If you don't know what Torrent Paradise is, see the [website](https://torrent-paradise.ml/about.html).
This is a repository of all the tools I use to build and run torrent-paradise.ml. The 'code name' of the project is nextgen (next gen torrent search), so don't be surprised if it comes up somewhere.
What I did first after getting the server up and running was importing the TPB dump. Download https://thepiratebay.org/static/dump/csv/torrent_dump_full.csv.gz to the import-tpb-dump directory and run `go run`.
There is a complete database dump available in torrentparadise-staticbackup.torrent, so you don't have to do that. This same database dump is available on https://mega.nz/#!ddESlChb!3YBqfxG-a4fwpXzPG3QsXa-C6FeQ9AbNSGXxY7W7xm4. It contains the same data as the torrent, only .xz compressed.
Run `go build` in spider/ to compile and scp the binary it to the server. You can use the systemd service file in `spider/spider.service` to start the spider on server boot.
Run `go build` in seedleech-daemon/ to compile and scp the binary it to the server. You can use the systemd service file in `seedleech-daemon/seedleech.service`.