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Mplaylist - Play and Resume Audiobooks using Mplayer

mplaylist is Python script which can play audio playlists (.m3u files), remembering the current playback position (file and time) even when killed, so it will resumes playback at the proper position upon restart. The playback position is saved as an .m3u.pos file next to the .m3u file. mplaylist uses mplayer for playing the audio files.

  • tutorial video: Link
  • offical website: Link

install requirements

mplaylist (

function to create playlist

mplayer-createplaylist() { ls --ignore="*.m3u" --ignore="*.pos" | grep -i "$1" | sort -u > "$1".m3u ;}


mplaylist playlist.m3u

mplayer hotkeys

q = quit
< = previous on playlist
> = next on playlist
Enter = next



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