast"),
("", "-- change snapshot settings --"),
("0", "disable system snapshots"),
("1", "enable system snapshots"),
("", "-- change subtitle source settings"),
("user", "only download user created"),
@ -124,6 +130,9 @@ class ApplicationSettingsForm(forms.Form):
application_enable_cast = forms.ChoiceField(
widget=forms.Select, choices=CAST_CHOICES, required=False
application_enable_snapshot = forms.ChoiceField(
widget=forms.Select, choices=SNAPSHOT_CHOICES, required=False
class SchedulerSettingsForm(forms.Form):

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<div class="boxed-content {% if view_style == "grid" %}boxed-{{ grid_items }}{% endif %}">
<div class="view-controls">
<div class="view-controls three">
<div class="toggle">
<span>Hide watched videos:</span>
<div class="toggleBox">

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<div class="view-controls">
<div class="view-controls three">
<div class="toggle">
<span>Show only ignored videos:</span>
<div class="toggleBox">
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
<div class="view-icons">
{% if channel_agg_list|length > 1 %}
<select name="channel_filter" id="channel_filter" onchange="channelFilterDownload(this.value)">
<option value="all" {% if not channel_filter_id %}selected{% endif %}>all</option>
{% for channel in channel_agg_list %}

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<div class="title-bar">
<h1>Recent Videos</h1>
<div class="view-controls">
<div class="view-controls three">
<div class="toggle">
<span>Hide watched:</span>
<div class="toggleBox">

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<li><span class="settings-current">bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720]</span>: best audio and max video height of 720p.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">bestvideo[height<=1080]+bestaudio/best[height<=1080]</span>: best audio and max video height of 1080p.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">bestvideo[height<=1080][VCODEC=avc1]+bestaudio[ACODEC=mp4a]/mp4</span>: Max 1080p video height with iOS compatible video and audio codecs.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">bestvideo[height<=1080][VCODEC*=avc1]+bestaudio[ACODEC*=mp4a]/mp4</span>: Max 1080p video height with iOS compatible video and audio codecs.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">0</span>: deactivate and download the best quality possible as decided by yt-dlp.</li>
<i>Make sure your custom format gets merged into a single file. Check out the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a> for valid configurations.</i><br>
@ -153,6 +153,23 @@
{{ app_form.application_enable_cast }}
<div class="settings-group">
<h2 id="snapshots">Snapshots</h2>
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current system snapshot: <span class="settings-current">{{ config.application.enable_snapshot }}</span></p>
<i>Automatically create daily deduplicated snapshots of the index, stored in Elasticsearch. Read first before activating: Wiki.</i><br>
{{ app_form.application_enable_snapshot }}
{% if snapshots %}
<p>Create next snapshot: <span class="settings-current">{{ snapshots.next_exec_str }}</span>, snapshots expire after <span class="settings-current">{{ snapshots.expire_after }}</span></p>
{% for snapshot in snapshots.snapshots %}
<p><button id="{{ }}" onclick="restoreSnapshot(id)">Restore</button> Snapshot created on: <span class="settings-current">{{ snapshot.start_date }}</span>, took <span class="settings-current">{{ snapshot.duration_s }}s</span> to create.</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<button type="submit" name="application-settings">Update Application Configurations</button>
<div class="title-bar">

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from django.views import View
from import CookieHandler
from import ElasticWrap
from import get_available_backups
from import ElasticSnapshot
from home.src.frontend.api_calls import PostData
from home.src.frontend.forms import (
@ -942,6 +943,7 @@ class SettingsView(View):
user_form = UserSettingsForm()
app_form = ApplicationSettingsForm()
scheduler_form = SchedulerSettingsForm()
snapshots = ElasticSnapshot().get_snapshot_stats()
token = self.get_token(request)
context = {
@ -953,6 +955,7 @@ class SettingsView(View):
"user_form": user_form,
"app_form": app_form,
"scheduler_form": scheduler_form,
"snapshots": snapshots,
"version": settings.TA_VERSION,
@ -1000,6 +1003,8 @@ class SettingsView(View):
for config_value, updated_value in updated:
if config_value == "cookie_import":
self.process_cookie(config, updated_value)
if config_value == "enable_snapshot":
def process_cookie(self, config, updated_value):
"""import and validate cookie"""

