You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
3.0 KiB

// Package telebot provides a handy wrapper for interactions
// with Telegram bots.
// Here is an example of helloworld bot implementation:
// import (
// "time"
// ""
// )
// func main() {
// bot, err := telebot.NewBot("SECRET_TOKEN")
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// messages := make(chan telebot.Message)
// bot.Listen(messages, 1*time.Second)
// for message := range messages {
// if message.Text == "/hi" {
// bot.SendMessage(message.Chat,
// "Hello, "+message.Sender.FirstName+"!", nil)
// }
// }
// }
package telebot
// These are one of the possible events Handle() can deal with.
// For convenience, all Telebot-provided endpoints start with
// an "alert" character \a.
const (
OnMessage = "\amessage"
OnEditedMessage = "\aedited_msg"
OnQuery = "\aquery"
OnCallback = "\acallback"
OnChannelPost = "\achan_post"
OnEditedChannelPost = "\achan_post"
// ChatAction is a client-side status indicating bot activity.
type ChatAction string
const (
Typing ChatAction = "typing"
UploadingPhoto ChatAction = "upload_photo"
UploadingVideo ChatAction = "upload_video"
UploadingAudio ChatAction = "upload_audio"
UploadingDocument ChatAction = "upload_document"
UploadingVNote ChatAction = "upload_video_note"
RecordingVideo ChatAction = "record_video"
RecordingAudio ChatAction = "record_audio"
RecordingVNote ChatAction = "record_video_note"
FindingLocation ChatAction = "find_location"
// ParseMode determines the way client applications treat the text of the message
type ParseMode string
const (
ModeDefault ParseMode = ""
ModeMarkdown ParseMode = "Markdown"
ModeHTML ParseMode = "HTML"
// EntityType is a MessageEntity type.
type EntityType string
const (
EntityMention EntityType = "mention"
EntityTMention EntityType = "text_mention"
EntityHashtag EntityType = "hashtag"
EntityCommand EntityType = "bot_command"
EntityURL EntityType = "url"
EntityEmail EntityType = "email"
EntityBold EntityType = "bold"
EntityItalic EntityType = "italic"
EntityCode EntityType = "code"
EntityCodeBlock EntityType = "pre"
EntityTextLink EntityType = "text_link"
// ChatType represents one of the possible chat types.
type ChatType string
const (
ChatPrivate ChatType = "private"
ChatGroup ChatType = "group"
ChatSuperGroup ChatType = "supergroup"
ChatChannel ChatType = "channel"
// MemberStatus is one's chat status
type MemberStatus string
const (
Creator MemberStatus = "creator"
Administrator MemberStatus = "administrator"
Member MemberStatus = "member"
Restricted MemberStatus = "restricted"
Left MemberStatus = "left"
Kicked MemberStatus = "kicked"
// MaskFeature defines sticker mask position.
type MaskFeature string
const (
FeatureForehead MaskFeature = "forehead"
FeatureEyes MaskFeature = "eyes"
FeatureMouth MaskFeature = "mouth"
FeatureChin MaskFeature = "chin"