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Pipe-Viewer & Straw-Viewer - Search Youtube via Terminal - Linux CLI

  • tutorial video: Link

config for tmux

vim ~/.tmux.conf

bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'u' send-keys -X copy-selection \; new-window -n youtube \; send-keys -t youtube 'pipe-viewer "$(tmux show-buffer)" && tmux kill-window' 'Enter'
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'U' send-keys -X copy-selection \; new-window -n youtube \; send-keys -t youtube 'straw-viewer "$(tmux show-buffer)" && tmux kill-window' 'Enter'

task-spooler configs for pipe-viewer

vim ~/.config/pipe-viewer/pipe-viewer.conf

video_player_selected => "tsp",
video_players         => {
                           tsp => {
                                    arg => "--ontop --no-border --force-window --autofit=500x280 --geometry=-15-53 --really-quiet --force-media-title=*TITLE* --no-ytdl *VIDEO*",
                                    audio => "--audio-file=*AUDIO*",
                                    cmd => "tsp mpv",
                                    fs => "--fullscreen",
                                    novideo => "--no-video",
                                    srt => "--sub-file=*SUB*",

task-spooler configs for straw-viewer

vim ~/.config/straw-viewer/straw-viewer.conf

video_player_selected => "tsp",
video_players         => {
                           tsp => {
                                    arg => "--ontop --no-border --force-window --autofit=500x280 --geometry=-15-53 --really-quiet --title=*TITLE* --no-ytdl",
                                    audio => "--audio-file=*AUDIO*",
                                    cmd => "tsp mpv",
                                    fs => "--fullscreen",
                                    novideo => "--no-video",
                                    srt => "--sub-file=*SUB*",



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