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W3M Web Browser - Enable Quicker Navigation Options

w3m is a text based browser which can display local or remote web pages as well as other documents. It is able to process HTML tables and frames but it ignores JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets. w3m can also serve as a pager for text files named as arguments or passed on standard input, and as a general purpose directory browser.

w3m organizes its content in buffers or tabs, allowing easy navigation between them. With the w3m-img extension installed, w3m can dis play inline graphics in web pages. And whenever w3m's HTML rendering capabilities do not meet your needs, the target URL can be handed over to a graphical browser with a single command.

  • tutorial video: Link
  • offical website: Link

install requirements



hit o

Display Settings:
Display link URL automatically                  (*)YES
Display link numbers                            (*)YES
Display current line number                     (*)YES
Show line numbers                               (*)YES

>>> Make sure to save the changes then exit w3m and reload it


<number>g = jump to line number
<number>[ = jump to link number
[ or ]    = jump to 1st or last link




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