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An introduction for those coming from JS

by Nicolas Barradeau

If you're a JavaScript developer, chances are you'll be a bit puzzled when reading the book. Indeed, there are many differences between manipulating high-level JS and getting down and dirty with shaders. Yet, as opposed to the underlying assembly language, GLSL is human readable and I'm sure that, once you acknowledge its specificities, you'll quickly be up and running.

I assume you have a prior (be it shallow) knowledge of JavaScript of course, but also of the Canvas API. If not, don't worry, you'll still be able to get most of this section.

Also, I won't go too much into details and some things may be half true, don't expect a "definitive guide" but rather


JavaScript is great at quick prototyping ; you throw a bunch of random, untyped variables and methods, you can dynamically add and remove class members, refresh the page and see if it works, make changes accordingly, refresh the page, repeat, life is easy. So you may wonder what is the difference between JavaScript and GLSL. After all, both run in the browser, both are used to draw a bunch of funky stuff on a screen and to that extent, JS is easier to use.

Well, the main difference is that Javascript is an interpreted language while GLSL is a compiled language. A compiled program is executed natively on the OS, it is low level and generally fast. An interpreted program requires a Virtual Machine (VM) to be executed, it is high level and generally slow.

When a browser (the JavaScript VM) executes or interprets a piece of JS, it has no clue about which variable is what and which function does what (with the notable exception of TypedArrays). Therefore it can't optimize anything upfront, so it takes some time to read your code, to infer (deduce from the usage) the types of your variables and methods and when possible, it will convert some of your code into assembly code that will execute much faster.

It's a slow, painstaking and insanely complex process, if you're interested in the details, I'd recommend watching how Chrome's V8 engine works. The worst is that every browser optimizes JS its way and the process is hidden from you ; you are powerless.

A compiled program is not interpreted ; the OS runs it, if the program is valid, the program is executed. That's a big change ; if you forget a semicolon at the end of line, your code is invalid, it will not compile: your code won't turn into a program at all.

That's cold but that's what a shader is: a compiled program executed on the GPU. Fear not! a compiler, the piece of program that makes sure your code is valid, will become your best friend. The examples of this book and the companion editor are very user friendly. They'll tell you where and why your program failed to compile, then you'll have to fix things and whenever the shader is ready to compile, it will be displayed instantly. That's a great way of learning as it's very visual and you can't really break anything.

SO, ready? off we go, jump to one of the sections below!