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Vim or Neovim as a Manpager Replacement

vim religion invades the manpages

  • tutorial video: Link

vim as manpager

vim ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
export MANPAGER="/bin/sh -c \"col -b | vim --not-a-term -c 'set ft=man ts=8 nomod nolist noma' -\""

# extra stuff in vimrc
vim ~/.vimrc
set cursorline                       " Highligt the cursor line
set cursorcolumn                     " Highlight the column line
set number                           " Show the line number

neovim as manpager with table of contents

nvim ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
export MANPAGER="nvim +set\ filetype=man -"

nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
filetype plugin on
syntax on

" manpage with table of contents sidebar with neovim
" add to shellrc: export MANPAGER="nvim +set\ filetype=man -"
augroup manlaunchtoc
    if has('nvim')
        autocmd FileType man
            \ call man#show_toc() |
            \ setlocal laststatus=0 nonumber norelativenumber |
            \ nnoremap <buffer> l <Enter> |
            \ wincmd H |
            \ vert resize 35 |
            \ wincmd p
augroup end



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