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ Pillow==9.2.0

@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
'use strict';
/* global cast chrome getVideoPlayerVideoId postVideoProgress setProgressBar getVideoPlayer getVideoPlayerWatchStatus watchedThreshold isWatched getVideoData getURL getVideoPlayerCurrentTime */
function initializeCastApi() {
receiverApplicationId:, // Use built in receiver app on cast device, see if you want to be able to add a theme, splash screen or watermark. Has a $5 one time fee.
autoJoinPolicy: chrome.cast.AutoJoinPolicy.ORIGIN_SCOPED
autoJoinPolicy: chrome.cast.AutoJoinPolicy.ORIGIN_SCOPED,
var player = new cast.framework.RemotePlayer();
var playerController = new cast.framework.RemotePlayerController(player);
let player = new cast.framework.RemotePlayer();
let playerController = new cast.framework.RemotePlayerController(player);
// Add event listerner to check if a connection to a cast device is initiated
cast.framework.RemotePlayerEventType.IS_CONNECTED_CHANGED, function() {
function () {
cast.framework.RemotePlayerEventType.CURRENT_TIME_CHANGED, function() {
function () {
cast.framework.RemotePlayerEventType.IS_PAUSED_CHANGED, function() {
function () {
function castConnectionChange(player) {
// If cast connection is initialized start cast
if (player.isConnected) {
@ -37,14 +43,16 @@ function castConnectionChange(player) {
function castVideoProgress(player) {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
let videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
if (player.mediaInfo.contentId.includes(videoId)) {
var currentTime = player.currentTime;
var duration = player.duration;
if ((currentTime % 10) <= 1.0 && currentTime != 0 && duration != 0) { // Check progress every 10 seconds or else progress is checked a few times a second
let currentTime = player.currentTime;
let duration = player.duration;
if (currentTime % 10 <= 1.0 && currentTime !== 0 && duration !== 0) {
// Check progress every 10 seconds or else progress is checked a few times a second
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
setProgressBar(videoId, currentTime, duration);
if (!getVideoPlayerWatchStatus()) { // Check if video is already marked as watched
if (!getVideoPlayerWatchStatus()) {
// Check if video is already marked as watched
if (watchedThreshold(currentTime, duration)) {
@ -54,12 +62,12 @@ function castVideoProgress(player) {
function castVideoPaused(player) {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var currentTime = player.currentTime;
var duration = player.duration;
let videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
let currentTime = player.currentTime;
let duration = player.duration;
if (player.mediaInfo != null) {
if (player.mediaInfo.contentId.includes(videoId)) {
if (currentTime != 0 && duration != 0) {
if (currentTime !== 0 && duration !== 0) {
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
@ -67,29 +75,29 @@ function castVideoPaused(player) {
function castStart() {
var castSession = cast.framework.CastContext.getInstance().getCurrentSession();
let castSession = cast.framework.CastContext.getInstance().getCurrentSession();
// Check if there is already media playing on the cast target to prevent recasting on page reload or switching to another video page
if (!castSession.getMediaSession()) {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var videoData = getVideoData(videoId);
var contentId = getURL() +;
var contentTitle =;
var contentImage = getURL() +;
let videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
let videoData = getVideoData(videoId);
let contentId = getURL() +;
let contentTitle =;
let contentImage = getURL() +;
contentType = 'video/mp4'; // Set content type, only videos right now so it is hard coded
contentCurrentTime = getVideoPlayerCurrentTime(); // Get video's current position
contentActiveSubtitle = [];
let contentType = 'video/mp4'; // Set content type, only videos right now so it is hard coded
let contentCurrentTime = getVideoPlayerCurrentTime(); // Get video's current position
let contentActiveSubtitle = [];
// Check if a subtitle is turned on.
for (var i = 0; i < getVideoPlayer().textTracks.length; i++) {
if (getVideoPlayer().textTracks[i].mode == "showing") {
for (let i = 0; i < getVideoPlayer().textTracks.length; i++) {
if (getVideoPlayer().textTracks[i].mode === 'showing') {
contentActiveSubtitle = [i + 1];
contentSubtitles = [];
var videoSubtitles =; // Array of subtitles
if (typeof(videoSubtitles) != 'undefined' && videoData.config.downloads.subtitle) {
for (var i = 0; i < videoSubtitles.length; i++) {
subtitle = new,;
let contentSubtitles = [];
let videoSubtitles =; // Array of subtitles
if (typeof videoSubtitles !== 'undefined' && videoData.config.downloads.subtitle) {
for (let i = 0; i < videoSubtitles.length; i++) {
let subtitle = new,;
subtitle.trackContentId = videoSubtitles[i].media_url;
subtitle.trackContentType = 'text/vtt';
subtitle.subtype =;
@ -100,15 +108,15 @@ function castStart() {
mediaInfo = new, contentType); // Create MediaInfo var that contains url and content type
let mediaInfo = new, contentType); // Create MediaInfo var that contains url and content type
// mediaInfo.streamType =; // Set type of stream, BUFFERED, LIVE, OTHER
mediaInfo.metadata = new; // Create metadata var and add it to MediaInfo
mediaInfo.metadata.title = contentTitle.replace("&amp;", "&"); // Set the video title
mediaInfo.metadata.title = contentTitle.replace('&amp;', '&'); // Set the video title
mediaInfo.metadata.images = [new chrome.cast.Image(contentImage)]; // Set the video thumbnail
// mediaInfo.textTrackStyle = new;
mediaInfo.tracks = contentSubtitles;
var request = new; // Create request with the previously set MediaInfo.
let request = new; // Create request with the previously set MediaInfo.
// request.queueData = new; // See for playlist support.
request.currentTime = shiftCurrentTime(contentCurrentTime); // Set video start position based on the browser video position
request.activeTrackIds = contentActiveSubtitle; // Set active subtitle based on video player
@ -117,18 +125,19 @@ function castStart() {
function () {
function() {
function (error) {
); // Send request to cast device
function shiftCurrentTime(contentCurrentTime) { // Shift media back 3 seconds to prevent missing some of the content
function shiftCurrentTime(contentCurrentTime) {
// Shift media back 3 seconds to prevent missing some of the content
if (contentCurrentTime > 5) {
return(contentCurrentTime - 3);
return contentCurrentTime - 3;
} else {
return 0;
@ -145,4 +154,4 @@ window['__onGCastApiAvailable'] = function(isAvailable) {
if (isAvailable) {

