You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2.2 KiB

W3M + Tmux + nVLC = Browser Extension For Streaming Media

scan url for media links then generate a playlist to stream it

  • tutorial video: Link
  • offical website: Link

install requirements

w3m tmux vlc bash

download script

mkdir -pv ~/.scripts/w3m_scripts_collection
cd ~/.scripts/w3m_scripts_collection
chmod +x ~/.scripts/w3m_scripts_collection/


vim ~/.w3m/config

extbrowser8 bash -c '(tmux set-buffer "$0") && ~/.scripts/w3m_scripts_collection/'

configuration (hotkey references)

vim ~/.w3m/keymap

############################ Display using an external browser (EXTERN)
# open current url (default: Shift+M); e.g 2+Shift+M
keymap  ]       EXTERN
############################ Display target using an external browser (EXTERN_LINK)
# open url under cursor (default: Esc+Shift+M); e.g 2+Esc+Shift+M
keymap  e       EXTERN_LINK

usage example: open w3m > go to url with media files > hit 8]

W3M as URL Viewer



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| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | |  __/ |_| |_| |
 \__, |\___/ \__|_.__/|_|\___|\__|\__,_|