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Tmux Swap Windows Pane Interactively

  • tutorial video: Link
  • offical website: Link

keywords: tmux terminal multiplexer choose-tree interactively commandline linux


vim ~/.tmux.conf

  bind-key W choose-tree -Zw "swap-window -t '%%'"
  bind-key P choose-tree -Zw "swap-pane -t '%%'"
  bind-key C-p choose-tree -Zw "move-pane -t '%%'"
  bind-key C-M-w command-prompt -p "Swap Current Window To? (e.g 3; 4; session_name:5)" "swap-window -t '%%'"
  bind-key C-M-p command-prompt -p "Swap Current Pane To? (e.g 2.0; session_name:4.0)" "swap-pane -t '%%'"
  bind-key M-p command-prompt -p "Move Current Pane To? (e.g 3.1; session_name:6.0)" "move-pane -t '%%'"



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| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | |  __/ |_| |_| |
 \__, |\___/ \__|_.__/|_|\___|\__|\__,_|