Before publishing to Github
Urban Guacamole 5 years ago
parent 53a2bf355b
commit 241a83281f

.gitignore vendored

@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ dump.sql

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# About
## What is this?
This is a repository of all the tools I use to build and run Some people asked for a source, so I'm just putting this out here. I did make *some* effort to clean it up. The 'code name' of the project is nextgen (next gen torrent search), so don't be surprised if it comes up somewhere.
## Can you help me?
Maybe, open an issue. Be sure to demonstrate an effort that you tried to solve the problem yourself.
## This is a big mess. Fix it maybe?
WIP ❤️
# Setup
Here's what the setup looks like rn:
- VPS, Debian Stretch, 2 GB RAM
- PostgreSQL 9.6. pg_hba.conf contains this:
local all all peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host nextgen nextgen localhost md5
- IPFS v0.4.18
- user with username nextgen on the server
- my laptop w/ Linux
- Go toolchain installed
- node v10.9.0 & npm
Schema for the database is sth like this (taken from index-generator/README, runs on sqlite, probably also on pg.)
CREATE TABLE peercount ( infohash char(40), tracker varchar, seeders int, leechers int, completed int, scraped timestamp);
CREATE TABLE torrent( infohash char(40), name varchar, length bigint, added timestamp);
What I did first after getting the server up and running was importing the TPB dump. Download to the import-tpb-dump directory and run `go run`.
I probably forgot sth. Open an issue!
# Usage
## Generate the index
This is a half-broken process that is partially described in Read the script to understand what it does.
## Spider the DHT
Run `go build` in spider/ to compile and scp the binary it to the server. You can use the systemd service file in `spider/spider.service` to start the spider on boot.
# Contributing
Before working on something, open an issue to ask if it would be okay. I would love to [KISS](

@ -5,13 +5,19 @@ nextgen@ipfsearch: ~$ pg_dump --data-only --inserts nextgen > dump.sql
# remove header from dump (manually)
$ sed -i -e 's/public.peercount/peercount/g' dump.sql
$ sed -i -e 's/public.torrent/torrent/g' dump.sql
sed -i -e 's/public.peercount/peercount/g' dump.sql
sed -i -e 's/public.torrent/torrent/g' dump.sql
tail -n +2 dump.sql > newdump.sql
mv newdump.sql dump.sql
gzip dump.sql
# copy dump.sql.gz to index-generator directory, unzip
onda@localhost $ sqlite3 db.sqlite3
user@localhost $ scp user@server:/home/nextgen/dump.sql.gz .
$ sqlite3 db.sqlite3
sqlite> CREATE TABLE peercount ( infohash char(40), tracker varchar, seeders int, leechers int, completed int, scraped timestamp);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE torrent( infohash char(40), name varchar, length bigint, added timestamp);
sqlite> .read dump.sql
sqlite> BEGIN;
sqlite> .read dump.sql
sqlite> END;

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ db.each("SELECT torrent.infohash,, torrent.length, torrent.added, p
}, function (err, num) {
console.log("Read all " + i + " records.");
console.log("Persisting " + num + " records.");
indexer.persist("generated/inv", "generated/inx", "@tensojka", "nextgen torrent search", "todo", 1000);
indexer.persist("../website/generated/inv", "../website/generated/inx", "Urban Guacamole", "Torrent Paradise index", "", 1000);
class Torrent extends ipfsearch.Document {
constructor(id, text, size, seeders, leechers, completed) {

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ db.each("SELECT torrent.infohash,, torrent.length, torrent.added, p
console.log("Read all "+i+" records.")
console.log("Persisting "+num+" records.")
indexer.persist("generated/inv", "generated/inx", "@tensojka", "nextgen torrent search","todo", 1000)
indexer.persist("generated/inv", "generated/inx", "", "Torrent Paradise torrent index","todo", 1000)
class Torrent extends ipfsearch.Document {

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Description=nextgen DHT spider

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
script to see how fast the spiders are adding new torrents
select added::date, count(infohash)
from torrent
group by added::date;

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# This script updates the index and pushes it to IPFS. Should be run often.
echo "Scraping trackers for seed/leech data"
mosh "~/tracker-scraper"
echo "Generating SQL dump"
ssh pg_dump --data-only --inserts nextgen > index-generator/dump.sql
sed -i -e 's/public.peercount/peercount/g' index-generator/dump.sql
sed -i -e 's/public.torrent/torrent/g' index-generator/dump.sql
tail -n +21 index-generator/dump.sql > index-generator/newdump.sql # remove headers
mv index-generator/newdump.sql index-generator/dump.sql
rm index-generator/db.sqlite3
echo """Do the following:
$ sqlite3 index-generator/db.sqlite3
sqlite> CREATE TABLE peercount ( infohash char(40), tracker varchar, seeders int, leechers int, completed int, scraped timestamp, ws boolean);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE torrent( infohash char(40), name varchar, length bigint, added timestamp);
sqlite> BEGIN;
sqlite> .read index-generator/dump.sql
sqlite> END;"""
echo "Generating index now..."
cd index-generator
node --max-old-space-size=10000 main.js
cd ..
echo "Check meta.json, add resultPage='resultpage', fix invURLBase, inxURLBase"
nano website/generated/inx.meta.json
echo "Uploading website"
cd website
scp -r . user@server:/www/
echo "Finished uploading website to server. Adding to IPFS"
ssh user@server sudo -u ipfs ipfs add -r /www/
echo "Check if it works, maybe publish to IPNS."

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* This is the bundle.js used on, modified for the purposes of Torrent-Paradise. I edit the bundle directly to not have to fuck around w/ Typescript and Node.js
class IndexFetcher {
constructor() {
this.combinedIndex = new Map();

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ include head.html
h1 Remove ads and access the index even when the public website is down
p With IPFS (see the #[a(href="") official website]), a copy of the site and the whole index can be distributed just like a torrent. When you open it via IPFS, your IPFS node fetches the parts of the index and website it needs from the network. The public website is simply a public IPFS node.
p To use it without the public server, use #[a(href="") IPFS]. Address in IPFS is #[a(href="") /ipns/].
p Just like all torrents need seeders, Torrent Paradise needs IPFS nodes pinning it. Please run #[code ipfs pin add /ipns/] on your IPFS node to help host the site. Rerun this command ideally every day to seed the newest version of the index.
p To use it without the public server, use #[a(href="") IPFS]. Address in IPFS is #[a(href="") /ipns/]. You can also use /ipns/12D3KooWB3GY1u6zMLqnf3MJ8zhX3SS1oBj7VXk3xp6sJJiFGZXp in case the domain doesn't work.
p Just like all torrents need seeders, Torrent Paradise needs IPFS nodes pinning it. Please run #[code ipfs pin add /ipns/12D3KooWB3GY1u6zMLqnf3MJ8zhX3SS1oBj7VXk3xp6sJJiFGZXp] on your IPFS node to help host the site. Rerun this command ideally every day to seed the newest version of the index.