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Using Bash Commands in Vim
Pipe results to vim, bind custom hotkey to execute bash shell commands. Enjoy the power of mixing different commandline tools together.
examples used
locate -ir Naruto | vim -R -
ls | vim -R -
hotkeys to know
ZQ to exit vim quickly without saving (or use ZZ)
\ default leader key
vim ~/.vimrc
" open parent directory of a file
" nohup xdg-open "$(echo $1 | rev | cut -d\/ -f2- | rev )" >/dev/null 2>&1&
map <leader>d :exec '!nohup xdg-open "$(echo ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) . ' \| rev \| cut -d\/ -f2- \| rev )" >/dev/null 2>&1&' <CR><CR>
" nohup xdg-open $1 >/dev/null 2>&1&'
map <leader>o :exec '!nohup xdg-open ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) . ' >/dev/null 2>&1&'<CR><CR>
map <leader>f :exec '!nohup feh ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) . ' >/dev/null 2>&1&'<CR><CR>
map <leader>mp :exec '!nohup mplayer ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) . ' >/dev/null 2>&1&'<CR><CR>
map <leader>mm :exec '!mplayer ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) <CR><CR>
" stream justin tv ..etc
map <leader>li :exec '!livestreamer -p mplayer ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) . 'best' <CR><CR>
" watch streaming porn
map <leader>p :exec '!mplayer $(youtube-dl -g ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) . ')' <CR><CR>
" download videos/files
map <leader>yt :exec '!cd ~/Downloads; youtube-dl ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) <CR><CR>
map <leader>wg :exec '!cd ~/Downloads; wget -N -c ' . shellescape(getline('.'), 1) <CR><CR>
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