@ -1182,6 +1182,10 @@ video:-webkit-full-screen {
margin: 15px;
text-align: center;
.view-controls.three {
grid-template-columns: unset;
justify-content: center;
.sort {
display: block;

@ -3,104 +3,108 @@
'use strict';
// page map to notification status
const messageTypes = {
"download": ["message:download", "message:add", "message:rescan", "message:playlistscan"],
"channel": ["message:subchannel"],
"channel_id": ["message:playlistscan"],
"playlist": ["message:subplaylist"],
"setting": ["message:setting"]
download: ['message:download', 'message:add', 'message:rescan', 'message:playlistscan'],
channel: ['message:subchannel'],
channel_id: ['message:playlistscan'],
playlist: ['message:subplaylist'],
setting: ['message:setting'],
// start to look for messages
function checkMessages() {
var notifications = document.getElementById("notifications");
let notifications = document.getElementById('notifications');
if (notifications) {
var dataOrigin = notifications.getAttribute("data");
let dataOrigin = notifications.getAttribute('data');
// get messages for page on timer
function getMessages(dataOrigin) {
fetch('/progress/').then(response => {
.then(response => {
return response.json();
}).then(responseData => {
var messages = buildMessage(responseData, dataOrigin);
.then(responseData => {
let messages = buildMessage(responseData, dataOrigin);
if (messages.length > 0) {
// restart itself
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
// make div for all messages, return relevant
function buildMessage(responseData, dataOrigin) {
// filter relevan messages
var allMessages = responseData["messages"];
var messages = allMessages.filter(function(value) {
return messageTypes[dataOrigin].includes(value["status"])
let allMessages = responseData['messages'];
let messages = allMessages.filter(function (value) {
return messageTypes[dataOrigin].includes(value['status']);
}, dataOrigin);
// build divs
var notificationDiv = document.getElementById("notifications");
var nots = notificationDiv.childElementCount;
notificationDiv.innerHTML = "";
let notificationDiv = document.getElementById('notifications');
let nots = notificationDiv.childElementCount;
notificationDiv.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
var messageData = messages[i];
var messageStatus = messageData["status"];
var messageBox = document.createElement("div");
var title = document.createElement("h3");
title.innerHTML = messageData["title"];
var message = document.createElement("p");
message.innerHTML = messageData["message"];
let messageData = messages[i];
let messageStatus = messageData['status'];
let messageBox = document.createElement('div');
let title = document.createElement('h3');
title.innerHTML = messageData['title'];
let message = document.createElement('p');
message.innerHTML = messageData['message'];
messageBox.classList.add(messageData["level"], "notification");
messageBox.classList.add(messageData['level'], 'notification');
if (messageStatus === "message:download") {
if (messageStatus === 'message:download') {
// reload page when no more notifications
if (nots > 0 && messages.length === 0) {
return messages
return messages;
// check if download icons are needed
function checkDownloadIcons() {
var iconBox = document.getElementById("downloadControl");
let iconBox = document.getElementById('downloadControl');
if (iconBox.childElementCount === 0) {
var downloadIcons = buildDownloadIcons();
let downloadIcons = buildDownloadIcons();
// add dl control icons
function buildDownloadIcons() {
var downloadIcons = document.createElement('div');
let downloadIcons = document.createElement('div');
downloadIcons.classList = 'dl-control-icons';
// stop icon
var stopIcon = document.createElement('img');
stopIcon.setAttribute('id', "stop-icon");
stopIcon.setAttribute('title', "Stop Download Queue");
stopIcon.setAttribute('src', "/static/img/icon-stop.svg");
stopIcon.setAttribute('alt', "stop icon");
let stopIcon = document.createElement('img');
stopIcon.setAttribute('id', 'stop-icon');
stopIcon.setAttribute('title', 'Stop Download Queue');
stopIcon.setAttribute('src', '/static/img/icon-stop.svg');
stopIcon.setAttribute('alt', 'stop icon');
stopIcon.setAttribute('onclick', 'stopQueue()');
// kill icon
var killIcon = document.createElement('img');
killIcon.setAttribute('id', "kill-icon");
killIcon.setAttribute('title', "Kill Download Queue");
killIcon.setAttribute('src', "/static/img/icon-close.svg");
killIcon.setAttribute('alt', "kill icon");
let killIcon = document.createElement('img');
killIcon.setAttribute('id', 'kill-icon');
killIcon.setAttribute('title', 'Kill Download Queue');
killIcon.setAttribute('src', '/static/img/icon-close.svg');
killIcon.setAttribute('alt', 'kill icon');
killIcon.setAttribute('onclick', 'killQueue()');
// stich together
return downloadIcons
return downloadIcons;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff